Graphene is found in everything now. The food supply, according to Celeste Solum was 100% contaminated at the end of 2021. GO is also now found in the chemtrails and they have ramped up the spraying. We are saturated with it. It is in the air we breathe, every surface that we touch.

I'm a bit obsessed researching it, because I think it is the primary capture mechanism by which they will eventually control and enslave us all.

La Quinta Columna was the first to find the graphene in the vials and I've been following them since. They have a dedicated page for graphene found in consumer products. It's been found in all fluids for medical procedures. They have found it in almost all of the supplements that we take to detox - found in ivermectin, zeolite powder, wines, ...et al. We should all simply assume that we are swimming in a sea of GO poisoning...no escape. And there will come a point at which the quantities will overwhelm our ability to clear it out. We - and all biological life on earth - are well on our way to being synths...transhumans. Most never saw them coming. Unfortunately I did. The NASA leaked document, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, the Quell Project.

Anyway, I'll put some links below for your persusal. I've been called the Queen of Graphene because I can't shut up about it - for almost three years I've been sounding that alarm. There is a Graphene Handbook and a weekly Newsletter that I get to read between the lies. You can also dig into The Grahene Flagshjip and The Brain Project to make some connections and see how we got here.

This link will get you to La Quinta's telegram page. Mira al Microscopio. And I'll post their website which you can translate into English. They are cutting edge on this, IMO. Most ignore them due to the language barrier, but I speak pretty good Spanish and take the time to translate if I need to. They have almost a hundred new posts a day where they've found graphene in consumer products for years. This link will get you there. Here is their post on dental anesthesia.


and their stunning website: laquintacolumna.net

you can also find their videos on Rumble, Odysee and Brighteon. Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Campra - heroes all, as well as you, Dr. Nixon.

I have a lot of info in some of my substacks that might be of interest too. I will post them - and don't let some of the info throw you, I'm an "experiencer" having had ET interactions and I'm connecting the so-called ET factor to all fo this...working on that angle to shed some light on this mass extinction event...i believe there is an ET component to all of this.

So, enter my world at your own risk?


here is some amazing info on the nano capsules that carry poisonous payloads...my guess is venoms too...you can check my new post on the Venom Theory.


And as we try to dig down into this horror show, I try to remember that it is not this OR that. It is this AND that - they have our heads on a swivel because they are coming for us in so many ways, from so many directions with so many poisons.

"How do I poison thee...let me count the ways."

Not sure if Celeste Solum's video is in one of my stack or not, but in case it isn't...here it is - a must see...


Sorry to bombard with so much info...but I'm obsessed with finding out what the primary weapon is, how far gone we are and just what we are up against. Know the enemy? Just wanted to share some info I think is really critical to know...

And I haven't even mentioned graphene "hydroxide." Look for Dr. Andreas Noack on odysee...to know that we are over the target looking into this. Dr. Klinhardt confirmed that Noack (who originally found the G hydroxide/nano razors) and two of his colleagues were all "eliminated" within a three-week period for sounding the alarm on the GH. Over the target much?

Godpspeed to all...my fellow synths...stay on the battlefield and we will expose the horrors and rage for as long as we are able...swords and keyboards up!

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You are incredible.. no, you haven't overloaded at all. We need as much insight as possible. I too have followed La Quinta et al for years and have been researching the GO and GH, etc. You have so very much more covered. I am particularly interested in the alien aspect

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You're so kind...thank you for the shot in the arm. I think the GO is the key to priming our biological bodies for our inevitable transition to Transhumans/Synths. Few are seeing this - that we have already been captured...all of us. Another person to follow closely in Dr. Ana Mihalcea. Astonishing research.

And, There is absolutely an ET/AI component to this extinction/transhumanist/terraforming the planet event. Just doing my best to connect some dots...and give us a heads up on what we're dealing with. the deeper you go the crazier you sound and the more hideous it all becomes.

But some of us have to stay on the battlefield...Stay tuned...

and thx again...

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I couldn’t agree more. Yes I am a follower of Dr Anna’s work I wish we had an army of her. I was wondering if you had come across Terral Croft’s work. I stumbled across him via a once-only interview he did over a year and a half ago…with Dana Ashlee (YouTube channel) she was the first person he’d told his evidence to - of the whole conspiracy, who and how was behind it all. Since then I’ve been documenting all the others who’ve emerged and their discoveries. A couple of months ago I saw he was posting a lot of comments in the brighteon.tv videos under science and environment categories, but even more so, in the health and medicine videos and particularly commenting on the white fibrous massive clots videos that was hitting the main subject matter across reports from embalmists.

I was surprised to see him be so very very active in all of ppl’s comments - as in the past he claimed “they” wouldn’t let him say anything…he was very threatened. I noticed he seemed to be deliberately trying to be seen by hogging huge chunks of any storyline comments section. Then I saw he has his own site on brighteon tv website. Look him up Terral03 on brighteon tv channels.

Previously, Terral had described in great detail everything that is only now coming out re Covid. He even described the whole “matrix” movie being effected literally on humanity ( turning us into batteries/receivers) and remedy to stop the nano chips developing any further and that everyone needed to be doing this… But, his recent appearances in all of these comments…expressed how worried he was..it’s all too late, we’d all gotten affected with this technology in us. He also said he had tried to get Mike Adams attention with all he knew but was ignored…and, he was glad that Dr Anna was making her own independent discoveries of some of this horror at play, and glad she was aligning with Carnicom Institute - he previously was very involved in. So ages ago he eluded to this being involvement with Alien technology but didn’t elaborate. In his recent brighteon last posts…he mentioned this again. He suggests too, the main headquarters for this Ai set-up being run from is under the Denver Airport. I had seen some commenters objecting to his nano silver product on offer because the particle-size was too big and lead to health issues. Personally, this didn’t ever discredit him or his evidence I’d come across so long ago because I have watched the world’s experiences follow exactly ALL that he had told of - so long before. I believe he is legit, and I wasn’t going to be a customer of his own product anyway. I think he has gone silent again….but I’d be interested if you found out anymore of his alien tech claims. I believe him before and now. Cheers

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I must clarify, I do believe what I understood to be alien involvement - to be that of fallen angels. In this area I am expanding my knowledge.

