Thanks Peter - I went on that site - got the results, but I didn't see how it could be sprayed by plane/ aerosol on there. Am I missing something? Are you saying they are spraying these viruses on us as well?
Thank you David. You might want to send your findings to Dane Wigington @ He probably is already aware because he lives in Shasta, California and has already had the water, the rain and the snow on Mt Shasta test for nano particulates. It would probably add 'fuel' to the fire where he's concerned.....keep up the great research you do. 👍
I'm a quite sure that Dane, as much as it pains me to say, is a plant, limited hang out. He refuses to discuss morgellons, Carnicom or anything related to the bio-engineered, synthetic lifeform found in vaccines, food, air & water.
He only talks about weather and climate engineering and also pushes the global warming nonsense.
In addition he has threatened and cut off communication with personal friends of mine, that spent thousands dollars of their own money to pay for a billboard on the 101 after they mentioned DEW starting the fires in northern CA while working at his booth at the Gem Faire.
The powers that be are fine with a small percentage of the population getting past all of the propaganda and disinformation if they can contain their belief that aluminum, barium & strontium are our biggest concerns.
I am certain Dane is that gate keeper.
Just my two cents based on years of direct interaction and communication with Dane & Geoengineering Watch.
Remember Charles Schwab hailing the scientific breakthroughs of smart dust… last year he was applauding scientist that created quantum dots that altered soil bacteria… just a heads up if you missed it
The entire project of the globalists is more than planned destruction. It is :
1) controlled demolition. (Control both the mechanisms of such and the way the controlled demolition is perceived (using psyops, legacy media a d now increasingly V2K eyc.)
2) "Build back better." This one phrase is a dead giveaway as to the Masonic influence behind the scenes.Masons see themselves as master builders.
3) Taken together.1 &2 explIn everything going on. Todd Callender refers to the "polymerization" of Homo sapiens. In fact, it is that, a stealth takeover and rebuild of all biological life.
I agree with all of that. Someone also pointed out to me recently that b-uild b-ack b-etter was demonic as it contained the numerical triple 6’s but who knows, regardless you are completely right. We the people need to start the beheadings sooner than later as our Justice system has been compromised. We need to build a independent network of patriots. I wish I knew how to organize people. Otherwise I would’ve done this already.
It is demonic, they are the “illuminated ones”. Turn to Christ to receive the seal of God 🙏🏻, repent and be cleansed of this corrupt world. Then, I’ll see you after this crap show is over in His Eternal Kingdom!
“During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them” Revelation 9, this is the iron mixing with clay
In a world filled with endless distractions, always remember to, “Keep your eyes on God and his kingdom”, keep praying, keep fasting, and keep asking for his blessings
Interesting you corrected yourself there. I also used to consider myself to be so very patriotic…until the Lord showed me it was rooted in idolatry. A form of worship. So I repented and trashed all of that kind of thing from my home. I serve the Kingdom of Heaven, God’s governance only! ☺️
I am with you in your thoughts. The signature is a giveaway just like the crystals and polymers in the chemtrails, blood plasma and urine. B-B-B is much like 6-6-6. Best Regards.
Absolutely. Also, “patriots” is not the proper wording that I wanted to use to describe the individuals who wish to organize for change under but rather “Concerned Citizens” as we are all in this fight together. Good day
Charles Schwab the brokerage firm CEO? or do you mean Klaus Schwab of WEF infamy?
i'm missing the usefulness of these photos since I'm no scientist and am not sure what I am seeing in all those shapes and the author doesnt explain in layman's terms what we are seeing.
I didn't see your post until now. I made essentially the same post you did just now. Nice to see others that are aware of Cliff and his research. Peace.
What is also alarming is there is no microscopic life in the rainwater. There should be bacteria at least.When they spray here in America and it rains afterward, the outside petals of my flowers turn brown.
We have the same issue in Switzerland. For the past 2 to 3 years, the trees look very sickly, and they’ve been bombing the shit out of us with chemtrails every single day and night for at least four years.
Chemtrail has started approx 30 years ago in US,,, it was being researched and it gives morgellon desease,,, i assume the nano/hydrogel was added later
Our skies in middle TN have been much clearer since the chemtrails have disappeared as of 7/1. At least it’s a step in the right direction…I do realize we live w existing toxicity here in various forms already but it’s a step in a better direction.
The bombing of our skies has not ceased in middle TN. We had a week reprieve and then back to the same old thing. I live here and I watch it every day.
