If I were raising children today I would keep them far away from Dentists, Vaccines, tap water, gmo junk food, televisions, cell phones, public schools, churches, and pedophiles, all of which harm children daily. I would teach them at home work ethic and Bible knowledge.
I know its not a natural phenomenon because I have spent thousands of hours over the last two years addressing that question. You are only going to be able to have that confidence by looking for yourself and doing the reading.. Alternatively you can look at the likes of Yuval Noah Harari et al who are supremely confident that humans are now 'hackable animals' - I believe that this is a candidate technology.
nay-sayers can always say 'no, I don't believe it' or 'we don't have the science. '
Until a credible whistle-blower comes forward and says yes we built that and it does this - we are only guessing.... so it's always going to sound crazy to most people. I was hoping that I wouldn't find weird stuff and that "safe and effective" meant safe and effective. But here we are.
I believe the following are true:
1. There is evil in the world
2. 90% of science is not available to the public
3. There is a depopulation agenda
4. There is a transhumanism agenda
-there is evidence and there are good arguments for these!
What I am proposing is plausible and fits with what I see and because I have seen so much repeatedly weird stuff I am prepared to make this call - but you shouldn't.
I am not sure that you arguing passionately with someone who is not prepared to entertain the possibility of the above (i.e. 1-4) is going to be very fruitful.
I suggest you download my self-assembly video from almost 2 years ago and ask nay-sayers to describe what they see and and the implications. If they refuse to see anything unusual at all then I would give up.
Can they be detoxed? My children all recently had some dental work done. I just had no idea about this. They are all unvaccinated, I just didn't know that they would be putting this in things like dental anaesthetic.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, has also been studying this phenomenon in her patients. The majority are displaying nanotechnology in their blood, from blinking lights to various types of metallic structures. You can watch many of her videos on Rumble or Cloudhub. (She is a practicing internist with a PhD in pathology.)
Yes, I know Ana well and we have combined on a number of interviews. Including one with Shimon Yanowitz, Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich last year specifically on the case for nanotechnology
I would love to be able to look at products from “before Covid” to compare them to. It is very true that all four of those points are real. I can’t help thinking though that we are watching chemical processes happening. How many watched these processes before all this? It would be nice if some that were as curious as we are would have a background in chemistry (not that you and Ana don’t) and I know Ana has been looking at blood for years. Carbicom had been seeing weird things previous to the Covid jabs era. And we have to acknowledge the changes from the beginning of the observation when there was a difference between vaxxed versus unvaxxed. That was handy until everyone started showing the same thing. I still can’t get these words that popped into my head that I wrote in my journal, in 2021.
the tech is everywhere, air, food, water. I have written previously about how to protect yourself in general terms. I would consider taking a tsp of activated charcoal twice daily for a week afterwards. I would consider sodium citrate before and after - see previous posts. I would have a low crap diet and consider fasting before the surgery.
It all still looks like crystals to me. Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing. I believe many of these injections to contain dangerous substances. But nevertheless, in order for me to really see what is occurring, I would need a side by side "normal" and "abnormal" time-lapse samples.
that's fine. I am not out to convince anybody. Particularly not with a couple of videos. I am confident in time that the truth will be obvious. In. Time. Please read my last Substack on the nicotine debate which summarises a number of the arguments.
If I were raising children today I would keep them far away from Dentists, Vaccines, tap water, gmo junk food, televisions, cell phones, public schools, churches, and pedophiles, all of which harm children daily. I would teach them at home work ethic and Bible knowledge.
How do we know it’s not a natural phenomena like salt crystals or something of a kind? Genuinely interested on how to make a distinction
I know its not a natural phenomenon because I have spent thousands of hours over the last two years addressing that question. You are only going to be able to have that confidence by looking for yourself and doing the reading.. Alternatively you can look at the likes of Yuval Noah Harari et al who are supremely confident that humans are now 'hackable animals' - I believe that this is a candidate technology.
Salty blood, lol
But it’s lignocaine, not blood. Just want to find out the truth and be ready to give arguments to possible nay-sayers
nay-sayers can always say 'no, I don't believe it' or 'we don't have the science. '
Until a credible whistle-blower comes forward and says yes we built that and it does this - we are only guessing.... so it's always going to sound crazy to most people. I was hoping that I wouldn't find weird stuff and that "safe and effective" meant safe and effective. But here we are.
I believe the following are true:
1. There is evil in the world
2. 90% of science is not available to the public
3. There is a depopulation agenda
4. There is a transhumanism agenda
-there is evidence and there are good arguments for these!
What I am proposing is plausible and fits with what I see and because I have seen so much repeatedly weird stuff I am prepared to make this call - but you shouldn't.
I am not sure that you arguing passionately with someone who is not prepared to entertain the possibility of the above (i.e. 1-4) is going to be very fruitful.
I suggest you download my self-assembly video from almost 2 years ago and ask nay-sayers to describe what they see and and the implications. If they refuse to see anything unusual at all then I would give up.
Thanks, these 4 points are good and logical
Are these products coming from different manufacturers? Has anybody quizzed them about what's going on here?
Can they be detoxed? My children all recently had some dental work done. I just had no idea about this. They are all unvaccinated, I just didn't know that they would be putting this in things like dental anaesthetic.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, has also been studying this phenomenon in her patients. The majority are displaying nanotechnology in their blood, from blinking lights to various types of metallic structures. You can watch many of her videos on Rumble or Cloudhub. (She is a practicing internist with a PhD in pathology.)
Yes, I know Ana well and we have combined on a number of interviews. Including one with Shimon Yanowitz, Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich last year specifically on the case for nanotechnology
Amazing!! Seeing the chip actually being assembled. Great work!!
I would love to be able to look at products from “before Covid” to compare them to. It is very true that all four of those points are real. I can’t help thinking though that we are watching chemical processes happening. How many watched these processes before all this? It would be nice if some that were as curious as we are would have a background in chemistry (not that you and Ana don’t) and I know Ana has been looking at blood for years. Carbicom had been seeing weird things previous to the Covid jabs era. And we have to acknowledge the changes from the beginning of the observation when there was a difference between vaxxed versus unvaxxed. That was handy until everyone started showing the same thing. I still can’t get these words that popped into my head that I wrote in my journal, in 2021.
“Alien agenda and base pairs”
“They are shooting toxics into the water”
What mitigating strategies do you suggest if one must have dental work?
the tech is everywhere, air, food, water. I have written previously about how to protect yourself in general terms. I would consider taking a tsp of activated charcoal twice daily for a week afterwards. I would consider sodium citrate before and after - see previous posts. I would have a low crap diet and consider fasting before the surgery.
Did anyone here try for blood clots?
Suramin by actually Bayer Inc for the unnatural blood clots in living individuals??
It’s been banned in the USA
It all still looks like crystals to me. Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing. I believe many of these injections to contain dangerous substances. But nevertheless, in order for me to really see what is occurring, I would need a side by side "normal" and "abnormal" time-lapse samples.
that's fine. I am not out to convince anybody. Particularly not with a couple of videos. I am confident in time that the truth will be obvious. In. Time. Please read my last Substack on the nicotine debate which summarises a number of the arguments.