I apologise for any confusion.

The ribbon structures and the gel structures are real and I have been observing them for over 18 months.

The presumption has been that these structures must be in the blood. When I first saw these they appeared as much a part of the blood as the red cells.

However as the hydrogel contamination has increased another possibility has emerged - that of rapid precipitation of polymers in the hydrogel, on the slide, in response to any one of a number of factors.

I suggest evidence for this might be the close proximity of the structures and the 'bubbles' as the bubbles may provide a different environment that encourages this precipitation in some way.

I will illustrate this with my next post which I will start on now...

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The Nano tech is designed to find it's way into specific tissues, under the skin is the surveillance aspect of 4D mapping with EMF, probably enhances the emmision of the Bluetooth 2.4Ghz signal. The pH of the skin tissue is acidic, the blood is slightly alkaline.

There's more then one type of Nano tech. 20 years ago in Army, I found the fibers and plasmonic chips in the venous blood taken via vacuum tube. I remember looking at a finger prick of my blood I freaked out due to the coin stacking, then my venous blood was okish.

So the different Nano tech is probably reactive to temperature, pressure, pH ect.

So I found in the literature, bright field you don't see much. As we know under dark field you can see the flashing particles. To see the Flagellum or Flagelli, you need a electron microscope. It seems they're designed to react and move to the frequency of 0.1Hz upto 30Hz. So we all looking at polymerized paramagnetic Nano particle with attached repolymerized Flagelli/Flagellum.

Dr Nixon, yourself, Shimon, Dr Ana, Matteo, Karl C and everyone one else might find this literature interesting.


Bioinspired reorientation strategies for application in micro/nanorobotic control

"This group later reported similar structures composed of a degradable superparamagnetic polymer with comparable motion characteristics [176]. They have proved the potential of functionalized ABF microrobots for various biomedical applications, for instance, gene therapy"


Flagellated Bacterial Nanorobots for Medical Interventions in the Human Body


Bacteria-inspired nanorobots with flagellar polymorphic transformations and bundling

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In my last blood slide, I see the hydrogel bubbles scattered around normal looking RBCs but I only found one fiber. Fibers and crystals are greatly reduced from two weeks ago. I suspect the hydrogels are made from nano plastics from the environment. Me and my scope live in a very low EMF environment.

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The PEG hydrogel? the one about vaccines? the one about injectables?

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Does PEG hydrogel last 18 months in the body? Do you have any scientific proof of what you say? It is known from the scientific literature that PEG hydrogel, the one used in injectables, lasts only about 72 hours in the body. Are you trying to deceive me by saying that the structures you see under the microscope of blood from vaccinated people, after more than 1 year, are hydrogel? Its information is aimed at people with a certain intellectual level, but it cannot deceive everyone.

You should first prove with chemical analysis that it is PEG hydrogel. What you show are graphene oxide ribbons and filaments. That word that they have told him not to say, since he works for others and in this way covers up the truth.

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The bubbles are 8th dimension quasicrystals that produce what they’re instructed to via Bluetooth, check the Brain Initiative w/Dr Sylvester Gates Jr.

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I think what Dr Nixon means is that the polymers form in the blood when temperature and conditions change, so when the blood is on the slide, out of the body, they consolidate and get formed in the shapes we can see, while when the blood is in our body, at the right ph and temp, the polymers or gel or whatever substance that is, is not formed. Have a look a Ronald D. Norris for corroboration of this theory. So the raw materials are in our blood but the structure form only when blood is out of the body. That is my interpretation.

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Yes. That is what I was trying to convey. Thank you Pepe. The implication is the hydrogel is the problem.

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And how yo get rid of It in our bodies. And where does It come from, how come we have so much? Is it coming from external sources only or are we producing it from destruction of vessels as Ronald proposes? What are your thoughts Dr Nixon? To me there is also technology, the MAC are a proof in addition to the microscope images. Many thanks for your work.

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Activated charcoal does seem to help and there is evidence that sodium citrate should help and we have lots of anecdotal evidence that it does make some people feel better. In terms of where it comes from I don't think that it all comes from the endothelium although if the process described by Prof Burkhart is still ongoing then it may be a significant contributor

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Activated charcoal, besides causing constipation, can remove a lot of useful things, too. I'm sure that the current globalist attack is complex enough that short-term preventative methods and remedies have been calculated into it. I tried discussing potential problems with sodium citrate in an objective manner before, but Karl thought I was attacking him, which I was not in the least:


The article was simply an invitation for a civilized exchange of ideas.

