Alan Watts, a British philosopher and writer, gained global recognition for his ability to translate Eastern philosophical concepts into Western contexts. Born in 1915, Watts authored over two dozen books and delivered hundreds of lectures on topics ranging from Zen Buddhism to human consciousness and perception. His works often challenged conventional thinking, encouraging individuals to see beyond surface appearances and embrace deeper truths. One of his most compelling insights involved the Rubin Vase optical illusion, which he used as a metaphor for the mutual exclusivity of human perception.
The Rubin Vase was first introduced in 1915 by Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin and demonstrates figure-ground perception. The bistable image allows one to see either a white vase or two black faces in profile, but never both simultaneously. Rubin’s work laid the foundation for Gestalt psychology, and Watts later expanded on its philosophical implications. Watts observed that this limitation in perception reflects not only how we interpret optical illusions but also how we navigate complex societal realities.
In today’s social landscape, the Rubin Vase metaphor feels more relevant than ever. A large portion of society remains fixated on the "faces," representing dominant narratives reinforced by mainstream media and institutional authority. Meanwhile, those who perceive the "vase"—the deeper, interconnected truths—struggle to communicate what they see. The two perspectives are not just different; they are mutually exclusive. To see the vase requires letting go of the faces, a process that is deeply destabilizing and often resisted.
The COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine rollout exemplify this Rubin Vase dynamic. For many, the "faces" were clear: the vaccines were a triumph of science, essential for public health, and a moral obligation. For others, the "vase" revealed a different reality: questions about safety, transparency, coercion, and the motivations behind the rollout. This divide wasn’t just about science; it was about trust, power, and the way narratives shape perception.
The Power Behind the Illusion
Reiner Fuellmich’s assertion that “the vaccines weren’t created for the virus; the virus was created for the vaccine” encapsulates the sense of overwhelming power behind the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Whether or not one agrees with this statement, it reflects the perception that the rollout was more than a public health effort—it was a globally coordinated campaign driven by immense resources and influence.
From the expedited approval process to the global synchronization of media messaging, every aspect of the vaccine rollout demonstrated extraordinary coordination. Pharmaceutical companies, governments, regulatory bodies, and media platforms aligned to present a singular narrative. This level of control was both impressive and deeply unsettling, revealing the power of those driving the narrative—not just to shape public perception but to enforce it.
Yet, the very distortions created to maintain this illusion also served as evidence of its fragility. The suppression of dissent, the erosion of informed consent, and the vilification of alternative perspectives were not the actions of a system confident in its truth. They were the cracks in the façade, signalling that the narrative required extraordinary effort to sustain.
The Distortions as Evidence of the Illusion
The Rubin Vase metaphor teaches us that perception is shaped not just by what we see but by the context and distortions surrounding it. During the vaccine rollout, these distortions became impossible to ignore:
Doctors and scientists who raised concerns were silenced or professionally ostracized.
Alternative treatments were dismissed without rigorous investigation.
Vaccine manufacturers were granted unprecedented immunity from liability for adverse effects.
Informed consent, a cornerstone of medical ethics, was eroded through coercive mandates and policies.
Media platforms uniformly suppressed dissent, removing content and amplifying only pro-vaccine messages.
Many individuals found themselves coerced into vaccination decisions framed as "voluntary," such as complying with mandates to access essential services like outpatient medical care.
These distortions didn’t just reinforce the illusion—they revealed its existence. In a world where truth stands on its own, suppression and coercion are unnecessary. The need to enforce the narrative so aggressively was itself proof that the narrative was fragile.
AHPRA and the Suppression of Dissent
The role of AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) in managing dissent within the healthcare profession serves as a case study in institutional intolerance. Regulatory bodies like AHPRA, tasked with upholding professional integrity, have instead been perceived as tools for enforcing a singular narrative, especially during the contentious period of vaccine mandates and public health policy enforcement.
Silencing Alternative Perspectives
AHPRA's responses to professionals who questioned public health narratives often extended beyond mere criticism. Actions ranged from imposing bureaucratic hurdles and threats of license revocation to public rebukes aimed at discrediting dissenters. Legitimate concerns, such as vaccine-related adverse events or alternative public health approaches, were frequently dismissed without dialogue. This suppression not only stifled innovation and inquiry but also eroded trust in the regulatory system.