Ultimately, we know we're up against evil entities of the flesh and "otherwise"

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I have just booked a few days in a chelation clininc in Germany. And now what do I hear ? That EDTA would not be safe !!! We live is a mess ! What can I do ? who has studied the EDTA and Vit C vials ??? Who can help me before I go ? I listen to dr Ana, so, would there be a lie somewhere ? SOS !

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Hi I have just seen your questions, Unfortunately most things are now contaminated, Dr Ana still provides her iv edta chelation despite this. It really comes down to how seriously bad you would be suffering - and - it's up to ppl to still decide (knowing there is contamination) on their own. It's the risk vs benefit situation. I imagine ppl do still have a treatment then stop and let it's effects sought (detoxing) do it's thing...and then let the body's own immune system do the rest from there. In the sense that the chelation helped to kick off the process. Others hold off and do whatever detoxing via other remedies available. I know that it is well known most substances are all contaminated leaving us no real spread of options. Have a look at Karl C's substack articles: managainstthemicrobes.substack.com, Dr David Nixon: davidnixon.substack.com articles and look through the comments in these articles and you may find more comment on this or contact them in person. Best Of Luck in what you decide.

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YES and tx !


Where are videos abour contaminated EDTA ? Where a re the links ?

I always read Ana, Nixon Karl... and Ihave never found any article about EDTA IV or VIt C IV being polluted... It is allegations but where are the proffs ! I have booked the clinic, and now I learn that ! ana never talked benefit/risks about EDTA. ... it is a bit late.

Why in this case no one warnt us before ???

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An excellent nano silver product that I use extensively here for humans and our dog sanctuary is made by AMEO LIFE. They have a 30 ppm liquid, a 30 ppm gel, bar soap. Here is how their liquid works…..2 uses…each for food poisoning. First use…gave to hairdresser who had eaten food that ended up giving her horrific gastric symptoms compatible with food poisoning. I added 6 ounces to her large water container, had her shake it very well and advised a large sip every 15 minutes. This was at 3 PM. SHE WAS WELL BY 7PM. SECOND EPISODE….ME….I ate mushrooms that were likely contaminated with E.Coli…..symptoms included EXTREME GI INFLAMMATION from stomach to rectum and passage of blood. Began using nano silver by pouring 6 ounces into a 12 ounce cup and drank it all. By one hour later there was dramatic symptom relief. Repeated this drink mix and had it on my drinking water for the next 36 hours. Had full resolution of blood passage by 48 hours and notable decrease of GI inflammation over the next few days. The only other product I used was TUMS to decrease the impact of gastric secretions on mucosa.

The AMEO LIFE product is a life saver. As you likely know, E coli can cause profound renal damage and this silver is excreted by the kidneys, so I knew my kidneys would be protected.

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YES!!! I believe you are correct about the link to aliens. It has been my theory for the last four years. I believe the covid shots are Alien Technology! Either they helped us make it or they gave it to us with the threat that if we don't reduce our population fast in a quiet way then they will do it fast and obvious and cause havoc and fear. There is a book The Last Harvest by Lucian Mars which says that the Aliens want the Earth for THEM and humans WILL be gone by the year 2050. I believe it. I don't believe we made the self spreading covid shots without help from another life form we call Aliens.

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la Quinta columna a viré de bord sur l'hypothese ET extra terrestre de ce qui nous arrive

En parlant des 'abductés aux implants grapheniques similaires a la technologie dans les vax, injectables, nourriture, etc..

Et je ne suis pas d'accord. pas du tout d'accord.

C'est le project Blue Beam propaganda , comme Steven Greer, Nasa.

le project Blue Beam commence avec des soi disant "découvertes archéologiques" nombreuses partout dans le monde prouvant " nos origine de créatures' d'extra terrestres" . qui nous ont "modifiés génétiquement ", ou créés carrément ! )

SERGE MONAST . Journaliste canadien assassiné après son livre sur le Project Blue Beam

voila ce que eux aussi ils nous font. Je parle de la QC

Donc je ne fais plus confiance à 100 % à la QC.

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I kind of get the gist of this. Would love a translation...anyone? Thank you...

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Hello Pasheen..( saw your great "Grey Matter" performance, soul food )

Theara's translation: the Quinta columna has changed tack on the ET extraterrestrial hypothesis of what's happening to us with abductees with graphenic implants, etc...

and I don't agree. not agree at all.

this is the Blue Beam propaganda project like Steven Geer, NASA.

( the blue beam project begins with numerous so-called "archaeological discoveries" all over the world "proving" our origins as extra-terrestrial 'creatures' who modified us genetically or created us outright ) SERGE MONAST. Canadian journalist assassinated after his book on Project Blue Beam.

This is what they also do to us. I'm talking about the QC

So I no longer trust QC 100%

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WOW! thank you so much - I was not up on La Quinta's reversal. And I too have never trusted Greer. I had a bad run-in with him at a conference...I tore him a new one - challenged him in front of his whole audience and they applauded my comeback in the debate with him) and he literally stalked me the next two days of the conference...he creeps me out. I still listen to everything - I try to take what I can from his presentations, but he is a grifter and so arrogant. And, I think his ideas are dangerous, saying that there are no malevolent ETs.

Thanks for reminding me about Serge - I really should do a post on that - I'll have to research the details, but please, share whatever your thoughts are on any of this, or any other info on Monast. We are on the same page, for sure! I still have to unraveled what these experiences are...but I am still looking endlessly.

