This is pure evil. It shows the power of the pharmaceutical industry. The rich and their organizations have the power to orchestrate an emergency. The solution is to sicken people with dangerous inoculations. Covid showed the grasp of the plot to sicken, take money from the middle class and depopulate.

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Apparently these Injections, many metals and other substances found in people's blood and bodies nowadays have a military origin ie bio weapons probably as well as Transhumanist agenda.No one who designs implements, profits from these weapons should be free. The human race is being altered probably permanently so that people are no linger fully human - if they survive. Freewill no doubt is targeted for destruction by the psychopaths who decided that they own the planet and people. Apparently v x een factories now exist all over the world and new ones being built. Terrible if some if the many 'natural' 'wildfires' destroying foid and farms were to destroy those factories as soon as they were built.

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Very few people are saying this outloud: IT'S ALL BECAUSE VACCINE MAKERS DON'T HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SIDE EFFECTS. This being so, of course vaccines have gotten weaponized, is anybody surprised! Vaccines have become insanely profitable bioweapons with which a bunch of psychopaths have been trying to take over the world. And Trump will not hold the vaccine makers accountable, because he's unfortunately taken their money.

It's so depressing the way no influencer is emphasizing the need to hold the vaccine makers accountable again, they just keep ranting about how many millions have died or gotten sick, etc, etc, etc., without harping on the solution.

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This all began in Massachusetts, the Norfolk County . The FBI knows where the chemicals were manufactured and who received the deliveries.

All is connected to the big General Contracts , Public Works Departments.

All funded under a Fake Doctors Office .

People were offered to invest in the Pot Business, they had no choice on what the future investments would be .

This is a pay to play situation that gave people power to use our bodies for the fake shot . It’s Gene Therapy , my brother in law works on The Genome Project .

Power in the wrong hands .

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I, agree that it is too much power in the wrong hands. It is disturbing to me that there everyday people walking around like nothing happened.

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They expect you to be friends with them after they took part in abusing you. It’s so insane, it’s truly a brainwashed cult .

The public will know this truth and funding for this abuse will stop ..

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"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services".

-- H. Kissinger, WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009.


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Quod erat demonstrandum.

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This is why since 2021 I have been picking up unregistered bluetooth devices (random MAC codes) when doing a bluetooth search on my android phone.

Any android phone can do this search, but you have to have the bluetooth setting "show devices without a name" turned on.

In 2021 this setting on most models was moved from the bluetooth options menu, to the developer options menu (funny that hey)

The developer options menu is hidden by default, but it is simple to access, then go into that menu and look for "show bluetooth devices without a name" and turn it on. See this video, works similar for all makes/models of android phones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMitXA6H3aI

Once that setting is on, when you go to bluetooth and do a device search (as if you were looking to pair something), you will see many random bluetooth MAC codes wherever people are.

If you are jabbed, or a jabbed friend doesnt believe you, take him to a deserted place 100m away from anything or any other people, tell him to turn off his phone, and any smart watch etc, then do a search and his MAC code will be displayed (Although they change randomly about every 15 mins)

Here is a recent video of my phone doing a bluetooth scan where kids were at sports practice, their phones were in the locker room way out of bluetooth range. So many of those poor kids have a fully working nanonetwork installed in their body/brain 😢😢 https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZQqYiVSFLr

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WTAF. My head just exploded.

I've seen all sorts of SS posts about "MAC" addresses since the shots, but I didn't know what they were talking about. Thank you for so eruditely summarizing. Holy SH*T.

Just the fact that my android phone has a non-muggle 9 3/4 platform entryway into a hidden world of tech knowledge is disturbing. Seeing the biotech weapon in action is... well... chilling.


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Its scary as fuck. The implications of what they have done are biblical.

Is it a simple digital ID beacon for vax passport sort of thing, or much worse. Is it to track people, to alter their thoughts and try to control them, to kill and injure people? Can they read their minds and thoughts!!

Using yandex browser, there are 100s of sites, articles, forum discussions on the topic. Google hides them all from its search results.

Here is one Yandex search result as an example:


I am terrified TBH

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A living example to burn into peoples brains of the horrific nature of the event to target the innocent who are looking to parents, role models, coaches and the like to guide them safely into the world. This is clear evidence it is not happening.