Framing and Intent: The Rubin Defence
Meetings with AHPRA revealed a deliberate framing of discussions to align solely with the dominant narrative. Questions were constructed within rigid frameworks that implicitly legitimised only institutionally approved perspectives while side-lining alternative views. This tactic is likened to the “Rubin Defence,” where discussions focus on the “faces” of an issue (the surface-level narrative) while excluding the “vase” (the broader, underlying reality).
To navigate this dynamic, it became essential to expand the conversation beyond the narrow framing imposed by AHPRA. For example, in one meeting, responses had to acknowledge the legitimacy of the “faces” perspective while subtly introducing the excluded “vase” reality. This approach highlighted contradictions in the dominant narrative without outright rejecting it, avoiding the risk of being labelled uncooperative.
The Paradox of Suppression
Ironically, AHPRA’s attempts to suppress dissent only exposed the fragility of the narrative it sought to protect. Suppression reinforced the perception that the dominant framework could not withstand scrutiny. Rather than fostering trust, such actions revealed institutional vulnerability and suggested a greater concern with controlling the narrative than addressing substantive issues.
Implications for Professional Autonomy
By enforcing a singular perspective, AHPRA not only curtailed open debate but also marginalized professionals advocating for alternative, evidence-based solutions. This suppression of professional autonomy created an environment where dissent was not just discouraged but actively penalised, further undermining the integrity of the profession and public trust in healthcare regulation.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Rubin Vase of Vaccine Discourse
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has famously stated that he is not anti-vaccine; he is willing to consider any vaccine proven safe and effective—he just hasn’t found one yet. This statement itself functions as a Rubin Vase. To those fixated on the "faces," Kennedy's words appear as a disingenuous attack on vaccines, reinforcing their perception of him as an anti-vaccine activist cloaked in rhetoric. To those who glimpse the "vase," however, his statement is a call for accountability and rigorous scrutiny—an invitation to engage with the evidence and address the gaps in vaccine safety and transparency.
The brilliance of Kennedy’s comment lies in its ability to challenge perception. It forces the listener to confront their own cognitive framing. If one assumes vaccines are inherently safe and beneficial, his critique is easy to dismiss as an attack on public health. However, for those who approach the issue with curiosity and a willingness to explore the shadows—such as the absence of independent long-term studies or the outsized influence of pharmaceutical companies—Kennedy's words take on an entirely different meaning. They become an opportunity to question, to investigate, and to demand higher standards for safety and efficacy.
This duality in interpretation mirrors the Rubin Vase illusion, where the same image can evoke two entirely different realities. Those invested in the "faces" narrative of vaccine safety and efficacy are quick to label Kennedy as anti-science or conspiratorial. This reaction stems not from a thorough examination of his claims but from the destabilising implications of considering the "vase." To entertain the possibility that vaccines might not be as safe as widely advertised is to confront unsettling questions: What does this mean for public health policy? Who benefits from perpetuating the dominant narrative? How much of what we take for granted is based on incomplete or distorted information?
For those who glimpse the vase, Kennedy’s statement shines a light on troubling inconsistencies within the system. If vaccines are as safe as claimed, why does the data often suggest otherwise? Why are dissenting scientists silenced instead of engaged in open debate? Why do regulatory agencies appear to prioritise the interests of industry over public safety? These shadows and distortions make it increasingly difficult to sustain the illusion of the "faces."
Kennedy's work also underscores the emotional dynamics of perception. For those clinging to the "faces," his critique feels like an attack on their identity and values. Vaccines have come to symbolise progress, trust in science, and collective responsibility. Questioning their safety or efficacy feels, to many, like questioning these ideals themselves. This emotional investment explains why the "faces" narrative remains so compelling—and why the transition to seeing the vase is fraught with fear and resistance.
The Rubin Vase metaphor reminds us that perception is not just about what we see but how we interpret what we see. Kennedy’s challenge is not about rejecting vaccines outright or embracing a singular perspective. It is about adding depth to the picture, moving beyond binary thinking, and striving for a reality that integrates both the faces and the vase. Only by confronting these shadows and distortions can we achieve a clearer and more truthful understanding.
