This is where I intend to be on the 21st September from 9am - 2pm ET, which if my calculator is correct is 11pm in Brisbane Australia. Caffeine permitting I will be there!
Clicking on the above picture above will take you to: and includes biographies, links and loads of reading material, including books by Patrick and David, the recent paper on nanotechnology in the Pfizer and Moderna injectables, co-authored by Daniel Broudy and Young Mi Lee and a recent series of articles authored by David, Daniel and Lissa.
I would encourage all my readers to consider registering for this event.
I hope your week has started well.
All assistance much appreciated! (Coffees are now reduced in price!)
Speaking of surveillance… has anyone else noticed the multitudes of hovering surveillance aircraft above their counties? I live in rural VA about 70 miles west of DC, and these things dot the skies all about. As I drive down state rt. 29 through three counties at least 3 are in my sites at all times. I have yet to hear anyone else’s observations! In my 50+ years I’ve never seen this.
Excellent lineup and moderator. Legit. Not your average hero ball. Registered. Grateful for the notice.