Thank you so much for everything you do Dr. Nixon 🙏. May I please ask if the artificial organisms themselves appear to have evolved over the last 12-18 months?

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What I was looking at 14 months ago was different and highly advanced. Not sure I can answer that question!

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"different and highly advanced"? For comparison with the present sample, you show bubbles only in the old slide. Maybe in both cases what you see depends on timing and elimination with urine? Are your diet, drinks, state of health and what other factorss -- identical now and in the past? How far are you from telecom transmitters? Torsion field from Space predictably changes daily and seasonally, it might have an impact, ask Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak,I can connect you with her.

Are your observation instrument and method identical then and now?

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Did you accelerate the video speed, Dave?

When chunks of crystalline mass form in the video, is it due to thermal change around the slide, liquid drainage, or what?

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Hi Michael, I agree there appears to be an evolving array of different entities presenting across time. I recall individuals who've been targeted and experimented on years ago - posting their horrible discoveries coming from their own bodies... shocking me further, as much of what they showed evidence of...also turning up in "papers" that universities were "showing off" as new advancements in technology ! That experimentation continues on us all, and the proof is in what's being seen in blood, symptoms and health issues...and of our wildlife and environment. Something different every time we look, and everywhere - progressing it's purpose.

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David - Agreed! Stop the air lawnmower (plane). ■ I wonder what toilet paper looks like? I started using it only when needed and I believe I have had a change in pee clutter, swarm critters. Not injected nor ever tested, but sky lawnmovers run over regularly like they must be used by God to not let the light of the sun and moon illuminate their fullest. M

'Piss poor' has been a family term in descriptions whereas the hearer has an inner circle of understanding its implication. M

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Whoever designed these amazingly looking microchips, come out and get your accolades!

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Hi Len!

Sure! Fabulous sh… miniaturisation! But, after the hand shake, they should all be jailed and forced to build nano adversary armies to fight theirs…

Here is the link to QDs’ colour/ wavelenght:


Hope you’re doing good.

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All this Science presented beginning with Carnicom Institute Research over 2 Decades ago (presenting isolation) & still the clueless Masses refuse to effectively address, let alone believe.

Biowarfare, censorship, apathy, fear & greed among the significant hurdles facing Humanity.

As alarming, I know of no representation within the Younger demographics (under 30) willing to be brave enough to publicly address > perhaps they prefer the Musk/Transhumanist Agenda > to that I respond, careful what ya ask for.

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The totality of the relentless controlling, conformist, miserable, mean-spirited, low-vibrational Dystopian False Narrative has nullified and dumbed them down. It sucks the life out of people.

They need to defiantly counter the dreary Orwellian groupthink and joyfully go rogue!

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“The totality of the relentless controlling, conformist, miserable, mean-spirited, low-vibrational Dystopian False Narrative has nullified and dumbed them down.”

That sentence is poetry. Well done.

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Thank you for your generous appreciation. If only my words had more poetic punch and power to wake more people up!

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Oh my God, this is so perfect! I want to go rogue at your campfire! And joyfully so! ❤️

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Great! Let's make it a BONFIRE in every community to joyfully counter the New Normal Narcolepsy! :)

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the unfortunate belief from this vantage point is that the younger demos actually prefer their ever increasing enslavement to the nefarious technocratic agenda > if Musk ever ran for potus I fear he'd win by a landslide....over Agent Orange (Trump) no less

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Yes, that's the sad truth - they think it's "cool" and are oblivious to their own engulfing enslavement. They just don't see the invading technocratic tyranny. Darkest mass deception ever. An evil genius PsyOp of humanity.

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not to mention the impossibility of the techno transhumanist stuff working out, right? Instead of life everlasting and abundance and every thing you want, you get misery and suffering ever lasting and will long for death and oblivion but not be able to get there. Sort of like that bible phrase about longing for death to end one's suffering, but not being able to find it? Kind of fits the bill doesn't it?

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Yes, it's a tethered technocratic totalitarian death cult. A destructive slow-rot decay which withers away sovereign individual agency.

You'll 'own nothing and be happy' whilst being tethered and chained to the control grid that owns you, imprisons you, and feeds off your soul!

All you'll have is the false fading illusion through the Fake Metaverse. An inversion of actually truly living, of organic life, of raw free expression.