As RBCs are wrecked, chances are, the core tech is embedded in the bone marrow. The spleen attempts to remove damaged cells, but cannot without killing the person, so the result is anemia.

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Probably from medications, food, water, cosmetics, supplements, air.

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Hydrogels certainly pose a problem. Destroying the one(s) in use before the nanotech protected by it hooks up to the body is logical, but can it be done? I know that it dissipates over 174F, but that's a bit too much for the body. Also, hydrogels are in a lot of things; even stuff that doesn't necessarily have significant amounts of nanoparticles in it.

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"when the blood is in our body, at the right ph and temp, the polymers or gel or whatever substance that is, is not formed"

Then why bother with creating this nanotech and introducing into our bofies, if it does nothing inside? Perhaps it is waiting for a trigger signnal via telecom network, for example?

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Who are you quoting there? Not me that's for sure although is that your attempt to paraphrase what I said?

I am sure that the tech is designed to go to the parts of the body where they intend it to and it would appear to be carried there by the blood. When it gets to the brain, say, it may well encounter different conditions encouraging further development

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Dave, if you follow the thread line up, I am quoting from https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/live-blood-checks-part-2/comment/47831054 (Pepe L. Jan 21 Liked by David Nixon)

I question Pepe L because he sounds illogical.

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Would same apply to a corpse? Like the rubbery white blood clots, once removed, have been shown to continue growing in formol I think.

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Nobody can do everything, and the field to be explored is formidably huge. David's observations are most welcome, but they also need to contribute to a final paradigm that at least has some explanatory power for human health and illness in relation to the current nanotech/radiation poisoning.

Reverse-engineering the microwave signals that seem to control the nanotech would be most welcome, which is why experiments with various types of radiation might be the next step forward.

Preventing the nanotech from hooking up to the body and operate on its bioelectricity by eliminating its protective hydrogel coating is an important possibility, but I'm not sure how far it can be pursued, considering the constant bombardment by nanoparticles.

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What about the fibers in the skin and hair follicles? Are they the same thing?

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may not be....

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Did you, or anyone else, have a chance to check how these formations react to various kinds of radiation at different frequencies?

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Hi Ray. Yr "targeting-and-controlling-individuals" article below relates to relative importrance of (assumed) AI over nanotech.. A few comments.

1. "determine what the self-assembling nanochips is doing in the human body, assuming they are there, which is not necessarily a fact".

Our microscopists seem to confirm it, w/o full knowledge yet of which nanocomponents, how and with what functions of the ultimate "internal wiring" of bodies.

2. AI is not necessarily as advanced as portrayed by mainstream, e.g. wiki outlines a primitive algebra of errors approach in leading industry, guessing at quantum computer operational maybe in 15 yrs. Unless the cabal is implementing an alt approach (e.g. one based on torsion field physics), it's still a pie in the sky. There is no official pic of a working quantum computer of a capacity req'd by AI. Instead we are shown spacious halls filled with tons of conventional computerss.

3. Deficient or no AI is not a problem for the cabal, since Humanity could be sterilised en masse by nanotech, irradiation, aerial spraying... Mass mind control tools (propaganda and info manipulation) will do, aided by prevalence of debilitating smartphone and wifi., and addition of internet of wired bodies. As in the plandemic, dissenters would face the brainwashed sheeple who would hardly join a rebellion, sooner turning into the cabal's zombie army. The Rwanda genocide was orchestrated by aerial beaming of EMF or torsion field (TF) onto one side of the conflict, enraging that group into insane killings of the other group.

4. The cabal may need precise targeting for killing/controling behaviour of dissidents, rebellion leaders etc. The rest can be steered by EMFs and TFs via on-ground antennas and satellites. USA, UK, Russia and China have been using satellites to influence elections via TF beaming; the targeting is not individual but area-wise, be it a city block or a whole country.