I live in NSW Australia, our drinking water is full of chlorine and flouride. I use a distiller and add a small amount of Celtic salt to add the minerals back in.
Have you done any more testing of your samples with colloidal gold? That was dramatic. We need to find ways to degrade both the colloidal particles and the larger crystallized structures. Thank you.
I spend about 2-3 hrs a day on a cheap microscope and found Hydras in my rain gauge. We see Geoengineering about 2x per week. I have these hydras in me with filaments growing and setting up shop in me.
I note on calendar the days of chemtrail skies, not condensation trails as here on the northern and southern Downs, we don't have many commercial flights. Also what appear to be clouds zapped with some sort of frequency.
Both David and Karl have recently experimented with stimulating these samples (crystal structures etc) with different current and also Rife. More info in recent archives of both authors articles:,
us know week by week he may not always be able to respond for reasons stated above. It's an Everest task. Check previous articles, All is good, keep your spirits high, KK
For those in Australia
Google :
Dealings involving intentional release.
In the search bar type
Covid 19
Enter :
Here you can see on the official Australian government web site the complete list of active operations accros Australia.
It is what it is .
Definitely worth a look .
If your still of the mind set that the Chem trails are made by jets just flying along don't bother .
If you really wanna know what we are being sprayed with look on that site
If they didn't f%^k around with things everything would be fine. Poison upon poisons.
Thanks Peter - I went on that site - got the results, but I didn't see how it could be sprayed by plane/ aerosol on there. Am I missing something? Are you saying they are spraying these viruses on us as well?
Thank you David. You might want to send your findings to Dane Wigington @ He probably is already aware because he lives in Shasta, California and has already had the water, the rain and the snow on Mt Shasta test for nano particulates. It would probably add 'fuel' to the fire where he's concerned.....keep up the great research you do. 👍
I'm a quite sure that Dane, as much as it pains me to say, is a plant, limited hang out. He refuses to discuss morgellons, Carnicom or anything related to the bio-engineered, synthetic lifeform found in vaccines, food, air & water.
He only talks about weather and climate engineering and also pushes the global warming nonsense.
In addition he has threatened and cut off communication with personal friends of mine, that spent thousands dollars of their own money to pay for a billboard on the 101 after they mentioned DEW starting the fires in northern CA while working at his booth at the Gem Faire.
The powers that be are fine with a small percentage of the population getting past all of the propaganda and disinformation if they can contain their belief that aluminum, barium & strontium are our biggest concerns.
I am certain Dane is that gate keeper.
Just my two cents based on years of direct interaction and communication with Dane & Geoengineering Watch.
Remember Charles Schwab hailing the scientific breakthroughs of smart dust… last year he was applauding scientist that created quantum dots that altered soil bacteria… just a heads up if you missed it
Planned destruction… or at the very least attempted depopulation through disease and famine
The entire project of the globalists is more than planned destruction. It is :
1) controlled demolition. (Control both the mechanisms of such and the way the controlled demolition is perceived (using psyops, legacy media a d now increasingly V2K eyc.)
2) "Build back better." This one phrase is a dead giveaway as to the Masonic influence behind the scenes.Masons see themselves as master builders.
3) Taken together.1 &2 explIn everything going on. Todd Callender refers to the "polymerization" of Homo sapiens. In fact, it is that, a stealth takeover and rebuild of all biological life.
I agree with all of that. Someone also pointed out to me recently that b-uild b-ack b-etter was demonic as it contained the numerical triple 6’s but who knows, regardless you are completely right. We the people need to start the beheadings sooner than later as our Justice system has been compromised. We need to build a independent network of patriots. I wish I knew how to organize people. Otherwise I would’ve done this already.
It is demonic, they are the “illuminated ones”. Turn to Christ to receive the seal of God 🙏🏻, repent and be cleansed of this corrupt world. Then, I’ll see you after this crap show is over in His Eternal Kingdom!
“During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them” Revelation 9, this is the iron mixing with clay
In a world filled with endless distractions, always remember to, “Keep your eyes on God and his kingdom”, keep praying, keep fasting, and keep asking for his blessings
Interesting you corrected yourself there. I also used to consider myself to be so very patriotic…until the Lord showed me it was rooted in idolatry. A form of worship. So I repented and trashed all of that kind of thing from my home. I serve the Kingdom of Heaven, God’s governance only! ☺️
I am with you in your thoughts. The signature is a giveaway just like the crystals and polymers in the chemtrails, blood plasma and urine. B-B-B is much like 6-6-6. Best Regards.