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If you are lucky or have enough privilege to have access to the "Metaverse". Most will just be put back in their box with the lid screwed shut until morning.

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sounds like Purgatory

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Exactly what it is. We can't say we weren't told...

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Forget brave enough to address, I have yet to find a single one who cares one way or the other.

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Strange isn't it

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Not if consider forms of mind control ...but yes, strange still applies

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Based on the proposed timeline, I don't think there's enough time to wait for the younger generation to just "come around" or wake up. Seems this needs to be in the hands of the older generation to take care of for the younger generation? Not ideal, but seems to be the situation.

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I can see it - revving up our motorized wheel chairs...

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I seem to remember an old Monty Python skit about "grey hair gangs" in scooters terrorizing neighborhoods in London.

Or maybe that was a prophetic vision?

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Agreed in si much as No other Demo appears up to the Mission > at least not to the pro action level seen in the late 60's/early 70's > unfortunately the older Demos appear to be going by the m.o. of > this is not Our Fight & in turn simply willing to "suck it up Buttercup" while trying to squeeze out as many trips around the Sun as humanly possible with all the science that has since been exposed > agreed in that this is all very much a sad statement of the current Landscape we find Ourselves navigating.

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absolutely - already Mk Ultra'd and vaxxed into oblivion...

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If the dots and nano particles etc are as pervasive as we see, what is to say they are not also designed to affect minds in some sinister fashion?

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Borax water, sodium citrate, IV 5 days on and how long off between cycles?, ETDA cream on the feet and oral. EMF exposure reduction, at least at home while asleep. Stop carrying the cell phone around! Scalar generators, Chemtrail busters (I have one, going to see how it works in the garden areas), get a triangle to treat the nano too. Then get a CD player and some Zen Music on CD NOT using the iphone etc. All that music via bluetooth app does is generate the EMFs even MORE.... Get out and walk. And pray, pray more prayer is always helpful. After all what do you think has kept California from the big one, except millions of people thinking it will never happen? Eh?

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what is your chemtrail buster?

and by scalar generators - are you talking about BluShield? Not sold on Blueshield, but the EESystem is scalar and the centers are popping up everywhere.

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Pasheen, I JUST today heard a fellow in his blog say that the EE Scalar System has been known, on the QT, mind you, to disappear and re-appear things like the nano tech. He is a full on scalar guy and seems to feel that scalar countermeasures are the only way to completely nullify or disrupt the highly sophisticated and sentient nano.

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Unagnu, are you currently using the nano triangle?

Also, I was just "led" to an old Tony P video of him showing one of his flagship solutions-the "Repulser", a smaller and portable version of the bucket and triangle, and his portable grounding solution. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIoM0_VNyP0.

Mind you, he is in his usual good form, complete with salty language! :)

I think these solutions, in addition to a BluSahield or some other scalar emitter, could go pretty far to disrupt incoming bogies. It does take an open mind and a willingness to appear freaky to the normies!

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Got my chembuster up and running (helps with the sprayed stuff I guess?) and I am working on the scalar generators... not sure. I"ll have to look Tony P up. Sadly not so good at making stuff :* Will definite be doing the sodium citrate and other detox

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Hi, Unagnu; Thanks for your post. Can you mention more about Chembuster, where/how one can get/build it? Thanks

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yes, please...chems are my worst enemy...

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any links to share for chembuster? would be appreciated

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From Etsy. Explains what the device purports to do and how it works. Can't speak to the science only that the garden and my bedroom are nice with this in place (mine is about the same size, and I have 4 '3 inch' disks to use round the garden and my bedroom/bed.

The best thing so far has been :https://www.stetzerelectric.com/about/ which you plug into your outlets one per outlet to harmonize the electricity. You can laugh all you want, but I *definitely* felt the effects in my bedroom when I equipped my two outlets, added chembuster. I notice less stress anxiety immediately . In fact ordered 4 more to put one in each outlet of the house, for total of 8. My house has older wiring and def. for sure some issues. I also see the EMF 'sheet' that reflects EMF and think I may want to put on wall behind my smart meter (which can't be removed, thank you Duke Energy NOt! They make you pay 15 dollars a month MORE and charge to take out the smart meter and get a non smart one. The reflecting stuff supposedly prevents from coming into the house *shrugs* I think disconnecting all smart devices in the house and wifi is the way to go. Sadly working from home I can't do that.

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Thank you. Not a handy person here, but I may be looking to that shortly. BlueShield? I'll have to look that one up.

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Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision ■ When I found this clip, my jaw dropped. It perfectly explains everything we see happening today. Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision. Now, imagine what we're capable of today in 2023. Source @HATSTRUTH 🎩


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That explains to me the shocking anti-semitism sweeping America.

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I believe you because I've seen similar changes in blood over the past year. I suppose some good news in seeing it in urine is that we are able to detox some of this. The strain it could be putting on our spleen, liver, kidneys; however, could be a different story. Considering the DEFUSE proposal in researching different ways to combat biological weapons, have you considered that this is just another experiment ... using hydrogels for trapping toxins and hopefully, a way to dispel from the body?

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I do have a question: if Borax dissolved in water helped Morgellon's suffers (and there IS evidence it does), and if Sodium Citrate helps too - what is the commonality? Both are salts, is it their ionic contributions/charges that are working with in the body to disrupt the alien nano bots and machines from hijacking the celluar bio electricity and current? What is it? I just have these niggling feelings that it has to do with that. Ions and charges of attraction and replusion. The methyl blue for the clotting along with the IVM, the Sodium Citrate for the nano bot... do they work together? Anyone out there want to try?

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I wondered about that myself today. Borax is often used as a detergent. And once you start doing research on sodium citrate, you realize that this stuff can be used for all kinds of cleaning, including for laundry:


Also, both borax and sodium citrate can be used to regulate pH, and are mildly alkaline. Maybe it has to do with ions and charges. But i wonder if sodium citrate doesn't work a bit like sodium thiosulfate (except that it's weaker and less invasive), which is also sometimes used as a food additive ...


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I think both are/maybe emulsifiers of fats and oils? Which would make sense re: nano lipids (real or faux lipids)

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Electricity! I’ve heard pretty compelling evidence that what we call gravity is actually electrostatic pressure.

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Amazing imagery, I find my rage disappears when faced with such beauty as appears in these findings.

There's an antidote !

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Hello Koppykat!

Beautiful, indeed. They are like light diatoms or cauri shellfishes.

However, these urines’ specific forms have not yet been seen in the blood -only dots or ‘’dark pools’’ alignments. I think that they should have. Was there a transformation due to the kidneys’ filtration process?

The scientific premise’s success still depends on the exactitude of the experimentation. So many factors have to be considered, starting with basic ‘’clean’’ subjects (i. e. no vitamines, methylene blue, chelation, water intake, triangle device, etc.), before/after data compilation, blood/urine comparisons, further analysis of the other minerals and protein content of the urine (the hydrogel may only have been displaced or accumulates inside the kidneys or other organs instead of the blood), etc.

So, as we say here: ‘’ Don’t sell the bear's skin before killing it.’’ :)

Take care.

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totally agree, I did hear talk of this experiment (just as you have outlined here) being set up as an online recording sheet for use by participants who would be able to post directly on-to as they progress through the experiment on s.citrate..David was making notes on this at end of meeting. Yes there are many factors that are needing this scrutiny.

Oh, can you help sort out what was happening in the chat on zoom? when you said hello msg to me - what I see after I have replied to you is a blank message box which reads 'sent from Danyele'...direct message =(in red letters). This box stays over the top of the ongoing thread of messages and won't go off? just stays there and I can't write a message to anyone else or, turn it off? any idea how to turn this off? Thanks anyway !

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Hello KoppyKat!

Thanks for the reminder! I’m sorry, I must have missed David’s talk about that. It was late in my time zone and I was very tired…

Yes, the exactitude of the experiments will be crucial. Moreover, so many people are taking a huge variety of products altogether and who knows what the interactions are.

We are electrical bodies and the solution may be an electrochemical combination. Except for the usual vitamins, I have not succumbed to the various cures à la mode of the day. I will wait for more results.

I don’t have any clue about this Zoom’s glitch. Your msgs were marked as ‘’New direct msg’’ where you said hello to Karl but I could read them as if they were addressed to me. Maybe you should use the Help button if it happens again. :)

Always glad to read your comments.

