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Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don't want to go to a dentist. The only time I got a seriously swollen gland was after a dental visit during 'covid' in 2021 when I had some dental anaesthetic. Gland swelling on same side as injection just below the site which refused to go down for a week. I have been suspicious ever since.

I'm presently experimenting with hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse then overnight comfrey leaf poked into a small random front tooth decay I found (no symptoms). Also now brushing my gums/teeth with aloe vera gel from my plants which naturally foams up and you wouldn't know it wasn't toothpaste. (rinse leaf before scraping gel) Has lots of vitamin C etc for gums.

No longer using tap water which is quite caustic to my tapware I notice (and wonder)

Comfrey historically was used for broken bones externally but herbal medicine is reticent to recommend it now based on what they are allowed to recommend.

I believe it comes from a broader genus that can be eaten and a young leaf of comfrey tastes similar to cucumber so I'm not too worried and I don't swallow it.

Either way, given the decay has eaten into the bone slightly I am just trying it every night to see if it does anything. So far 2 weeks, but then how long does bone take to heal? Can teeth (as bone) regrow? I guess I'll find out and if not, it will be cloves for me and a holistic obliging dentist. Clove oil is very potent. Don't swallow it. Apart from that it will numb pain. It will numb your swallow as well if you are not careful.

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Comfrey leaf is excellent for stopping pain and for healing of tissue. As for hydrogen peroxide, less effective than ClO2 swished at the correct dilution. There are dentists now using ClO2 for complex orthodontic procedures including cavitations in Germany - maybe not in the US. As for regrowth of bone and tooth, it's possible but more complex.

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Could pls provide any link to the cavitation/NICO important problem and its possible treatments?

Good comments.

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No links but I can try to find out for you whether there is possibly a holistic dentist in your area or in the US who is trained in these procedures. The only ones I know of are in Germany and in South America.

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Thanks lot. None spaniard aware. I was treated by dr Lechner, but NICO is reappearing, and implies extracting healthy teeth. I expected a possible cure or mitigation way for NICO, such as ozone injections or CDS (high dose I was told)

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green tea is rich in natural fluoride, not the nerve toxin NaF.

i brush my teeth with a mix of match, cinnamon and himalayan rock salt. your mixture sounds great and maybe just enrich it a little.

my sister lived with someone whose decayed tooth grew out the black from tooth decay. so, it is certainly possible.

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Comfrey Oil. I saw pictures of teeth and more!

This person was forced to remove bonified testimonials.

I use his product and swear by it - not at it.

You can learn from his experience here:

Kozans Krazy Comfrey Oil

on fb.

Also an herbal group I observed had a lady who drank the comfrey tea 3X per day; claimed some great results with teeth.

Research always for yourself.

Also, Standard Processing has a complete dental protocol.

Hope this opens a few new doors.

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