Wow David, I think it's not aliens technology at all, perhaps more a case of of "mad science" taken too far, for real...they went around a corner they shouldn't have...and kept going to see how far it could be pushed to. A total abuse of science knowledge know how...and yes, carried out across many lifetimes.
Frankly, as a photographer, it is as obvious as the nose in the face that what this incredible footage shows is a previously unknown nanotechnology that is still active on the slide of a drop of Pfizer “vaccine” that should normally have been dried out after ten months of storage, which is quite amazing and unprecedented.
I wish everybody could change the speed to better observe the automated ballet of multiple arms, which is of surgical precision. The one on the upper left grabs, then brings back to its dock a visibly manufactured black piece whose luminous front is divided into two that made me think of a multi-wavelength flat laser divided into two equal front sections strangely resembling Dr. McCoy’s luminous diagnostic tool in “Star Trek” or a Silkin Flash’N Go.
The arm on the upper right seemed to prevent the growth of the crystal until a verification process was completed -the lights that turned on or went out followed by the removal of the black piece? - then, withdrawing in the blink of an eye, abruptly allowed the fast development of the crystalline structure.
Light signalling is a major feature of this nano master piece and these actions are not the result of mere chance; they are planned or programmed.
More than two years have passed since this video, will there be a Part II from this specific slide or batch number? Who knows, in the meantime nanobots may have created entire cities on their own scale…
Warm regards.
P. S. If we rely on the videos of the blood, still active, of people who have died for several days -Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Zombie blood - these constructions could continue indefinitely or, at least, until the basic materials are exhausted.
Years ago, well before the Covid farce, when I first started doing serious and in depth research of the chemtrail phenomena. I remember reading one of Clifford Carnicom's papers on the oxidation of our blood as a result of this xenobiological life form and I had an "aha moment". I remember somewhere reading a biblical passage about life being "in the blood". When I fully understood that something has been released upon the earth that is changing humanity and the essence of God's creation, it all clicked. This is a spiritual battle. Lucifer does indeed have dominion over the earth at the moment. He and the other fallen ones are using certain factions of mankind to destroy God's image and ultimately to remake creation in his image. Not only to defile God but to control and destroy human beings and the incredible beauty that our souls can create. This is the only explanation that makes sense when all of the evidence has been thoroughly and objectively considered. When the weight of this realization fully connected in my mind, everything changed for me. Forever. Personally I pray daily and ask Jesus for protection and the full armor of God. I know that in the end good wins, but as Tom Petty said, it's the "waiting that's the hardest part".
The experiment needs to be repeated in a contolled environment. One in a grounded faraday cage during the incubation period and another not exposed to the florescent lighting in the lab.
As for experimental groups, the samples can be exposed to isolated frequencies within a faraday cage such as 2.4 GHz and 5G.
Normally I would love to introduce a subject but I get accused of all kinds of things, and physically assaulted by certain particular government departments if I launch into a monologue about extra/trans dimensionality or non human intelligence or anything else I am qualified to speak on, with my post graduate education and experience. Things happen to people like me which is why I am sticking to the select bibliography format on ss as on fb. I am monitored online by people who hate me and sometimes this is revealed during interviews with police or mental health professionals. Dr Steven Greer gave up his day job to study ufology and has had personal experiences, some he has videod. Non human intelligence has contributed to science, and corporations and universities are places of reverse engineering. The transdimensional does indeed sit within the transtruman agenda and I haven't quite fleshed that out on ss, because someone has to say it before me. Or bad things happen to me if I dare to think in ways that may be able to save the human race from extinction. Shit happens for a reason I suppose.
The term that came to me as I was watching: ‘a magnetic mechanism.’ I know little to nothing of these bio-engineered “advancements” as I have a PhD in modern British literature. Although awesome (in a non-inspirational way from my point of view), it appears this metallic creature could be a human construct. Maybe our “scientists” have learned something from quantum entities as they have by reverse engineering their antigravity craft. It’s definitely anomalous. It’s definitely not organic. And it’s definitely unhealthy. What is clear—Whoever originated these toxic self-assemblers does not want our species to survive.
