David - Please check urine and see if this tech comes out of the body. ■ Urine therapy is getting pushed for the stem cells it contains, and from foot soaks, wound, snake bites, belly button, maybe eyes, skin, and drinking internal is being recommended by Dr. Group and others. It is said that one could survive up to 6 months (I believe) with no food or water but only urine. M

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I believe Matt Taylor confirmed he found it in urine (and menstrual blood). I don't have a specific link though. He often posts on David's website (not Substack). On a related note: when you get an EDTA intravenous chelation, the practitioner often checks the urine before an after for Heavy Metals (because that is what it is for), so the idea with EDTA is that the nano bonds with the EDTA and exits in the urine. I plan on checking mine with my microscope! Hope that is helpful.

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Free - Thank you! ■ I believe I have heard MT say that female hygiene pads contained the nano tech. M

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Would not surprise me. I do know that they are selling maxipads in England (?) that advertise Graphene strips in them, supposedly to "absorb moisture"! So that would make them a electric conductive material.

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People are going to just [n]ot buy these/corrupted items. ■ Tell them "no" and make what ever product you are able. If it is a good item, you will have a source of income, because people will want a better choice; guaranteed. M

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I asked my Gemologist if our bodies are a living stone? ■ He thought about it and said, "I can not say the body is not a (living) stone, due to the minerals/contents it contains. M

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Yes, we are living stones. The Bible teaches us that.

Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone; the Living Stone, in the Living Temple, which consists of all believers that are also living stones that love and obey Him. Every member in the body of Jesus Christ are living stones that rest upon Him, the Foundation and Chief Cornerstone of their faith.

This is what the apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:3-10:

3 [I]f indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 

5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 

6 Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture,

“Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect,

precious, and he who believes on Him will by no

means be put to shame.”

7 Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient,

“The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the chief cornerstone,”

8 and

“A stone of stumbling

And a rock of offense.”

They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.

9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 

10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.


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I AM THEY - My Feet Are on the Rock (Offical Music Video)


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yeah and this invades that temple and is for all intense and purposes calling itself god.

which to me fulfills Second Thessalonians. All this is blaspheming God and 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

That's how I see it. I don't see a third Brick and mortar temple but us we are the temple for the Holy spirit and what better way to do this and try to keep it as much a secret so people will be lost???

Most keep wanting to see a one man thing as the Antichrist, but Revelations makes it clear the beast or beasts are Govt's Powers systems etc...

The angels explanation to John telling him that it's nations multitude and tongues makes it clear we created this monstrosity. Maybe I didn't and you didn't but man as a whole did...

Take a look at my Higher Liberty Links I posted last nigh tells just how far we are in Revelations...

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The Q dots , are also used in TV display screens , they give of LED lights, which is well known to damage mitochondria, theses are the cells power plants, this can cause senescence, rapid aging, just my 2cents hypothesis

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All medications? You may not know about it but take a look in like our vitamins and this for me.

Otezla it's for my Psoriasis, and since you said the one has a bad autoimmune disease and Psoriasis is one I take that so can you look into that??

Plus but I am going to ween off of it Quetiapine. Doesn't help technology induced v2k just helps to sleep...

Thanks if you can if not that's ok too...

But yeah that one looks like a pac man... God damn demon!

Good work thanks!

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Thank you. I'm interested in what's in the lidocaine used for local anesthesia for removal of things like fish hooks, etc.

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Mr. Nixon I have a lot of dental work......mainly amalgam removal to be done. I have discussed what you & others are finding in dental anesthesia & other meds with my dentist.

He would very much like to talk to you about your findings. He is a Holistic dentist & frustrated to find a usable product for dental work. Could you respond to my comment so I can have you send me a phone number (privately) to talk to him. I have also read several articles about the use of Boron/Borax to counteract the nano. tech. have you looked into this???

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Its been suggested to me that you could centrifuge the anesthetics and draw from the top immediately after. I am going to test that next week sometime. Not sure about it nor "depuration" as per la quinta with magnets.

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David - Find a friend or neighbor that has 2019 and early medicine cabinet health aids ■ and see what you find in the sources. Thanks! M

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Good idea. I can offer my meds my son turns down that are all expired...one I recently saw from 2016. Who wants to buy a big bottle of medicine and then use it twice and spend all that money?

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Agreed ■ I use to have what ever I bought in the cabinet until I needed the space; now I have been less likely to care about manufacture dates. M

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The pac-man-like things are disturbing.

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Yeah was my thought too, Demon damn thing...

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Kirk Franklin - You Still Love Us (Live Performance) | Vevo


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I need help - have you looked at saline IV bags for nano?

I started EDTA chelations at a local clinic over the last few weeks and I think I may feel worse and my garmin smartwatch says my HRV has plumetted and is below optimal ever since I started the chelations. If eye drops, insulin, meds, and other pharma products are tainted, can you also check the saline IV bags? Thank you so much.

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Any research labs in the US that will be willing to look under a microscope at the insulin I take? I understand nanotech and/or hydrogel has been found in Lantus. I am in Atlanta. Thank you for you response.

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Email sent. Thanks.

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Hello David. I'm in Western Montana. I'm willing to take a nice road trip to bring it to someone for testing. I quit taking humira because I don't know what's in those pens. I have 8 that are full, sealed. I'd sure like to know if they poisoned me.

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email me at david@drdavidnixon.com please will sort something, hopefully

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I have 8 full, unopened humira pens for testing. I wish I could find someone near me to donate them.....

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Hi Lisa, where are you?

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Had you looked at medication prior to Covid under the microscope?

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I just watched a video explaining where our blood donations go, it said much of it is not used for blood transfusions, much of it is for profit sold to pharma companies to make ‘plasma’ which is used in medicines. If they’ve used vaccinated blood plasma from the start of the jabs then no wonder the same stuff is now in meds and in us from it.

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