As for QC - it could be an innocent mistake, unless they are captured now too...it gets so insane - so hard to tell who to trust about anything...with people being paid or threatened to change sides. But, I never throw everything out, no matter how much I might mistrust anyone...there are always gems and info that you can use.

Also, if you want to contact me via email with anything you'd like to keep confidential, let me know - we can exchange emails. Nothing is really safe, but it would take a lot of eyeballs off of anything we discuss on substack.

Again, I can't thank you enough for sharing this info...and koppykat - you are the best, thank you so much...stay close to us - you are our treasured ally and middle man/person on this quest for Truth.

So great to have you both here!!!


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Hello Pasheen, I was merely translating Theara's post for you. You're welcome, happy to help. Perhaps discuss her comments re CQ further with her?

I do agree with you about all the folks who are leading voices on these collective issues who then do a 360 on us...I too hold all information I soak up..in my vault (memory). I think it's wise to and, it is a good practice to stand back...hold off and just watch what develops...with ppl's claims...before we even react to it. It's a marathon of lies and deceptions...but! I am a good read on ppl, can sense if they're genuine or not. At the end of the day, we "are" all growing in knowledge and strength and spirit. The sheppard is watching over us and our journeys too. You have an amazing voice and character and spirit. You have broadened my knowledge, and peaked my interest....keep that spark alive, and keep asking the tough Q's, and pray much. Meow!

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Hi KK,

Thank you so much for staying close on this, and if you like I can send you my email address - or perhaps we have each other's? ...feel free to use mine if we do - or I can post it here, if you would rather get a bit more private on any matters...I could post it and do the same as I did with Theara...you can email me and let me know you got it - and then I will delete it in the comments. I still don't know how to really use substack...I always just jump right in and never fully learn how to do anything - so I'm constatntly limping my way to some truths. I learn what is absolutely necessary to get some reveals in my substack archive - which is turning into a diary...geeez...but I stumble through - and never look back?

And yes, truly a marathon and a pit of lies and deception. And I tend to be very naive - a huge weakness of mine - I just can't imagine why anyone would lie about anything...so please feel free to weigh in on anything and let me know what your thoughts are, and where I could revise something. I would trust your opinion and I could use some help sussing this insanity out. You are very savvy and wise, as is Theara. What a great cadre/threesome...

Thanks for the kind words...I do my best and I'm always ready to wrong about everything...fluid, y'know?

Okay, I'm swamped at the moment - on hospice watch with one of my furkids...it's killing me...I'm medicating him with holistic meds/ all natural and powerful drops, a dozen times a day...trying to keep him alive - at least until Monday when I will likely have to let him go....be still my heart. I've rescued for 25 years and as many times as I've been through this - it never gets any easier. Will be back sometime in the coming week, but overwhelmed at the moment.

IIf you get my email address, feel free to send me anything on the following issues that I have drafts on, just trying to finalize them.

Serge Monast - and Project Blue Book - still looking for the best vids, so many have been scrubbed.

Anything new about the 2,025 missing children in Maui

I also want to do a piece on what the ghoulz may be planning for their next attack - what they have on the table - we know their think tanks and script writers are quite busy, orchestrating events that would lead to the final lockdowns, martial law and roundups...which will be coming if we start to get too close to - and start closing in on them...

taking out the internet, taking the grid down, etc.,

You are so on the same wavelength, and wise...it would be great if we could help each other to navigate this mind field. That's really what I'm trying to do with this stack...


Apologies to the amazing Dr. Nixon for putting up with us here...hopefully we will be able to communicate without infiltrating his comments section again. Thank you, Dr Nixon, we are following with great interest and much gratitude...

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i can send you things and links( almost all disappeared from Google ) by email, on Proton mail. not on gmail , hotmail, etc..

i cant write my Protonadress here, tell me please how i can have yours

Thank you

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and there is also a massive difference between La QC and Karen.

la QC says there is ONLY graphene in the jabs and all other medications and foods and that the cov jabs contain ONLY technology ( graphene oxyde )and nothing organic

Karen says, they created a DEVICE : a quantum dot graphenised fake ' spike' protein ', not organic , that is nano technological , but she says also that at the beginning they are using " sars cov 2 " sequences from China, ( ??? from which virus that was never isolated ? ) then infecting embryonic cells ( dead embryos ! ) with them, THEN lacing them with a gold graphene foil , then freezing the whole to produce this artificial ' spike P ' electro magnetic that is hosting non human DNA s , this device can enter the cell by its non natural cationic bound, and once entered in the cell it can do GENE EDITING

she also said there are these Plasmids DNA in the jabs

it s a huge difference

and i saw no explanations from no one on this contradiction

so who is in error? please tell me what you understand;

ps :Dr Ana says the ribbons in medications and jabs are hydrogels made of synthetic biology cross domain bacterias , forming ' a sort of hydrogel ( plastics ) so its again another theory now !!

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I think we need to stand back and watch and wait on KK's reports shared on all of that. Don't forget, what the "patent's" describes (in massive details)..is only "proposed" and doesn't necessarily mean that what is stated/outlined in those patents - will be produced in the end.

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Dr Anna is right, hydrogels are programable matter…some ppl’s bodies reject this material in a way forming Morgellons ( a variety of thread- like worms .or fibres that’re synthetic yet “behave”as if alive, have movement..ie cross-domain synthetic biology. These fibres can grow out of control leading to newly seen massive clot formations, Anna has shown much of this in her recent posts.

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In the Bible in Genesis it says: "Let US create man in OUR image." I bet it was aliens who said that.

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Phone keeps changing my words! I hate that. Not I bet. But I BELIEVE!

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Je n'en sais rien ! Personn,e à part les obsédés de la Bible qui ne voient que l'option du faux dieuYahv,é, ne peut penser que nous sommes seuls ! J'ai vu des ET, ils sont bien réels ! Je en vois aps en quoi LQC aurait tort !

