I hope so, can you give me a clue as to technique? always happy to have a crack.
currently have a friend whose microscopy is par none who i asked today if i could post his pics. coming soon. also working on electric and kirlean slides for a unique view at present.
I am Diabetic for 12 years. I use Humulin long and short. I do not know if we must presume all insulin is modified? Nor am I clear on if Ivermectin would dissolve such structures. I think it would be helpful to readers who use insulin to know.
My friend, 2x jabbed, was in hospital for 2 weeks with incontrolable glucose levels and keytones, I think they are called. He had tubes into each arm and required oxygen. His Type 2 no longer regulated by tablets and has to be injected alongside tablets. This condition is one of no option but to take the insulin. I have no idea what type or types he has been given to take. So I would be interested to know as well. I forgot to add that he had/has abscess on pancreas and one tube was for antibiotics. Very poorly for quite some time.
I was diagnosed Diabetic 10 years ago during a check up by my East West doctor who retired shortly after my diagnosis. He also intuitively felt I had other problems. And I did. Kidney Stones and a pencil eraser size lesion on the Pancreatic tail. I refused biopsy and I refused surgery. Lesion remains the same. And I am treated for blood sugar imbalance arising from the Pancreatic lesion as a Type 2 using short and long insulin. My query is really rooted in logic. Logic states samples obtained from one manufacturer demonstrate self assembling nano tech seen previously in Covid vaccines tested to date. Like a house with green paint on the side facing me I infer all insulin is contaminated, the entire house is green, but I do not know this is true. Do we know all insulin is contaminated?
No we don't. However to continue your metaphor if the company that painted your house has also also done seriously dodgy painting in the past I would do whatever I could to find an other option which may be to try something other than paint.
There was a time in the not too distant past where I feared losing my medical registration because I rejected the Australian Dietary Guidelines and recommended low carb and ketogenic diets to my diabetic patients. Here is a reference:
I was reading up on this, with low carbs and resricted eating times etc. which can reverse Type 2. My friend in hospital had high keytones, using fat from liver, I believe, is the diet. The doctors in hospital were trying to get his down. Prior to being blue lighted to hospital he'd not eaten hardly due to feeling sick. I have read up on the benefits of bicarbonate of soda for keeping body alkaline which is necessary for repairs and good health.
I have no idea how many different brands exist. Peter Halliday wrote aan article recently on the hike in cost in USA compared to other countries and mentioned some manufacturers, take overs, also crystal ball predictions on much higher percentage of world being afflicted in next decades. Sounds familiar to a pandemic. So they decide to invest in insulin, not education, dietary advice, exercise, etc. I don't know much about it, apart from two types and they are different problems. I am hoping the C jabs don't manifest a surge in late onset. A neighbour, male early 60's, was pre diabetic prior to his jabs and now confirmed Type 2. Seems that if there is injury to the pancreas, then this can cause tablets to not work so well. I hope you get an answer and you remain stable. The more I read and learn, the more outraged I am. Yet trying to bring awareness, without sounding crazy, or putting fear into people which is detrimental to health and used for that purpose these past years, is very difficult. The stuff found in some dental injections also. If a brand found not to contain it, it could be tampered with from suppliers of chemicals, be bought out, or run out of business by denying loans/credit. We do not know anything for sure and should never assume anything.
I agree. I do come to all the revelations with open minded acceptance. I have no problems with Elephants and the blind. I accept the claim at face value that "some" insulin is contaminated and I accept as well there is no regulatory authority intervening to prevent it. I reflect upon my world. I was born in 1957. Our time forseen even then. And building from those actualities came the philosophy of Ellul.
In Ellul the characteristics of the technical phenomenon are Autonomy, Unity, Universality, Totalization. Technique obeys a specific rationality. The characteristics of technical progress are self-augmentation, automization, absence of limits, casual progression, a tendency toward acceleration, disparity, and ambivalence. Nevertheless, technique is lacking in one of the essential characteristics found in any organized ensemble, reaction. It is not yet able to control its errors and dysfunctions, to react on its source and modify itself. However, we may now be in the presence of the progressive elaboration of such a reactive capability. The ethical problem, that is human behavior, can only be considered in relation to this system, not in relation to some particular technical object or other. Learning how to use “rightly” or “do good” with such and such a technique does not much matter, since each technique can only be interpreted within the ensemble. If technique is a milieu and a system, the ethical problem can only be posed in terms of this global operation. Behavior and particular choices no longer have much significance. What is required is thus a global change in our habits or values, the rediscovery of either an existential ethics or a new ontology.
