God Bless you David and crew for your amazing research into this topic! You are a blessing to Humanity for exploring truth and sharing it with us all.

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Dr Nixon your last live video looks like a neutrophil engaged in phagocytosis.

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I wonder if there are people who still have 'clean' blood. Is this due to the jabs and their shedding alone, or is it also pollution, plastics in our food, chemicals in food and drinks, dirty water? Tried methylene blue but my stomach got upset. Chemicals don't go well on me.

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I think that water is a main source of contamination.

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How do we clear our water?

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the last 4 months I have been buying alkaline water, from a source. If I find it I buy Fiji water. I have no community water, too far off the town, so I am on a well. Our region is not too bad, but I am sure the water is not clean. I read that nowhere in the US there is clean water anymore. I can easily distinguish mine from the city water - it smells and tastes of bleach.

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Ingrid, saw this today..no knowledge of its effectiveness, but comments are positive. Let me know. https://youtu.be/6mCdYkvmFRo?si=DyckSPuUBxLUqEwa

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i have been wondering is auditory vibration was going to be tried- had not time to look into it- i will try almost anything to get the ear ringing to stop

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this is truly strange. I took 2 drops of the methylene in the morning before breakfast and then listened to the tape. For months now I have a feeling as if I am wearing a headband. I thought it was related to the healing scabs. The first time I listened it seemed to make the tension worse, I listened 2 more times... the tension is gone. I also have not had the ringing in my right ear since I listened to it. I have immediately subscribed to that Tube channel! thank you so much for the tip

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Some are sug4gesting sodium citrate which may worth looking at.

Also try and get a live blood analysis or better still buy a microscope, so u can check your blood before and after trying treatments.

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I had a blood analysis done last spring, but they never sent me the results. I usually go by the general feeling, and I feel better. Someone also tipped me about the blood sugar jumps - eat less every meal and have a little inbetween meals. Helps, but I gained some weight LOL

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Find someone to do a live blood analysis. Or buy a microscope yourself, that way u can check what's happening blood wise. I'd ask to see the results of your lba.

Get pics if you can.

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at first I thought the video was stuck! then I started reading the comments and it is about the sound alone. I am going to do as one of the comments says - run it every day and see what it does.

I tried the methylene blue, first 5 drops after breakfast ina large glass of water, with vitamins and some herbals. No reaction. Then 10 drops, got an upset stomach. Yesterday and today I took only 1 drops in a glass of water after breakfast. That seems to work! Everyone is different, some people take 20+ drops but I am used to homeopathic numbers1

Thanks for the link Tony!

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Where did you buy M. blue from?

I want to try it too

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it is from a brand called Global Healing and I ordered it through the walmart website (about 50 bucks)

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If you did not dilute your MB in 4 to 6 ozs of water water your stomach can get upset. Dilute it properly.

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If you add half or a whole 1000mg tablet of effervescent vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to the water and wait a few minutes, the drink is then very palatable.

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I deluted 5 drops in a pint of water

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Try putting a small amount of blood from a fingerstick on a cover glass. Use a lancet device that diabetics use to measure blood sugar in the am. You hold the cover glass directly over the blood on the finger and without touching the finger bring the glass close to the top of the drop and let it jump up to the glass. Then drop the cover glass unto the slide. Do not push the glass down. I use precleaned slides but still check for anything on the slide and cover glass. This is what I was taught. Just sharing here so you get a better view of what the undiluted blood is doing.

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Yes, that is the technique I was taught too and works well.

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unfortunately I have no microscope

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The unjabbed were probably at the hospital or at the dentist or at an infusion center. The IV bags, dental anesthetics etc are contaminated. I would love for someone to analyze IV saline bags just like some ppl did with the dental anesthetics

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So, wtf they're creating artificial life in us and or Changing us into artificial lifeforms or trying to?

I pray Christ comes and soon No life no human life will be left. Just soulless puppets to be used as they will. Can you say zombie apocalypse?

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Truly this exhaustive work shows CLEARLY the insidious infiltration… 🇺🇸💔😭🌎🇺🇸💔😭 #InGodWeTrust #TruthMatters

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Thank you David and Karl. I've reposted this with further insights into the interaction with fields (potential, EMF and scalar) to help others under "Neurohacking 421: Force Field Generation to Repel Synthetic Biology. How to protect your body in a world full of synthetic biology, while not getting linked to an AI BCPS that controls you. The secret is the interaction of fields (transverse & non-Maxwellian)."

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It should be nanotechnologists who should study all this. But the governments are not going to allow it.

I know a nanotechnologist from the United States who, when faced with the image of an object that looked like graphene, did not know what it was. It was the first time in his life that he had seen something like that.