Absolutely. Also, “patriots” is not the proper wording that I wanted to use to describe the individuals who wish to organize for change under but rather “Concerned Citizens” as we are all in this fight together. Good day
Right on. Good day to you too sir.
Charles Schwab the brokerage firm CEO? or do you mean Klaus Schwab of WEF infamy?
i'm missing the usefulness of these photos since I'm no scientist and am not sure what I am seeing in all those shapes and the author doesnt explain in layman's terms what we are seeing.
None of this stuff is natural and should not be in rain water
The fact that it is should cause you to find out why, and also "who" KK
Haha. Probably both given the last name but I was referring to Klaus Schwab, however I always called him Charles since I don’t speak German.
Didn’t Santa Klaus swab (WEF) financed the RT-PCR test? 🙂
Where do you live? Under a rock? You don't even possess a basic understanding of this issue. Why are you here trolling people?
just shared this on facebook, removed immediately!
Lol.... censorship is the first priority.. truth the first casualty and all that this guy has been looking into this for a very long time.
I didn't see your post until now. I made essentially the same post you did just now. Nice to see others that are aware of Cliff and his research. Peace.
What is also alarming is there is no microscopic life in the rainwater. There should be bacteria at least.When they spray here in America and it rains afterward, the outside petals of my flowers turn brown.
Yes. We have tested water from dams on rural properties and they have been devoid of the expected microscopic life..
We have the same issue in Switzerland. For the past 2 to 3 years, the trees look very sickly, and they’ve been bombing the shit out of us with chemtrails every single day and night for at least four years.
Chemtrail has started approx 30 years ago in US,,, it was being researched and it gives morgellon desease,,, i assume the nano/hydrogel was added later
Mmmmmmuch, much longer than 30 yrs. Patents begin in the mid to late 1800’s!
Blessings ~
Our skies in middle TN have been much clearer since the chemtrails have disappeared as of 7/1. At least it’s a step in the right direction…I do realize we live w existing toxicity here in various forms already but it’s a step in a better direction.
The bombing of our skies has not ceased in middle TN. We had a week reprieve and then back to the same old thing. I live here and I watch it every day.
Here in the Rocky Mountains, our water wells are tainted. We're drinking distilled only now. They're spraying us to death here every day.
I live in NSW Australia, our drinking water is full of chlorine and flouride. I use a distiller and add a small amount of Celtic salt to add the minerals back in.
Have you done any more testing of your samples with colloidal gold? That was dramatic. We need to find ways to degrade both the colloidal particles and the larger crystallized structures. Thank you.
Next post will be a reflection on this given new learnings and lay out some thoughts..
👍Colloidal copper as well.
Thank you Dr Nixon,we really appreciate this.Am I surprised? Not one bit,they are coming at us from all sources!
Your Best video footage since the robot arms in Pfizer!
Agree !
Yeah, I'd like to show the robot arms to friends who otherwise will not believe me. How can I find that vid? Thanks!
Also- here are Dr. Nixon’s Chip formation videos from his website-
Note that someone else added sound and text to the video, which makes it more sensationalized. It was also covered on Maria Zeee when it first came out:
Here it is! -
I spend about 2-3 hrs a day on a cheap microscope and found Hydras in my rain gauge. We see Geoengineering about 2x per week. I have these hydras in me with filaments growing and setting up shop in me.
Yeah me too. See
I note on calendar the days of chemtrail skies, not condensation trails as here on the northern and southern Downs, we don't have many commercial flights. Also what appear to be clouds zapped with some sort of frequency.
The frequency is from 5G and HAARP.
Yes, the clouds with "waves" in them. Happening all over the world.
I have worked with frequency healing for many years,
And knowing the power of fear to block us from our own inate powers.
Has any work been done on INTENTION or other frequency modes to disrupt the bots in their work?
Both David and Karl have recently experimented with stimulating these samples (crystal structures etc) with different current and also Rife. More info in recent archives of both authors articles:,
KarlC hasn't posted on amy of his platforma for two montha now. Do you know what has happened?
All is good. Just delving into way more complex features showing in the blood and writing papers on it. Demands many hours researching. KK
He would've let us know he'd be silent for like two months now
He has all along let
us know week by week he may not always be able to respond for reasons stated above. It's an Everest task. Check previous articles, All is good, keep your spirits high, KK
Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I am not optimistic about this.
Thanks a lot, very informative and as usual these days frightening...