Hi guys,
I have spent some time today reviewing how I am going to discuss this video in the paper that I am writing and decided this afternoon to take a different approach.
This is the most extraordinary video. It’s like the best UFO video ever produced except it’s at 200x magnification and its happening really slowly. It’s like a close up video of the space ship, when its operating. I kid you not. After spending over 2 years full-time since this video was taken immersed in this tech I have grown accustomed to seeing some seriously unusual shyte but this was defo the most bizarre. And I know that there are lots of people showing microscopy on substack and some it is really good but nobody is showing this!
It has made me reassess the world and what we see going on around us. If this is happening and aspects of what we are seeing here are also in dental anaesthetics and other vaccines (which they are) then seriously folks - life is not the way we think it is! There are bigger agendas at play than the theatre that we see and hear.
Consider this:
a sample of Pfizer Comirnaty sitting on a slide drying out for 10 weeks then doing this - just crazy.
200x magnification, really slowly, coordinated, with precision, mechanically, facilitating the growth of the crystal … nuts
I knew that I had to make sure that this was available to people and I was on the Maria Zeee show the same day showing this video. Even though that was over two years ago it is still the most important video I have taken.
And it is the most difficult to look at. I have shown it to a number of intelligent people who just couldn’t see what is actually going on in the video. Even after watching it hundreds of times and discussing it for hours with friends and colleagues it is still difficult to watch because the implications are so profound.
And now its available to view and download off my website So please do both and share it. It needs to be discussed now more than ever.
To view and download the video click here and download it by clicking on this symbol which you will see on the video:
So please check it out.
This is one of the slides from the paper I am writing showing the labels for what I am seeing
Seriously, this has to be nefarious. It also means there exists an intelligence on this planet that is what 50 , maybe 100 years of so called “public science”. Alien? AI? super advanced break away civilisation?? Put aside DNA plasmids and heavy metals for a moment and think about what this implies… And despite this video having a few million views it is still not discussed…
Thank you to Andrew Chapman who offered to put together a presentation on this video and this can be watched here.
OK back to some more writing…
PS All support gratefully appreciated.
Wow David, I think it's not aliens technology at all, perhaps more a case of of "mad science" taken too far, for real...they went around a corner they shouldn't have...and kept going to see how far it could be pushed to. A total abuse of science knowledge know how...and yes, carried out across many lifetimes.
Thankyou for the download too
Hello David!
Thank you for sharing your video!
Frankly, as a photographer, it is as obvious as the nose in the face that what this incredible footage shows is a previously unknown nanotechnology that is still active on the slide of a drop of Pfizer “vaccine” that should normally have been dried out after ten months of storage, which is quite amazing and unprecedented.
I wish everybody could change the speed to better observe the automated ballet of multiple arms, which is of surgical precision. The one on the upper left grabs, then brings back to its dock a visibly manufactured black piece whose luminous front is divided into two that made me think of a multi-wavelength flat laser divided into two equal front sections strangely resembling Dr. McCoy’s luminous diagnostic tool in “Star Trek” or a Silkin Flash’N Go.
The arm on the upper right seemed to prevent the growth of the crystal until a verification process was completed -the lights that turned on or went out followed by the removal of the black piece? - then, withdrawing in the blink of an eye, abruptly allowed the fast development of the crystalline structure.
Light signalling is a major feature of this nano master piece and these actions are not the result of mere chance; they are planned or programmed.
More than two years have passed since this video, will there be a Part II from this specific slide or batch number? Who knows, in the meantime nanobots may have created entire cities on their own scale…
Warm regards.
P. S. If we rely on the videos of the blood, still active, of people who have died for several days -Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Zombie blood - these constructions could continue indefinitely or, at least, until the basic materials are exhausted.