See you next Saturday EADT.

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FREE, Less than 10hrs to view


Healing Genesis

*Bonus Episode 2

Envenomation Agenda Bioweapons Disguised As Disease (the bottom video, 3rd video) first 22 minutes

BILLGATES111 funded 'Gene Drive' and about 5 years ago the Welcome Trust Fund, DARPA, and the Army tired to figure how to cut it off, Gene Drive, because it had been released in the environment. Crisper and Case 9, see 16:00. To cut it off 18 hours of darkness is needed, but blue light accelerates these Plasmids/synthetic venoms are produced more rapid by 5G, smart TV blue light, cell phones, LED lights, etc. These are being used for the agenda to kill and injure/make one ill.

*Operation Warp Speed was coupled with *Operation Telecommunication and the 5G assist the venom protein faster, helps push the public to get the vaccination; makes sickness. Then the vaccine is their "savior" and 5 billion people fell for it. ■ This is the best I can covey in message and spelling due to listening only. The first 22 minutes I recommend taking notes and rehearing it. At about 3:00 to 9:00 the Japanese company making the Plasmids and their test to be sold for human testing! Around 12:00 the testing of Plasmids in water with control testing of chlorine and including sun UV light. M


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So what can we do?

Any protocol's recommend please.


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Alan - Methylene Blue

FANTASTIC! Methylene Blue Binds Hydrogel In Lantus Insulin - Lantus Insulin Creates Chip Like Crystals, Methylene Blue Prevents Chip Formation

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD December 12, 2023


¨Methylene Blue is amazing. It looks like a vacuum cleaner for all hydrogels - this is what the literature tells us, but it is fascinating to see the effects under the microscope. It has extensive anti aging benefits and anti cancer properties, so it might help prevent the exploding turbo cancers via multiple mechanisms. It helps reverse brain fog, improves cellular oxygen delivery, bypasses mitochondrial dysfunction. Do not take if you use anti depressants as it may cause Serotonin syndrome. Methylene Blue is a precursor to tricyclic antidepressants, to it lifts mood, decreases pain and more.

Lantus Insulin builds chip like structures similar to dental anestetics. When mixed with Methylene Blue, no chips developed. People ask me all the time if I know of a safe dental anestetic. I do not. But from what I know at this time, I would use EDTA and Methylene Blue prevention and treatment. More testing needs to be done…. but it all looks like good news so far! ¨ Read More


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Merci pour ces précieuses informations!

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Merci Danyèle. J'utilise le Bleu de Méthylène depuis plusieurs mois déjà. Deux trois gouttes par jours dans un demi verre d'eau. Il est en vente libre, sans prescription ici au Québec dans toutes les pharmacies. C'est donc un produit accessible à tous pour moins de $10.

Je suis heureux que Ana Maria Mihalcea l'ait testé. J'en avait parlé sur son site substack il y a quelques mois de cela.

The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue


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Bonjour Mario,

Un grand merci pour la posologie et les autres infos! Quel est le pourcentage de la solution?

J’ai cherché du bleu de méthylène chez Brunet sans en trouver. J’aurais sans doute dû demander à un commis. Finalement, je l’ai commandé en poudre d’une compagnie.

Dans les images avec/sans de docteure Ana, il n’y avait pas de différence notable quant au volume des caillots/plastiques dans les photos de sang centrifugé, à mon humble avis.

Avez-vous noté une différence dans votre circulation sanguine depuis l’utilisation de ce produit? Un peu difficile de le savoir, j’en conviens. :)

Selon les récentes découvertes, la nouvelle cure à la mode devrait être le citrate de sodium, produit réducteur d’acidité et réhausseur de goût déjà largement utilisé en cuisine. J’attendrai les conclusion des divers tests sur l’élimination des hydrogels à l’aide du CS qui seront réalisés incessamment par docteur Nixon, Karl.C. et d’autres Micronautes.

Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Temps des Fêtes!

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Bonjour Danyèle

Jean Coutu en vend. Solution 1%, petite bouteille de 25ml marque Personnlle. Je ne connais pas la dose à prendre. Je ne suis pas vacciné c. J'y vais au feeling et pour le shedding. Je trouve que c'est comme un tonique. J'espère que le Dr. Nixon fera des tests aussi.