I researched the Novolin 70/30 ( OTC $24 /Walmart) and could not find proof of hydrogel nano tech. Search results say NO. But, that is not conclusive. I assume it would have to be looked at under the scope (as well as Regular insulin)
Durvet brand here. Have you looked at testing just some of the ingredients that are common to these injectables ? Glycerol USP (glycerine), polysorbate 20, 60, 80, propylene glycol etc.
I am an unjabbed type 1 diabetic and I can tell you it feels shit. Reading this article made me mad. And it's not 1 shot by the way. I inject myself with insulin a min of 4 times a day.
I watched a recent 'Cafe Locked Out' live segment, that you were part of. I heard you mention in the live that you had looked at a Baxter brand IV bag of saline and what you viewed didnt look typical for saline. My audio during the live would cut in and out, so i didnt really hear what your closing thoughts were on it. I was wondering if that confirms Nano Tech is in the Baxter saline bags? It's got me a bit nervous, as two weeks ago I fainted during having blood drawn at an outback clinic and when I came too it, I realised I had been hooked up to a bag of Baxter's Sodium Chloride 0.9% and fed the 1000ml.
I have been feeling weird since.. like a cool sensation beneath my skin and some cramping pain of my extremities (Arms and legs). If it was nano tech that you saw..do you think it's in all of Baxter's saline products? I noted down the batch no. And expiry of the bag that i was given...in hindsight, i should have requested to keep the empty saline bag..might of been able to get a sample from the remaining liquid in the bottom of the bag.
Is there somewhere I could have my blood analysed to see if ive been contaminated?
Is there any known safe treatments to draw this nano tech out of the body? I never took any of the C19 Jabs and was trying to be so cautious but I'm afraid it may have caught up with me now 😔
Hi David, these images are amazing. Just a thought re your previous "construction video" of the robot arms...I haven't been able to stop thinking about it and the so appropriate sound effects....it keeps replaying in my head. I felt I had seen this before.
To me, I am reminded of the Transformers...the cinematic shape-shifting automobile robots! they do the same thing as the structures do - as in your sped-up timelapse footage! I can't help but see mini transformers at work self-assembling before your eyes. and...also so mechanical in form ?
seems "they" did warn us about the "transformers" too.
I posted a question to Matt's Microscopy and he suggested asking you, Dr Nixon. Would regular blood donation help to cleanse the blood and maybe keep this stuff at bay?
So he has high ferritin from iron overload somehow
Phlebotomies are honestly not that bad occasionally to reduce Fe
High dose vit c is a way to molecularly covalently bond with Fe in blood and tissues to form beneficial ferro ascorbate which is passed in fluids
This way has also worked for me to pull Fe tissue saturation down as well
No drs are aware of this protocol or barely how covalent bonds work on the periodic table with ionic and cationic charges to form new molecular signatures
Ok so much of what happens inside the blood right now has to do with cationic +’charge ferric oxide n particles interrupting the stable/ normal zeta potential of the -charge RBCs.
I had sky high Ferritin levels recently and had to bring them down.
This is normally done via phlebotomy.
I got the Fe out with high dose vit c instead
I had the wildest things I’d ever seen happening in my own blood when the Fe was double high normal levels.
Dr young has shown just a small glimpse of what’s happening on both a cellular level and a nano level as well.
I proved pleomorphism for him via microscopy as well as the biodigital convergence of humans
I'm sorry, I don't understand your point. I had an Osteopath that recommended donating blood every 6 weeks for health purposes. Sort of modern day bloodletting. When you lose blood, you regenerate new blood. Like an oil change on your car. As far as blood donation facilities (like Red Cross etc.) I have no idea how they process, screen, or filter their donations. It seems everyones blood is possibly contaminated. So you either clean it or replace it.