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Very true indeed Nathan. I've done multiple tests and confirmed the same results. So sad these poor people are radiating themselves to death. Fk the N.W.O

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Fuck them two times. Fuck them twice today...

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There's 100s of vids like yours on internet. Your's is the worst ever!

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The image is eerily reminiscent of dental anaesthics (when incubated at a body temperature)!


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Yes those phase contrast photos definitely have similar features

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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I have avoided doctors like the plague since 2009. Only in rare situations have I engaged with them and then only temporaneously. But if I happen upon one I'll be sure to do as you suggest.

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Yes it is in my opinion.

Everything is a part or a peace of the one world government designed to control and manipulate us for the goal of total control of ALL things on earth.

They hate God and instead want to recreate the world in their image.

What a foolish thing to do as they are just storing up the wrath of God upon their own heads.

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I’m a TI. I imagine that most of your readers know what we’re subjected to. About fifteen years ago, a doctor removed a blue “microwire” from my person (the site was indicating pre-cancerous inflammation). I’ve realized it’s the very thing we find in the vaccines, today; the microwires cooccur with nanotechnology (microwires are in fact composed of nanosensors). I was subjected to the cruelest manner of hatred through these devices, but I have overcome. Now it’s the fate of the nation which concerns me. For a salient eschatological viewpoint, please refer to my latest post, “Defending the COVID Counter-Narrative is Defending Religious Freedom: Depending on the Fate of Israel”.


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Excellent linked article.

It made so many great points to be pondered on I subscribed to your stack. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us.

Well done !!!

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The stuff they've ADMITTED is in the jabs isn't enough to freak people out?

Don't trust your own lying eyes. Those aren't microchips, nanobot robots, quantum dots, and Morgellons fibers you're seeing swimming around in your blood now;-)

Trust pharma instead. They love you. So does your government. And so does your TV.

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Good one Joy! The evidence is overwhelming

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Mike Adams is wrong.

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Maybe one should let him read this,


because the first sentence already confirms the chemical analysis method! And apparently, this Adams has never dealt with the catastrophic side effects of these various batches, because many victims of this poisoning have died a painful death

https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-610 > scroll down and you can see it!!

- anyone who ignores this is simply disgusting!!!

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A large number of undeclared "chemical elements" (not compounds) had already been discovered using SEM-EDX - which they then "quantified" using ICP-MS. Adams' claim that "ICP-MS instruments don't detect chemicals" is irrelevant.

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Very few people are saying this outloud: IT'S ALL BECAUSE VACCINE MAKERS DON'T HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SIDE EFFECTS. This being so, of course vaccines have gotten weaponized, is anybody surprised! Vaccines have become insanely profitable bioweapons with which a bunch of psychopaths have been trying to take over the world. And Trump will not hold the vaccine makers accountable, because he's unfortunately taken their money.

It's so depressing the way no influencer is emphasizing the need to hold the vaccine makers accountable again, they just keep ranting about how many millions have died or gotten sick, etc, etc, etc., without harping on the solution.

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Interesting article David. I see lanthanide has magnetic properties. Why would this be in the Vaccines??

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Optogenetics.. bio-electronics??

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Wake up or die. Tyranny catch-22. Find about it in my podcast here:


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This study is riddled with errors and inaccuracies. Clearly I’m no fan of the bio weapon but this is poor. We have to hold our end of the science to much higher standards.


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Lol Says Mike Adams?

He needs to apologise and withdraw his statements.

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Are his concerns not accurate? If this particular mass spec instrument cannot measure with the stated degree of accuracy then I’d say it calls a lot into question.

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No his concerns are wrong

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Well I would expect a thorough explanation of the issues presented. Surely those on the mainstream science side are going to attack this study. It would be advisable to pre-emptively anticipate any refutation that can discredit the data as presented.

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Whatever the majority are doing, just do the opposite! Invert inverted. Human weakness is herd or crowd mentality. Add fear and sprint the opposite direction…

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I agree. The opposite is the key.

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This is exactly what I teach my children. Whatever the TV/ media/ government says, or the majority of people are doing, do the exact opposite.

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Double double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

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