However, they have been researching and trying to make graphene oxide biocompatible for decades, when it never will be. In my country, leading companies in nanotechnology, the most important in Europe, have been studying graphene for some time, and how to connect it with the brain, for example Ibraim Neuroelectronic, in Barcelona. Elon Musk left millions of dollars for that study a long time ago.

Another Spanish criminal, Yuste, a prominent neuroscientist hired by Obama when he was president, deciphered the brain with graphene. It is already a fact, we have seen many conferences from him. Another Spaniard, JM Journel, with numerous published studies and patents, uses nanoouters and nanosensors based on graphene, equal to the images we see in covid vaccines.

And recently, 5 Spaniards have been awarded, of course, for their achievements in growing neurons and neuronal connections on graphene and carbon nanotubes.

I've said it before, this will be the graphene civilization. The previous one will be annihilated. In fact, they are dismantling this civilization little by little and people are not realizing it, just like the "boiled frog effect",

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They are using graphene hydroxide not graphene oxide. G Hydroxide is not biodegradable that's why those rubbery clots couldn't be dissolved

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Do you have any evidence that can prove that graphene hydroxide is not biodegradable?

Graphene oxide is also not biodegradable, read the scientific literature and see what is happening to people

Additionally, Raman spectroscopy that Dr. Campra performed on several brands of Pfizer vaccines showed that it was reduced graphene oxide, not hydroxide. The proof is irrefutable and unequivocal. If it had been hydroxide, Raman would have given its signal.

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I know about the work of Dr Pablo campra.

One of the world's experts in carbon, Dr Andreas Noack, talked about Dr Campra's work in a video that went viral where Dr Andreas Novack said that it's graphene hydroxide that is in the injections and not graphene oxide, he also said that GH is NOT biodegradable and that it stays in the body forever, it is the perfect poison for a mass genocide. Dr Noack is A LOT more qualified and has MORE expertise than Dr Campra. Read his biography. He is one of the world's top experts in carbon, he was mentored by Dr Harmut van kienle, the leading carbon specialist, he did extensive work when it comes to GH and GO, he had his own company and had worked with many carbon experts around the world.. He was murdered for a reason. Graphene hydroxide is in the injections and it's not biodegradable. I trust Dr Novack's expertise and work a lot more than Dr Campra. Dr Andreas Novack put his life on the line to stop the genocide and was ready to testify and to expose the lies but unfortunately he was killed but a video footage was leaked few days after his death showing existence of GH in the injections.

Watch the video here: https://rumble.com/vqrgnb-graphene-razor-blades-found-in-the-covid-vaccines-dr.-andreas-noack.html

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The term “graphene oxide” and “graphene hydroxide” are often used interchangeably to refer to the same material. Both terms refer to an oxidized form of graphene, which is a two-dimensional sheet of carbon atoms containing oxygenated groups on its surface.

Graphene hydroxide is a chemical compound that forms when water is added to graphene.

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Yes, we know everything that Dr. Novak has done for Humanity. We already saw that video in La Quinta Columna. We also saw what he said. But there is no analysis done by him, you just have to trust his word.

Dr. Campra did an analysis using micro-Raman spectroscopy. And since you know Dr. Campra, you know that this technique tells you the material you are looking at. And what he saw was reduced graphene oxide.

Realize something that is fundamental, they have been studying graphene oxide for decades, there are hundreds of studies. In none of them is graphene hydroxide named. It is logical.

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Do you know if saline IV bags are contaminated?

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Yes, two years ago I looked at them under a microscope and there was a lot of graphene present.

Maybe I'll put all the analyzes I did in my substack.

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All the injectables that we have analyzed are highly contaminated with graphene. There are many analyzed in various parts of the world. We are in a group where there are more than 34,000 people looking into the microscope, doctors, dentists, physicians, veterinarians, etc. Everyone finds the same material.

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Feb 16, 2024Edited
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I've been looking at your sunstack. You are an awake person, you know what this story is about. As I told you, we discovered all that in 2021. And in my substack I am telling the beautiful story of our research.

By the way, you say that there is censorship in substack? If on the website itself it clearly says that you can write without censorship!

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Yes, we already saw all that in 2021

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Oh! Deformed erythrocytes! If the person is inoculated it is by graphene. I've been seeing it in my blood since I took graphene at the dentist in the summer of 2022, and it's still there, although less so. It's the first change I notice. I consulted the scientific literature and verified in several articles how graphene oxide produces this deformation.

As for graphene quantum dots, they are also included in the scientific literature.

Graphene and more graphene everywhere. They are criminals!

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I know you addressed it before, David. What's the size of the quantum dots, and at what magnification we are supposed to see them as separate structures. When they clump, they can create micro-size structure, but what about them alone?

