See this optic fiber under a microscope, it is a crystal!:


And these fibers under polarized light micrography by Karl C. Themanagainstthemicrobe.substack:


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The chicken or the egg? What appears in the vials at first, the ribbons/fibers or the crystals?

Swarms of quantum dots could be observed while « orderly » moving toward/constructing a crystal structure in recent live blood video from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea.

Dr. Nixon has filmed the movement of lipid bubbles inside a narrow « tube » and the nanobots’ construction, BTW both quite impressive!

Some pictures are showing a fiber connected to a crystal with quantum dots in a row and lit. Is there a live video showing the quantum dots moving inside the (optic) fibers or exiting in a crystal through their characteristic three split ends?

The fibers, through lateral protruding smaller fibers, seem to act as docking stations delivering quantum dots into the crystals or activating them. Has this been filmed real time?

From How Does the Body Make Electricity — and How Does It Use It?



Stark field : https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.00345

Quantum dots need electrical uniformity.


What could disrupt their mechanism and preventing them from using human power/lipid/blood sources?

Using a new kind of zapping? :)


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Dr. Nixon, I'm a former medic, and Gov wonk. But I do art on the side... and looking at your incredible photos / videos? They are beautifully terrifying, or terrifyingly beautiful.

Were I you? I'd get ultra high Def shots for D/L at say .99c each or some such on site, keep the regular photos going per norm for the intel.

Art reaches people sometimes where reason does not, yes? Might imhoo help reality of what we now have in our bodies, reach wider shores.

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is Malone involved in the theat against Karen Kingston who has disappeared ?

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she was back on line yesterday

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Dr. Nixon, merch. available for AU residents only?

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Doh.. thought I had sorted that.. will get on to it

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Humidity sensors

Hello GO

Humidity-Sensitive Materials

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The humidity sensitive material, which serves as the core of the humidity sensor, has a sensitive signal to water molecules, influencing the conductivity. Hydrogen bonds, (14) intramolecular contacts, (15) electrostatic interactions, (16) hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions, (17) chemical bonding, (18) etc. are some types of these interactions. These mechanisms have led to the development of numerous humidity-sensitive materials that can be integrated with stretchable polymeric substrates and a wide range of conductive materials including carbon-based materials, intrinsically conductive polymers, and others, to create wearable humidity sensors. Numerous researchers have also concentrated on the alteration and improvement of humidity-sensitive materials to obtain the maximum effectiveness of humidity sensors. The materials and measuring systems used in the latest studies are exhibited in Table 1.


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Thanks for the pointer to Mat's summary. I don't know if he is on substack or reads the comments?

I wanted to know more details about scanning for Bluetooth MAC addresses.. I tried this but have never been able to observe any. I can see a lot of other Bluetooth devices but never something clearly coming from a person who wasn't carrying electronics. What signal strength should I expect? Does an ordinary BLE scanning app work or do you need other equipment to "sniff" the traffic like an Ubertooth?

I also wanted to say that people have said the spinning death thing is a grand mal seizure. These predate the shots but of course could be being caused by them as well. But it's not strictly novel as I understand it.

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Anyone has had some success with ORAL EDTA to detox? But what about those rubber clots we saw in the "Died suddenly" movie? Those blood analysis are important, but we need to think about what's blocking the blood from freely moving around.

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Dr Ana just posted an oral EDTA that is formulated in a way that it’s absorbed orally

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Thanks, that's interesting. I missed it. Do you have the link? I thought Dr Ana only recommended IV or topical. From what I understand bioavailability of oral EDTA is only 5%. If only there was a way to make it higher...

I tried with suppositories, which have bioavailability of 35% (so it is claimed) but this is NOT convenient long-term...

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Very true. My mistake, it was in an email she sent to her patients. This formula bypasses the absorption issue. I haven’t tried it


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Is this considered oral form of EDtA

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I'm sure we can work out something cheaper. What we need at this point is people like David Nixon, Ana Maria Mihalcea and others giving these treatments to volunteers and analyze their blood. We need something that work and is practical. IV EDTA seems to work but it's NOT practical.

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Aug 19, 2023Edited
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I think the best idea would be to convince those who have a background in research and/or have a microscope to do as much home-made studies as they can. It doesn't need to be complicated. In the Big Reset movie there were able to build a small team and prove that 86% of vaccinated people had a MAC address. All is needed is someone like Dr Ana or Dr David Nixon to test-drive their hypothesis with volunteers. That way we would know if colloidal gold works, if oral EDTA can be a solution, if DMSA work, or what-have-you. People will get sick trying snake oil remedies until we can work out a clear protocol.

