To be honest it's very hard to find an EMF free spot. Soon I'll participate in a bunker tour and I'm excited to see how this low EMF environment affects my current symptoms.

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EMF = radiation. It is a weapon. We are going to need to reclaim this in order to reclaim a healthy environment. Peacefully of course...

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But I don't need to spell that out to you.....;-)

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Is that spelled “PieceFully” loaded? 😉

I’ve been told towers make good targets 😁

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Our bodies are electronic holograms projected by our minds, and all sensations are experienced by the mind. Disease of the body is unease of the mind -- grief, fear or anger.

To heal the body, release the grief, fear or anger. Releasing these raises the vibrational frequency of your soul to a point where nothing in the 3rd density can touch you.

"Letting go of the ego" - Simple instructions


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"They are throwing all kinds of things … but the people who are ignoring the frequency connection with the shit that they are putting in the body are doing that deliberately…”" ■ Amen, Amen!

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When I am out harvesting under trees (plums apples walnuts figs persimmons for example) I feel best.

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I ask you to please watch my own video of this technology in my body since taking the mRNA bioweapon. You can see these microchips in many of the slides of my blood analyses and interstitial fluid analysis: https://rumble.com/v3h84sc-vaxx-injury-nanotubes-parasites-and-solutions.html

I am now a walking antenna and am constantly being electrocuted when I drive by cell towers. These devices activate at .05 Hz – very very low frequency. The teslapheresis activates from the hydrogel with UV and LED light (stated in the video below from U of Nebraska). This is outrageous how the people below knows it will not work well in the human body (see below Rand Corporation), and they are doing it anyway. Sirs, we need criminal chargers and regulations to stop the experiment and murder of your constituents.

Here are some of the engineers discussing the technology:

First, here’s the initiative for the Wide Body Area Network (WBAN) that will replace all devices to create the Internet of Bodies with nano semiconductors that self-assemble into a neural link. The reason I am receiving electrocution is due to having a full semiconductor system in my central nervous system. Perhaps it is due to the microwaves used over Paradise, CA in the Campfire as the original cause.

President Obama, NIH Director, and DARPA director on the emergence of the BRAIN initiative in their own words: https://rumble.com/v2d7chi-march-15-2023.html

These engineers state their research is funded by NIH:

Ilan F Akyildiz – covers the science behind Molecular Communication Technology, using pulse and terahertz frequency, in which the electromagnetic frequencies of terahertz are the same energy the human body’s cells communicate, is a protein complex that transforms a message into microtubal (nano graphen and gold) and then communicates with a nano transceiver as the antenna and is possible through pulse based Thz. (The "frequency" is the number of electrical signal vibrations that are repeated per unit of time, and "Hz (hertz)" is a unit that indicates the number of vibrations per second. The (square) waves of electrical signals that occur in such a short period of time and have a certain width are called "pulses" or "pulse signals." Source: Keyence).

Molecular tech encapsules DNA to encode, transmit, propagate, receive, decode. Using bacteria (ecoli) mixed with nanotubes or microtube will pokacryotic cells to communicate with the nano motor (carbontubes). Plasmid interacts with bioengineered DNA and merge/bind and create enzyme processing and encoded in molecules. Pheramones – (a chemical substance that is produced by an animal and serves especially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same species for one or more behavioral responses called also ectohormone. Secreted through fluids - urine), bind to the receptors and can complete long range communication to the intended receiver. Pheramones are released through liquids of gases. Different pheromones create different reactions. (“When a pheromone is detected by the recipient, it's believed to send a signal to the brain that can influence mood, reproduction, sexual functioning, and more. The body essentially uses this information to make sense of its environment and respond appropriately: "Pheromones play a role in the survival and evolution of the body," Chavez explains. Sweat, urine, saliva, intimate contact.” Source: Mindbodygreen.com.)

Moleculary Communication – biosensors, biometrics, Internet of Things, Everything X

Hardware I: Kinetic noise creates particle binding. "Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks" , 5G, Intra-body Nano Network, LED Street Lights, Internet Of Bodies, Internet Of Nano-Things.... - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA) (rumble.com) another good source IEEE Infocom.

Software II: Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University

Internet Of Bio-Nanothings - In-Body Bionanosensor Communications Networks - Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University (rumble.com)

U of Nebraska – engineer shares the hydrogel, ferrous iron, .05 Hz activates and the problem is it causes cancer sent and that one time delivery in the covid kits https://rumble.com/v321voc-july-24-2023.html

Rice University semiconductors from graphene oxide Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces ‘Teslaphoresis’ | Rice News | News and Media Relations | Rice University

Video: Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces ‘Teslaphoresis’ | Rice News | News and Media Relations | Rice University

• Because some humans have the nano communication systems installed, the new digital “internet of beings” will be linked to everything. “Software will start causing harm to the human body” in this video. And Internet of Beings – connecting plants, species ad everything to the molecular communication system as explained by the Rand Corporation here. Tidbits of the transcript are as follows:


IoB devices could revolutionize health care. Unprecedented amounts of personal health data could inform treatment plans that are completely tailored to a patient's needs.

