David I think that the ribbon that grew out in 3 weeks is a synthetic parasite. I see them as well. Many wet mounts grow out microtubules from blood pools within a few to 24 hours, others look like parasitic worms.
It would be resilient if it were a natural parasite but since it's likely a synthetic parasite built in a lab then it's a whole different story. It could live like a hydra seen in some non blood samples.
I would likely say that what is seen under the microscope with that type of magnification is synthetic and made in a laboratory as well. I am not a scientist, yet I know that should not be there. The scary part is what long-term damage can this cause?
yes, I am beginning to think that we all need to be on ivermectin all the time... say 12-24mg daily depending on weight.. we need to check that medication obviously and we need to be on the lookout for alternatives such as artemisia
I can see why they banned Ivermectin if the parasites seen in magnified blood are 'organic' but would Ivermectin be of any use if the parasites/ structures in the blood are fully synthetic I wonder? Clearly there are different kinds of structures in examined blood such as Quantum Dots blinking on off lights, the angular machine looking items that seem to self assemble & look like transmitters, receivers etc, the ribbons, the gel looking creatures which apparently also self assemble (probably alll the items in the blood self assemble). I saw that Dr Mihalcea finds EDTA chelation intravenously seems to help the patient a lot ie heavy metal removal from blood. But does the blood after the EDTA treatment show the nano machines, ribbons etc as gone? Clearly any itmes in the blood will probably harm and kill the person & are doing so in huge numbers. The genocide continues and not one killer has been stopped.Most people do not know which is not their fault of course just Gov using msm etc to kill ie fool people into getting injected with lethal chemicals & transhuman machinery. A lot of questions I know and thanks to the researchers such as Dr Ana, David Nixon & all those trying to show people the truth ie save the human race from extinction. Very heavy mental load to know this is going on
for all who know probably, despair is what they want us to feel probably ie if they dont kill us we kill ourselves
It's very clear to me that the use of IVM could have shut down the pandemic very quickly. But the controllers did not want that to happen. It did not fit their agenda which included the deaths of millions of people. This whole thing was planned over many years and in my view included those German scientists that were brought here with Operation Paperclip who were involved in illegal experiments on humans.
I agree since we now know that it and fenbendazole are active against cancers. This could mean that the turbo cancers of vaxed people could be slowed down or stopped. Just my guess!!!
David - Video mentions what can be bought for research only; you maybe interested and compare. ■ The paper trail throughout this video is worth my notes. Wanting to get this to what Covid-19 "is" and how they made the virus and how [t]hey put it out in the public. M
■DoD patent for self assembly hydrogel that create clots.
The Antidote: The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19
Hi Alina, Tex is right - budget is probably the first thing to sort out and if you have limited funds <US $1k then there are things you can do but you need someone preferably local to assist. I disagree with Tex though in so much as I defo think it is worth doing as we now know more - see Ron Norris' Sub stack
November 4 is always such a special day to me and my family. ■ November 4, 1972, I made my profession of Faith before my congregation; they all laughed, my paster was a church drag queen for years; his white satin and heels wedding dress was most disturbing, but his vintage attire with historically correct vintage jewelry did establish my understanding for design. When I was walking through the congregation at the end of a week of Revival, I saw the arm, right arm of the Lord God and he pointed over what looked like the James River which was a few miles south where we worshiped. He said, "I have a husband over here this day, for you." In 1982, I married my best friend and about a year later, I called his church for his baptismal record; he not only made his statement of faith that day, November 4, 1972, from a [b]us ministry that taught children in the buses (that were picked up and driven back home), but was baptized that evening 'inside the church'. Yes, he was just over the James River, in Virginia and South. M
BILLGATES111 ■ is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. Now there are talks/talk that he has a great grandfather with the same name, so why is he [n]ot the IV? It is said to be the custom if one is born a 'girl' that they cannot be the IV, but must be the III. So, after going to original text, Greek/Hebrew, the beast mention in the Book of Daniel, and the Book of Revelation can be either a girl or a boy, the word is mankind (from memory). Think... . M
David I think that the ribbon that grew out in 3 weeks is a synthetic parasite. I see them as well. Many wet mounts grow out microtubules from blood pools within a few to 24 hours, others look like parasitic worms.
Patti, thank-you for your explanation. It is an example of how resilient bacteria and parasites can be. This should be of concern to everyone.
It would be resilient if it were a natural parasite but since it's likely a synthetic parasite built in a lab then it's a whole different story. It could live like a hydra seen in some non blood samples.
I would likely say that what is seen under the microscope with that type of magnification is synthetic and made in a laboratory as well. I am not a scientist, yet I know that should not be there. The scary part is what long-term damage can this cause?
I’ve been thinking the same. Synthetic or GMO’s.. or both.