De temps en temps, je prends quelques gouttes de DMSO et Chlorine Dioxide.

DMSO, marque New Roots. Facile à trouver par contre le CD beaucoup plus difficile.

J'ai trouvé un endroit où l'acheté en ligne. Vraiment pas cher et livraison rapide. Moins de trente dollars. Je vois que vous habitez au Qc...

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DMSO ( New Root Herbal)

According to the information that I have found, DMSO is very good for heavy metal detoxification :

¨As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating.¨ https://vitasave.ca/blogs/news/miracle-healing-power-dmso

What is a heavy metal detox? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327317#about

DMSO – The Real (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solution https://www.cre8-health.com/dmso-the-real-mms-miracle-mineral-solution/

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Bonsoir Mario,

En oui! Je suis Québécoise. Flûte! Brunet m’a trahie. :)

Le dioxyde de chlore est offert en deux bouteilles séparées et il faut faire le mélange. Moins de 28 $/150 ml sur AhMaZone (attention aux frais cachés de livraison par certaines cies…).

Voici un lien; beaucoup d’infos pertinentes et très détaillées en français sur le diméthyl sulfoxyde (DMSO) : https://fr.sott.net/article/3150-DMSO-la-vraie-solution-miracle

Merci de partager trucs et adresses. Chacun y va de sa recette et c’est tout à fait légitime en ces temps incertains.

De toute façon, nous sommes tous contaminés par tous les moyens possibles. J’ai la ferme conviction qu’une solution sera trouvée bientôt. En attendant, il faut faire contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur, survivre du mieux que l’on peut.

Aussi, j’encourage financièrement (i. e. plusieurs Ko-Fi et abonnements…) nos intrépides Micronautes car plusieurs ont perdu santé comme gagne-pain à cause de leurs convictions inébranlables et leur détermination à diffuser ce qu’ils constatent. Le temps c’est de l’argent et le matériel coûte une fortune. De plus, j’aime leurs magnifiques microphotos et vidéos.

En 2020, j’ai dû subir le ‘sga@§€}¥\ de test sinon on ne m’aurait pas soignée en urgence par notre beau &€¥§}… système. Alors j’ai probablement reçu ma dose de poison et je vis avec. Mieux vaut en rire. Hi! Hi!


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Apparently CHLORINE DIOXIDE denatures Spike Protein from Covid/Graphene “Vaccine” according to Dr. Andreas Kalcker. If this is the case, a lot of people could be help and at a very low cost, way to speak. To be confirmed 4:28 min https://www.bitchute.com/video/rlPfXIer4Rwk/

Forbidden Cure - Andreas Kalcker CHLORINE DIOXIDE 12:27


It's sometime difficult to find. I bought mine here. I am not related to this company and I do not receice money or bonus from them. Very good price and fast delivery. Two bottles.

Bottle one : Mineral Solution - Bottle two : Activator solution

Mix one drop of each in a small amount of water. Wait one minute for the mixture to activate. Then add water. No more then one drop at the beginning. After few days, follow your feeling.


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Al - First find Luke that got a two hundred year contract to spray the world. Then find who is paying for it and who is supplying the materials. ■ M

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To be sure I am following Dr Wigington on Geoengineering every month and it is so revealing, in photos and speech, to be recommended. Considering also he has been doing th is for quite some time and has been forward strong warnings all along. These people are really set to poisoning everything are they not? Anyway, the evidence is t here, in sky and in pee. The chrystals are just nicely forming to become receivers, are they not? Hope you read the piece on the bad Karcasians, being ancestors to the ashkenazies and the zionists, can send it ot herwise. Keeps you thingking....

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Free 6 hours remaining

Episode 2, "...Red Handed..." ■ Trans splicing, the real reason why two shots, what is it and how it works; when it was discovered.

