Last week I looked at the bloods of an Australia couple who had been visiting Canada. Both were well and unvaccinated with respect to the Covid-19 injections. Whilst in Canada they both had cause to use tobramycin - an antibiotic eye drop.
Here are a few images and video from the blood checks. Images are all dark field from 40x - 400x magnification. The blood cells look fine. I did not find any structures in either person however both had extensive ‘bubbles’ and plasmonic nanoparticles (?Q-dots ?micro-robots) in the plasma best seen in the video below.
This video from a different patient also unvaccinated with respect to Covid-19 but has significant auto-immune disease.
The tobramycin revealed dots and the inexplicably complex chemistry that doesn’t belong but we are increasingly used to seeing and the crystals with the dots inside.
The blood appearance has changed. There are fewer ribbon structures but increasing amounts of gel and dots both in the bubbles and in the plasma. And crystals with dots.
Almost all medications I have looked at appear to have unusual characteristics. I will keep looking.
I am grateful for the financial support.
David - Please check urine and see if this tech comes out of the body. ■ Urine therapy is getting pushed for the stem cells it contains, and from foot soaks, wound, snake bites, belly button, maybe eyes, skin, and drinking internal is being recommended by Dr. Group and others. It is said that one could survive up to 6 months (I believe) with no food or water but only urine. M
I asked my Gemologist if our bodies are a living stone? ■ He thought about it and said, "I can not say the body is not a (living) stone, due to the minerals/contents it contains. M