After attending your fantastic presentation this mind is truly blown with what my family has possiblty subjected themselves to. My heart aches and worries for them.
Thank you so much David for bringing this amazing information to the awake xox
1.. Possibilities for smuggling the stuff are endless, a systematic approach and coordination is in order among the researchers:
- determine the range of stuff described in literature, discovered and known to be under testing/development
- how the stuff is first disseminated (injection, inhalation, medication, food, drink, smearable, clothing, medical devices e.g. masks and test swabs, other copnsumer products...)
- does the stuff self-propagate (shedding), and which part of a "species"; if yes, what's the process, time framel and required additives and other coonditions
-and so on.
I don't know of any such systematic approach. If there is one -- no need to reveal it here.
2. It would help the reader when you compare side by side pics of the samples from same vial in August 2022 and now -- an idea of a year's change. Do you keep the vial in manufacturer's recommended conditions (would opening the vial a year earlier affect the new sample?).
3. Identification of chemical composition would be useful, e.g. to illuminate a nano-replication process of the "chips". Pls contact Dr. Ana for info on sevice in this regard. Funding would expedite delivery of results.
No idea if it's possible. What we need is for some whistle blowers who actually produce this stuff to speak out now and come clean on what it's intentions are. We can find lots of research on nano technology, biosensors, etc so we can speculate. I realise most would work on parts and a need to know basis so don't have the full picture. I want to share the photos with jabbed people but it's hard enough to convince them that jabs bad from just bloodclotting point of view to saying your body will be linked up to a computer, you know? It may awaken some who thought babies and kids didn't need a jab, or 3, to the real purpose, which we can only still speculate on. Thank you for what you are doing.
Yeah. A whistleblower, someone who will compromise their entire life and family to tell us something 90% of people won’t believe anyway. Sure, a whistleblower
Have you looked at the "nanoworm" technology used in research (see under nanotechnology)?
Also the heat impacts older nanotechnology (I believe above 72) but there is now heat resistant, thermally stable nanoparticles (are they used specifically in these modRNA shots-🤷♀️ as the focus was on the LNP for stability).
Given discussions were done in 2015 on electricity fields, enabling/disabling NPs, I assume this is also being looked at?🤔🤔
Awsome as usual. Yes, I can see those linings up and the ghost spots. One big structure like a fortified castle with towers is all lit up, by you or by getting intencized by the outside?
It may all be still experimental, which explains the different sizes and structures, half structures if you will.
Jessica Rose is on this now, so you will soon see some dramatic explanations....and poetic at that.
Will continue looking at these receivers or antennas to be....whatever I find them very beautiful and with some counterparts in nature as if nature expresses itself in always certain or same forms. Chrystals are said to be self growing and what is growing is said to have life. So if these are chrystals t hey would certainly be alive, wheras the bots would not. Would be interesting if some dna could be extracted from the chrystals then?
I live in Sweden with lots of winter chrystals, on the windows, in the ice of pools everywhere. That is why my interest in chrystals. There is a Japanese scientist having done research on water and snow chrystals, saying they change according to the quality of water. Also according to moods somehow, which could coincide with the findings of Ana i e medicine of Light. I will send you his name soon. Might be helpful in finding countering and healing stuff....
Dr. Masuru Emoto. His work is beautiful. Look up anything to do with the information water carries. Mae-Wan Ho, a physicist, wrote a beautiful book on living crystals in our bodies. Victor Schauberger is another. Many others. & Dr Ana's book is awesome.
Dr Emoto was very highly respected despite being called a "pseudoscientist". Having done fairly intensive reading about the "roots" of homeopathy, I am starting to see why homeopathy may very well be a legitimate science. As we all know, today's classical allopathic pill pushing doctors poo-poo homeopaths as fools and pagans from outer space. Homeopathic usage of various herbs and other substances teach us that incredible dilutions of the active ingredient(s) still produce often amazing results. Some homeopathic medicines are so dilute they have ZERO amounts of the various solutes that are used extensively by people who are in sync with homeopathy. Some dilutions often contain NO solutes yet they produce the sought-after results, amazingly so. How can this be? Dr Emoto likely was not into homeopathy BUT his science appears to have been hand in glove with the functional activity of a multitude of plant derived substances as well as other mineralo-substances. It's an amazing topic and if you are looking for a winter of fun, start reading the journal papers of one Dr Iris Bell. Fascinating is a great understatement!