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Nos corps ont été modifiés génétiquement pour être de la main d'oeuvre performante et docile, MAIS nos esprits sont d'origine divine et trouvent un support dans notre ADN et dans le coeur subtil, selon ENKI (dixit Elena Danaan, que je soupçonne quand même de faire le jeu d'un consortium ET dans le sens qui les arrange) Nous avons des pouvoirs divins en tant que êtres, développons avec notre être individuel et unique un partenariat conscient, en méditation; par exemple demandons-lui d'augmenter la fréquence de nos corps ponctuellement (de notre eau nourriture,...), par exemple 3 minutes par jour aussi haut que nécessaire (à tester en radiesthésie et autrement) afin de destructurer neutraliser détruire complètement les nanopartic. prot Spik, arnmartificiel et autres saloperies); le résultat de ce procédé peut être vérifié au microscope électronique sur base d'un échantillon de sang. + Regardez les ENQUETES en hypnose quantique de Pascal Cascarino, chaine sur you tube. Je cherche désespérémment une liste fiable d'anesthésiques dentaires sans graphène et de résines idem, en avez-vous une ? Merci _

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il ny a PAS DE ANNUNAKIS NI DE ENKI ! sortez vous ces mensonges de la tete ! c'est une psy op de la CIA

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Il n'y pas de Jésus non plus, mensonge juif !

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Man, I get tired of reading about videos I will never see because the Censorship Profiteers with their own private YouTubes won't be bothered with captions.

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If celeste is your go to source, well……….lol

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so what?Celeste is very well informed, but may be its too much to swallow for you.. . because its a massive take over of Life by synthetic biology !

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Thankyou SO much for your comprehensive post, for being the Queen of Graphene. I agree that there is an ET agenda at the top of this, and I've also done a deep dive into that. Plus the links to 5G. Plus the link to military mind control R&D that feeds back into the MKUltra that has now evolved into MKUltra on Steroids. Plus modern day Psychiatry that serves to cover up the non-consensual R&D into hacking the human mind. Listen to Dr James Giorgiano on the Mind is the Battlefield of the Future (YT) and Dr Robert Duncan "Project Soul Catcher". Plus Dr Colin Ross "The Great Psychiatry Scam" highlights that the culture in Psychiatry is to dismiss any Psychiatrist that diagnoses DID or any client that is diagnosed with DID - ie multiple personalty disorder. I have worked in Psychiatry on the frontlines, directly with Psychiatrists for decades and so I know this is true also here in Australia. I've seen it, I've been working in it, the same attitudes prevail here in both public and private mental health services towards any Psychiatrist that dares to specialise in DID, and most Psychiatrists just don't diagnoses at that end of the trauma spectrum, not even suggesting a differential diagnosis of a Dissociative Disorder, even when the client is already diagnosed with BPD and reports dissociative episodes. Nope. Psychiatrists here in Australia mostly will not go past diagnosing BPD on the trauma spectrum, at that extreme end of it. Plus I had a client that I believe was being used for mind control research, unbeknownst to my client, and the only place I found his unusual symptoms listed was in Dr Robert Duncan's book Project Soul Catcher. And I've worked extensively with really crazy people, floridly psychotic, so I am familiar with assessing psychotic symptoms and can therefore differentiate between what is within 'normal' range for psychotic symptoms and what is unusual or odd even in the realm of psychosis. Back to DID. So, how do you get DID/MPD? Usually via severe and repeated physical and/or sexual abuse stemming from childhood, and as intentionally induced by the CIA to create manchurian candidates etc. Of course, that is why there is a culture of taboo in Psychiatry in my opinion, to strongly discourage Psychiatrists from diagnosing and treating at that end of the trauma spectrum because the cat would be out of the bag real fast if everyone working in Psychiatry woke up and realised that the CIA et al. do not want anyone to know that their weapon is creating multiple personality disorder on purpose to create many of their agents, and the elite (satanic) Illuminati bloodlines use it to create mind control slaves. Everything we are distracted from and discouraged from pursuing is extremely relevant - hypnosis, psychics, psychedelics, and of course, ET's . They have researched and use it ALL. That's why they don't want US using it and researching it. And the "negative ET species" do not want us to know about them either.

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What is ET?

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"ET maison !! " Steven Spielberg movie :) . but there are NO ET s in that story, they are not extraterrestrials they are the Nephilims, the Fallen Angels

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C'est votre vision juive ! Il faut être naïf pour se croire seuls dans cet univers ! Jésius = Babla juif !

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If you actually could read and comprehend what the bible says, you would understand why the offspring of the Nephilim are doing this. Who were the 2 top researchers that spent over 2 decades researching UFO's phenomena? Their names and work are out there. They finally came to the conclusion these are not off world craft or entities. They're demonic. By the way, the Bible has nothing to do with the Jews even though it mentions them. They are Edomites who mixed with the Nephilim. They even admit it in their own scholarly writings. They usurped the real identity of true Israelites. We're witnessing Rev 17 now with the flood. I can't wait for what follows.

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et blabla... Cela ne m'intéresse pas du tout. Je suis celte, j'ai ma religion.

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I think ET stands for ExtraTerrestrial, hope this helps.

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Extra Terrestrials

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is there any safe dental anaestetic?

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I have just booked a few days in a cheltation clininc in Germany. And now what do I hear ? That EDTA would not be safe !!! I had never read anything about that before... We live in such a mess ! What can I do ? who has studied the EDTA and Vit C vials ??? Who can help me before I go ? I listen to dr Ana, so, would there be a lie somewhere ? SOS !

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Do you know a brand of dental anesthesia that does NOT use the nanotechnology, or anyone who may?

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Why don't you chew some nicotine gum to deactivate the bots in the covid shots? I can't afford the gum so I take a few puffs on a cigar. I don't need to inhale as it gets absorbed through the mouth.

