Hello John, thanks. The link you sent is an excellent source. The layout of information there conforms closely to my own understanding and also my clinical experience working on others. Rodrigo Romo (Brazilian) also expatiates on the similar basic themes. The extent of infiltration and hybridization is complex, deep and wide. So people n…
Hello John, thanks. The link you sent is an excellent source. The layout of information there conforms closely to my own understanding and also my clinical experience working on others. Rodrigo Romo (Brazilian) also expatiates on the similar basic themes. The extent of infiltration and hybridization is complex, deep and wide. So people need to be very wary of those shiny influencer "truthers" and "white hats" who are compromised and operating under control because they lack sufficient Self-awareness. Entity possession and hybridization cannot be separated from a person's karmic inheritance. The twists and torques of perception produce further entanglement which leads increasingly to error and enslavement of those who have been swayed by the influencers. This is why (सौच) is primary. Where (सौच) persists, parasitism is impossible and the original connection to Emerald order can be restored. Black Sun and reptilian infiltration does indeed work through splenetic implants to damage human blood (and thus heart and brain), yes that is correct too.
Laura eisenhower wrote her new book Awakening the truth frequency,into the unified field with a lot of energetic synthesis in it as she became friends with Lisa Renee.It is my truth frequency also Dr.Corrin,answered a lot of questions I had from the last 13 yrs on the web.They are parasites that live thousands of years,yeah so first time life becomes fair let me know.i think it's very good news the Solar Rishi are here,they have to digress down thru the dimensions to incarnate here but that's what they are doing from what I understand.Lisa has said some of us will get to meet the infinite creators.Also 4 to 5 babies being born today are starseeds,besides making their satanic blood money it may explain the childhood vaccination schedule.Eventually the dark forces will be evicted and many will die the 2nd death.You have to have a certain level of humanity to ascend to the higher realms,is is true you die the first death when you embrace transhumanism and merge with AI? God is within us,we have the answers within us,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/War_Over_Consciousness
Hello John, thanks. The link you sent is an excellent source. The layout of information there conforms closely to my own understanding and also my clinical experience working on others. Rodrigo Romo (Brazilian) also expatiates on the similar basic themes. The extent of infiltration and hybridization is complex, deep and wide. So people need to be very wary of those shiny influencer "truthers" and "white hats" who are compromised and operating under control because they lack sufficient Self-awareness. Entity possession and hybridization cannot be separated from a person's karmic inheritance. The twists and torques of perception produce further entanglement which leads increasingly to error and enslavement of those who have been swayed by the influencers. This is why (सौच) is primary. Where (सौच) persists, parasitism is impossible and the original connection to Emerald order can be restored. Black Sun and reptilian infiltration does indeed work through splenetic implants to damage human blood (and thus heart and brain), yes that is correct too.
One more that may be of particular interest to you Nicholas,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Kidneys
Our blood holds our entire consciousness record blueprint,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood
Laura eisenhower wrote her new book Awakening the truth frequency,into the unified field with a lot of energetic synthesis in it as she became friends with Lisa Renee.It is my truth frequency also Dr.Corrin,answered a lot of questions I had from the last 13 yrs on the web.They are parasites that live thousands of years,yeah so first time life becomes fair let me know.i think it's very good news the Solar Rishi are here,they have to digress down thru the dimensions to incarnate here but that's what they are doing from what I understand.Lisa has said some of us will get to meet the infinite creators.Also 4 to 5 babies being born today are starseeds,besides making their satanic blood money it may explain the childhood vaccination schedule.Eventually the dark forces will be evicted and many will die the 2nd death.You have to have a certain level of humanity to ascend to the higher realms,is is true you die the first death when you embrace transhumanism and merge with AI? God is within us,we have the answers within us,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/War_Over_Consciousness