Hi Claudia a Phd in modern British literature - cool! I think that this is possibly a human/AI construction and I think the aim is control and transformation of all life on the plant. Also nuts. What can we learn from contemporary Bristish writers?
We can learn what we are now learning today… Certain self-appointed “leaders” in the world and/or universe have a psychopathic, some say diabolical, urge to control others (Orwell’s 1984 & Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD)… Then we have Conrad‘s HEART OF DARKNESS “horror,” which so many in war-torn countries and victims of pedophilia and mind-control know far too well.
yes, I read all three in my last couple of years at school. My English teacher Robert Pech was a gem. I remember reading 1984 in 1984 which dates me a bit eh... yes Heart of Darkness needs a re-read. Conrad had an amazing personal story eh...
David we are hitting the start of the exponential AI explosion, this means the AI curve is starting to go exponential. If a group is even just 1-3 years ahead of you, they can design, produce and distribute creations that you cannot yet understand. From that perspective, they might as well be 50 or 100 years ahead of you, but they may not - they just need access to tools that appear so simply because you are earlier on that same curve. As for self forming nanomaterials, go delve into the troves of patents going back many years. This of course is what is published. The really crazy stuff stays hidden. Meanwhile go check out how to manage exponential technologies and how to think about them, maybe it can help some.
"Seriously, this has to be nefarious. It also means there exists an intelligence on this planet that is what 50 , maybe 100 years of so called “public science”. Alien? AI? super advanced break away civilisation??"
A few years back, Cal Washington of the InPower movement/website, did an interview where he said some things about the 5G rollout that basically shares the same view. The "tech" is so advanced that it probably has off-world or alt-dimension source.
This is or could be thousands if not millions of years old. They did this in Pre-Flood Note Centaurs, Elfs, Dwarfs, Nagga or snake or mermaids and the Sirens or bird women and other creatures that they talked about... Then they tired something again like it with the tower of Babel and tried to make it to the heaven's to fight God... It says in the book of Asher that God turned them into monkeys and elephants that's where India is or was not Babylon...
Do not partake in Bit coin it's part of the mark of the beast and or related...
IF you would you should kill your cell phone and use a lan Line not 5g or cell phones or smart phones they have dangerous AI in them... But this is what's going along with Revelations not just a new day for mankind don't be caught up in that we are created spiritual beings not animals...
I know on ancient aliens but it's not aliens it's fallen angels or a different set of fallen angels that after Roswell gave us technology. They say that Eisenhower had a meeting with these fallen angels IE: aliens and that's when they gave us technology in coohots we are and treasonous...
Satan is doing again what he did in pre-Flood times. making hybrids or giants which they had Giants we may only have small Hybrids but it's still the same...
Christians as long as you didn't take the vaccine and or pray daily that no weapon formed will prosper and believe and have faith in Jesus Christ don't worry too much on this it wont affect you.
But to those who did your screwed you took what I believe to be the mark of the beast or the beginning of... This fulfills the invasion of the temple and says it's God do don't worry that prophecy is being fulfilled here and now... Don't need a man in Israel to sit in a rebuilt temple saying he's god this is it!
How I say that about for Christian's to not worry to much about this is because we weren't given a choice this is been sprayed into our air our food and water which is the wormwood spoken of in Revelations but we weren't gave a choice... It's also hidden but wont remain hidden.
I look to Trump and his nominees to show the world this deep state and to help stop it.
I say no weapon formed against me will prosper and all tongues that rose up against me in Judgment will be condemned daily do it!
Wow David, I think it's not aliens technology at all, perhaps more a case of of "mad science" taken too far, for real...they went around a corner they shouldn't have...and kept going to see how far it could be pushed to. A total abuse of science knowledge know how...and yes, carried out across many lifetimes.
Thankyou for the download too
Hello David!
Thank you for sharing your video!
Frankly, as a photographer, it is as obvious as the nose in the face that what this incredible footage shows is a previously unknown nanotechnology that is still active on the slide of a drop of Pfizer “vaccine” that should normally have been dried out after ten months of storage, which is quite amazing and unprecedented.
