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Hey Dr. David. This neuroscientist, Dr Kevin McCairn is calling you out to a challenge on livestream. Please prove him wrong.

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Oh wow. About 1 hour in and although I plan to finish it all, my initial impressions from him are of biased dismissal. I'm curious to know when this was made and where he's is at concerning the up-to-the-minute findings from Dr. Nixon. The doughnuts, the ribbons, the chips within ribbons. The timelapse and rapid crystallization. One point I will concede: I don't believe we've witnessed the process of sealed vial to slide observation from Nixon. I've been willing to overlook that due to the sheer difficulty of documenting the proper custody chain and the strength of what IS presented. I believe we are witnessing SOMETHING novel. However, eventually we probably need an example of the sealed vial, if for no other reason than to silence the nay-sayers.

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Speaker seems to resist answering the questions put to him. I gave up.

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Which speaker are you referring to? McCairn?

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Ah. I might have expected as much. Interesting to see this particular horizon on the whole CV19 narrative developing into quite a stark dividing line. As if certain high profile leaders have decided (or God forbid, been instructed) to take truth-seekers only so far and no farther. Now the Ryan Cole's and McCairn's and others I can't recall atm, suddenly begin downplaying, and silencing the work of others in the same manner they themselves were originally silenced...

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Another fun point. He's employing guilt by association tactics, alluding to controlled opposition,while also advocating to "constrain these people" "because they've run amok". Hmmmm. Who's coming off more like controlled opp. here? 🤔

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So these amazing photos are at only 200x magnification? These ‘things’ are rather large! 😳

Thank you David for your prep and sharing 💕.

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I have 12000 x and more - check xochis substack

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Good job! The information apparently cannot be published enough times to reach people, but the zombies probably cannot be reached and, in their Stockholm syndrome, many of them would be willing to kill to protect their captors...

Have you read about the latest gaslighting about the photos? Some "experts" (aka. lackeys for the mass murderers) claim that the structures are cholesterol or something like that. Right, and I was born yesterday.

Sadly, the combination of graphene oxide and 5G have become only a part of the scheme of general poisoning:


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He says that 5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide (which would almost certainly kill you instantly if the graphene is in the blood vessels, given how sharp GH is), that's the first time i heard that, more evidence needed on that.

The lackeys probably took the euthanasia DoD injection though, extinction event for the fact-checkers ... Can see the headline already .. "NO, fact-checkers are not going extinct because of the covid-19 "vaccines"..." **AARRGGGhh** dead

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Yes, I've been saying it for several months that 5G can be used to turn GO to GH, and the latter kills quite rapidly, two weeks on average, but no more than in two months, or even immediately (if it's injected directly into the bloodstream) especially if one exercises (this article includes links to other variables, too):


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Tried to subscribe to your Substack, but you haven't published anything yet. Once you do, please, let me know.

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I'm new here, but i hope to start publishing later this month when i have time.

Your substack is very informative, and from one of the articles you link to, i found this on the subject of GO to GH transformation, this is really scary but now i understand all these videos of people dying in strange circumstances while holding their smartphones ...

He says that glutathione can help us to de-toxify from graphene oxide (GO) and help to eliminate it from the body. However, he says if there are large accumulations of GO in our body, the first thing that happens with a certain frequency of non-ionizing radiation from a cell tower is it that it will hit these particles, causing them to multiply in physical mass by as much as 30 times.

“And it will combine with whatever else is around and form up whatever that recipe is specifically designed to tell it to form.

“So, if you want to take all the graphene oxide in your body and flip it into graphene hydroxide and flood your vasculature with little nano razor blades, as Andreas Noack warned us about, that’s how it’s done.

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You definitely want to contribute to the project of informing people; I have helped a number of people to start excellent Substacks, so if I can help you with a few details, I will, but you will have to ask. I don't give "advice," only provide information and everyone is welcome to make their own decisions. I am far from being perfect, and I am always ready to admit that, while I have been learning a lot from my readers, too.