The Attack on Free Speech and Thought
Jordan Peterson has argued that free speech is not merely a personal liberty—it is the foundation of critical thought and societal progress. “In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive,” he often says. Speech and thought are inseparable; one cannot exist without the other. The attack on free speech during the vaccine rollout wasn’t just an attack on dialogue—it was an assault on the cognitive process itself.
When dissenting voices were labelled as “misinformation” and silenced, the capacity for collective reasoning was diminished. The Rubin Vase dynamic became more entrenched, as people were trapped in the "faces" perspective, unable to explore the depth and nuance of the "vase." Peterson’s warnings about the dangers of institutional capture and coercion ring true: by controlling language, those in power sought to control thought itself.
The Paradox of Suppression
Ironically, the very efforts to maintain the illusion also gave the game away. The suppression of speech, the side-lining of dissent, and the enforcement of conformity highlighted the fragility of the narrative. Truth does not fear scrutiny; it thrives in open debate. Lies and distortions, on the other hand, require constant maintenance. As Peterson would argue, the effort to suppress free speech during the vaccine rollout was not a sign of strength—it was a sign of weakness.
The Responsibility of Vase-Seers
For those who see the vase, the path forward is clear but challenging. The goal is not to attack the "faces" perspective but to guide others toward the vase by pointing out the shadows and distortions that reveal its depth. This requires empathy, patience, and nuance. Absolutist or combative rhetoric risks reinforcing the edges of the vase, making the divide more rigid and harder to bridge.
Instead, vase-seers must frame their observations in ways that invite curiosity and critical thinking. For example:
Why were dissenting doctors silenced instead of engaged in open debate?
Why were alternative treatments dismissed without thorough exploration?
Why were adverse effects downplayed, only to be acknowledged later?
Why were vaccine manufacturers shielded from liability?
Why was natural immunity minimized in public health policies?
Why were those injured by vaccines marginalized and their stories suppressed?
These questions don’t accuse—they explore. They invite others to consider the possibility that what they see may not be the whole picture.
Nested Narratives: A Deeper Dive into the Structure of Perception
The concept of nested narratives deepens the analysis of perception and the way societal structures shape truth. Nested narratives are layers of storytelling that exist within larger frameworks, each one influencing how we see the world and making it more difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Much like the layers of perception in the Rubin Vase, nested narratives complicate the process of seeing the truth by embedding alternative versions of reality within the accepted narrative.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dominant narrative about the vaccines was shaped not only by mainstream media but by a complex network of political, scientific, and economic influences. The public was presented with a "safe" and "necessary" vaccine narrative, but beneath that surface were other, less discussed layers—concerns about the origins of the virus, the speed of the vaccine rollout, the potential for long-term health effects, and the financial interests behind vaccine manufacturers.
In many ways, these nested narratives create barriers to the broader understanding of the situation. Each narrative layer reinforces the one above it, making it harder to break through and see the truth. Yet, it is the responsibility of the vase-seers to uncover these layers and expose them for what they are—stories that serve specific interests, often at the cost of public trust and well-being.
Nano-Tech: The Invisible Force Behind Control
While we’re distracted by visible threats—whether it’s the fear of genetic manipulation, vaccine injuries, or even financial crises—the true power lies in nano-technology, a field that is rapidly advancing but remains largely invisible and under the radar for the general public. Click the image below for more details:
At its core, nano-technology represents a fusion of biology and technology at the molecular level. The tiny, microscopic scale of nano-particles allows them to bypass biological defence mechanisms and interact with cells and tissues in ways that genetic modifications or traditional medicines simply cannot. Nano-particles can be engineered to target specific cells, tissues, or even organs, delivering drugs or altering biological functions with a level of precision and subtlety that makes them extremely difficult to detect and monitor.
In the broader system of biological control, nano-tech functions as an invisible puppet master. It’s not the obvious changes that we can see or feel—it’s the unseen influence over our biology, interacting with our cells, tissues, and even our DNA, without leaving a trace. The potential for control here is far greater than we can imagine.
Nano-Tech and Synthetic Biology: The Merge of Life and Engineering
At the intersection of nano-tech and synthetic biology, the ability to engineer life becomes almost limitless. Nano-particles can be programmed to interact with genetic material, and synthetic organisms can be created with a combination of biological components and nano-engineering. This opens the door to technologies that could reprogram our biology, adjusting our genetic code, or modifying our cellular processes without any visible signs.