The extreme dilutions that still had biological activity had apparently, logically, and legitimately had induced various crystal entities from even picomolar dilutions. Think about it. One to the minus 12 moles per liter of solution.......obviously this would mean that the water was in the form of crystals, like liquid crystals, that were really quite durable and functional. No more functional solute BUT the crystals were obviously formed by their original interaction with the material that had certain abilities in biological systems. The original molecules acted as stereochemical patterns for formation and activity of the water crystals.
Water holds unlimited amounts of inform action which is why the "new" quantum computers are considered to be obsolete (dispute the public not even realising they exist), as the tech nerds are working on the "water" computers. 😉
Thanks for those comments, Michael! I have been using homeopathy for decades, along with other water-based modalities such as flower remedies. Emoto's work does support why homeopathy works (and much better than allopathic meds!) For some real pseudo-science (smiling with tongue-in-cheek) visit the far-out work of Veda Austin ( I haven't tried her technique yet, but I think it would be an awesome experiment to do with kids! Thoughts-are-things lessons :-)
Thank you, I´ll start with Ana´s book...chrystals are certainly amazing and alive and to be counted in by even stereochemical patterns for formation and activity then?Amazing, and maybe explaining how dr Nixons blood chrystals come to be?
Wow. From sleepy little Des Moines, Iowa, circa 1991 ??
They obviously penetrated every Cabinet a long time ago, and have been salivating at the thought of population reduction ever since.
“All nations will have quotas for reduction on a yearly basis, enforced by the U.N Security Council, under threat of credit or trade embargoes, including food and medicine OR by Military force”.
“The Security Council will take possession of ALL natural resources for the good of the MAJOR Nations”.
“The Security Council will explain that not all races and people's are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior ought to rule the lesser races”.
What an elitist, malevolent and deeply racist organisation the U.N is, when you rip away their mask.
Thanks for this link! This time frame is also when National Audubon went on its "reduce human population" campaign. It did not go over well. I think this is also around the time Dr Rima Laibow told Jesse Ventura about the cabal's plan for the "great culling"... There are so many stories about this concept of 'harvest' that its certainly something to take seriously, i. e., we must recognize that they have every intention to reduce or eliminate humanity... & apparently all of G-d's creation.🙄
What’s odd about this document—if true and such targeted destruction is possible (through the jabs, say)—is that these “Anglo-Saxon” elites have directed their ire at western populations. We have received the dearth of their jab poison, and they have instigated a terminal open borders policy that elevates “Third Worlders.” In San Diego, which is now Sino-Aryan-Mexi-ego, I am now the impoverished minority. Not only the impoverished minority, but the entire thrust of American culture has othered people like me—lower middle class, “white,” never particularly privileged, basically raised myself. I see their goal is to extinguish people like me, bring in Sinos and Aryans to do their fascist techno great reset, use people from the southern hemisphere to slavishly build “bio tech centers” and stack n pack housing (all over San Diego since 2020), and then, what, extinguish many of them too?
David - Thank you! Makes your new Lab worth the build. ■ It looks like the bread I do not want to take/eat. Personal, I have had a painting of water and a building for decades and more. Wondering if the structure was existing. This week while studing Geneva I see this castle, the Chillon. I also find that this painting 24. DEC' 67 KH KIM has the seven mountains in ghost white caps. It is on my East wall. I have found that 'Gene'va is characterized like 'Gene'sis and 'gene'ration. While looking for the whore mentioned in Revelation, I see WHOre. When this settled I can say I believe this evidence directs/defines the mystery, mystery Babylon.
Of course they will. Which means they already have a 'cure' that they alone are privy to. Since they obviously won't share it with us, we must find it on our own.
it would be great to isolate one of the objects that looks like an integrated circuit and do a high resolution cross section to see what is inside, and what it is composed of
David, you've amassed a great deal of pictures and videos showing compelling evidence that something strange is definitely going on with the covid shots and now other pharmaceuticals. If there are programmable hydrogels in these solutions, then shouldn't there be a repetition of product from the programming? A pattern? Have you overlaid pictures from different samples, dates and times to determine if there is such a pattern in the 'chips' that are created by the programming?
Since a blood transfusion and dental work I have been symptomatic, as if I had elected to take the C-19 vaccine, which I did not.
Myocarditis/Takotsubo event, brain fog, so many of the post vaccine symptoms. When I take Ivermectin, my head clears and my ekg's improve. Days later I am back to fragmented ekg's and brain fog.