2nd Video (one in the middle)

16:00 time on video


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FANTASTIC! Methylene Blue Binds Hydrogel In Lantus Insulin - Lantus Insulin Creates Chip Like Crystals, Methylene Blue Prevents Chip Formation

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD December 12, 2023


¨Methylene Blue is amazing. It looks like a vacuum cleaner for all hydrogels - this is what the literature tells us, but it is fascinating to see the effects under the microscope. It has extensive anti aging benefits and anti cancer properties, so it might help prevent the exploding turbo cancers via multiple mechanisms. It helps reverse brain fog, improves cellular oxygen delivery, bypasses mitochondrial dysfunction. Do not take if you use anti depressants as it may cause Serotonin syndrome. Methylene Blue is a precursor to tricyclic antidepressants, to it lifts mood, decreases pain and more.

Lantus Insulin builds chip like structures similar to dental anestetics. When mixed with Methylene Blue, no chips developed. People ask me all the time if I know of a safe dental anestetic. I do not. But from what I know at this time, I would use EDTA and Methylene Blue prevention and treatment. More testing needs to be done…. but it all looks like good news so far! ¨ Read More


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Well... humans had been abused worldwide as guinea pigs for countless different "technological study goals" by unbridled so-called "scientists", so that in reality no one can determine exactly what each individual was injected actually into their organism - there is so much literature that you could spend for months day and nights reading everything - for over 20 years these "technologies" have been "researched" - and also no one really knows what has been done/has been "tested" already to people for years in the form of drugs and so-called "vaccines", etc. without the person concerned knowing about it.... what happened in the last four years simply can no longer be described with adjectives, because that was all a deliberately induced, highly criminal act to dehumanize, damage and kill people - and that includes also these tests, which have been used billions of times and have made absolutely no sense except to collect the DNA in order to "research" with it, and of course also these completely unnecessary masks - everywhere there are all kinds of Nano particle inside, which have been and are absolutely harmful to people for years to come - and also the animals, plants, the whole environment, because we all give something of it over and over again, it's all a cycle in which no one can yet say how catastrophic this ends will be if humanity does not begin finally the danger is becoming aware of and together defends itself against it - my absolute greatest concern is always with the children, because they cannot defend themselves, don't have a real Lobby that stands up for them and is abused for everything - the majority of humanity is trapped in a psychosis and meanwhile so lethargic that they let themselves like everything, accept everything, sacrifice their own children to this crime of humanity.... this is simply incomprehensible to me and horrifies me every day again!

Also the engineering weather modification has already started a few years after the Second World War by various chemical substances and Nano particles, without people had knowing anything about it - let's just take a look at the "acid rain", which has been affecting people, animals and the environment for decades and causes diseases - also the countless pesticides, which were started already in the 19th century, have repeatedly caused diseases to people and continue to do so until to this day.... in a lot of some human who are difficult to detoxify, over time the organs are attacked, because these nano particles attach themselves to the organs and ignite them up to cancer...

From my heart I wish you continued success, all the best and try to keep you and your family, your friends, colleagues etc. healthy - I wish the same to all who can get valuable information from you here!!!

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Newsom cleaned up San Francisco ahead is Xi coming to town. The homeless were drugged into a zombie state loaded into airplanes and flown to Montana where they were bus to a gain of function research facility run by the NIH. They were used as guinea pigs for horrific experiments on smallpox and hemorrhagic fevers through an aerosolized system. All of them apparently have died terrible deaths and this Was the next pandemic they were going to spray on us from their airplanes in their chemtrails. Whitehead alliance has been able to go in and destroy the lab and obtain all of these horrific pathogens to destroy them. The person who ran the program has been arrested and is at Gitmo For tribunal and then I think these level people get shot for the execution not sure about that.

The reason Newsom cleaned up the streets was because he is selling the state of California to China and he’s going to continue to run it. I bet you citizens in the state of California didn’t know that this did you? It’s time to pull your head out of the sand. Whenever you see something odd you must always ask yourself who benefits from this particular situation and happening the way they wanted to happen. You generally will get your answer.

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All of the springs on the map are free. As far as the swimming hall they may have a spout somewhere for you to collect water. Otherwise you’ll have to travel to one further away that does. The water is a living water and has the correct electrical charge to heal your body. Three‘s and I reacted the way I did was because the response that you gave is a typical response from someone who’s like will hey hand me the information because I don’t wanna look for it response. So that’s why I responded that way. I apologize if it offended you but there are many people who understand exactly where I’m coming from.

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Primal water.

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