Apparently, cell towers (not quite sure how that is universal) have their own power supplies that keep them alive even during power outages, and their intensity can be turned up by several times over the lethal dose. Anything over 30GHz harms and over 45 kills fast. The towers seem to have the capability to go up to 80GHz, while the most expensive instruments to measure the radiation levels for the general public go only up to 10GHz.

While I know how I could make truckloads of money on this site, I prefer to be truthful and retain my integrity, even if that doesn't appeal to all. Based on the timetable civilizations have always followed (to me, it's kinda boring), it's the end of the line for humanity (no new culture will take over after the inevitable collapse), and I am not going silently into the night. Those who will, will only make it faster.

The truth is never popular (my site is for the three percent of the three percent), and most people couldn't even take it:


What really scares me about myself is that my conjecturing is just about always accurate, sometimes for several years ahead (nothing prophetic here, only logic):


In a recent example, I canceled a dental appointment in November, 2020 (I couldn't sleep all night before the appointment, because I sensed danger), and a year later, they did find graphene oxide in dental Lidocaine.

GO needs hydrogel for accurate delivery of the self-assembling nano-computers, but it can do a whole lot of damage even without it:


Detoxifying from GO seems to depend on the types of poisoning and their interaction, but there are a few ideas circulating how it can be done:


The problem is that the rate of poisoning is now overwhelming and detox doesn't seem to have much of a chance.

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Dr Nixon, have you been in touch with experts from the company called InBrain? They are using graphene oxide for neural interfaces. Maybe they could explain the significance of these structures, or point you in the right direction!

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We’ve been calling them structures, chips, but there is probably a term for these that we are not familiar with. I would like to start using the right terminology, which would likely attract the right kind of experts. I see this as a priority.

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Sorry, Len Ber, but you seem to be extremely naive. Right kind of experts? Don't you see that the people behind this secret technology DON'T want to be discussing this with anybody? Especially with people like you and me? These are biological weapons, and are obscured in military secrecy. Are you not aware that the DoD have been involved from the outset in this whole operation, and we are NOT being encouraged in any way to be analysing them with the help of "experts" and using the correct "terms"!!!! Go check out Sasha Latypova here: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/pfizer-under-microscope-dr-david?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Also, have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERvURcpg3JE

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I see no reason to think that there are no nanotechnology experts working away with good intentions to produce products and techniques that would benefit mankind - who would love to help if they became aware of the work that David Nixon and others are doing without the benefit of a background in the field.

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You are quite right, there are such people working with good intentions, and who support mankind. But nevertheless, these are biological weapons, much as I hate the idea. For a great source of information, look at the substacks of Sasha Latypova and Ana Maria Mihalcea, both of whom are colleagues of David Nixon.

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Rick, yes, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care what they’re called...structures or some other fake “official” name. No specific name is going to make them good, acceptable, or therapeutic to me. They’re obviously bad & not supposed to be in there. They didn’t tell people they were in there, & I highly doubt most people would have received them if they were informed of their presence. And, InBrain, in my opinion, is a toxic company who is obviously in on the whole agenda of taking us into transhumanism. It can’t be healthy or safe to have those structures in the human body. So I personally don’t care what they call these structures, they shouldn’t be in so-called vaccines that were deceptively administered to the whole world!

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I don’t respond to personal attacks

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Thank you, Dr. Ber, for your comment on your Substack:

"Dr David Nixon is on the forefront of collecting and cataloging this evidence."


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I guess one approach would be to write personally to the authors of relevant papers, with images and videos from Nixon et al, and ask them what they think they might be.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/xochipelli/p/more-essays-from-mik-andersen?r=zpm8l&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post this is the best substack for scientific information about it all - you are so very welcome - share it with everyone. Make everyone aware - I transformed some pro narrative folks to look at the truth ! Even my own mother after 3 years !

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Great images as always - looking forward to your discussion and interpretation.

Thanks for your work David.

