"Ultra Vires"- Dismantling the W.H.O. with Dr Astrid Stuckelberger
(and links to important information from the Aligned Council of Australia)
Dr Astrid Stuckelberger will be a familiar name to many of you as she has been a staunch proponent for the existence of nanotechnology and an equally vocal critic of the W.H.O. She has published 12 books more than me … i.e. 12 and you can find more about her on her website:
I am also grateful for her translation skills during an interview that Karl C. and I had with Astrid and French surgeon Dr Eric Loridan for alternative French media:
Yesterday I became aware, through Australia connections, of Astrid’s latest video “Ultra Vires” which speaks to the W.H.O. acting way beyond their authority.
This over-reach is completely supported by the Australian Government of course as it is by almost all governments. Clearly governments globally are acting beyond their authority but in lock-step with other agendas.
This video is also available on my website if you would like to share the link:
Meanwhile, back in Australia the Aligned Council of Australia now represents 38 community groups and a fair slice of our population. I am sure this will be of interest to everybody:
and here is a link to their latest media update email August the 2024:
“Australia remains fully committed to
concluding the WHO pandemic
agreement… Australia stands ready to
deliver on this ambition. We cannot afford
to fail.”
The Hon. Mark Butler - Minister for Health The 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, May 2024
This third link is to a website for Australians (and at our current rate of immigration I guess that means everybody) to take action and vote to reject the Australian Government position as articulated by the Hon. Mark Butler:
Hopefully we can make that counter spin…
All the best for the end of the week!
All assistance much appreciated!
Brilliant article David. !!
Thanks for putting this up 👍👍
this has been going on for 4.5 years...longer than WWI...how long will it take to stop this insanity, this evil? what will it take?...the only way we can achieve this by humans will be IF we wake our troops...they have the guns, the tanks...otherwise we will have to wait for Divine Intervention...a terrible nightmare we cannot endure much longer...every one of our front lines fighters are getting very tired...they all look so much older than when it all started...in 4.5 years I have only open the eyes of ONE person...everyone else have serious issues...Unwillingness to know (Mattias Desmet), and Willfull Blindness (I cannot remember who stated this)...