Of course science could never in reality live up to what it claims to be. Mainstream science is an organized belief system based on assumptions which are twisted towards political and financial power. It presupposes rigorous objectivity yet fails to acknowledge its corruptibility. It fosters denialism and falsifies data just like account…
Of course science could never in reality live up to what it claims to be. Mainstream science is an organized belief system based on assumptions which are twisted towards political and financial power. It presupposes rigorous objectivity yet fails to acknowledge its corruptibility. It fosters denialism and falsifies data just like accountants cooking the books. Mainstream science favors oppression of dissent and all genuine creativity of thought. Science today is not at all objective, it is rooted in emotionally driven bias of which its practitioners are profoundly unconscious. Scientists in general lack self awareness on the human level. Some are good people, many are not. Thus mainstream science generates deception and profits from error. It clings to neurotic mechanistic fundamentalism and it vehemently repudiates anything and everything else as false. For the world to truly change for the better, science must change, or be changed. Sloppiness can be more or less intentional, but regardless the outcome is never good.
Of course science could never in reality live up to what it claims to be. Mainstream science is an organized belief system based on assumptions which are twisted towards political and financial power. It presupposes rigorous objectivity yet fails to acknowledge its corruptibility. It fosters denialism and falsifies data just like accountants cooking the books. Mainstream science favors oppression of dissent and all genuine creativity of thought. Science today is not at all objective, it is rooted in emotionally driven bias of which its practitioners are profoundly unconscious. Scientists in general lack self awareness on the human level. Some are good people, many are not. Thus mainstream science generates deception and profits from error. It clings to neurotic mechanistic fundamentalism and it vehemently repudiates anything and everything else as false. For the world to truly change for the better, science must change, or be changed. Sloppiness can be more or less intentional, but regardless the outcome is never good.
well said