zeeemedia is 90% fear mongering news, attitude, products sold, high ratio of actual content
/ advertisements, then, the fact that A. Jones the product selling gatekeeper is supporting zeee doesn't really show anything positive. Just step back fromt there, you will think with more clarity.
zeeemedia is 90% fear mongering news, attitude, products sold, high ratio of actual content
/ advertisements, then, the fact that A. Jones the product selling gatekeeper is supporting zeee doesn't really show anything positive. Just step back fromt there, you will think with more clarity.
People, you'll have to be very savvy & careful to not be duped by those who are either: Incorrectly interpreting info., or, who are actively seeking to deceive you & undermine those sharing accurate & truthful info - such as La Quinta Columna or Zeee Media. There are many individuals/orgs who are: shills/puppets/controlled opposition/gatekeepers/ trolls/palterers/limited hangouts who pretend to be on the side of goodness, but are in fact, the opposite. I will not waste my time with these people/orgs by responding to their attempts to obfuscate & outright lie.
I said zeemedia is 90% fear mongering, it is the attitude. There are many others sharing the same or more in depth info, with better attitude and not selling you products for extinction level events.
If for you Zeemedia and LQC are the top you can reach, good for you, but do not try to give lessons when you obviously lack of critical eye for thinner tesitures of the information realm.
RE: Confirmation from 3 very credentialed sources that the objects claimed to be just salt crystals are NOT, they are in fact nanotechnology/nanobots:
General note: Bear in mind people, that there are many false dissidents out there, who seek to undermine those of us seeking & disseminating the truth. These false dissidents are often referred to as: trolls/shills/puppets/controlled opposition/gatekeepers/palterers /limited hangouts. They're not operating from a place of goodness, but rather, are a form of evil, quite frankly, because they don't want the truth to get out. One has to be very careful to not allow these people to succeed.
zeeemedia is 90% fear mongering news, attitude, products sold, high ratio of actual content
/ advertisements, then, the fact that A. Jones the product selling gatekeeper is supporting zeee doesn't really show anything positive. Just step back fromt there, you will think with more clarity.
People, you'll have to be very savvy & careful to not be duped by those who are either: Incorrectly interpreting info., or, who are actively seeking to deceive you & undermine those sharing accurate & truthful info - such as La Quinta Columna or Zeee Media. There are many individuals/orgs who are: shills/puppets/controlled opposition/gatekeepers/ trolls/palterers/limited hangouts who pretend to be on the side of goodness, but are in fact, the opposite. I will not waste my time with these people/orgs by responding to their attempts to obfuscate & outright lie.
I said zeemedia is 90% fear mongering, it is the attitude. There are many others sharing the same or more in depth info, with better attitude and not selling you products for extinction level events.
If for you Zeemedia and LQC are the top you can reach, good for you, but do not try to give lessons when you obviously lack of critical eye for thinner tesitures of the information realm.
RE: Confirmation from 3 very credentialed sources that the objects claimed to be just salt crystals are NOT, they are in fact nanotechnology/nanobots:
General note: Bear in mind people, that there are many false dissidents out there, who seek to undermine those of us seeking & disseminating the truth. These false dissidents are often referred to as: trolls/shills/puppets/controlled opposition/gatekeepers/palterers /limited hangouts. They're not operating from a place of goodness, but rather, are a form of evil, quite frankly, because they don't want the truth to get out. One has to be very careful to not allow these people to succeed.
Both Drs. Lee & Broudy, in their examinations:
And, also, Dr, Mihalcea herself states this too here: