Jan 25Liked by David Nixon

God Bless you David and crew for your amazing research into this topic! You are a blessing to Humanity for exploring truth and sharing it with us all.

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Dr Nixon your last live video looks like a neutrophil engaged in phagocytosis.

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I wonder if there are people who still have 'clean' blood. Is this due to the jabs and their shedding alone, or is it also pollution, plastics in our food, chemicals in food and drinks, dirty water? Tried methylene blue but my stomach got upset. Chemicals don't go well on me.

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So, wtf they're creating artificial life in us and or Changing us into artificial lifeforms or trying to?

I pray Christ comes and soon No life no human life will be left. Just soulless puppets to be used as they will. Can you say zombie apocalypse?

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Thank you David and Karl. I've reposted this with further insights into the interaction with fields (potential, EMF and scalar) to help others under "Neurohacking 421: Force Field Generation to Repel Synthetic Biology. How to protect your body in a world full of synthetic biology, while not getting linked to an AI BCPS that controls you. The secret is the interaction of fields (transverse & non-Maxwellian)."

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It should be nanotechnologists who should study all this. But the governments are not going to allow it.

I know a nanotechnologist from the United States who, when faced with the image of an object that looked like graphene, did not know what it was. It was the first time in his life that he had seen something like that.

However, they have been researching and trying to make graphene oxide biocompatible for decades, when it never will be. In my country, leading companies in nanotechnology, the most important in Europe, have been studying graphene for some time, and how to connect it with the brain, for example Ibraim Neuroelectronic, in Barcelona. Elon Musk left millions of dollars for that study a long time ago.

Another Spanish criminal, Yuste, a prominent neuroscientist hired by Obama when he was president, deciphered the brain with graphene. It is already a fact, we have seen many conferences from him. Another Spaniard, JM Journel, with numerous published studies and patents, uses nanoouters and nanosensors based on graphene, equal to the images we see in covid vaccines.

And recently, 5 Spaniards have been awarded, of course, for their achievements in growing neurons and neuronal connections on graphene and carbon nanotubes.

I've said it before, this will be the graphene civilization. The previous one will be annihilated. In fact, they are dismantling this civilization little by little and people are not realizing it, just like the "boiled frog effect",

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Oh! Deformed erythrocytes! If the person is inoculated it is by graphene. I've been seeing it in my blood since I took graphene at the dentist in the summer of 2022, and it's still there, although less so. It's the first change I notice. I consulted the scientific literature and verified in several articles how graphene oxide produces this deformation.

As for graphene quantum dots, they are also included in the scientific literature.

Graphene and more graphene everywhere. They are criminals!

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I know you addressed it before, David. What's the size of the quantum dots, and at what magnification we are supposed to see them as separate structures. When they clump, they can create micro-size structure, but what about them alone?

Do you think there a difference in the movement of single quantum dots and structures clumped together from quantum dots?

If this were LEGO, do you think quantum dot is the most basic lego structure from which everything else is built? plus specialty legos (like heavy metals, batteries, sensors etc.) Trying to get a better overall picture in my head.

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Related to the substack - please allow me selflish self-promotion - A Hematologist Challenge https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/hematologist-challenge

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A part of the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ ? I would substitute any mention of DNA, mRNA, superbugs, pathogens etc for the words - “the protein in your body”. Apparently, quantum dots have many uses including ‘bio sensing’, they also produce damaging free radicals which promote inflammation by damaging protein.

Taking the position that there is no ‘mRNA’ in the shots, the introduction of quantum dots has at least one function: to destroy the proteins of your body. And possibly also provide evidence that you are indeed ‘marked’. Dunno. Just a thought and I’m probably catching up with what the group knows.

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Has anyone attempted to measure the size of these ‘artefacts’ being seen under the microscope? (Saving for a microscope otherwise I’d do it myself :)

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This is what my RBCs look like. Any idea what this could be?


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Absolutely stunning pictures and videos David. The neutrophil in one case appeared to be teeming with quantum dots to the point that it looked as if ready to explode. The white blood cells appear unable to destroy these particles despite corralling them effectively. Does this mean they are impervious to myeloperoxidase? I have read that GFN's can be degraded by myeloperoxidase. Is that your understanding? It seems many dilemmas still remain to be clarified.

Any idea why there were no fibers or filaments in these samples?

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Can you steer me to your posts that weigh in on recovery systems? The 'how to' of Sodium Citrate, for example? Some of us have no easy access to blood testing, but we'll know when we 'feel better'. Thank you for the valuable and prodigious research. The Lord bless you in kind.

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What's the dilution rate when looking at blood. I managed to look at my blood prior to the Vax by luck rather than judgement on the dilution. On trying recently I think I over diluted. Would you give us info so we can have a look at what's happening with ourselves please.

I've asked a few questions, so would be really good to hear back from you.

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Amazed by all your and colleagues work.

When you look at bright sky (not the sun) and do a maximum squint, this deacreases the aperture of the eye, with a great increase in depth of field. This allows cellular debris floating in the vitreous humor to become visible if near the retina. A couple months ago, I noticed similar structures to what you and your colleagues are discovering in blood and urine, especially filaments. I started 1/2 tsp of sodium citrate. A month later most of the eye objects, and all the filaments have vanished.

—George Goble

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