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I was going to buy a distiller…so you think that’s not the way to go? Your way is very affordable. I also buy Fiji here and there. What about structured water via putting it in a glass container in the sun after distilling maybe? Seems everybody has a different opinion on this. Notice how you can’t buy and bottled water in anything but a plastic container..

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Distillers just boil water, so anything with a lower boiling point than water, like many chemicals or alcohol go right through it. Its super easy to test, put some liquor in the distiller and you will taste the alcohol in the water that comes out. Or use an actual TDS meter on the water that comes out but no one ever does. I dont know why people want to spend hundreds of dollars for an inferior filter rather than $30 but to each their own. Also I do not believe in structured water or santa claus or unicorns either.

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Santa's out.,

don't know about the unicorns though.....my niece has a room full of them !

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So, Bee Gee it doesn’t look like you have much of a background in chemistry. Structured water is a VERY REAL thing! Look into the work of Dr. Gerald Pollack - The Fifth Phase of Water. It’s the process of structuring that causes the water to take on a different molecular structure (often referred to as a Buckey Ball structure - now look into the work of Buckminster Fuller) than other waters. It’s the chemistry behind the science that bears out the facts. I once read that structured water is the only thing that is known that can open up n revive a cell that has already been programmed for death by NK (killer) cells that do the housekeeping while we sleep, going through the body n taking out the trash.

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Im not a chemist, but I know a little water chemistry. And which methods do you use to determine if water is 'structured'?

Can you measure it on a pH meter? A TDS Meter? An EC meter? Does it change the specific gravity of water? Does it change the salinity of water?

Does it change the density or the thermal expansion coefficient of the water? Oh... no, it doesnt do Any of those things.

Not to mention there is no verified method to 'structure' water. Does swirling a glass of water with your finger 'structure' it? If I 'structure' a glass of water with lead and chromium in it, is it now safe to drink?

Or is only 'fresh' or 'living' water, like from a river or well? If you dont remove any of the bad things like bacteria or heavy metals from the water, is it still structured?

A lot of people seem to think that the 'mouth of the Ganges', one of the most polluted rivers on earth is great structured water, but look at the gut of all the people who drink from it... absolutely laced with parasites and heavy metals. Literal cretinism is common along the river because of the water they drink being so highly contaminated it interferes with their iodine absorption.

Or if putting water in the sun 'structures' it, what would leaving it out at night do? Oh, the exact same nothing.

Or if you can talk nicely to water and 'structure' it, why cant I yell meanly at it and make it poison or even unhealthy? Why I cant I just talk nicely until all the bad chemicals are gone?

And if filtering water makes it 'unstructured', how do all these supplement companies have 'triple-purified biophotonic structured' water?

What is the exact process to make That? Oh, its fake so no one knows, but pay no attention to our Other fake-unicorn-fart ingredients and just Trust Us... Its Good!

On and on and on... Believe whatever you want but I myself believe 'structured' water is bullshit.

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We don't know how a tds meter responds to these kinds of nano materials, might be an interesting read up on. But RO is the only thing that shows to have no material in it for which consider as the same as what we want out of our body or blood.

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I have a MegaHome distiller, it’s great and makes nice pure H20. However it’s noisy, takes up a lot of space in my little English kitchen, and uses a fair bit of overpriced English electricity (30p per kWh now that it’s just gone down slightly). I like the water and can use it to make colloidal silver. Here’s the ‘but’ ….

In summer it overheats the kitchen so makes me unpopular with the wife, as said it’s noisy and expensive to run, but mostly it’s super SLOWWW. Think 6 hours to make 4 litres.

The good part is the water is only what can be vapourised, and it’s basically safe for irons, car batteries or making colloids.

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A 5 stage RO filter works and is cheap enough. This we have seen as being clean and is what I would personally advise. I feel sharper and a little better for the new RO unit I fitted.

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Thank you Karl…appreciate all your work at the microscope!

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What brand RO do you use? And with stage 5 RO filters, correct? How many filters are used at a time? And how long are the filters good for? Does it go under the sink? Your answers would be greatly appreciated. I was looking into a distiller however they only produce 4 gallons max.

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We've tried it repeatedly and only RO is what we are satisfied with. Everything else had contaminants in it

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