Exploring Live Blood Microscopy: A Case Study of Environmental and Technological Contamination
Hi guys,
This week, I remotely worked with an individual presenting with significant symptoms, including dizziness and fatigue. The individual is unvaccinated but has experienced substantial exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) throughout the week. Live blood microscopy revealed gross contamination of the blood, with striking anomalies.
Here is one of the pictures (taken by Carol):
and this compares with photos of the intracellular technology taken by Karl C.:
These are (or were) red blood cells containing microscale structures that have self assembled from nanoparticles (best guess). I say ‘were’ because it is clear from watching this unfold over a few hours that the red blood cell membranes undergo considerable changes. In fact we often see the red cells disappear only to reappear later. Gideon, who is often in our group discussing blood changes, has coined this as the Thurston effect - after Howard Thurston the magician. Karl has used several modifications to his ‘scope to achieve the improved colours and resolution (and its even better since this photo was taken). Karl also has some video showing these changes as they develop. But it’s the same stuff!
Initial Intervention and Results
The individual began a regimen of relatively low-dose sodium citrate and activated charcoal. Remarkably, they reported significant improvement within 24 hours, with symptoms of dizziness and fatigue subsiding. Repeat blood microscopy later in the week showed a notable reduction in contamination, aligning with their improved physical state.
Additionally, the individual underwent an ionic foot bath with sea salt and boron. Microscopy of the residue from the foot bath suggested contamination consistent with technological material—similar to findings I have previously observed in Pfizer vaccine samples and dental anaesthetics. This aligns with Dr. Young Mi Lee's work in Korea, where extracts from foot baths were cultured and revealed the growth of various fibres over time (Lee and Broudy, 2024).
The above three images (also taken by Carol) are extracts from the foot bath under a coverslip. The first image is in bright field, the second and third are dark field and all are at approx 400x magnification. The circle within a rectangle, that can be seen centrally in the above image, is a very common motif that we see in complex crystals within Pfizer but also within dental anaesthetics - its appearance here is consistent with these crystals having a bioengineered component.
The Case for Formal Documentation
The details of this case warrant a formal write-up, (which I intend to do) as it provides compelling insights into the potential interaction of environmental factors, such as EMF exposure, with technological contaminants in human biology. These findings could contribute to a growing body of evidence regarding environmental and technological influences on human health.
At last week’s meeting, I commented on the lack of recent publications addressing the appearance of live blood. The last notable paper on this topic appears to be Cipelli et al. (2022)—please feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken. However, the contamination we observed then and what we are seeing now are strikingly different in nature.
Photographic Evidence: A Key Resource
Karl C. possesses some of the most detailed and compelling images documenting these anomalies (Karl C., September 2024). These images highlight the complexity and uniqueness of the structures observed, which deserve further examination and integration into the scientific discourse.
Final Thoughts
This case highlights the urgent need for further investigation into the interplay between environmental exposures, technological contamination, and their impact on human biology. I strongly encourage collaborative efforts to formally document and publish these findings, as they hold the potential to expand our understanding of these phenomena and their implications for health.
At tomorrow’s meeting we will discuss these findings as well as other images of interest and will send out a link to my paid subscribers shortly.
I hope the rest of the weekend goes well.
PS Thanks for the ongoing support!
I guess I’m just flabbergasted at seeing blood cells look like this. I worked in a R&D lab 30 years ago. We had a microscope that could magnify a red blood cell to about 4” in diameter on a screen. It was really interesting because we could see all of the structures of the cell. A hair cell could be magnified to about 6” long, and all of those structures were visible.
What the hell are we seeing here? Nothing in that picture is even remotely similar to what we saw on that screen. I know that we were viewing blood, hair, and skin cells because the samples came from us! We were a flexible packaging manufacturer, not a biolab! We were developing new, more recyclable food packaging that would keep food fresher longer!
Every day I am reminded why I refused to take the poison marketed as a vaccine!
Has anybody spoke with RFK Jr. in the U.S? Or, tried to contact Trump's Administration?
I'm nobody to tell others what to do and am certain there are people aware of this vital work...However, it seems a good idea to go out on a limb and try to inform those in power of this heinous evil they're perpetrating towards extermination of life; an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic life on Earth.