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Have you seen if the dental anesthetic Marcaine is also contaminated?

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"nano domestic quell," je lai vu et etudié.

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translation, "nano domestic quell", I saw and studied it

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I'm halfway through watching this.

Thanks Mat and David for fantastic dedication and entertaining , kinda light hearted commentary "I win" regarding where the chip forms etc . 😂

I actually got 4 dental appointments and anaesthetic used last year lol I'm unjabbed. I knew Dr Shimon found it then so already knew it might be in Aussie dental anaesthetic and took zeolite after appointment at the nearby cafe. And the last two pills of my lvermectin from my pre import ban stash. I hope the zeolite helped and am now glad I took it. Might not have fixed it but might have helped.

The footage is amazing....🤯 I know I should be horrified but you take such clear footage it's mesmerising and kind of beautiful. I do want my chips out though 🤣

I recently ordered calcium disodium EDTA pills from Piping Rock US and haven't taken it yet, as am taking the coral calcium first and ordering bentonite clay. EDTA can take calcium out I've heard , so topping up is my plan. But good to know EDTA pills get through customs, since nowhere here seems to sell them.

A guy I met on days ago , after my EDTA pills arrived showed me his microscope images ( not clear ) . He had cancer and cured it with fembendazole , which is how we got chatting, from another tweet, as I was directing someone to a femben FB group. Anyway he said his "Graphene dots" cleared with EDTA pills.

I explained I have mercury fillings and he said he does too, but said the EDTA didn't bother him. He suggested I do 2 weeks on the pils and two weeks off , so I will, but I'll get the bentonite clay as binder first . If I never comment here again you'll know not to take EDTA if you have mercury fillings 😬😅

Just sharing this incase anyone else looking into it.

Also one Recent Dr Ana Vid , she said the reason she doesn't recommend EDTA pills is "what do we do about kidney disease patients" but she said lipodomsal EDTA might be ok if you can't get iv chelation. She said EDTA pills also affects gut microbiome as takes metals out of gut or something. ( Saying this incase you've been too busy to see it or you've never chatted with her about it)

There is an Australian Functional medicine dr selling the Quicksilver Scientific brand of Lipodomal EDTA but I think you need an appointment. ( Edit Alisonvickery.com)

I just thought I'd say this here in case others are also in "what do i take?" Phase. As I don't think I can coffee fast more than half a day.

Going to watch the rest now. I was up to the bit where you put the oil on 🍿

Why are there not thousands watching this? It's important - Kim 💖💖💖

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LOL! I was onto the La Quinta Columna findings about GO in the dental anesthetics early on and consequently have avoided the dentist since. I knew they would roll it out here in Aus also, since this is a global agenda. Especially since being quoted $5000 to remove one tooth and replace it. The dentists can all get stuffed. Highway robbery, $5K for ONE tooth! So, I have been conducting an experiment on myself to see what happens if I DON"T get the tooth pulled out. Nature is taking it's course, the tooth is slowly rotting out (sounds dreadful, I know, but not so bad at all really) and whilst I have occasionally had some infection brewing, I have avoided antibiotics using home brewed Colloidal Silver instead. Colloidal Silver is amazing alternative to antibiotics.

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Use a mixture of half peroxide and half water swish 20x a day. Will kill the bacteria that causes infection. Spit out don't swallow. Will take 1-3 days for toothache to subside.

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Thanks. I make Colloidal Silver, it is a brilliant antibacterial. That's why they use silver impregnated in wound bandages and for burns.

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Do you know of any dental anesthesia that does not appear to have the nanotech?

Or anyone who may know this to reach out to?

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levobupivacania 1.25 mg

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Who has confirmed this is clean? thanks

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La Quinta Columna. Je ne sais pas plus.

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Tks!! Moderna bought septodot - I think septocaine related - my dentist uses septocaine . 😱

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I have 4 Ivermectin (Human) pills. Any idea how many more I need, and in what dosage for cancer?

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Join Fembendazole Cancer Support Group on Facebook. ( Orange profile icon...I think it might be if a sunset) Someone there will know. I've seen posts where people use both Femben and IV. You'd need more than 4 pills. People just take the horse paste or I got cattle pour on ( Ausmectin from Kogan, if you're in Aus) . Not sure if the pour on will be as good for cancer as paste. I don't see why not. There's lots of things people take as well, like Bitter Apricot Kernels that help some cancers. Should check out the group. Just type the name into search feild on Facebook and click on the group with the orange profile icon

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Thank you, Kim.

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I've taken the horse paste since 2020 with no ill effects at all!! I take it 2x a month according to my weight. Each notch is for 50 lbs. I weigh 124. I take 2 notches. Close enough. I take it in those little cups of 🍎 applesauce. Can't taste it. I mix it real good and eat with a baby spoon. It's like a treat. I've never got covid or been vaxxed. I go out to the stores every day. I'm 75!

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Love your humour. Do you have the contact for the Australian functional dr ? that is my next project - finding who to see about it all. Thanx so much for all of your info, I am passing it on to those asking too, ciao !

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I can't share the link here for some reason, but it is alisonvickery.com. Others might have it too, but it was the one that came up. Also you should watch Watch the Water 2, which came out last night, because Dr Ardis said those clots Embalmers are finding are from two snake venom rnases, ( and I know Dr Ana said the hydrogel/nanotubes have same frequency as the clots Embalmers are finding) but he says those rnases are in the supposed spike protein , and I think he had documents. ...anyway EDTA works in snake venom hydrogel COINCIDENDALLY lol. So I think they are both right....( That the stuff causing clots) is hydrogel and also snake venom, since snake venom used to make hydrogel) I just hope Dr Ardis sees Dr Nixon's and Mat's and Shimeon's videos to see there is also nanotech in vials and in this case anaesthetic.