I did not get the vaccine, but due to whole blood infusion I am suffering as if I had. I believe that I am going to have to take Ivermectin for the rest of my life. The damn symptoms just keep returning.
It was bad enough envisioning the synthetic spike protein continuously multiplying internally. Now this?
Do Some of the "Vaccinated" Have BLUETOOTH MAC Addresses? ■ Microscope/biosensors to Microsoft/DNA programming and bankers/investors this video addresses the intent; inoculation/not for immunity. M
After attending your fantastic presentation this mind is truly blown with what my family has possiblty subjected themselves to. My heart aches and worries for them.
Thank you so much David for bringing this amazing information to the awake xox
You're welcome.
One Q ? no one answered : what triggers the formation of squares and so on under a microscope ? Merci Docteur de la réponse.
You should worry about yourself, they are shedding, and they contaminate. Then, all Injectables are full of nanotech... especially dental A...
Is lidocaine injectable also full of nanotech? If so, why?
La Quinta Columna has carefully analyzed almost all the dental anathesia products being used across the world.
According to Ricardo Delgado only one brand of which they analyzed multiple samples, multiple times, contains virtually no nanotech or graphene.
However, I don´t recall the name of the dental anesthesia, but I can try to find out.
Have any of these people analyzed the 3M tooth-colored substance used to fill in a chipped tooth?
Dobemos decir : todos !
All the "caine"... why ??? License to kill !
Lol everything is the air water and food unless u stop eating breathing your screwed
To Dave Nixon
1.. Possibilities for smuggling the stuff are endless, a systematic approach and coordination is in order among the researchers:
- determine the range of stuff described in literature, discovered and known to be under testing/development
- how the stuff is first disseminated (injection, inhalation, medication, food, drink, smearable, clothing, medical devices e.g. masks and test swabs, other copnsumer products...)
- does the stuff self-propagate (shedding), and which part of a "species"; if yes, what's the process, time framel and required additives and other coonditions
-and so on.
I don't know of any such systematic approach. If there is one -- no need to reveal it here.
2. It would help the reader when you compare side by side pics of the samples from same vial in August 2022 and now -- an idea of a year's change. Do you keep the vial in manufacturer's recommended conditions (would opening the vial a year earlier affect the new sample?).
3. Identification of chemical composition would be useful, e.g. to illuminate a nano-replication process of the "chips". Pls contact Dr. Ana for info on sevice in this regard. Funding would expedite delivery of results.
Am I mixed up about the sampling dates?
Do they emit bluetooth signals? Could you heat to and keep at body temp whilst under scope to see if they react differently?
I have not been able to prove they emit Bluetooth..... the temperature thing is a good idea...
No idea if it's possible. What we need is for some whistle blowers who actually produce this stuff to speak out now and come clean on what it's intentions are. We can find lots of research on nano technology, biosensors, etc so we can speculate. I realise most would work on parts and a need to know basis so don't have the full picture. I want to share the photos with jabbed people but it's hard enough to convince them that jabs bad from just bloodclotting point of view to saying your body will be linked up to a computer, you know? It may awaken some who thought babies and kids didn't need a jab, or 3, to the real purpose, which we can only still speculate on. Thank you for what you are doing.
Yeah. A whistleblower, someone who will compromise their entire life and family to tell us something 90% of people won’t believe anyway. Sure, a whistleblower
That’s so true. But has it ever been any different in our fallen world? I wonder.
If there were, they weren’t able to blow the whistle loud enough or long enough to not get squashed
Yes, applying some 'favourable' body-temperature warmth would be 'optimal'.
Perhaps even added warm water would cause the hydrogels to balloon and transform?
Have you looked at the "nanoworm" technology used in research (see under nanotechnology)?
Also the heat impacts older nanotechnology (I believe above 72) but there is now heat resistant, thermally stable nanoparticles (are they used specifically in these modRNA shots-🤷♀️ as the focus was on the LNP for stability).
Given discussions were done in 2015 on electricity fields, enabling/disabling NPs, I assume this is also being looked at?🤔🤔
Awsome as usual. Yes, I can see those linings up and the ghost spots. One big structure like a fortified castle with towers is all lit up, by you or by getting intencized by the outside?
It may all be still experimental, which explains the different sizes and structures, half structures if you will.