I am not being altruistic here. If you are in a surgery or an accident and hemorrhaging profusely, life saving measures will include a blood transfusion. If there is none available at the blood banks, you will die. I would personally take any blood if my life at that moment depended on it. Take the good with the bad. By the way, if everybody's blood is already tainted then what does it really matter? I have no problem donating blood.
Yep! Zero waiting period for the covid jab, unlike for MMR, varicella, and others. And what about that required 12 month waiting period for donating blood after getting an experimental vaccine? Anyone but me smell a big, festering rat?
I have much much more detailed images of circuits and nematic assembly but dr Anna banned me from commenting for 100 years 🥳
There’s sooooooo much they are missing with their microscopy findings via techniques.
The orthogonal structures that you see here forming in the insulin also
Form in human fluids..period….I’ve seen these for over a year now.
The lines you see that form the chip looking orthogonal structures are a type of colloidal photonic crystalography that happens.
They take roughly 12 hours to form on the 🛝 slide.
They are composed of nano lithographic wires that come together via nematic nano assembly processes at a nano and molecular level one nano particle at a time.
Then HG coats the perimeter of the Orthogonal structures.
It’s photonic colloidal nano crystals for data transfer/ reception/storage
Also the nano ribbons in the blood they show don’t come out of the body at the size they grow to
Be on the slide.
They too grow on the slide 🛝 over a brief period of time .
There’s way more for these guys to find .
I’ve been way ahead of them.
I can make all these orthogonal structures your seeing in the insulin grow in bodily fluid samples taken from Nixon or Anna
I would label photo's no 6 and 7 as beautiful works of modern art if only they didn't represent something so nefarious.
Greatly appreciate the shout out. Thanks.
You have no clue how intense and astounding the digital art is that this tech makes under the right slide mounts.
I’m sure it’ll come out somewhere eventually
I hope so, can you give me a clue as to technique? always happy to have a crack.
currently have a friend whose microscopy is par none who i asked today if i could post his pics. coming soon. also working on electric and kirlean slides for a unique view at present.
excellent! Will have to get some drug company sponsorship for prizes for our photography competition
I am Diabetic for 12 years. I use Humulin long and short. I do not know if we must presume all insulin is modified? Nor am I clear on if Ivermectin would dissolve such structures. I think it would be helpful to readers who use insulin to know.
My friend, 2x jabbed, was in hospital for 2 weeks with incontrolable glucose levels and keytones, I think they are called. He had tubes into each arm and required oxygen. His Type 2 no longer regulated by tablets and has to be injected alongside tablets. This condition is one of no option but to take the insulin. I have no idea what type or types he has been given to take. So I would be interested to know as well. I forgot to add that he had/has abscess on pancreas and one tube was for antibiotics. Very poorly for quite some time.
I was diagnosed Diabetic 10 years ago during a check up by my East West doctor who retired shortly after my diagnosis. He also intuitively felt I had other problems. And I did. Kidney Stones and a pencil eraser size lesion on the Pancreatic tail. I refused biopsy and I refused surgery. Lesion remains the same. And I am treated for blood sugar imbalance arising from the Pancreatic lesion as a Type 2 using short and long insulin. My query is really rooted in logic. Logic states samples obtained from one manufacturer demonstrate self assembling nano tech seen previously in Covid vaccines tested to date. Like a house with green paint on the side facing me I infer all insulin is contaminated, the entire house is green, but I do not know this is true. Do we know all insulin is contaminated?
No we don't. However to continue your metaphor if the company that painted your house has also also done seriously dodgy painting in the past I would do whatever I could to find an other option which may be to try something other than paint.
There was a time in the not too distant past where I feared losing my medical registration because I rejected the Australian Dietary Guidelines and recommended low carb and ketogenic diets to my diabetic patients. Here is a reference:
I was reading up on this, with low carbs and resricted eating times etc. which can reverse Type 2. My friend in hospital had high keytones, using fat from liver, I believe, is the diet. The doctors in hospital were trying to get his down. Prior to being blue lighted to hospital he'd not eaten hardly due to feeling sick. I have read up on the benefits of bicarbonate of soda for keeping body alkaline which is necessary for repairs and good health.