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Thanks Kim for the heads up on Watch the Water 2, it was so good they both did this. Well stated and lots more clarification..and updates. These things do take the time to be investigated …if only there was more than a handful of humans up to the task and - DO IT !

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There is no RNA in the covid inocula. Among the researchers who analyzed them is Dr. Nagase, in Canada. Absence of phosphorus and nitrogen, essential elements for life (viruses, bacteria, RNA, etc.). Therefore there is nothing biological in the covid inocula, not even the supposed snake venom.

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I smoke a cigar in the car before I go out so I absorb the nicotine. I only take a few puffs and don't inhale. I do the same when I get in my driveway back home. There is a receptor in our brain takes either spike protein or nicotine. Flood it with nicotine and spike can't get in.

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Hi Kim, how much EDTA will you take daily when you start?( milligrams, how many pills of each?). Thank you

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I took 3 pills the first week, 2 a week after that, for about a month ( not many) . 600 mg tablets of calcium disodium EDTA. Then half an hour after I'd take 1/2 teaspoon bentonite clay , thinking I needed a binder, but not sure if that was necessary, then wait at least one hour before having coffee because bentonite needs you to not eat for a while after it. I only recently learnt in recent post here in comments that you need boron with magnesium supplement. I'd just been taking 1 magnesium 1 calcium and 1 zinc picolineate ( I'd take them out of capsules and put in water ) and a teaspoon of molasses for iron. To remineralise and cacao has minerals in it. But since boron is best with magnesium and 1 kind of magnesium isn't enough, I'll get some "Smidge" from Nourishme Organics ( in Aus) as it's 3 kinds of good magnesium with a tiny bit of boron) . So I didn't take much Edta then second month I probably only took one a week. Just avoiding things I think are contaminated more this month. Will do Edta again once I can afford a better mineral supplement. I just bought Camu Camu powder for vitamin C so that would help a bit too, I reckon, even though it's not IV amount. Certainly won't hurt.

Oh I drank Kombucha on days I was not taking edta to help repair ( guessing); microbiome from Edta damage. No idea if it helps, but can't hurt. But yeah, the guy on Twitter with a microscope cleared his blood but I think he took Edta pills for a month. Then month off. I don't think I'll do that much..too worried it'll ruin my microbiome. Maybe 1 week on , one week off, when I get Smidge.

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Thanks. Ill have to get some bentonite clay and some minerals

FYI, the hydrogel is being sprayed out of planes and is in food now, so I’m wondering if this needs to be an ongoing regimen?

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Yeah, I think detox needs to be ongoing but hard to know if detox stuff is safe ongoing. Pretty sure Edta pills or IV wouldn't be ok to do indefinitely since it's it's hard on the kidneys. Dr Ana said people with kidney disease need to be monitored. I think high vitamin C might be the safest thing that we know of at the moment. Also who can afford all this all the time? Gotta pray and hope they stop poisoning us. ( Weird fact...I haven't been able to eat apples since 1992:because they'd give me cystitis. 3 weeks ago I bought an apple to give to the possums and ended up eating it, then had no reaction. Have had a golden delicious apple almost every day the las two weeks. Not sure what helped me ( I have MECFS) but must've been done detox stuff that actually helped me internally better than before lol. Crazy.

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I’ve been worried about the mRNA technology being given to us by dentists. We are truly living in a nightmare.

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Its not mRNA technology per se...

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Mr Nixon again ! Is EDTA Chelation safe ? I have to know, I booked a chelation clinic in Germany. TX !

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I was thinking about allergy shots I "was taking".. when it dawned on me who was the head of allergy & infectious dis ease.. I stopped going! My back has not stopped itching from the skin tests they did. The Dr played if off saying, it should be out of your system by now and told me to take benedryll. That stuff knocks me out, no thanks! . My back has never been itchy in my life until now.

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I got allergy tests in '94 and the area was itchy. I wouldn't take shots though

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I had allergy tests several years ago. They were itchy. I did take benedryl when I got home and fell asleep. Lol

I’m wary of any meds or shots now.

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Mine didn't itch right after they did the skin test in 2021, didn't swell, nothing, but even a month after the test, when I had to go back to pick up serum to take to the infusion center at my local hospital to have them administer the injections, my back was driving me nuts and still is to this day. The allergist made a look of disbelief on her face and brushed it off.

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Wow, I’ve never heard of that issue. Strange to me that the allergist dismissed it instead of looking into it.

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I felt the same way! She was actually quite flippant about it. I just stopped going to the doctors all together some years ago and found a functional medicine practitioner ( holistic medicine) . The allergy to mold is still troubling me. My cousin told me there were only 2 states now that mold isn't an issue ( AZ not being one anymore ) Colorado was one and she couldn't remember the other state. I really didn't want to move to CO, too cold for my taste.. ;)

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Yikes! My brother moved to AZ 5 years ago and got valley fever. I never heard of it until then. His doctor gave him meds for it, but he took it for too long and ended up in the hospital. Is there something wrong with the doctors there?

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that is just normal local reaction to be expected., from allergy testing panels attached to your skin. although maybe not anymore?

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A year later??? I can see right after they do the skin test it being itchy.. that's been said to be a normal reaction.

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No, I mean it’s not normal in these times…only should itch for a minimal time..they are allergens after all.everyone would have different time it itched for depending on how “well” they are to begin with. And how fit their immune system is functioning. In my research of all the things nanotech etc being discovered in everyday things..from several science papers…have seen so many things we all have used - now have been weaponised to inject us..ie I came across evidence of bandaids/strips we put on cuts, etc. have been too and showed thousands of tiny little needles to inject the user. No guessing what was in them! I think one of those reports was from John’s Hopkins. so look ver carefully at all the common used items we take for granted and go chuck it all out. Then get back to very basic ways to do those uses with minimal clean water and no chemicals. With cuts…go without bandaids and use clean cotton self made bandaging. We have to wind back the clock on technology…as “they” have already been getting at us through everyday usage of modern products. Stuff convenience and protect your life…is the way to go. Ciao

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Yes, exactly.. this itch has gone on way too long and I detoz all of the time, using things like colloidal gold, nattokinase, all the things recommended by Alt doc's. Thank goodness for them! Thanks for the heads up on bandaids... I wonder when/what year they started doing that?!?!?! Would be nice to know that to look at the box and go from there. I haven't bought any recently but I do have a emergency box I made up back in 2019.

