Hi guys,
I believe that this video shows the dental anaesthetic equivalent to the self-assembly that I showed in Comirnaty. It’s not as dramatic but just as effective.
This is a compounded 2% lignocaine in saline and I have added some medium chain triglyceride oil which appears to slow the process down and facilitate the maturation process. I will write more about this soon. I have sped the video up 6x and will make it available on my website to download. Note how the two large cells fill in the gaps in the crystal in the top and bottom making it square and also how the surface is modified in the latter part of the video. Video is Darkfield x200. I have used a polarised filter and a green gel as well as a touch of digital filtering
Here is another example that occurred 10 mins after a live demonstration finished on Cafe Locked Out recently. This was without the addition of the MCT oil but the process did take a lot longer than anticipated. Apologies to the 1100 people who were watching!
Here is how it looked:
It’s proving to be an interesting comparison. It’s almost like Coke and Pepsi or Apple and Android. The best example, but not the only example of the Comirnaty is certainly the “robot arms” video that I first showed on Maria Zeee. I have finally figured out how to set my video so that you can download it from my website:
So please download it which ever speed and quality you like and share it around - would be good to get more discussion on it now…
I look forward to discussing this and other interesting stuff at the meeting tomorrow and will send out a link to paid subscribers shortly.
I hope you are having a great weekend!
All assistance much appreciated!
If I were raising children today I would keep them far away from Dentists, Vaccines, tap water, gmo junk food, televisions, cell phones, public schools, churches, and pedophiles, all of which harm children daily. I would teach them at home work ethic and Bible knowledge.
How do we know it’s not a natural phenomena like salt crystals or something of a kind? Genuinely interested on how to make a distinction