I wish everybody could change the speed to better observe the automated ballet of multiple arms, which is of surgical precision. The one on the upper left grabs, then brings back to its dock a visibly manufactured black piece whose luminous front is divided into two that made me think of a multi-wavelength flat laser divided into two equal front sections strangely resembling Dr. McCoy’s luminous diagnostic tool in “Star Trek” or a Silkin Flash’N Go.
The arm on the upper right seemed to prevent the growth of the crystal until a verification process was completed -the lights that turned on or went out followed by the removal of the black piece? - then, withdrawing in the blink of an eye, abruptly allowed the fast development of the crystalline structure.
Light signalling is a major feature of this nano master piece and these actions are not the result of mere chance; they are planned or programmed.
More than two years have passed since this video, will there be a Part II from this specific slide or batch number? Who knows, in the meantime nanobots may have created entire cities on their own scale…
Warm regards.
P. S. If we rely on the videos of the blood, still active, of people who have died for several days -Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Zombie blood - these constructions could continue indefinitely or, at least, until the basic materials are exhausted.
So creepy! Amazing how many folks got this stuff injected into them without a second thought. Crimes against humanity.
Years ago, well before the Covid farce, when I first started doing serious and in depth research of the chemtrail phenomena. I remember reading one of Clifford Carnicom's papers on the oxidation of our blood as a result of this xenobiological life form and I had an "aha moment". I remember somewhere reading a biblical passage about life being "in the blood". When I fully understood that something has been released upon the earth that is changing humanity and the essence of God's creation, it all clicked. This is a spiritual battle. Lucifer does indeed have dominion over the earth at the moment. He and the other fallen ones are using certain factions of mankind to destroy God's image and ultimately to remake creation in his image. Not only to defile God but to control and destroy human beings and the incredible beauty that our souls can create. This is the only explanation that makes sense when all of the evidence has been thoroughly and objectively considered. When the weight of this realization fully connected in my mind, everything changed for me. Forever. Personally I pray daily and ask Jesus for protection and the full armor of God. I know that in the end good wins, but as Tom Petty said, it's the "waiting that's the hardest part".
How long do you need to live on a planet to be referred to as indigenous and not an extraterrestrial alien ?
It looks like we will be part of the Borg collective. Resistance is futile. Or maybe not. The electric universe.
I am starting to think these mad scientists were part of the screen writers team that developed the Star Trek and other Science Fiction series.
I am a big fan and even in the Alien movies one can see the parallels everywhere.
It's just a narrative we should question always .
But stop buying it
The experiment needs to be repeated in a contolled environment. One in a grounded faraday cage during the incubation period and another not exposed to the florescent lighting in the lab.
As for experimental groups, the samples can be exposed to isolated frequencies within a faraday cage such as 2.4 GHz and 5G.
Hi Dee, there is a lot of researcch that could and should and won't be done unfrotunately but the key thing is that this happened, once.
Normally I would love to introduce a subject but I get accused of all kinds of things, and physically assaulted by certain particular government departments if I launch into a monologue about extra/trans dimensionality or non human intelligence or anything else I am qualified to speak on, with my post graduate education and experience. Things happen to people like me which is why I am sticking to the select bibliography format on ss as on fb. I am monitored online by people who hate me and sometimes this is revealed during interviews with police or mental health professionals. Dr Steven Greer gave up his day job to study ufology and has had personal experiences, some he has videod. Non human intelligence has contributed to science, and corporations and universities are places of reverse engineering. The transdimensional does indeed sit within the transtruman agenda and I haven't quite fleshed that out on ss, because someone has to say it before me. Or bad things happen to me if I dare to think in ways that may be able to save the human race from extinction. Shit happens for a reason I suppose.
so you think this is ET intelligence?
The Ultimate Advanced Technology Deception Exposé | Dr. Steven Greer (9th January 2024).
