Dr Nixon, this is a masterpiece. Thank you from the heart for your incredible contribution in this space. You’ve had a profound influence on me; I pray that humanity will find the courage to examine these critical issues. Much love and gratitude to you.

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Hi David,

Any truly sapient sapiens should be able to see that without the censorship, division, propaganda, coercion and more they could not have achieved that which is now obvious to a growing number of the populace.

The guessing game of what is coming next is getting easier with the narrowing of choices available to them to finalize their master plan of mass control. More illogical force and actions will only wake more up, but they have no choice now.

They may have the $, control of state assets and weapons, the mass media and more but they don't have truth, logic, morals, ethics and most importantly the numbers on their side.

While they may laugh as they watch some of the petty disputes amongst the very few seeking answers to mitigate the damage they have wrought, while simultaneously watching their placed opposition still maintain credibility, this is only a short term situation as the majority of C.O. will be exposed for what they are in due course.

The broken trust in Doctors ( roughly 95% to 60% ) and the medical system that I see daily has been done with a purpose and is also a large part of the strategy being deployed on us all that many don't see through. Has any profession in history suffered such a drop in trust and if so what does history tell us about that? Is there a way this can be turned to our advantage instead of theirs? I believe so.

Let 25 be the year an old paradigm rightfully goes and a moral and ethical new one arises. With the right design and logic behind it the $ will follow that will fund the answers so needed.

What David has given us all here is a way to convert many more to the right side of history. Lets understand and use it with drive and purpose.

The logic in this post is not disputable. Encore please.

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Yes indeed. The population lives in two entirely separate information bubbles.

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One of the best Substack articles I’ve ever read. I actually could understand this, feel it, and am of course, horrified by the implications of where life is headed.

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I agree with Julie. This is very insightful. It also to me looks at the problem of continued propaganda that is full of blatant cognitive dissonance. Eventually the positive imagery at it's edges fray and one is forced to "see". I think that is why longitudinal studies in the social sciences persist as the control system still is figuring out how to maintain their desired "image."


I was reading Alan Watts when I was taking psychology for a semester at the University. I kept the book and I believe it made an impact such that in graduate school my thesis work would look at awareness in human behavior and attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs.

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A brilliant analogy …

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Thank you David for this comprehensive summary of the ongoing health crisis (upgraded to Paid Subscriber in gratitude for your work)

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Thanks Rollo. I really appreciate the support thank you!

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Very helpful presentation containing wide applications in any human relation or interaction.

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Thank you, David. This is a brilliant piece. For some time I have watched your work (and a few others) with the microscopes. These nano-____ are fascinating to look at and watch in motion. To what end? You have answered the question. I have also had some (little) knowledge of the possibilities of nano science. This puts both sides together, and it is a bit frightening. The science has been forced upon us without our knowledge or consent. If it were just to benefit mankind, not a problem. But, we know that the devil's disciples have hijacked it. Now, we can see both parts of Rubin's Vase. The possibility (probability) of changing homo sapien to something unrecognizable is discomforting and intensely evil. Noah Harari's "hackable humans" are right in front of us. We need somehow to stop the zombies before it is too late. Essentially, we need to stop the advance of destruction and take back control.

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Pfizer's not so secret nano technology was made in Israel, here is a brief synopsis. Yes, the robots are connected to the internet and are guided by joy-stick. The CEO of Pfizer has been granted many awards by Israel. He said "cancer is the new covid" in May 2024.


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My favorite parts of Covid:


I’m not smart enough to imagine how stupid most people are.

But I am smart enough to appreciate it.

And at times even revel in it.


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"The brilliance of Kennedy’s comment lies in its ability to challenge perception. It forces the listener to confront their own cognitive framing."

-I'm sure RFK was given this statement to accept vaccines that are safe and effective by his handlers. After 5 years he still doesn't state no virus was found means he is not on the side of the common man.

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We all hope to LIVE a little longer, if only to be here to SURVIVE & OBSERVE what looks to be the most stupendously gigantic & enormously huge PSY-OP in all of recorded human history.

Bigger than all the manufactured and accidental Wars combined.

As Mrs Rothschild famously said " If my sons want War, there will be War. If they don't want War, there won't be War"

The Deagle Population Prediction is looking a little shaky.... will 70 percent of us be dead by 2030?... As Dr Nixon said to me, "They are playing catch up genocide... the nano-tech is not working so well"

Notwithstanding, Mike Yeadon said ... "they are not unhappy with the progress made, having jabbed over 6.5 billion individuals".

Beware.... unfriendly nano-tech targeting weak spots in your body.


I live in hope having just beaten cancer. (Merkel Cell Carcinoma)

My wife Susan has now fully recovered from Non Hodgkin Lymphoma.



My Wife's recovery is down to Karl C's inquiring mind and his astute observations about Sour Salt.

I beat Merkel Cell with the advice of Dr Sircus

And now?....


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The Deagle report was for 2025

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It doesn’t help also being an INVISIBLE WAR ,

My 9 yo son is banned from watching the TV , mainly because of he will ask me for fast food ,

He plays his Sony PS5 on the TV ,

My mother got half murdered by the big corporations , she still made it to 84yo

Lucky I got her of meds , with a doctor when I woke up at 41 yo , Iv got a big job with taking care of my son while he is under 18 yo and can’t make decisions for him self , No more playing on his scooter,

Things I have to do to stay away from people I don’t want to deal with,

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Excellent piece.

I am very much hoping that we will soon have some evidence (one way or the other) on whether the nanotechnology contained within these shots, are getting into the mitochondria. 😐

I know some are investigating whether the plasmids integrate within the mitochondrial DNA, as evidenced that it does with genomic DNA. But any evidence of mitochondrial integration so far has been kept very tightly under wraps, even by those fighting the censorship.😐🤦‍♀️ most dont even consider it. Likewise with any nanopathology.😐

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Thank you, Dr. Watson. Also thank you to one of the commenters to your Christmas message, who mentioned David Hughes who included a Sabrina Wallace video on his substack which was terrifying. I usually think Sabrina Wallace is way above my intellectual level but I see I must soldier on. I avoided the covid con easily but think my nanoparticles may have been delivered via dental injections in mid 2022 before I knew most injections contained nanoparticles. Thank you for making me face up to the fact that covid is only a piece of the danger we face.

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