Mar 26Liked by David Nixon

Breaking news: NIXONLAB

"New footage, bears striking evidence of Ai inhabitance in an unknown system all too close - to you"

image 4...............inhabitants of Lignocaine suspended in Earth's proximity awaiting contact

image 16..............meteor belt

image 18..............Planet Lignocaine

image 19,20........suspect power supply control boxes

image 22,24........settlement structures ("phased array" - nothing is hidden)

image 28..............schematics by design

image 29..............you are here - map

Another way of seeing things.

David, your tools are no match for the exquisite tenacity and dedicated drive to discover the TRUTH along this incredible journey, both you and Karl are taking us on. We are blessed!

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What is the nature of these "dramatic changes" in the blood exactly David?

Can you please elaborate further?

Also, any observable difference between the blood of the injected or uninjected or are both pretty much the same now?

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Hi Michael. No observable difference with regard to vaccination status. Will post more this week.

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Thank you so much for replying David 🙏

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First , only a VERY small number of people globally have been checked on Dark field scope , 2nd . how did they get the same into the unvaxxed as the vaxxed ? 3rd What was the purpose then of trying to compel or force so much of the population to take the death shots? Knowing many would refuse no matter what, and as the deaths start multiplying , massive rebellion will occur. And why are so few unjabbed dying.?

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the goal wasn't just to kill off parts of populations, but to get this technology into mass portions of the world to see how and if it will work, at least i think so, if it ends up killing people off then thats another goal that can succeed for 'them' , always multiple goals at play by this cabal

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For sure always multiple goals but they were ALREADY spraying it in chemtrails, already could transmit any disease symptoms by EMF, and access the wide body area network, and cell phone and 5g can kill everyone if desired, or just keep escalating Ukraine war until it goes nuke or EMP which can be done by satellite now , something still does not add up

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I think that’s how “they” like it…..throws us off trying to solve puzzles which don’t even apply, smoke and mirrors - a thing of the past. Complex science riddles the sheep won’t grasp or understand but are compelled to in order to survive….the art of distraction. We’re all in the same boat mate, just keep paddling. We need you too. KK

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shedding. its a contagious vaccine-or wotever u wanna label it as. thats why. more coming...also, i dont know 100% but pretty sure the vaccine was numbered, bluetooth, ble, identity tracking. also possibly specialised equipment that doesnt do well in food or the environment, to complete it. the patents tell the story for me and they clearly say they intend on us being vaccinated multiple times annually in future forever, ai vaccination kiosks etc etc....so something is in them, or its simply to crush the spirit and soul. gene altering mrna is, and its dna based technolgy so probably something to do with it mate.

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All excellent questions.

I personally think that they needed a certain 'critical mass' of people in each community/country to get jabbed so that the shedding effectively distributes whatever is in these things to others.

Very interested to hear Dr. Nixon's thoughts on this.

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Very possible and aligned with Kissinger s statement "we only 1/3 of the idiots to take the death shots and GAME IS OVER . BUT why then rely on "shedding' when ALL SYMPTOMS can be transmitted electromagnetically , they are putting it all in chemtrail spray programs, in food, water , dental stuff , vacxxing animals , while destroying entire food chain. "Shedding " as most think of it does NOT consider human resonance transmission , as I have stated from day one. AND 5g can create all disease symptoms, and cell phone can transmit them.

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it uses your dna., ecoli, qd, gho, to organically turn you into something remotely human. automata.quantum computers, worth a look. we will be automata, an ancient doll/toy from the olden days, real life automata. programmable. question is....how long have we got? 2025-2030-2045? we..as we are now, conscious, probably wont know once its turned on entirely. you'll just think u are u. big long conversation, but in short...a FACT NOW.

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Do we know what to do to defeat this nanotechnology in our blood & return our humanity personally to healthy living?

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No and we don't no how to disable it or stop further deterioration but we are working on it...

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I can give you a tip go back 150 years and live like that , And trust nothing ,

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

no shit ay. u want the toys, this is the price....your mind n body used how the choose. its always been the deal, people just dont think. u bite the apple...everything has a priice...nothings free, u ALL shouldve known that...got sucked in and took us all down, and our decsendants which makes our ancestors now pointless. 200,000 years of hard slog to lose it in one generation. PUTRID. there are o words for selfishness and ignorance. which r not words but the actions that killed us all, my kids, thiers, and all who couldve been. cause people dont listen....consppiracy theory......OMG.... ignorance. i wanna FN SWEAR... NO ONE SHOULD HAVE EVER USED THE KEYCARD.... but you thought u were special and now look....does anyone use cash, hold thier own money? or just me...all my life i've known about this....why is that....? i must be special ay makes me so angry. its gone...and now u wanna do something about it, but still use a keycard or ya brain. to pay cause its what??? EASY? too late children.. you are all FD NOW. FACE IT, stop being bloody ostriches, drones holding coattails. everything is not alright...do u truly think u can simply find the antidote, problem fixed...do u know what u are even dealing with? No. obviously. respect to u dave and asc', no offence. but people everywhere....WOW......if anyone remotely has a chance of delaying this.....well.....speaks well and truly for itself. id rather reality anyday, instead of bullshit. sorry. but thats the problem

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Great work again ,

Got some organic caster oil on a slide, there’s no crystals or chip looking stuff, But tones of rings

The air bubbles I have burst with a pin head , but this looks different, Good to compare pictures with this work

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Didnt Karl or David state they has REMOVE these type things from the blood successfully with Sodium citrate and activated charcoal?

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Results are showing successful removal of much of this foreign material and distinct recovery of many significant side effects of it , resolving.

For (continuing) documentation of the direct research being carried out using Sodium Citrate, activated charcoal, etc. including detailed evidence from a growing number of testimonials - from volunteer participants who're trialing the effects of Sodium Citrate please see:

Karl.C's managainstthe microbes.substack.com previous articles (archive); and of course, the complimenting same - research/articles/archive of David Nixon: davidnixon.substack.com

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correction to above: managainstthemicrobes.substack.com

cheers, KK

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Stick with us here Jim….at least you can help us claw back what we can and build on this too…intense study and research continues…the workers need our support to keep going. You may find a kind of strength you didn’t know was even there…when we step outside of our own lot…and go to work on the solutions…it feels soooo good! Good rant, hope you feel better now. Support the research, fight back with us, much love KK

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That's wild David. So small.

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Thanks David!

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Excellent work. We appreciate all you and Karl (and others) are doing. God bless you all.

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Wow! what a mess. But Scripture along with being proactive as much as you can and prayers will help.

Speaking of do prayers have any kind of effect on these monster things.

Certainly need destroyed...

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Thank you David. Your work is so important. We know they're putting nano in most solutions now. Very scary for all.

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Amazing to be able to join you in this totally unknown but alas so important field. I wish more people would feel curious enough....? The comparison below is catchy, as above as below and vice versa.

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