Don’t let this deter you from taking insulin.
Don’t think negative thoughts about the insulin.
These assemblies happen in all humans either way.
They just don’t know yet
I am interested in survival so insulin is important.
So keep taking it.
Don’t fear.
And stay positive.
These structures form in snow as well.
Don’t let this scare you.
I have no idea how many different brands exist. Peter Halliday wrote aan article recently on the hike in cost in USA compared to other countries and mentioned some manufacturers, take overs, also crystal ball predictions on much higher percentage of world being afflicted in next decades. Sounds familiar to a pandemic. So they decide to invest in insulin, not education, dietary advice, exercise, etc. I don't know much about it, apart from two types and they are different problems. I am hoping the C jabs don't manifest a surge in late onset. A neighbour, male early 60's, was pre diabetic prior to his jabs and now confirmed Type 2. Seems that if there is injury to the pancreas, then this can cause tablets to not work so well. I hope you get an answer and you remain stable. The more I read and learn, the more outraged I am. Yet trying to bring awareness, without sounding crazy, or putting fear into people which is detrimental to health and used for that purpose these past years, is very difficult. The stuff found in some dental injections also. If a brand found not to contain it, it could be tampered with from suppliers of chemicals, be bought out, or run out of business by denying loans/credit. We do not know anything for sure and should never assume anything.
I agree. I do come to all the revelations with open minded acceptance. I have no problems with Elephants and the blind. I accept the claim at face value that "some" insulin is contaminated and I accept as well there is no regulatory authority intervening to prevent it. I reflect upon my world. I was born in 1957. Our time forseen even then. And building from those actualities came the philosophy of Ellul.
In Ellul the characteristics of the technical phenomenon are Autonomy, Unity, Universality, Totalization. Technique obeys a specific rationality. The characteristics of technical progress are self-augmentation, automization, absence of limits, casual progression, a tendency toward acceleration, disparity, and ambivalence. Nevertheless, technique is lacking in one of the essential characteristics found in any organized ensemble, reaction. It is not yet able to control its errors and dysfunctions, to react on its source and modify itself. However, we may now be in the presence of the progressive elaboration of such a reactive capability. The ethical problem, that is human behavior, can only be considered in relation to this system, not in relation to some particular technical object or other. Learning how to use “rightly” or “do good” with such and such a technique does not much matter, since each technique can only be interpreted within the ensemble. If technique is a milieu and a system, the ethical problem can only be posed in terms of this global operation. Behavior and particular choices no longer have much significance. What is required is thus a global change in our habits or values, the rediscovery of either an existential ethics or a new ontology.
I will read the link with a refreshed mind tomorrow!
according Dr Henry Ealy (The Energetic Healing Institute) diabetics were a specific target group especially in regards to the Spike Glycoprotein.
I researched the Novolin 70/30 ( OTC $24 /Walmart) and could not find proof of hydrogel nano tech. Search results say NO. But, that is not conclusive. I assume it would have to be looked at under the scope (as well as Regular insulin)
And unfortunately i believe now that we will need to culture any samples as well to be sure. A big ask.
I’ve found nano tech in liquid IVM
It’s nano luc/ luciferase spheres that illuminate/ blink on and off indefinitely
OH yhit. Well, that's one way to ensure "anti-vaxxers" get roped into the program.
As in Ivermectin ?
I’ve taken it too before I saw the damn nano disco 💃 lights under the microscope
Aspen brand liquid 1% for livestock
Durvet brand here. Have you looked at testing just some of the ingredients that are common to these injectables ? Glycerol USP (glycerine), polysorbate 20, 60, 80, propylene glycol etc.
i came across your publications by " accident".
i am spreading it as much as i can. France, Netherlands NwZealand
I wonder how the unjabbed people are feeling after getting their insulin shot. It can't be as bad as THE shot by the 4 main manufacturers.
I am an unjabbed type 1 diabetic and I can tell you it feels shit. Reading this article made me mad. And it's not 1 shot by the way. I inject myself with insulin a min of 4 times a day.
Did you try out any of the treatments Dr. Nixon and Dr. Ana recommended?