Something that can help is watching what countries are on to ban. The canadian government (really it's not canadian at all, but let's not go there) is attacking everything that is alternative right now. We should watch really carefully what they will ban or make really difficult to obtain; the solution might be there.

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What we need is what to avoid? What we can do to fix this? What causes it to speed up or what can stop it? Of course we know to avoid the gene-therapy Bioweapon what else? Grow your own Heirloom products and have clean chickens, cows, goats, sheep, turkeys, and other protein! You need to develop your own feed for your livestock. Get your beef from local farms that is grass fed and don’t use mRNA shots in their animals. Go together and buy whole cow most farms will do the butchering be sure to get all organs and bones for your animal’s! Use everything when you harvest your livestock like the Indians did! You must be self-sufficient don’t depend on any store or government agency period!

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Avoid EMF. Fix your dirty electricity - switch out from LED to regular lightbulbs before they cease to make them. If you can't get the old fashioned non LEDs, use candles. The light is so much better for you. Shield home and self with clothing, paint, drapes, bed curtains. Get rid of smart meters if you can or use a mask on them (shielding fabric). Make sure you aren't sleeping on metal coils for matresses (they create a current) even if you have foam you may have the coils embedded in the foam. Unplug the routers, the wifi and the computer at night. Do not use smart appliances. Unplug the microwave at night too. Turn off the phone to airplane mode at night or store in faraday bag or box. Use air gapped ear buds to listen to music or to speak over the phone - don't carry phone when you go in cars, drink structured water, filter water as best you can, to get rid of chemicals. Take boron and other supplements. For food, organic and local if you can. Stick to fresh foods and with meats know the producer.

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You might be interested in my long list of "DIY Nutritional and Other Protections You Can Use at Home Against Toxins and EMFs."


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Outstanding guide. You might want to look into the benefits of Celtic salt to add to this list.

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Thanks for reminding me about salt. I prefer Himalayan salt to avoid oceanic pollutions, including microplastics.

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From what I've read, Celtic salt contains trace minerals not available in Himalayan salt. And reponsible sourcing eliminates the problems you mentioned, which can also affect Himalayan salt.

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Thanks. I’ll look into it.

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Great t-shirt but I won't be buying it as I'm not jabbed. Maybe design another one for unjabbed, unless of course you claim like Dr Mihalcea that there are no more purebloods? Re. Matt Taylor, I've watched all his videos, incl. the most recent one you posted. He's great. Are you aware of rumble channel of "nonvaxxer420" (42K subscribers). Last video of his I watched here: https://rumble.com/v359d4i-august-6-2023.html -"Body area network (I.O.B.N.T.) - What Was The C.o.v.i.d-AI/19 agenda really all about?" At minute 34:13, he includes an excerpt from a video by a highly qualified tech/communications expert called Sabrina Wallace who has an odysee channel https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f - see this video posted on her home page - https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D5E8F851-4FF8-483C-B72A-7590D29617E2:4 "Technical Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your electromagnetic body part" Technical presentation begins around minute 19. Before that she presents her credentials/CV, talks about her family background, explains how & why she believes she is a targeted individual and precisely how the targeting is carried out. I don't claim to grasp all the technical aspects of her presentations but I get the big picture. She has similar background to "Mik Andersen". Shimon and Matt may well know her. If not, they may gain from knowing her work. They also have the background to understand more fully what she says. John Lukach has also expressed interest in her work. He told me he was trying to get in contact with her. See his comment on Matt's Microscopy - https://woodnstone820.substack.com/p/ems-recipe-aeon-213/comment/36670381

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To add to your technical knowledge:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27074626/ - This demonstrates the activation of carbon tubes by microwaves, Teslaphoresis.

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thanks. This explanation by Harald Kautz is interesting: https://rumble.com/v36v2nv-harald-kautz-two-worlds.html start around minute 9:30

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Excellent info ... I'm working on an analogy for a 5G explanation:

Imagine that we are under a rainy shower of faint microwave radiation from the stars. The difference is that 5G - although a similar millimeter frequency - is acting on All Of Nature like a heavy downpour of frozen ice cubes, smashing and battering sensitive biology.

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Interesting but, many close-up pictures show the multi-layered and often twisted inner core of the optic/nanotube/fibers. :)

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P.S. I'm still trying to get hold of vial for you to take a look at. Hoping to send to you soon.

