May the Angels watch over you, and protect you David.
The war is longandd many minor battles can be one or lost. But staying true to thyself and protecting your own soul and integrity (moral compass) will ALWAYS be at our human core.
Too many sold their soul and looked away and remained quiet in fear and to keep their job.
May the Angels watch over you, and protect you David.
The war is longandd many minor battles can be one or lost. But staying true to thyself and protecting your own soul and integrity (moral compass) will ALWAYS be at our human core.
Too many sold their soul and looked away and remained quiet in fear and to keep their job.
Yet equally they LOST the single most important trait of life - their core integrity.
You are a TRUTH warrior David and you have served humanity and done so much good .
Stay strong and know that good people and good ANGELS are with you daily.
May the Angels watch over you, and protect you David.
The war is longandd many minor battles can be one or lost. But staying true to thyself and protecting your own soul and integrity (moral compass) will ALWAYS be at our human core.
Too many sold their soul and looked away and remained quiet in fear and to keep their job.
Yet equally they LOST the single most important trait of life - their core integrity.
You are a TRUTH warrior David and you have served humanity and done so much good .
Stay strong and know that good people and good ANGELS are with you daily.
Blessings ALWAYS.