As a colleague of both of you, I would like to congratulate you guys from the bottom of my heart for your continuing efforts in this venture!!! Sincerely, SethW

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I will second that ! thankyou Seth, and while we are at it - an enormous gratitude to you too for the hours and hours of study and collection of chemtrail-particulate matter and the riveting capture of the "squid" empire entities you so perfectly have tagged as interlopers in our precious Earth habitat.

I know we all look forward to your latest finds, and it's really good to have you - have dedicated yourself to "their" peculiarities outright. You own it man !

You are a beautiful soul too.

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Very interesting info regarding Thieves essential oil. All essential oils have their own frequency. You might want check out Oil of Oregano essential oil. Very powerful, but also very hot. Must be diluted. Personally speaking, it's helped me tremendously with respiratory 'issues', and fever blisters on my lips. It has antibacterial, antifungal, antibiotic, antimicrobial, properties. I'd day it's worth checking out. If ok, I attached a link with more info.


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All essential oils have very high frequencies,oil of oregano kills nano on contact.I use it on all small cuts.Been drinking thieves and others for many years.Like thieves in juice but any essential oil with a quarter/half shot of brandy.Oregano is so powerful can't drink it.At least not yet but I'll bet developing a way to inhale the vapor would be effective.

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I would put a few drops in warm to hot water, and do my best to inhale the vapors. It is hot so I'm careful doing that, plus sip the water slowly once the Oregano essential oil has dissipated it's hotness.

Another essential oil I would dilute with distilled water and spray in the air in front of me would be Tea Tree oil. I would inhale the mist both through my mouth and nose so that the misty particles would go deep into my lungs. All I can say is it works for me. You can get those cobalt blue or brown spray bottles at most healthfood stores.

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Tea tree can have an inhibitory effect for male hormone production. Something for people to be aware of.

Essential oils are not without their cautions. Like everything, dose makes the poison. So do some reading before ingesting/contact. Plenty literature available.😉🤗

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I agree, I just do what works for me. There's lots of info out there. For me, I have also put three drops oregano essential oil in the vegetable capsules, and fill the rest with extra virgin olive oil.

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3 drops,that's a wow.On the herbs and beadworks youtube channel Tony made a video about ingesting turpentine,haha.definitely the dose does make the poison in that scenario

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Looks like this connection between Tea Tree and hormone disruption has now been refuted... https://earthmamaorganics.com/blogs/news/how-lavender-and-tea-tree-became-labeled-as-endocrine-disruptors/

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I try to drink tea tree with brandy at least once a month,also frankincense,sage,pine etc.The tea tree though,I saw the biofilm the next morning.Red pine needle oil is claimed to dissolve plastic so got some along with meth blue

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I've been looking at Meth blue - Tony Pantaleresco says it causes MALE castration and Hulda Clarke says it's a carcinogen:


This is a comment from a FB group...

Dr. Hulda Clark PhD. (world renowned Cellular Physiologist, Cellular Biologist and Naturopath) said methylene blue was an alkylating agent (causes DNA mutations) and essentially classed it as carcinogenic.

Here are some of her quotes excerpted from one of her last books, published in 2007 concerning methylene blue.

“Specific pollutants are responsible for additional c@ncer mutations: PCBs, isopropyl alcohol, benzene, asbestos, malonic acid, wheel bearing grease and motor oil, certain heavy metals, azo dyes, polonium, cerium, ferrocyanide, methylene blue dye, bromine, and fluorine. They attach themselves to the cancer-complex at various locations.”

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i know Tony P and have read about Hulda Clark,I trusted my instincts and Dr.Ana,https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/methylene-blue-binds-hydrogel-in

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Do you mean oregano oil degrades n ano tech ? You can ingest oregano oil (5 drops) in an empty capsule: dr HR Clark classic. Unparallled antibiotic. Its power can be useful to degrade n ano tech ?

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I will drink oregano oil in juice thru a stainless steel straw aimed towards the back of the mouth. For me this is much more comfortable than taking a sip from a glass as the hot oil will have dispersed on the surface of the beverage and will make contact with the lips which are so sensitive to its heat. The straw avoids all that. Glass straws would also work.

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Good point and good idea. Sometimes the lip is where I want it to go, but that's when I mix it with carmex lip balm which works for me. I'm willing to experience the consequences of taking in a hot oil. I've been doing it for years and I'm twenty years over a half a century old. 😊🌻

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nebulised ?

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Absolutely NOT!

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Thankyou so this oil is way too potent for use this way? Or just not a suitable substance to work via nebulising, I take it.

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Do not Nebulize this. You can put 1 drop into a vaporizer with distilled water. But never put it in a nebulizer. These oils are way to potent to nebulize, could damage your lungs and cause an acute reaction.

On skin please dilute with another oil like fractionated coconut or other light oil.

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got it thanks for speedy reply too, KK

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I've been brushing my teeth with Oreganol P73 for about 4 years now. It was a little hot but now I'm used to it. They also make the Oreganol P73 gel caps which I took during 2021. I'm not sure if it helps with these gels.

I wonder if certain microgreens would help. I eat a whole variety of them every day. I know cilantro helps detox the body of heavy metals. Wheatgrass has been used for 5k years for its health benefits. I cut it fresh and put it in my smoothie every morning. It detoxes, cleans, and heals the blood. https://thechalkboardmag.com/50-benefits-of-wheatgrass/. I'm sure it does more that we're not aware of. Chlorophyll is very similar to Hemoglobin. https://www.quirkyscience.com/comparing-hemoglobin-and-chlorophyll/. I just watched a video last week of someone giving a lecture who was talking about these metals in us and 5G. He said the answer was chlorophyll. I never heard of the person but people in the comments knew who he was. I can't find it now, but I will try to find it again and post a link.