5. "illness, in Terrain Theory, is caused by poisoning, deficiency, or resonance, and the latter was substantiated with experiments, so the significance of frequencies cannot be over-emphasized"

Nobelist Luc Montagnier sent over email (internet, no frequencies) a bacteria DNA signal (torsion field signal) and it was sufficient to cause in the recipient the same symptoms that the same bacteria infection would cause. The experiment was replicated with other modes of torsion field signalling. So pls add this to illness cauasative factors, because the movement self-censors itself with mantra that the cabal pushes in place of science they try to conceal.

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Thank you for your insights. You are also most welcome to post your comments after the article, too; I've never banned anyone for disagreeing with me. In fact, I am eager to learn. I also greatly enjoy a civilized and constructive conversation, which is what you are offering here.

As a side not, let me mentions that, I think, I managed to publish something important today; it would urgently need a lot of attention:


In response to your observations in your comments:

#1: That much has been clear, but the exact process is what must be identified.

#2: AI is nothing like what is on the mainstream. In fact, smart trolls are using the mainstream to show the public how "stupid" AI is:


Mil-tech is usually 10-15 years ahead what is possible by what the public knows. Conjecturing, however, is possible, and it is the ONLY way to get ahead against the central AI or at least catch up with it a bit.

The AI is NOT a traditional quantum computer, but is made of nanochips. Nanochip-AI, sad as it is, was already 12 thousand times faster in 2012 than silicone. Global data collection, storage, and processing started in 2007, when Microsoft acquired Skype. Already five years ago, there were ads out in public that offered "conversations with your diseased ones," so impersonation existed years before deepfakes became the standard. By now, a central AI can, and does, store and process live information from the whole world and is running a global simulation (which is in dire need of everyone becoming absorbed into its IoT). The hour is much later than it seems. AI is mean to take full control of the system anytime soon.

A rebellion can only accelerate the progress towards 2030, unless the enablers and the enforcers bail, because they realize they won't be spared, either.

#3: the injected are already possible to control remotely:


Flooding an area with a frequency between 5.6 and 8.4Hz ensured uniform human behavior, but that technology has been around for about 60 years. It used to be the cloud cover, but these days, the electric grid and water pipes can be put to work. Home Wi-Fi, for one, is now used for replacing cell towers:


#4: The central AI is capable of tracking and targeting everyone whose body is saturated with nanoparticles (which leaves only few exceptions):


The targeting can be areal AND individual. And, of course, racial.

#5: Montagnier's experiment reminds me of the frozen-water experiments, when "nice thoughts" changed the crystal structure of ice from thousands of miles away. I personally have seen remote links working between humans in situations where it would have been impossible to fake it. Also, if I flicked a switch on the Earth that would light up a lightbulb on the Moon, the bulb would light up immediately; the signal would travel faster than the speed of light. I can't wait for a unifying paradigm at least in Physics, but physicists are still assuming the existence of 7-13 dimensions, depending on the paradigm they want to justify.

I you wrote a paragraph about Montagnier, I would be glad to include it in my article and honor your authorship.

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I also find exchanges with you civil, inforrmative and intelectually enriching.

#5: Re. Montagnier, use wording by TF expert Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak whom I trannslated here: http://www.torsionfield.eu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Permanent_contamination_of_the_Earth_by_5G_DW.pdf

Montagnier is on p. 3. You will find a bit on TFs, too.

TF physics is part of the unifying physical vacuum theory. Yes, TF particles rush at multiples of light speed. A collection of fascinating misc. works on the theme was destroyed with PiotrBein.net. Am looking for a specialist who can transfer to a new blog on Hostinger the machine files I have rescued. Lots of good stuff there,

#4: We don't have evidence of that. Mass reactions say in voting are achieved by carpet beaming from satellites. The "migrants" savagery could have been via signalling to smartphone, which Soros provided to everyone in the "migrant" mob. Some of the early "c19" symptoms (Italy, NY) could have been readily triggered with selected frequencies (and TF beams) from existing telecom systems.

#2: "AI is nothing like what is on the mainstream." -- Yes, incl. a sense that MSM exagerate. Unless you have evidence to the contrary.

"smart trolls are using the mainstream to show the public how "stupid" AI is:" -- Occasional, not any majority of MSM material.

"Mil-tech is usually 10-15 years ahead" -- if not twice that.

"Conjecturing, however, is possible, and it is the ONLY way..." -- From precautionary principle for some aspects, but as a major counter-approach it would be futile if assumed AI did not exst.