Mary Lee

There are pills now that have an electronic sensor that let a health care provider know whether you have taken the medication. Other things, like precision medicine, so precision medicine is the idea of creating pharmaceuticals or treatment specifically for your body, for your personalized treatment. And I think IoB could really help with that because nowadays a lot of health care is based more on average reactions, whereas with data from IoB devices, you might be able to really more precisely treat a certain disease.


But the Internet of Bodies won't be a cure-all. In fact, the largely unregulated market poses risks to the uniquely sensitive data these devices collect.

Mary Lee

First of all, there's the cyber risk of an actor potentially hacking into the system, whatever it might be. There's the privacy risk of all this data that's being collected, and the regulations about that data are really murky at the moment. And so there's not a lot of clarity into who owns the data, what happens to it, who it gets sold to, how it's being used. And there's even potentially national security and global security risks.

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Harvesting pearls ■ some farmers will cage the fish/shell fish and when the cage is in the waters a sail can be above so that the nectar is evenly developed around the seed/irritant. If needing to identify a salt water from a fresh water pearl, a mother of pearl/stone can be the irritant, whereas, a plastic piece or shape can be for freshwater. There is one water area in China, that the pearls develop as stick pearls. As for the puffy ring potato pearls, a small metal slither can be the seed that over the growth seasons the result in different banding. Corn flake like pearls are the result of the fish 'spitting out' the seeded irritate. One shell fish can be farmed for many pearls. ■ With all the 'tossing going on', beware of what type of [s]haping is being encourage, that even applies to our mind. M

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John Lukach has just posted an article entitled "Now do you believe me?" - http://estateartistry.com/blog/now-do-you-believe-me in which he explains clearly what he believes is going on based on his extensive research incl, of these documents

"A Systematic Review of Bio-Cyber Interface Technologies and Security Issues for Internet of Bio-Nano Things" and "Effect of Corona Virus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks".

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I have copies of both if you have trouble downloading. I notice you sometimes share Lukach's work but DO YOU ACTUALLY READ IT? Because if you did we would not need endless discussions between Matt and BPH obsessing over MACs.

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So the bottom line is we have to get rid of our phones and we’re not able to do that. We’re too connected to them.

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OK need to brain storm this. 1. get land line if possible. Ethernet the house with plenty of ports or wires on floor. Explore pager. Transition with phone in faraday bag "for emergencies only" Advise significant others that you are doing this. Arrange to have ready access to wired in ipads where possible. remember when you are holding your phone you become the antennae.

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Unfortunately my husband and I are in an apartment. We don’t like it but that’s what are situation is at the moment.

It I appreciate all the work you have done and are doing.

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We know all that. You realize we can be hacked all the same?

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We need to get rid of our fears. Pain is the manifestation of fear. Disorder of the gut is the manifestation of grief. Disease is the manifestation of unease in the mind and is experienced by the mind, not the body.

Simple instructions, free; you don't need to go anywhere to let go of negative feelings.


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If it has any scientific validity, whenever I go outside the city EMF range (I can measure this using a broadband RF detector), I can clearly feel a huge relief. The tingling or buzzing sensation in the body stops and homeostasis is regained. Anyone can try this. Excellent work, David & Matt!

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5/6/7/8/9/10G & DeathVaxx

Twins Of Evil

I know it's out there but I also believe the junk in the jabs is also creating an interface that allows evil Inter-dimensionals/entities to inhabit us & maybe even take us over if used with other tech & it doesn't seem like tech any human could think up & execute

Why are they creating another monster Hadron collider?? Scientists say these things may be Portals to allow something to enter, something that can't inhabit pure flesh so its told these loons how to build mechanical/ Silicon structures inside us for the entities to escape the abyss (other dimensions that are their prison)

This is a spiritual war as well, Nazi's had worked how & were collaborating with some evil energies which is why they were scooped up by the USA Military

Industrial Scientific Matrix by Project Paperclip.

Oppenheimer was said to have channelled knowledge to assemble the bomb & was given the rest of the info by Nazi Scientists.

There's been hardly any push back against all the 5G towers they threw up during the Lockdowns - they were desperate to instal as many as they could & disguised loads as trees so less ppl found out!! Hiding their evil. They also only put the planning approval up the day or evening before they instal the towers so the residents can't object in time - so sneaky & now we may have found out why.

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For those who want to read more on this topic: https://phys.org/news/2021-10-tuning-chemical-reactions.html

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Oct 24, 2023
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yes and we need to discuss this in ways that don't put the hypothalamus into hyperdrive...

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Well said. This article will interest you - http://estateartistry.com/blog/now-do-you-believe-me

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Thank you! Great article and HORRIFYING

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