How do I set an appointment for IV EDTA/Vitamin C blood cleansing?
Find a doctor in your area who will discuss this with you.
Dr Ana Maria is in my area. Thank you.
Which salt was NOT unusual?
Baja organic salt from Mexico
I use Ancient lakes salt from WA, lake Deborah
Have you looked at saline iv bags and found nano tech?
Not yet. I have some to look at. I expect to find 2 sorts of salt crystals as per my previous article on salt and will try and revisit this soon
Hi David.
I watched a recent 'Cafe Locked Out' live segment, that you were part of. I heard you mention in the live that you had looked at a Baxter brand IV bag of saline and what you viewed didnt look typical for saline. My audio during the live would cut in and out, so i didnt really hear what your closing thoughts were on it. I was wondering if that confirms Nano Tech is in the Baxter saline bags? It's got me a bit nervous, as two weeks ago I fainted during having blood drawn at an outback clinic and when I came too it, I realised I had been hooked up to a bag of Baxter's Sodium Chloride 0.9% and fed the 1000ml.
I have been feeling weird since.. like a cool sensation beneath my skin and some cramping pain of my extremities (Arms and legs). If it was nano tech that you saw..do you think it's in all of Baxter's saline products? I noted down the batch no. And expiry of the bag that i was given...in hindsight, i should have requested to keep the empty saline bag..might of been able to get a sample from the remaining liquid in the bottom of the bag.
Is there somewhere I could have my blood analysed to see if ive been contaminated?
Is there any known safe treatments to draw this nano tech out of the body? I never took any of the C19 Jabs and was trying to be so cautious but I'm afraid it may have caught up with me now 😔
Hi David, these images are amazing. Just a thought re your previous "construction video" of the robot arms...I haven't been able to stop thinking about it and the so appropriate sound effects....it keeps replaying in my head. I felt I had seen this before.
To me, I am reminded of the Transformers...the cinematic shape-shifting automobile robots! they do the same thing as the structures do - as in your sped-up timelapse footage! I can't help but see mini transformers at work self-assembling before your eyes. and...also so mechanical in form ?
seems "they" did warn us about the "transformers" too.
Gosh.. hadn't thought of them..
I posted a question to Matt's Microscopy and he suggested asking you, Dr Nixon. Would regular blood donation help to cleanse the blood and maybe keep this stuff at bay?
I have read through this thread.
The question is: Is removing blood from the body therapeutic? (irrespective of whether it is donated or disposed of)
The answer is probably not I suspect.
Yes it
Most definitely is for certain people including myself .
I have hemochromatosis.
This is an iron overload disease that requires phlebotomy to drop ferritin levels.
I have other methods to take ferritin out of the blood and tissues
My brother has the same issue. That is why I asked the question. He was given an order from Dr for monthly blood donation (instead of 6 weeks).
So he has high ferritin from iron overload somehow
Phlebotomies are honestly not that bad occasionally to reduce Fe
High dose vit c is a way to molecularly covalently bond with Fe in blood and tissues to form beneficial ferro ascorbate which is passed in fluids
This way has also worked for me to pull Fe tissue saturation down as well
No drs are aware of this protocol or barely how covalent bonds work on the periodic table with ionic and cationic charges to form new molecular signatures
Oral vitamin C ? Dosages?
I did 10000 or 10k mg per day or sodium ascorbate orally while monitoring my Fe levels until they where at normal ranges
Ok so much of what happens inside the blood right now has to do with cationic +’charge ferric oxide n particles interrupting the stable/ normal zeta potential of the -charge RBCs.
I had sky high Ferritin levels recently and had to bring them down.
This is normally done via phlebotomy.
I got the Fe out with high dose vit c instead
I had the wildest things I’d ever seen happening in my own blood when the Fe was double high normal levels.
Dr young has shown just a small glimpse of what’s happening on both a cellular level and a nano level as well.
I proved pleomorphism for him via microscopy as well as the biodigital convergence of humans
Hi Shianne ... good point ... I elaborated on this concept here ...
No way the blood supply is safe ... especially now that it's full of nano crap!
~~ J. Lee
"Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books, but lives in our very blood."