Do you think there a difference in the movement of single quantum dots and structures clumped together from quantum dots?

If this were LEGO, do you think quantum dot is the most basic lego structure from which everything else is built? plus specialty legos (like heavy metals, batteries, sensors etc.) Trying to get a better overall picture in my head.

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Related to the substack - please allow me selflish self-promotion - A Hematologist Challenge https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/hematologist-challenge

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A part of the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ ? I would substitute any mention of DNA, mRNA, superbugs, pathogens etc for the words - “the protein in your body”. Apparently, quantum dots have many uses including ‘bio sensing’, they also produce damaging free radicals which promote inflammation by damaging protein.

Taking the position that there is no ‘mRNA’ in the shots, the introduction of quantum dots has at least one function: to destroy the proteins of your body. And possibly also provide evidence that you are indeed ‘marked’. Dunno. Just a thought and I’m probably catching up with what the group knows.

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Has anyone attempted to measure the size of these ‘artefacts’ being seen under the microscope? (Saving for a microscope otherwise I’d do it myself :)

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This is what my RBCs look like. Any idea what this could be?


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Yes Red blood cells covered in quantum dots?

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The old term might have been ‘poikilocyte’?

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David, is there a way to save those RBCs or is it just about detoxing from nanotech and hoping the new RBCs will be better?

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Absolutely stunning pictures and videos David. The neutrophil in one case appeared to be teeming with quantum dots to the point that it looked as if ready to explode. The white blood cells appear unable to destroy these particles despite corralling them effectively. Does this mean they are impervious to myeloperoxidase? I have read that GFN's can be degraded by myeloperoxidase. Is that your understanding? It seems many dilemmas still remain to be clarified.

Any idea why there were no fibers or filaments in these samples?

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The neutrophils do not seem to be able to destroy them but they certainly target them. It seems to me the strategy is to reduce our intake of this contamination as best we can. Use activated charcoal and sodium citrate - still working on this in terms of how much how often etc and do things to support our immune system.

There was a filament on the edge of one of the videos. However the amount of visible liquid hydrogel and the amount of visible filaments/ribbons seem inversely related. Neither is a good situation obviously.

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David, which are the main culprits in this contamination process. Is there one ingredient we need to destroy, ie nanodots as the main issue, and then the gel. Does it seem that the rouleaux and blood co agulation, sludge etc may disappear once the first two are destroyed.

Thanks for your work.

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Hi Tony, I don't understand this technology or what I am looking at but I recognise it as a shark not a dolphin and I think it is all a problem. But we just have to manage our way round this and I am optimistic that we can figure out how to "take out the firing pin" to quote Mateo Taylor. Best wishes..

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David, have you tried potassium citrate?

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Karl has looked at sodium, potassium and magnesium citrate. Sodium appears to have different and in this situation better properties against the tech.

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David, does that mean potassium citrate doesn't work at all against nanotech or just not as well? The reason I ask is because the sodium citrate, even a small amount, made my foot swell up, and I think potassium is less likely to imbalance my electrolytes. But if it's worthless against nanotech, I won't bother trying.

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Can you steer me to your posts that weigh in on recovery systems? The 'how to' of Sodium Citrate, for example? Some of us have no easy access to blood testing, but we'll know when we 'feel better'. Thank you for the valuable and prodigious research. The Lord bless you in kind.

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What's the dilution rate when looking at blood. I managed to look at my blood prior to the Vax by luck rather than judgement on the dilution. On trying recently I think I over diluted. Would you give us info so we can have a look at what's happening with ourselves please.

I've asked a few questions, so would be really good to hear back from you.

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No dilution. Technique as per Patti above (with thanks Patti!)

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Apology, it's just come to mind, the first sample I put under the microscope undiluted (pre vax). I saw what I expected to see, lots of colour clustered together. I then realised we had always diluted it with filtered water. In doing this I was able to see the plump blood cells moving in the fluid. I would guess most of us do not have the ability magnify to your degree either.

Can you link the post with the method, I cannot see it for scrolling.

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Oh ok, I'll go back and look at that.

I always thought the cells were too clustered to look at without diluting them. I've only recently found the microscope in the loft... It's been a very long time since I carried out anything like this.

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Amazed by all your and colleagues work.

When you look at bright sky (not the sun) and do a maximum squint, this deacreases the aperture of the eye, with a great increase in depth of field. This allows cellular debris floating in the vitreous humor to become visible if near the retina. A couple months ago, I noticed similar structures to what you and your colleagues are discovering in blood and urine, especially filaments. I started 1/2 tsp of sodium citrate. A month later most of the eye objects, and all the filaments have vanished.

—George Goble

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1/2 tsp sodium citrate per week

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