Jessica Rose is on this now, so you will soon see some dramatic explanations....and poetic at that.
Will continue looking at these receivers or antennas to be....whatever I find them very beautiful and with some counterparts in nature as if nature expresses itself in always certain or same forms. Chrystals are said to be self growing and what is growing is said to have life. So if these are chrystals t hey would certainly be alive, wheras the bots would not. Would be interesting if some dna could be extracted from the chrystals then?
I live in Sweden with lots of winter chrystals, on the windows, in the ice of pools everywhere. That is why my interest in chrystals. There is a Japanese scientist having done research on water and snow chrystals, saying they change according to the quality of water. Also according to moods somehow, which could coincide with the findings of Ana i e medicine of Light. I will send you his name soon. Might be helpful in finding countering and healing stuff....
Dr. Masuru Emoto. His work is beautiful. Look up anything to do with the information water carries. Mae-Wan Ho, a physicist, wrote a beautiful book on living crystals in our bodies. Victor Schauberger is another. Many others. & Dr Ana's book is awesome.
Dr Emoto was very highly respected despite being called a "pseudoscientist". Having done fairly intensive reading about the "roots" of homeopathy, I am starting to see why homeopathy may very well be a legitimate science. As we all know, today's classical allopathic pill pushing doctors poo-poo homeopaths as fools and pagans from outer space. Homeopathic usage of various herbs and other substances teach us that incredible dilutions of the active ingredient(s) still produce often amazing results. Some homeopathic medicines are so dilute they have ZERO amounts of the various solutes that are used extensively by people who are in sync with homeopathy. Some dilutions often contain NO solutes yet they produce the sought-after results, amazingly so. How can this be? Dr Emoto likely was not into homeopathy BUT his science appears to have been hand in glove with the functional activity of a multitude of plant derived substances as well as other mineralo-substances. It's an amazing topic and if you are looking for a winter of fun, start reading the journal papers of one Dr Iris Bell. Fascinating is a great understatement!
The extreme dilutions that still had biological activity had apparently, logically, and legitimately had induced various crystal entities from even picomolar dilutions. Think about it. One to the minus 12 moles per liter of solution.......obviously this would mean that the water was in the form of crystals, like liquid crystals, that were really quite durable and functional. No more functional solute BUT the crystals were obviously formed by their original interaction with the material that had certain abilities in biological systems. The original molecules acted as stereochemical patterns for formation and activity of the water crystals.
Water holds unlimited amounts of inform action which is why the "new" quantum computers are considered to be obsolete (dispute the public not even realising they exist), as the tech nerds are working on the "water" computers. 😉
Thanks for those comments, Michael! I have been using homeopathy for decades, along with other water-based modalities such as flower remedies. Emoto's work does support why homeopathy works (and much better than allopathic meds!) For some real pseudo-science (smiling with tongue-in-cheek) visit the far-out work of Veda Austin ( I haven't tried her technique yet, but I think it would be an awesome experiment to do with kids! Thoughts-are-things lessons :-)
Thank you, I´ll start with Ana´s book...chrystals are certainly amazing and alive and to be counted in by even stereochemical patterns for formation and activity then?Amazing, and maybe explaining how dr Nixons blood chrystals come to be?
I recommend you searching for Sabrina Wallace at Rumble
Jessica Rose is saying she sees these nano bots and nano tech? Do you have a link to that?
Just so you know, I share your videos. I'll try to do more.
All planned ...
Wow. From sleepy little Des Moines, Iowa, circa 1991 ??
They obviously penetrated every Cabinet a long time ago, and have been salivating at the thought of population reduction ever since.
“All nations will have quotas for reduction on a yearly basis, enforced by the U.N Security Council, under threat of credit or trade embargoes, including food and medicine OR by Military force”.
“The Security Council will take possession of ALL natural resources for the good of the MAJOR Nations”.
“The Security Council will explain that not all races and people's are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior ought to rule the lesser races”.
What an elitist, malevolent and deeply racist organisation the U.N is, when you rip away their mask.
(Great link btw).