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Great documentary of an amazing guy who patiently did all this work 100 yrs ago. Made an observational connection between life, on the cellular level, and sound frequencies- ones in our, human audible range. He batted 100% on the cancer trial he did with less than 50 folks who had been cast off as not helpable by the mainstream med of the time.

The video link is at the bottom of the intro summary page in this link.



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Rife and Solari were onto something, which is why imhoo, they were stopped.

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Thanks for this link! Very interesting. I only have worked with polarized microscopes on rocks and crystals.

The material used for the nanoconstructions, the « filaments/optic fibers » and the quantum dots themselves should also have their own electrical signature. This has yet to be quantified by an engineer in electricity.

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I’m relatively new to this idea (that there is nanotechnology in the shots) and I have a few questions.

If there is nanotech in the shots, then what is the ultimate goal? What do ‘they’ expect the technology to accomplish?

Is there any proof that this technology is working?

And lastly, if these things exist and they are self assembling, wouldn’t they get too big and kill the person receiving them..... thus negating the reason for injecting them?

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It’s part of a trans human experiment to connect all life forms to a central controlling server. The deaths along the way are just collateral damage and are useful for a depopulation- the fiat money systems, debt based, have maxed out and all western governments cannot honor their unfunded liabilities - ie. social programs, Social security, Medicare and all public pensions .

Nasty eh? A big picture view is needed to ‘see’ that it’s all connected.

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Thank you for the answer.

I guess what I’m asking for is tangible evidence/proof (other than the pics) that this is occurring.

The pics are concerning but is there evidence that the plot that you’ve outlined actually exists?

I know that there have been experts (who are very much against the shots) who have said that the objects depicted in the pictures are not nanotechnology.

It seems to me that a plot (for lack of a better word) this extensive, by governments all over the world, would have leaked out in a concrete way, meaning that there would have been people ‘in the know’ who would have exposed the plot, or leaked documents, or something.

Policy papers by the UN or other NGO’s are not enough.

All governments are leak prone, and something as big as this is too much to hide for long.

It honestly sounds like a Hollywood movie script or the plot of a fiction novel.

I’ll keep an open mind on the subject, but so far I don’t see the evidence necessary to reach that conclusion.

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A great deal of evidence is emerging of visible damage being done to human blood. For details, you might like to read my Open Letter to Health Care Advocates https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-alarm-an-open-letter-to-health

and my Health Alarm Part 2 on nanoparticles in blood https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-alarm-part-2-nanoparticles

Good Health to You!

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Thanks, I’ll check them out.....

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Mate the tech industry openly talks about Brian Computer Interfaces, Neural Computer Interfaces, I just watched a TED talk on it. I seen it in soldiers blood 18 years ago, in 2nd Health Support Battalion in the Pathology section. It was a DARPA Super Soldier program involving Quantum Dot tech and liquid computing technology, you can find the patents and the pubmeds on it.

Facial recognition was possible 20 years ago via EMF from satellite, now it can be done by your wi-fi router in your house the AI has the capacity to lip read you with real time 4D mapping. What do you think all the heavy metals in the jabs are for?

I guess you can say it's now an open to the public conspiracy. All you have to do is look and see.

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I understand that they are developing the technology. My problem is with the notion that somehow all/most of the world’s governments and major corporations have illegally snuck the technology into everything that we consume without it being big news somewhere (The Expose doesn’t count).

I have always been suspicious of the Covid shots, but the experts who are against them can’t even seem to agree on what’s in them.

I’m just having a hard time believing that there is some kind of secret worldwide monstrous conspiracy to depopulate and enslave humanity ....all to eliminate the debt crisis and keep the evil bankers happy.

That last part was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I really haven’t heard a rational explanation for what the supposed end goal of this conspiracy is.

Maybe someone can help me out with an explanation that makes sense?

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I’ll try, in my view, to explain the grand scheme. It includes world economics but nothing so simplistic as keeping “evil