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there are a lot of science papers touting all these "wonderful" new ways of drug delivery systems - in particular. The universities are obsessed with new technologies. Just a thought if you to log on to any of them and do a search....and type in "Latest drug delivery systems and products" you might come across some. I don't have all of my research library with me. And you would also need a good microscope of sorts if you wanted to look for evidence. At this stage - I just tossed things out and re-started doing everyday things differently. For now.

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Terrific work David, Matt and Shimon.

Some thoughts on the nanotechnology in the dental injections.

The nanotechnology is clearly more advanced than that found in the Covid injections.

It looks like the microbots in the Covid injections may have been retired – they were huge on a nano-scale and this meant they required a lot of energy and were very slow. Their activity had to be sped up by hundreds of times in order to see what was happening.

In the dental shots we see pure nanotechnology unencumbered by size. They require tiny amounts of EMF energy to function at optimal levels.

Hence the speed of the assembly process in the dental shots.

There appears to be far more detail in the chips assembled from the dental shots – I think if you zoom in you would be surprised at how much circuitry is still unseen. The original Covid chips (although highly advanced) look quite clunky in comparison.

I think the development of this self-assembling nanotechnology is being generated by an AI system – the speed of advancement suggests machine learning – similar to what we saw with AlphaZero (Chess), AlphaGo (Go) and Protein folding.

If this nanotech is in basically all injectables and a lot of sprays (maybe eyedrops and eardrops as well) it indicates a truly massive manufacturing setup which again points to AI involvement.

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Please email me as I am keen to discuss further

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Please dr Nixon ! i was poisoned against my will by a dentist 3 weeks ago with ARTICAINE

since then i have a neuro muscular blocahe in the right Jaw right eye ,and right side of my face and neck .

i think its the technology who has touched nerves, hurt nerves

or clung to nerves

its very stable and dont go down

did u find an element to deactivate and dissolve the tech ?

does Colloidal Gold can success?

all the rest is BS u cant detox this tech with vitamines and nac

look at the study on Graphene + articaine :


if u have any idea or susbstance that can help me ( and help many others ) please write me at



Thank you !

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Have you been able to get hold of Robert Freitas? I have not been successful https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Freitas

Have you tried pointing a laser at it and see what happens?

Also, how about an electromagnetic field from a simple AA battery: + on one side of the slide, and - on the other?

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More thoughts. If these are biocompatible chips, how would they react to the change of pH? Change of concentration of major ions, - Ca, Na? Change of temperature? Change of oxygenation? I wish I was there, dr Nixon, to help you with your experiments. I bet you could use an assistant!!

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yes.. but you have your hands full now!

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Hi David, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm a dentist in NZ who is clearly very concerned with your findings. Would one expect the vials of "affected" anaesthetic to be magentic? We have been using Septodont anaesthetic regularly in our practice.

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please email me nixonlab@proton.me

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septodont is full of technology, graphene ribbons, hydrogel and all anesthesics are except may be one or two. la QC discovered a simple protocol with magnets to do in the vial before using that makes the GO and Tech go down to the glass in 3 minutes . search on Odysee la Quinta columna international

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Is Septodont the only brand for NZ and Au?

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I wouldn't have thoughts so...

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Septodont does not have the Graphene Oxide in it it is not listed on the packaging. Biological Dentist in Australia are using this. Or so I thought https://www.tga.gov.au/resources/artg/261413

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don't worry it's "safe and effective"

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The slide I saw you test on your website was NOT this anaesthetic so are you telling me you have tested this one. BE SPECIFIC.

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I have checked 3 Septodont products: Lignocaine Special, Septanest and Septocaine.. They are all contaminated. All the dental videos on my website are Septodont products. Clearly there are ingredients that are not listed on their packaging. Sometimes this can be hidden under proprietary information. Septodont claim on their website that their products contain "special molecules" but these are not listed. I have checked 12 brands from 8 companies. All appear similar but there are clear differences. Hopefully either we will find one that is not, we will start manufacturing, we will find a way to disable the process...

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Thats a stupid comment. People are freaking out about this so why don't you be more professional. Is that a sarcastic way of saying they are not labelling it in their ingredients?

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What are these pictures supposed to represent?

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These are the surface of Borg chip 2

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Regarding the French pharmaceutical and medical device company Septodont. It's a family owned business and it's President/CEO is Olivier Schiller. Among many things Schiller is also an advisor to the Bank of France, and advisor to the NYU Dental University, and can also be found on the WEF website.

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septodont is full of technology, ( we analysed 2 different septondont in France under microscope . full of graphene ribbons, dots, sheets !!hydrogel !!

and all anesthesics ARE except may be one or two. la QC discovered a simple protocol with magnets to do in the vial before using that makes the GO and Tech go down to the glass in 3 minutes . search on Odysee la Quinta Columna international

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You said we analysed. Who is we? Can i see your research please?

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c'est une amie qui avait un microscope chez elle et savait tres bien s'en servir/

elle ne le fait plus ;

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Hello, I have 20 fillings to receive for my teeth and I am in panic because although non vaxed and non tested PCR a doctor have found big graphène bits in my blood. Do you know the name of secure brands of anaesthesic and fillings ? Some years ago anothe dentist used Septanest and Septanest special, are theese two safe ? Thanks very much for your reply !