Thanks for this link! This time frame is also when National Audubon went on its "reduce human population" campaign. It did not go over well. I think this is also around the time Dr Rima Laibow told Jesse Ventura about the cabal's plan for the "great culling"... There are so many stories about this concept of 'harvest' that its certainly something to take seriously, i. e., we must recognize that they have every intention to reduce or eliminate humanity... & apparently all of G-d's creation.🙄
What’s odd about this document—if true and such targeted destruction is possible (through the jabs, say)—is that these “Anglo-Saxon” elites have directed their ire at western populations. We have received the dearth of their jab poison, and they have instigated a terminal open borders policy that elevates “Third Worlders.” In San Diego, which is now Sino-Aryan-Mexi-ego, I am now the impoverished minority. Not only the impoverished minority, but the entire thrust of American culture has othered people like me—lower middle class, “white,” never particularly privileged, basically raised myself. I see their goal is to extinguish people like me, bring in Sinos and Aryans to do their fascist techno great reset, use people from the southern hemisphere to slavishly build “bio tech centers” and stack n pack housing (all over San Diego since 2020), and then, what, extinguish many of them too?
David - Thank you! Makes your new Lab worth the build. ■ It looks like the bread I do not want to take/eat. Personal, I have had a painting of water and a building for decades and more. Wondering if the structure was existing. This week while studing Geneva I see this castle, the Chillon. I also find that this painting 24. DEC' 67 KH KIM has the seven mountains in ghost white caps. It is on my East wall. I have found that 'Gene'va is characterized like 'Gene'sis and 'gene'ration. While looking for the whore mentioned in Revelation, I see WHOre. When this settled I can say I believe this evidence directs/defines the mystery, mystery Babylon.
I don’t know how the 👿 who created this poison can sleep at night. Do they think they will never be affected by it?
Of course they will. Which means they already have a 'cure' that they alone are privy to. Since they obviously won't share it with us, we must find it on our own.
No because they think of themselves as God's. Everyone is beneath them..
They do think that way, but they’re not perfect evil doers….it will backfire on them.
Planned in 1957.
it would be great to isolate one of the objects that looks like an integrated circuit and do a high resolution cross section to see what is inside, and what it is composed of
David, you've amassed a great deal of pictures and videos showing compelling evidence that something strange is definitely going on with the covid shots and now other pharmaceuticals. If there are programmable hydrogels in these solutions, then shouldn't there be a repetition of product from the programming? A pattern? Have you overlaid pictures from different samples, dates and times to determine if there is such a pattern in the 'chips' that are created by the programming?
No but that is a good idea...
Maria Zeee: Naima Feagin & Tivon Rivers ■ WBAN - They Have Achieved the Transhumanism "System Upgrade"
Video at 1:07:00:
1.The system upgrade before 2017; not enough
2. 2017 infrastructure IEEE,
3. Injection of graphene for amplification
4. Graphenated population ready for deployment to 15 minute cities to control the world's population
Since a blood transfusion and dental work I have been symptomatic, as if I had elected to take the C-19 vaccine, which I did not.
Myocarditis/Takotsubo event, brain fog, so many of the post vaccine symptoms. When I take Ivermectin, my head clears and my ekg's improve. Days later I am back to fragmented ekg's and brain fog.
I did not get the vaccine, but due to whole blood infusion I am suffering as if I had. I believe that I am going to have to take Ivermectin for the rest of my life. The damn symptoms just keep returning.
It was bad enough envisioning the synthetic spike protein continuously multiplying internally. Now this?
Sorry to hear that. Keep strong at least you have access to the Iver for now.
There will be people finding cures and solutions for these things. Even if accidentally.
And you can pray! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Say - God/Jesus if you're real please help me. Please heal me. I need your intervention. I can't do this on my own.
Do Some of the "Vaccinated" Have BLUETOOTH MAC Addresses? ■ Microscope/biosensors to Microsoft/DNA programming and bankers/investors this video addresses the intent; inoculation/not for immunity. M
What's Plasmid DNA? ■ Why's the Cabal Putting it in Food, Water, Air & Vaccines?! Dr. Ardis Interview
14:00 Plasmids
18:00 Bacteria Conjugation
24:00 NIH list three DNA all identical to snake venom
29:00 Clots caused by venom/s
36:00 Plasmid created with venoms to continuously reproduce in body
37:00 12 natural ways to destroy Plasmids
43:00 5G causes diseases and why they had to be put up during pandemic
44:00 Blue light in devices edits genes, how to turn off Blue light, 5G contact service to cut off from routers
46:00 Infertility and miscarriage, test and remedies
47:00 Grapefruit and tomato block Marburg and Ebola
54:00 They are Luciferians
56:00 Prescription deficiency
And this is the one our FDA approved.