~~ Carl Jung
I'm sorry, I don't understand your point. I had an Osteopath that recommended donating blood every 6 weeks for health purposes. Sort of modern day bloodletting. When you lose blood, you regenerate new blood. Like an oil change on your car. As far as blood donation facilities (like Red Cross etc.) I have no idea how they process, screen, or filter their donations. It seems everyones blood is possibly contaminated. So you either clean it or replace it.
Blood is 70% of the cells in your body or 30 trillion RBCs
200 billion new RBCs are regenerated each day You regenerate your blood cells in your system every 120 days
This suggestion has merit to it to clear heavy metals and toxins of all sorts
I am not being altruistic here. If you are in a surgery or an accident and hemorrhaging profusely, life saving measures will include a blood transfusion. If there is none available at the blood banks, you will die. I would personally take any blood if my life at that moment depended on it. Take the good with the bad. By the way, if everybody's blood is already tainted then what does it really matter? I have no problem donating blood.
It says clearly at donation centers that you can have your boost appt the same day that you donate blood
Now that's scary. Donate before or after boost?
Yep! Zero waiting period for the covid jab, unlike for MMR, varicella, and others. And what about that required 12 month waiting period for donating blood after getting an experimental vaccine? Anyone but me smell a big, festering rat?
My wife has to take Humulin I and Tresiba. Tresiba is long acting insulin. Is Tresiba affected as well? What is the alternative?
Give me some time to look over your thread.
I have no peers when it comes to this technique.
My friend made the sops for slide
Mounting in histology and pathology labs across us
He says what I do
there’s nothing like it known
It’s a digital art canvas for the nano tech but much more also
Look at dr young’s rumble microscopy
Videos in the past month
I’m not happy about it but That’s my work and it had to
Be shared
He’s not showing the really rad shit yet though
You might be interested in my article, I have a new take blood and lung physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
RBCs are sponges that transport salt plus water around the body.
The red light monitoring is watching blood cell hydration not oxygenation
Dark RBCs are dehydrated
Light RBCs are hydrated
The lungs load RBCs with salt water
The saline drip loads RBCs with salt water
Oxygen is toxic to lungs, damages and can cause death
Carbon dioxide is also fraud, salt turns lime water cloudy
Salt is added to the breath by the respiratory mucosa
Winter brings cold and flu season because cold air holds the least moisture
The lungs are stressed with dry air and low atmospheric pressure - mountaineers supplementing with oxygen are adding to their lung stress
Air is measured by its moisture/humidity
Oxygen is measured by its dryness or parts per million of water contamination
Oxygen and nitrogen were invented as solutions to the alchemists metallurgy problems.
My article
We breathe air not oxygen
And the second article features Peter & Pete and their demonstration of oxygen and nitrogen as products of air not constitutes of air.
THEY (evil ones) never expected scrutiny as our schooled daze programmed responses have protected their frauds so well - till NOW
Thank Jane, I look forward to discussing this further soon.
Please email me your number again...
I have much much more detailed images of circuits and nematic assembly but dr Anna banned me from commenting for 100 years 🥳
There’s sooooooo much they are missing with their microscopy findings via techniques.
The orthogonal structures that you see here forming in the insulin also
Form in human fluids..period….I’ve seen these for over a year now.
The lines you see that form the chip looking orthogonal structures are a type of colloidal photonic crystalography that happens.
They take roughly 12 hours to form on the 🛝 slide.
They are composed of nano lithographic wires that come together via nematic nano assembly processes at a nano and molecular level one nano particle at a time.
Then HG coats the perimeter of the Orthogonal structures.
It’s photonic colloidal nano crystals for data transfer/ reception/storage
Also the nano ribbons in the blood they show don’t come out of the body at the size they grow to
Be on the slide.
They too grow on the slide 🛝 over a brief period of time .
There’s way more for these guys to find .
I’ve been way ahead of them.
I can make all these orthogonal structures your seeing in the insulin grow in bodily fluid samples taken from Nixon or Anna
But much more detailed
Post the photos so we can all see please.
It’s too disruptive
Much more precise and undeniable circuitry
Hi Neo, email them then to me please as I am keen to learn nixonlab@proton.me