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Another recent review to consider: Emerging Magnetic Fabrication Technologies Provide Controllable Hierarchically-Structured Biomaterials and Stimulus Response for Biomedical Applications

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Dear Dr Nixon. I stumbled upon this paper. Please look at the image on page 3. It reminds me of some of the rectangular structures you found, with a corner rectangle missing. This might be one of the potential explanations of what these structures are.

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So in this article these structures are called MEMS(micro-electrical-mechanical systems).

See Wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEMS_magnetic_actuator?wprov=sfti1 that shows the scale of MEMS which corresponds with your size observations.

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Laugh yes but when 5gs aimed at those with graphene or any other metallics I'm not brave enough to imagine the effects

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Are these graphene oxide/hydroxide samples?

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David, I used your work & interview w/Maria Zeee in my new deep dive on colloidal gold, I hope you don't mind! Excellent work, bravo & thank you!!

Colloidal Gold for Vaccine & Shedding Detox, EPIC!!!


Find out how and why it might just be the magic key to resolving the nanotech in the slap jabs! Note, you should still try to address elimination of these elements as well as the various payloads in the carbon nanotubes such as venom peptides, dynabeads & pegylated lipid nanoparticles! I recommend only using this, nicotine and natural supplements, you don't need any dangerous pharmaceutical drugs! I am not a medical professional and none of this is medical advice.

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Hello David,

I would like to let you know that I just translated the fifth chapter of my sequence of essays, "Orchestration of a Pandemic Famine" - written in in French.

This very technical essay is titled " Graphenization of the meat, and proteins, by “vaccines” injected into the livestock"

It highlights the hysterical campaigns to inject farm animal with so-called mRNA vaccines - most of them being based on the graphene derivatives family such as carbon nanotubes and quantum dots of graphene.



I am going to try to take the time to translate the four other essays of this sequence.

Bon courage. Xochi

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David! We've been duped! Ivermectin is a toxic pesticide that damages organs and CAN pass the BBB causing never damage, strokes, comas & death! Here is part of of my research, should be two more parts coming:

Short & sweet warning (3m)


Ivermectin, HCQ, EDTA & Suramin are TOXIC "cures"!! [ Details Vol I: Production Methods & Side-effects ]


Stick with C/D/Turmeric/Quercetin/NAC & gold! Love your work brother, but we gotta get people of these toxic pharmaceuticals!

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These photos come from two discussions with Matt Taylor and the second also with Shimon Yanowitz. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-mat-230114 https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-mat-shimon-230114

There are three slides. Each has 6 'multi-drops' on them, and each 'multi-drop' is formed of 5 or 6 drops of Pfizer Cominarty placed on top of each other, maybe about an hour apart.

Slide 1: colloidal gold on a separate slide or slides adjacent to the specimen slide (one is higher up I think); plus magnet, maybe at the top. Slide 2, same but without magnet. Slide 3: neither colloidal gold nor magnet. All had ambient EMF from the room.

The discussions took place about 18 hours after last drops added (24 hours before they began to be added). They are live, as it were.

Slide 3 had much less development. Slide 2 had the most, I would say, but there was also a difference between sides of the slide, ie between multi-drops 1, 3, 5 on the one hand, and 2,4,6 on the other - as I understand it.

I have done 8 Twitter threads with timed screen shots for those who don't have time to watch the whole 2 1/4 hours, starting here: https://twitter.com/Ezekiel47v9/status/1615004935610826754

Slide 2, in 2nd discussion, is especially interesting as it seems to demonstrate that David has been correct in saying that the rectangular structures develop out of crystals in the dendritic crystalline lattice that forms first, as the sample dries.

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Thank you very much dear David for sharing these great photos. Preised Be The God Almighty YaHUaH THAT we Have such diligent and Brave people who risk their lives in sharing us The Light of The Truth , Keep on bravely , and fear no evil , for it is Written :

Matthew 5:10

(KJV) Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Amen in YaHUShUA Amen


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Thank you.

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