The term that came to me as I was watching: ‘a magnetic mechanism.’ I know little to nothing of these bio-engineered “advancements” as I have a PhD in modern British literature. Although awesome (in a non-inspirational way from my point of view), it appears this metallic creature could be a human construct. Maybe our “scientists” have learned something from quantum entities as they have by reverse engineering their antigravity craft. It’s definitely anomalous. It’s definitely not organic. And it’s definitely unhealthy. What is clear—Whoever originated these toxic self-assemblers does not want our species to survive.
Hi Claudia a Phd in modern British literature - cool! I think that this is possibly a human/AI construction and I think the aim is control and transformation of all life on the plant. Also nuts. What can we learn from contemporary Bristish writers?
We can learn what we are now learning today… Certain self-appointed “leaders” in the world and/or universe have a psychopathic, some say diabolical, urge to control others (Orwell’s 1984 & Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD)… Then we have Conrad‘s HEART OF DARKNESS “horror,” which so many in war-torn countries and victims of pedophilia and mind-control know far too well.
yes, I read all three in my last couple of years at school. My English teacher Robert Pech was a gem. I remember reading 1984 in 1984 which dates me a bit eh... yes Heart of Darkness needs a re-read. Conrad had an amazing personal story eh...
David we are hitting the start of the exponential AI explosion, this means the AI curve is starting to go exponential. If a group is even just 1-3 years ahead of you, they can design, produce and distribute creations that you cannot yet understand. From that perspective, they might as well be 50 or 100 years ahead of you, but they may not - they just need access to tools that appear so simply because you are earlier on that same curve. As for self forming nanomaterials, go delve into the troves of patents going back many years. This of course is what is published. The really crazy stuff stays hidden. Meanwhile go check out how to manage exponential technologies and how to think about them, maybe it can help some.
Thanks Marco, that is helpful information and I will do some reading on that
Thank you Dr.Nixon for all you are doing. Greatly appreciated.
"Seriously, this has to be nefarious. It also means there exists an intelligence on this planet that is what 50 , maybe 100 years of so called “public science”. Alien? AI? super advanced break away civilisation??"
A few years back, Cal Washington of the InPower movement/website, did an interview where he said some things about the 5G rollout that basically shares the same view. The "tech" is so advanced that it probably has off-world or alt-dimension source.
It's also so suppressed
Hi David, FYI, I have been showing your video on Rumble to people. Recently, I found that it was substituted w some football nonsense.
This is or could be thousands if not millions of years old. They did this in Pre-Flood Note Centaurs, Elfs, Dwarfs, Nagga or snake or mermaids and the Sirens or bird women and other creatures that they talked about... Then they tired something again like it with the tower of Babel and tried to make it to the heaven's to fight God... It says in the book of Asher that God turned them into monkeys and elephants that's where India is or was not Babylon...
Do not partake in Bit coin it's part of the mark of the beast and or related...
IF you would you should kill your cell phone and use a lan Line not 5g or cell phones or smart phones they have dangerous AI in them... But this is what's going along with Revelations not just a new day for mankind don't be caught up in that we are created spiritual beings not animals...
I know on ancient aliens but it's not aliens it's fallen angels or a different set of fallen angels that after Roswell gave us technology. They say that Eisenhower had a meeting with these fallen angels IE: aliens and that's when they gave us technology in coohots we are and treasonous...
Satan is doing again what he did in pre-Flood times. making hybrids or giants which they had Giants we may only have small Hybrids but it's still the same...
Christians as long as you didn't take the vaccine and or pray daily that no weapon formed will prosper and believe and have faith in Jesus Christ don't worry too much on this it wont affect you.
But to those who did your screwed you took what I believe to be the mark of the beast or the beginning of... This fulfills the invasion of the temple and says it's God do don't worry that prophecy is being fulfilled here and now... Don't need a man in Israel to sit in a rebuilt temple saying he's god this is it!
How I say that about for Christian's to not worry to much about this is because we weren't given a choice this is been sprayed into our air our food and water which is the wormwood spoken of in Revelations but we weren't gave a choice... It's also hidden but wont remain hidden.
I look to Trump and his nominees to show the world this deep state and to help stop it.
I say no weapon formed against me will prosper and all tongues that rose up against me in Judgment will be condemned daily do it!