"Nanochip-AI, [...] 12 thousand times faster in 2012 than silicone." -- Way too slow for what the cabal needs in AI capability?

"conversations with your diseased ones," -- Need AI to accomplish this?

"central AI can, and does, store and process live information from the whole world and is running a global simulation" -- There are simple simulation models, used at presernt in lieu of global tests, I want to believe

"AI is mean to take full control of the system anytime soon.} -- Evidence or speculation/conjecture?

#1 and 3: no comments.

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I’ve personally seen things that come out of my body that look like chips, glitter like.

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Also other types of radiation:

- According to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak, particles of natural torsion field (TF) play major role in regulating life processes of any species. Arificial TFs accompany all EMFs, and can also be beamed separately from satellite and air, on-ground devices, via internet. Pre-selected artificial TFs can spell life and death of an individual of any species -- this was the first known application of TF to eradictae agricultural pests from airplane flying over the field in the beginning of 20th century.

- Ionising (nuclear) radiation has been allowed to rise to the point that all pre-nuclear era background radiation has increased significantly. Following Fulushima, the largest nuclear catastrophe, safe limits for ionnising emissions rose hundreds- to thousands-fold, depending on the isotope. Nearly 80 yrs of nuclear releases under the cabal cannot go to waste in xenobio nanotech deployment against useless eaters. ...

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Exactly. Now that everybody is saturated with nanoparticles from a huge number of resources, 5G and comparable technologies can turn specific people into zombie slaves after querying their DNA:


... and that's only for starters...

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Are you suggesting that what you’ve been documenting and sharing with us is that these STRUCTURES ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE BLOOD but just particles present on the slides??? Now I’m totally confused!!! 😳

You wrote:

“In my opinion these structures are not present in the blood per se but on the slide and this is a good thing.”

Is it that the slides are contaminated or dirty and this is what you believe you are seeing and claiming to be hydrogels, dots, and nano particles in blood samples???

Please clear this confusion up for me. I’d appreciate it very much.

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He is more so saying that we do not think that the more solid structures are necessarily solid objects while they are in some parts of the circulatory system unless triggered by certain events. Certainly once you expose them to light, PH changes, Remove an active immune system and controlled environment then we see these artifacts forming rather rapidly over time. It is possible that these structures form in desired parts of the body beneficial to technology based attempts. However we do notice that immediate drawing of blood shows less or no structures compared to viewing the slide after time.

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I'm seeing a mass of structures within moments of viewing my own live blood samples. They seem to appear very aggressively. They are prolific.

I hope Dr Nixon is right, that the situation within the blood stream is likely not the same as on a microscope slide. However, my fear is that within the body it may be even worse - despite an active immune system response, especially if the human climate is more acidic.

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No the slides are precleaned and I check them before I use them. Cover glass as well. Others are confirming what I have found myself. Sometimes my phone changes things and I don't see them before I send my notes. Other times I'm just plain tired and make mistakes. Sorry if I confused you.

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early on it was discovered by many microscopists, that yes, new slides were being found to be contaminated straight out of their boxes. The more expensive ones were in better condition, yet still needed to be pre-cleaned. After many miles spent looking down the barrels of their microscopes - are clearly able to distinguish any remaining residue that didn't clean off - as separate "from" the human blood sample material (in question) on the slide.

Hence the comment is telling you that this is a good result blood sample - as the features seen - were original "slide" contamination material and not what was contained in the blood.

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You don't realize the truth. They take you for fools. Please wake up. When does PEG hydrogel have the properties these fakers say it has? Any scientific proof?

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Yes rather confusing David. They are in my urine so therefore have been flushed out of my body by the kidneys. I have been observing them over time and caught a microrobot zipping up and down part of the hydrogel surface causing it to expand. Also in one blood sample a hydrogel bubble encased my rouleaux blood. After a while the definition of the blood cells disappeared and it was a pale brown colour inside the hydrogel. Another little blob got covered with a network of black stuff.

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Or they have formed from hydrogel once on the slide..

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Any scientific proof that it is PEG hydrogel?

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These polymers look quite familiar to me. They look to me like they are in my skin, scalp, fluids, environment, and in my eyes. That’s what I see and feel. It seems to me that I have been dipped in liquid plastic and silica that has hardened. I pull off samples from me that look like things in the slides. However, I am not a scientist, nor do I have any experience in a lab.