bankers happy,” which sounds like propaganda for dinner table talk. No doubt it took decades and millions of ppl up and down a hierarchy of gov, military, scientific and academic institutions, corporate manufacturing and distribution channels as well as the lower chain of unwitting order takers from school boards to physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies (who know little to nothing about it) to carry this off. The WEF, WHO, UN allied with many participating countries (STG summits ‘23) is quite open about their agenda and it’s radical reset of how the world economy and population will survive. That agenda can’t be reached without escalated tactical advances that hasten control through fear and demands, like viral threats, false flag events, broad censorship, mandated lockdowns and injections et al while implementing everything from AI-run 15 min cities, universal income, surveillance of vaccine compliance/bio-metrics to pick your gender indoctrination and parents as domestic terrorists… and they’ve declared their goal for accomplishing total “peace and security” to “save the planet” to a 7 year window. That covenant was put in place in a 2015 G-7 summit and launches in ‘24 after the Sept/Dec ‘23 summits. My firm belief is the globalists that cooked this up seek immortality via Transhumanism…they welcome merging with machine, and believe it’s the most effective way to control a healthier future civilization. This is well-documented in soft, safe terms if you look at the 17 STG summit goals via WHO/UN. The use of nanotechnology and the role it plays in controlling the masses from depopulation to biometric surveillance can, for staters, be found in the dearth of evidence brought forward by Karen Kingston going back 2 years. There’s many others to shed light on how we got here, and will provide a few links this wknd for you after I figure which few to start with, for one that’s not seen it’s development. Last thought, the technology is not “being developed”…it’s here, it’s in us, it’s everywhere and has been for longer than anyone imagined. Don’t expect this to be “big news” either, it’s “safe & effective,” remember (wink, wink) otherwise you’d have had Fauci & Co hanging in a town square and worldwide revolt 2 years ago. C19 is the last step in a long-planned “order from chaos” takeover of the only system for humanity we’ve known. The heroes found on substack are trying to break the wheel that’s stealthily led a compliant, frightened, or just apathetic populace to the brink of potential extinction. Hope that sheds some light for now. Anyone else reading this please shed light on resources for those that haven’t yet put it all together. And believe me, it was a shock and disappointment for me too, especially when I learned of the hydrogel in my blood during analysis!

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Thank you for your reply. I’m sure that it took a while to compose and I appreciate it.

I’m trying to reconcile this whole thing in my head.

I understand what these people (the UN, the WEF types, the leadership of the US Democratic Party and its composite groups, European socialists, Google, various left wing NGO’s, medical ‘ethicists’, etc.) would like to see happen in the future. They write position papers and press releases all the time, which are often contradictory and sound like the ravings of lunatics or power hungry psychopaths.

Actually, I’m not even sure that they know exactly what they want. Much of it sounds like a mishmash of trans humanism, international socialism, fascism, leftist billionaires, Brave New World, 1984, New Age crap and paganism....with a lot of good old fashioned authoritarianism and corruption thrown in.

It sounds like what you are proposing is that these various groups and interests long ago started secretly working together in order to create their warped vision of the future.

As I think about it and type it out, it kind of makes sense.

I guess that my problem with this scenario is that it’s hard for me to see all of this being done so quietly and effectively without thousands (at least) of people being in-the-know. And if thousands of people are involved....with much of this stuff being illegal.... then there must be a structure to the conspiracy that boggles the mind.

Who set it up? (I don’t believe the whole: C. Rhodes, British monarchy, Illuminati, Rothchild, etc theory. I’ve heard that one since I could read and it’s got too many holes in it )

Who’s the boss? You would think that human nature would keep them fighting each other for control.

Are all of the governments, major companies and politicians in the western world involved?

Where are the whistleblowers? There must be someone who has defected from the conspiracy and wants to expose it....had second thoughts, thought it was wrong, etc.....

The whole thing is just too bizarre and ridiculous.

And then I turn on the news.....

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Any updates regarding colloidal Gold Dr. Nixon?

Have you had the chance to test its impact on the nanotech when it's already inside a human subject?

Have you observed any other 'countermeasures' (pun very much intended 😉) that look promising?

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You might be interested in my long list of "DIY Nutritional and Other Protections You Can Use at Home Against Toxins and EMFs."


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Aug 18, 2023
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To add to your technical knowledge:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27074626/ - This demonstrates the activation of carbon tubes by microwaves: Teslaphoresis.

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Aw, someone who thinks the only way humans can communicate ideas is by mimicking the NEJM.

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Aug 20, 2023
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My understanding is that the autopsies revealed "expression of spike protein", i.e. presence of antibodies assumed to be specific to the spike protein but which could have been produced in reaction to any number of the other toxins contained in the shots - against which they were not tested. Prof. Stefano Scoglio has done several interviews on this, best one being with Torsten Engelbrecht.

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No one is promoting the shots here so I am not sure what your rant is about.

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Aug 20, 2023
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Not sure what you were responding to, but RSV is irrelevant to this post. I’m curious about that data, though.

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You probably could've read this in the time it took you to login and go to the comments section to make the comment that you wouldn't read it. 🙄

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Your choice....

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