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Great idea about using Oreganol P73 for brushing your teeth. Also colloidal silver is good to follow with as well for rinsing your mouth.

I used to grow my own Wheatgrass when I was working. Had to have a special juicer to separate the grass from the juice, but it is definitely the best for your blood. When I worked for an oncology and hematology physician group a few years back, I would drink green smoothies everyday. I never got sick. My sister drank Wheatgrass juice when she had cancer and her blood work came back with excellent results. It builds your immune system. There is a product out their called ChlorOxygen, it's a chlorophyll concentrate, by Herb Etc. You can find it in most health food stores. Here's a link to it's benefits. Be blessed.


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agree 100%

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Thank you so much for taking time to share your insights and caveats! I am so grateful to both of you. Just got some thieves oil. I’ll see how it goes.

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OK I don’t know if I’m just a glutton for punishment, but I feel I’m in seventh heaven after 10 minutes of pure hell! I’ve had pain in my upper and lower right side of my teeth/gums for a few days, probably from chewing something super hard. After slipping several drops of thieves oil into the areas between tooth and gum on both sides (using a pointy dropper as Michael suggested), I immediately felt excruciating pulsing agony! After a minute or so, my tongue literally went numb. Within 10 minutes my entire mouth was buzzing with inexplicable happiness! It’s still happening. I’m so glad I used thieves oil, and I will continue to do so twice a day as suggested. One note that helped me prevent it from getting on my lips was covering them with Vaseline first. I also washed my hands thoroughly and used my pointer to pull my cheek aside as I deposited the drops. Thank you Michael for this excellent suggestion. Getting rid of any mRNA shedding would be a major plus!

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Update: The morning after I used thieves oil on painful gums, I awoke with no pain and the ability to chew on both sides! I will continue to use these essential oils daily. Thank you!

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Just to get back to basics here....Essential Oils are one of the few things that will penetrate the skin surface and effect the body that way. I would only use one drop if it was mixed into a base/carrier oil like olive/coconut oil. Many thanks for all that you do and great to see that nature still has the answers 👍

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Your formula is still too strong. Never use a teaspoon of essential oil to a base oil. I am trained in Aromatherapy. Use 1 drop to your base oil maybe two in some cases. Fractionated coconut oil is what we use when making a pain formula for example. However as you already may know some oils can stand alone for pain when diluted.

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Having palpitations at the thought of that much essential oil; do ask a qualified aromatherapist what they would do.

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Totally agree. I did make a few comments about this. To dilute in another or put in a vaporizer and NEVER in A NEBULIZER.

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thank you very mutch for jour work

i am in holland im tryang to find some to replicate this ciao

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In gratitude for all you ‘microscope’ warriors educating to attempt to save the cleanliness of the human dna. Waiting to get a microscope….

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Get one that's digital so ypu can show what the scope sees on the screen. Especially if you have any vision problems.

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Topical to the gums is not a safe way to apply it.

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Hi all and keep up the great work !!! after reading ana's documents published on plastics etc and using essential oils including these (I was alternating when I felt the need to) what came into my mind was we should also take into account anyone with white fillings (myself included) as the plastic cup was being dissolved I think it was in around 20 minutes with the oils

Keep spreading and sharing the light, love and knowledge - it will dissolve all darkness. x x

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To clarify:

i meant

In a 4oz container:

3% H2O2

as a solution of 25% H2O2

In 75% water

Thank you.

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This is great info, thank you for sharing.

I used 3% hydrogen peroxide in my mouth (for a dental issue) and got my normal sense of taste back overnight. I didn't even realise it had degraded that far, my sense of smell was fine. I had noticed food gradually started tasting 'plasticy', but assumed incorrectly it was from the quality drop in food.

A few days after peroxide allowed me to near immediately regain my sense of taste, I ate a takeaway meal and immediately lost my sense of taste again. I thought peroxide alone would get it back, but it didn't return overnight like previously. It took about 2 months for that one take away meal to clear my system (and lots of charcoal), then I peroxided my throat (for an unrelated reason, and after having given up on my sense of taste returning) and my sense of taste returned overnight again. These things really do seem to need to reach a dosage tipping point, and one must avoid enough destructive things for the good stuff to do its work.

I used to use a specific brand of clove oil back in the day for my mouth and it was so amazing, but I can't find it these days. I tried a few other brands, but they didn't have the same effect. No clue where to get a good brand of thieves oil.

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Young Living is the best

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Do you know if someone has scoped it to check if it's free from nano tech?

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No, non one has mentioned scoping the thieves oil

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Essential oils should not be put directly on tissues without dilution in another oil. Especially mouth tissues because it can burn like the dickens and cause other problems. These oils are very powerful. Using them in a steamer and inhaling that way can work. Always go low go slow. Many of you have heard me say this in the past.

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What are the safest brands of essential oil?

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Thanks for this. The results are encouraging and concerning in equal measure! I don't advocate for using essential oils topically in their undiluted form, and the dosages being used by Michael aren't safe for any length of time, because of the Eugenol content from the Clove Essential Oil. This is hard on the body, and will bioaccumulate, becoming toxic before too long. I run an essential oils business in the UK, (Wild As The Wind Essential Oils) which carries 5 different Clove Essential Oils, and a number of different Thieve's Oils. You can read about the adverse effects (hepatotoxicity & mucous membrane sensitisation etc) of Clove Essential Oil on the Wild As The Wind website: https://wildasthewind.com/

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Exactly that is why myself and others have been using similar blends to treat this.

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