I am so grateful you are looking into this.

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But you do have a microscope?

Explain pull off and see? Thank you.

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More undeniable proof Terraforming is certainly not exclusive to Earth > that said, very fair to speculate the Terraforming of both Landscape & Life has been going on for over 2 Decades...at least since 1999 that can be proven.

Absolutely the changes witnessed, as gradual as they've seemingly been are not of imagination > Humanity & Earth have been hijacked (along with most other things) and not even being held for any ransom > will the Majority ever come to the realization the biowarfare, attack on Landscape & censorship is for all the marbles?

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I have recently gotten a dark field microscope and I’ve found the strange fiber things. I haven’t seen any the last few times I’ve looked and I’m taking ivermectin. Not sure that’s helping or not but could be. I’ve seen some live blood microscopy techs call them fibro thallus (could be spelling that wrong) which is where the body sweeps up parasite, bacterial or viral waste into these collections. Not sure these are the same things. But it’s definitely freaky to see them on the slide.

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Hello, David, an excellent post, including part 1. Thank you so much for all your great work. Very graphic and clear photographs. It's as if I'm looking at my own blood, only mine seems far worse. Your photographs are verifying what I'm also now seeing independently, firsthand.

I can confirm that I'm also seeing all the same horrific structures forming from my own blood samples, since finally receiving my microscope 7 days ago (the same bit of kit as used by yourself and Dr. Mihalcea). I hope to maybe share photos via substack soon.

At a higher magnification I'm also seeing masses of what appear to be even smaller mechanical dots - what Dr. Len Ber calls KAMS (Kinetically Active Micro Structures). Last night I added some distilled water to the microscope slide of an old dried blood sample (of 6 days ago) and was able to see that these dots became active and visible again (in darkfield) - presumably because the water re-inflated the micro dot hydrogel chemistry, providing renewed sustenance, and made it reflective to light in darkfield microscopy.

It's extremely overwhelming and daunting. I'm not sure what's worse, the 'Twilight Zone' of the dystopian New Normal Narcolepsy or the malevolent microscopic enemy self-assembling within our blood, our air, our water and our food supplies.

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This long worm like structure I've seen in many blood samples. One end like the one shown here has these finger like sharp filaments?? The other end can eject cloudy like materials into the plasma or blood pool. I view in brightfield and see solid colors of these bodies one in particular was not opaque but quite solid looking.

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What do you mean there not present in the blood per se?

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I think that most, maybe all? are formed once the blood has left the body...

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Maybe in the blood they’re nano but once out they’re micro so then you can see them. BioNTech is N for nano- biological nano technology. Outside micro technology :)

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in the blood I think they hydrogel...

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Hydrogel quasicrystals

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Hi David I hope your right! RR

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What fun!! Is incredible

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I’m looking forward to more expansive feedback too David.

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The body gets rid of disease, pathogens and of foreign "things" when it's alkaline and when it's oxygenated. Sodium citrate makes the body alkaline and drinking few drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in distilled water is powerful way to clean the blood. Have you tried that? Maybe those ribbons will disappear using 35% FGHP. Contrary to what the media tells you, 35% FGHP is a miracle cure and I have used it internally but I don't have a microscope to see before and after.

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I agree and use both treatments also MMS and colloidal silver. RR

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I saw a blue filament grow out of a sample of cheese under my microscope. At first there was just a tab but it grew to many times it's original size and all this happened in a matter of a few seconds . Has anyone else witnessed this phenomena?

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Yes I have seen filaments grow out of things quite often and the speed can even beat that of my eyesight.

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Sir! Outstanding pictures. Were it not for the fact that none of it should be in the blood I would frame one and hang it on my wall. In referenence to the structures I would say they are present in my blood from what I have seen since starting the SC. I am but a mere sufferer with no expertise just my own observations at home. Enough said! Carry on you have plenty of work to do!

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This is the most confusing statement

I’ve ever heard dr Nixon say ? Are the structures not in our blood ??

Then what have we all been witness to ?watching your months of photos & video clips .. I feel like I’m

In a twilight movie 🎥

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Dr. Nixon, Today (part 2, inside the slides), the magnification is larger than in part 1 (on the edges). Would it be why the objects are seen in part 2 images?

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