It would also explain why they banned ivermectin so hard.
yes, I am beginning to think that we all need to be on ivermectin all the time... say 12-24mg daily depending on weight.. we need to check that medication obviously and we need to be on the lookout for alternatives such as artemisia
Humic and Fulvic acid is a lso anti-parasitic. Loaded with minerals and works well for pain.
Yes, Artemesia and Mimosa Pudica, Cloves, Black Walnut Hull, Papaya Seeds and others that work in different cultures.
I can see why they banned Ivermectin if the parasites seen in magnified blood are 'organic' but would Ivermectin be of any use if the parasites/ structures in the blood are fully synthetic I wonder? Clearly there are different kinds of structures in examined blood such as Quantum Dots blinking on off lights, the angular machine looking items that seem to self assemble & look like transmitters, receivers etc, the ribbons, the gel looking creatures which apparently also self assemble (probably alll the items in the blood self assemble). I saw that Dr Mihalcea finds EDTA chelation intravenously seems to help the patient a lot ie heavy metal removal from blood. But does the blood after the EDTA treatment show the nano machines, ribbons etc as gone? Clearly any itmes in the blood will probably harm and kill the person & are doing so in huge numbers. The genocide continues and not one killer has been stopped.Most people do not know which is not their fault of course just Gov using msm etc to kill ie fool people into getting injected with lethal chemicals & transhuman machinery. A lot of questions I know and thanks to the researchers such as Dr Ana, David Nixon & all those trying to show people the truth ie save the human race from extinction. Very heavy mental load to know this is going on
for all who know probably, despair is what they want us to feel probably ie if they dont kill us we kill ourselves
It's very clear to me that the use of IVM could have shut down the pandemic very quickly. But the controllers did not want that to happen. It did not fit their agenda which included the deaths of millions of people. This whole thing was planned over many years and in my view included those German scientists that were brought here with Operation Paperclip who were involved in illegal experiments on humans.
I agree since we now know that it and fenbendazole are active against cancers. This could mean that the turbo cancers of vaxed people could be slowed down or stopped. Just my guess!!!
David - Video mentions what can be bought for research only; you maybe interested and compare. ■ The paper trail throughout this video is worth my notes. Wanting to get this to what Covid-19 "is" and how they made the virus and how [t]hey put it out in the public. M
■DoD patent for self assembly hydrogel that create clots.
The Antidote: The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19
Matt Hancock. What a POS.
love it. crystal formation has certainly bugged me out.
Karl - I believe you! ■ Thanks for the warning that this [s]hit can get out of 'hand'. M
I wonder if they can be powered up again. Glucose? Live blood? RF input plus blood?
Philosophers stone ■ what Alchemy has tried to create; having a substance and grinding into powder is a means; so I have read. M
"they are killing us off so they can replace us using the jab"
At 23:00 time on the video ■ 2011 DoD had that when "they say so," [a]ll injectables must include nano tech. M
yes, Rima has told me this too - still trying to get hold of the documentation re this.
Could someone pls advise regarding some decent microscope purchase? Never had or used one before, so nothing fancy, but would like to see my blood…
Thank you in advance.
Hi Alina, Tex is right - budget is probably the first thing to sort out and if you have limited funds <US $1k then there are things you can do but you need someone preferably local to assist. I disagree with Tex though in so much as I defo think it is worth doing as we now know more - see Ron Norris' Sub stack
I have 8 unopened humira pens to donate for testing. I can't find anyone who wants them. What a shame. Humira is widely prescribed.
Looks like disco-glitter-vomit.
Fricking worms!
November 4 is always such a special day to me and my family. ■ November 4, 1972, I made my profession of Faith before my congregation; they all laughed, my paster was a church drag queen for years; his white satin and heels wedding dress was most disturbing, but his vintage attire with historically correct vintage jewelry did establish my understanding for design. When I was walking through the congregation at the end of a week of Revival, I saw the arm, right arm of the Lord God and he pointed over what looked like the James River which was a few miles south where we worshiped. He said, "I have a husband over here this day, for you." In 1982, I married my best friend and about a year later, I called his church for his baptismal record; he not only made his statement of faith that day, November 4, 1972, from a [b]us ministry that taught children in the buses (that were picked up and driven back home), but was baptized that evening 'inside the church'. Yes, he was just over the James River, in Virginia and South. M
David - It sure is [n]ot a leaf, from the tree of life. ■ No way. M
BILLGATES111 ■ is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. Now there are talks/talk that he has a great grandfather with the same name, so why is he [n]ot the IV? It is said to be the custom if one is born a 'girl' that they cannot be the IV, but must be the III. So, after going to original text, Greek/Hebrew, the beast mention in the Book of Daniel, and the Book of Revelation can be either a girl or a boy, the word is mankind (from memory). Think... . M