What’s more concerning is that these bio-nano systems are not just about genetic edits; they can act as nano-machines inside our bodies—monitoring, altering, and potentially even controlling how our cells function, how our immune system reacts, and how our brain processes information. This is the next frontier in biotechnological control: not just altering the genetic code, but hacking the system at the molecular level in ways that are far more sophisticated than the genetic modification fears we are distracted by.
Conclusion: Unveiling the Hidden Forces of Control
The exploration of nano-technology as an invisible force of control is not just a personal inquiry, but a critical investigation into how advanced technologies, once hidden from the public eye, are silently integrated into the very core of our biology, behavior, and societal systems. While visible threats, such as vaccine injuries, financial crises, and genetic manipulation fears, dominate public attention, the true power often lies in fields like nano-tech, which remain largely under-explored and under-regulated. Operating at the molecular level, nano-tech interacts with our cells, tissues, and DNA in ways traditional medicines or genetic edits cannot, presenting a profound opportunity for control that largely goes unnoticed.
This work is a contribution to a broader, urgent conversation about the technologies influencing our future. Nano-technology, alongside synthetic biology, offers a fusion of biology and engineering that enables unprecedented precision in altering human biology. Yet, unlike the well-publicized fears surrounding genetic manipulation, nano-tech works silently and invisibly within our bodies, bypassing natural defence mechanisms and enabling interventions that are almost impossible to detect. The fusion of nano-engineering with life itself opens new frontiers of biotechnological control that may reshape the very essence of what it means to be human.
By focusing on these hidden forces, this study challenges the prevailing narratives and calls for greater transparency, accountability, and ethical oversight in biotechnology. My investigation is not an isolated interest but an essential part of the growing discourse on the ethical, social, and biological implications of emerging technologies. Just as the suppression of dissent during the vaccine rollout exposed the fragility of certain narratives, so too does the lack of public awareness about nano-tech signal an urgent need for scrutiny. If these technologies can alter our biology, they also have the potential to influence our behavior and cognition in ways we have yet to fully understand.
Ultimately, the integration of these technologies into human biology raises critical questions about autonomy, consent, and the unseen manipulation of life itself. This work is a call to action for independent, interdisciplinary investigation into the materials, processes, and societal frameworks that shape our future. It is not just about identifying the forces at play, but ensuring we retain control over them, protecting the autonomy of individuals against invisible, powerful technologies.
As we stand on the threshold of this new frontier, it is essential to ask not just how these technologies work, but for whom they are designed, and whether those in power can be trusted to wield them responsibly. The answers to these questions will determine the future of human autonomy and our ability to safeguard our biological integrity.
PS All support gratefully appreciated.
Dr Nixon, this is a masterpiece. Thank you from the heart for your incredible contribution in this space. You’ve had a profound influence on me; I pray that humanity will find the courage to examine these critical issues. Much love and gratitude to you.
Hi David,
Any truly sapient sapiens should be able to see that without the censorship, division, propaganda, coercion and more they could not have achieved that which is now obvious to a growing number of the populace.
The guessing game of what is coming next is getting easier with the narrowing of choices available to them to finalize their master plan of mass control. More illogical force and actions will only wake more up, but they have no choice now.
They may have the $, control of state assets and weapons, the mass media and more but they don't have truth, logic, morals, ethics and most importantly the numbers on their side.
While they may laugh as they watch some of the petty disputes amongst the very few seeking answers to mitigate the damage they have wrought, while simultaneously watching their placed opposition still maintain credibility, this is only a short term situation as the majority of C.O. will be exposed for what they are in due course.
The broken trust in Doctors ( roughly 95% to 60% ) and the medical system that I see daily has been done with a purpose and is also a large part of the strategy being deployed on us all that many don't see through. Has any profession in history suffered such a drop in trust and if so what does history tell us about that? Is there a way this can be turned to our advantage instead of theirs? I believe so.
Let 25 be the year an old paradigm rightfully goes and a moral and ethical new one arises. With the right design and logic behind it the $ will follow that will fund the answers so needed.
What David has given us all here is a way to convert many more to the right side of history. Lets understand and use it with drive and purpose.
The logic in this post is not disputable. Encore please.