I thought some comment on Photograph 12 (the last one before Video 1 – 2:24) was appropriate.

This is a fascinating photo because it shows a team of SynBio electricians (I call them “Morlock Bots”) working on the large cables under the Matrix.

Normally they are only spotted if the sample dries out and draws back exposing them which is almost certainly what happened here.

I’ve seen them plenty of times now and all the wizard stuff with the rapid chip creation wouldn’t happen without them slaving away in close proximity and ensuring a supply of Nano at the required time. Here we have over half a dozen at work on a large ‘ribbon’.

Interestingly the “Morlocks” actually working on the cable itself appear to have “helmets” whilst those simply providing linkages within the cabling system do not.

Use your smartphone camera to zoom in on these helmeted Bots working along the ribbon – especially the one in lower right of the picture. Zoom in real close – what do you see?

There are other very curious things to see at the higher magnification – tiny basic humanoid figures at what appear to be some kind of work stations along the ribbon. I have noticed these before in other photographs and referred to them in the past as a refuelling crew for a large tailed Bot on the edge of a chip.

Sometimes I wonder if the DARPA design team get a kick out of designing weird and basically humanoid looking Bots – who knows - maybe some of them resemble members of the design team.

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ANALYSIS OF VIDEO 1 – ‘“Hoser Bots” in a frenzy of nano construction.’ (Video length 2:24)

Ok, what we’re watching are a couple of “Hoser Bots” doing their thing – I’ve seen one before in one of David’s videos (shown to Sasha and Mat) but this goes much further.

Let me get you plugged in referentially.

@ 0:02 you will see two nozzles of a “Hoser Bot” in the center of the screen.

@ 0:04 the nozzles are activated – and all Hell breaks loose!

The “Hoser Bot” nozzles disappear in a cloud as the magic juice hits the spheres of raw material.

As the spheres collapse you will see dark nano clouds race into the maelstrom of construction.

A large ‘synthetic organism’ is being constructed.

It looks initially like a snake and the speed of construction is very fast – you can actually see it develop further only a couple of seconds after it absorbs a large black cloud of nano.

After about 90 seconds in it is more rounded in shape but not spherical.

A “Green Lantern” type Bot (A Bot with a Photonic headset) supervises construction moving around the synthetic object half a dozen times.

The camera then moves to a second site which has “Hoser Bot” over on the right side of picture.

The same construction process is underway at this site.

The two sites seem to be synchronized in the rate of development of their synthetic constructs.

@ 1:42 onwards you can see both constructs at a similar stage of development.

You can’t see any nozzles at this site but you can easily see what is hosed out from the 2:05 mark.

Note: Use the slider to move back and forth to control the speed – you’ll see much more.

Now we didn’t get to see the whole “Hoser Bot” unit – but I’ve seen one in an earlier video and David happened to include a picture of a “Hoser Bot” in this batch of photos. I think it’s likely the Cabal are still using the same model.

ANALYSIS of Photograph No: 4.

This photo has what looks a lot like a meat cleaver spread over most of it.

However, if you look at the base of the handle of the cleaver you will see just above it what looks like a container of shaving cream wearing a very Woke looking chest pack. This is our “Hose Bot”.

As you can see it has hoses connecting it to other parts of the site.

If you look above the “head” of the “Hoser Bot” you will see a “Tentacle Bot”.

In Photograph 5 – just left of center you will see an even better picture of a “Tentacle Bot”.

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Hello doctor, I made the mistake of taking only one dose of pfizer, I didn't do a booster or the third dose, would there be any chance of cleaning my blood as it was before? With respect, greetings

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Possibly chelation therapy.

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Thks !!😊😊😊

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I had bleeding in menopause from shedding. A few years before that I had morgellons issues, so I guess I was vulnerable. In my opinion, morgellons is my body’s way of dispelling the unnatural technology. Very painful and scary though.

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This is an analysis of the video from previous article "Mixing my drugs" - which relates to photograph 12 in this article.


Some stunning footage.

This video (3:54) features a large ribbon being worked on by SynBio Bots (“Morlocks”) the photo of which (Photo 12) I analysed in this article.

The video is recorded using higher magnification than the photo. The “Morlock” bots are in the same positions in both photo and video.

There are 4 Morlocks working on the right-hand side of the ribbon. Wherever they work the ribbon is illuminated.

@ 0:56 in left of middle you will see the first “Morlock”.

Move forward to 1:12

This first “Morlock” is clearly using manipulator arms and “hands” (resemble pincer like tools) to work on the ribbon. Use the slider a few seconds each way to fine tune focus.

If you now go to centre bottom you will see the second “Morlock”.

If you use the slider to move from 1:16 you will see this “Morlock” bot also has two tentacle like manipulator arms at the ends of which are pincer shaped tools that are being used to work on the ribbon.

“Morlock” No 3 is next one down.

“Morlock” No 4 is the lowest on the ribbon and the star of the show.

@ 3:26 you can see a terrific image of a “Morlock” (Bot No 4).


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Absolutely wonderful quality imagery. You really captured the chaos here. Look at all the electrical charges going on. This stuff seems to exhibit a release of energies both electrical and thermal. So much happening that most won't realise it from just watching these videos. It is so much more than it seems to the eye. For all this to be happening it sure isn't any simple stuff in there. It's not water, not cooking oil, not fats, not normal. Absolutely it is a come set of designed processes unfolding. I have a new culture medium I shall be using soon to accelerate the outcomes.

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David ■ Thank you! Some are visual learners, and I find the [t]estimony with the test helpful! M

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Thank you!

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Thanks. Please test the collodial au and strong magnet

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All I see is bubbles here. What am I missing?

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NixonLab: Are you still of the opinion that we are seeing self-assembling technology?

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Wow, that's horrific!

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Have u tried detoxing like many are doing? Taking NAC, zeolite, herbs cilantro vit d..etc--stew peters had this on his telegram👉Vax Detox/Long Covid protocol by Dr. Stella Immanuel.

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Try going to stew peters on his telegram account or dr. Stella on youtube

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So, how is it you are still alive, with what appears to be BLOODCLOTS? Vax Catastrophe!!!

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