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septanest c'est pareil !plein de technologie ribbons graphene ou hydrogel on ne sait pas !! au minimum apprenez la technique de Ricardo Delgado de ' 'faire descendre le graphene dans le tube 'avec un aimant et EXIGEZ de votre dentiste que il, le fasse ou changez de dentiste et achetez de l'acide Humique Fulvique sur I Herb pour neutraliser le graphene( bien avant et bien apres )

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and there it is ! so we know what the collective filthy-rich spend their $ on.......killing all of us

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Perhaps we could all benefit from IV EDTA chelation?

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yes if you want to get poisoned more for months do it.

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I have an abscessed tooth that is dead and I'll need to undergo an extraction plus bone graft and implant soon. I'm beyond anxious about the anesthetic that would need to be used since nearly all appear to contain nano-technology of some kind. It has been mentioned in some posts that there are one or two that may be safe. Does anyone know which ones they are?

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I am in the same situation right now. August 20 appointment, and am very concerned.

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Lidocaine (w/epinephrine) and Carbocaine (Mepivicaine, no epinephrine) are the two other types of commonly used anesthetics. Marcaine is used less often, due to it's much longer numbing action.

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Do any of the ones you referenced *not have nano thech? Have an extraction, myself, coming up. Thanks!

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Reading all this makes me wonder what can we ask our dentist to use as anesthetic for dental work? Any suggestions are welcome. 🙏🏼

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Lidocaine and Mepivicaine, also known as Carbocaine, are two of the most commonly used dental anesthetics, besides Septocaine, also known as Articaine.. The question is, do they have the nano technology as well?

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septodont is full of technology, graphene ribbons, hydrogel and all anesthaesics are except may be one or two. la QC discovered a simple protocol with magnets to do in the vial before using that makes the GO and Tech go down to the glass in 3 minutes . search on Odysee la Quinta columna international

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Does the magnet protocol take care of the technology, graphene ribbons, hydrogel? Do you know of the 1 or 2 dental anesthetics that don't have this garbage in them?

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I doubt it. I am trying to find ones that don't have the tech

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Maybe Septanest or Septanest special ?

There must be some products without the tech for the elites

And what about brands of safe resin fillings ? R&S ? https://www.dvd-dental.com/marcas/rs

Thanks very much for your research and reply !

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Please let us know if you find a safe dental anesthetic.

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Some dentists use valium pills and nitrous oxide.

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When I wanted to see a dentist and told him I would refuse injections and anything to be put into my mouth, but pay with cash, he still wanted "proof" of where I live. That sounds like a tracking system.

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Thank you for all your work, efforts and providing this and other vital information publicly! There are clearly countless "opportunities" for these devilish things to find their way into the human body. (I still remember fondly the good old days oh so long ago when all one had to do was just say no to the death shot to avoid being chipped). What are reasonable countermeasures? EDTA chelation and does it really remove it? If so, does it do it completely, i.e., once these things cross the blood-brain barrier or only if stopped prior thereto? Are pills and other forms as efficacious as an IV? Any thoughts and/or references are greatly appreciated!

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What are the risks/contraindications of EDTA chelation? Nothing is without risk.

Dr. Ana also recently said you’ll have to undergo monthly intravenous treatments in order to have allegedly cleared blood. Aside from the potential health issues from the EDTA chelation itself, what about the cost?

Is it just me or does nothing add up here?

Is there a reasonable expectation we can avoid further harm and death or is that simply wishful thinking?

Finally, despite the despair everywhere you turn, a hope-filled podcast I recommend is “Getting to Know Your Bible.”

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Good questions trying to work on cost effective treatments that work...

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please dont follow that path

i have no interest in saying that, ! i just want to save lives

EDTA is a poison

i was poisoned in 2016 with only ONE small EDTA at low percentage, done by IV!!

6 months of hell !

nervous system, brain, muscles, pains vivrations, tinglking, burning, numbness !

OK? that s my testimony

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Thanks for your story. I take your experience as important evidence.

I’m going to avoid it as I’m extremely sensitive to things and know where you’re coming from.

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I agree, there are risks with EDTA chelation and it must be done correctly. Moreover, we are under direct assault from multiple directions and eventually most will be overcome. Finally, you are correct in your recommendation to turn to the Bible. This is a spiritual war and if people are not aware of this aspect, all the natural world precautions and responses will be for naught. I'm concerned that this tech will permit the globalists to take over people's minds and interfere with both their spiritual and natural ability to respond.

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they cannot control the mind of a person who is filled with belief and committment to God, creator of all. God is in every cell of our body. "we" are divine beings. No thing can snuff out his presence, his residence - in us.

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Hi Kim, no there are other brands as well, but Septodont is definitely the most common brand :(

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So no other brands have nano tech?

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Oh thank goodness. I'm detoxing anyway as the food has hydrogel, but this destresses me a bit. Thank you! ( Yep I understand it's the m9st common one )

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Although some of your images have been very clearly of something technological, these are not so convincing. I could easily imagine these being rough crystallizations of whatever is dissolved. The oil surrounds some compounds that are in suspension. The oil envelope puts pressure on the compounds. The compounds arrange in a roughly ordered form to minimize volume.

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At around 1:06:30 ff, can see a fibre with splayed ends - like ‘wires’ of a ‘cable’ - apparently attached to one of these square objects. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-mat-shimon-230512

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Thanks. I was only looking at the stills with the oil. (And I did not have the time to watch 1+ hours of it )

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Three years ago when I didn't know about the dental anesthetic contamination I got the anesthetic to pull a bad tooth. I've never been vaxxed. Now I worry.

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Oh, but I forgot about the nicotine. That will work. I went to a new doctor last week and his hands were all over my neck checking my thyroid. I was pissed. I was worried about shedding. I had forgotten about the nicotine. I just ran out to the car and got my skinny cigar I had forgotten about . I'm smoking it now, but I don't need to inhale as it gets absorbed through the mouth.

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