Thank you for this blog, Dr Nixon. As someone who hasn’t gotten to analyzing biological fluids yet until I exhaust analyzing injectable pharmaceuticals under a microscope (I am studying dental anesthetics at the moment), I understand the slip cover issue.

However, the fact that the structures (FRSAS) don’t appear immediately, but need at least 24 hours (maybe less) to assemble, deflect the dirty slipcover argument - to a point. I can envision the scenario when the coverslips are contaminated with smaller precursors of FRSAS that assemble once they have the opportunity to move toward each other using the liquid matrix of the sample studied.

I also want to support Dr Nixon’s sentiment “the greater the offense, the bigger the deception”. The rules of the game have changed, and people who are playing yesterday’s game, are not cognitively equipped to fighting today’s war.

And you can put away labeling something a conspiracy theory. This maneuver is no longer working, or valid, or carry any significant value. There is no denying that people worked on this technology together outside of the scrutiny of the public eye - that is your classic definition of conspiracy. So this labeling trick is moot. Might as well go put that back on the shelf, and engage in the conversation about what matters the most - what are we really facing here? And what is the ultimate purpose of this world-changing technology.

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"The upshot is just that they are using various materials, often involving hydrogel, to make electroconductive synthetic tissue (including of an injectable kind) to integrate into bodily organs under a medical banner, while talking about using the body as a conductor of electricity in the IoB domain" Comment from a well-informed colleague...

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Thank you for this insight!

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I'm going to call the blue dot Vlad The Blood Mozzie. 🧛

I reckon with my layman's degree in Street smartz cynicism, that "they" ( the Weasley Powers-That-Be's lackeys) have infected the supply chain of packaging of various kinds. I was buying Abbots ( a Vic brand) organic seeded sourdough bread but got worried about the plastic, which is thick and rubbery, so switched to Baker's Delight, non organic seeded sourdough because their plastic is the same as I remember bread plastic being. ( Considering getting a breadmaker to avoid this altogether. ) ( ..The appliance kind, not kidnapping a sleepy baker on his way to work)

I'm wondering if you shaved some plastic off the outside of that container the slides come in, what you'd find. Might be the container that contaminates them. Or if they come individually wrapped, the wrapper. ( No idea how to shave a plastic container, but putting it out there)

I even worry it's in small electric appliances so am in two minds about the ice cream maker for my brother's birthday ( for VEGAN ice cream! ...That's the point of buying it... Don't @ me 😂 ) 🍨

Also I found organic Camu Camu powder has 400 X the vitamin C of an orange. 🍊🍊🍊 For anyone that can't organise Vitamin C IV chelation, might help. ( Better than gmo corn ascorbic acid pills probably , which has the gene that allows them to pour infinite amounts of glyphosate on the corn, without killing the corn according to RFK Jnr recently.) .

Night from Australia 😴 🐈 🐾

I write a lot. I go now. 😬

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Hi Kim. Vlad love it - excellent. Keep thinking. I noted that the meat packaging was changed at the local supermarket and the processing has changed too (as discussed previously) I remember bread coming in wax covered paper - now there's a thought! Milk came in bottles... left at the gate too I might add... but hey that's progress right... I think you are right far easier to contaminate packaging when it is manufactured and make it cheap and voila! We are held captive by big food as much as big pharma

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LOL! "...not kidnapping a sleepy baker on his way to work" -- thank you for making me laugh!

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I too discovered the flaws on the cover slips and stopped using them. I noticed the specks on them right away, as they are distinctly different from the filaments, fibers, ribbons, etc. I'm a novice at this point and got the microscope to monitor my husband's and my blood. What I am seeing at lower mag is quite disturbing -- not my blood, but what's in our food. The filaments, worm-like ribbons, etc are ubiquitous in our food. I purchased a camera and will get some pics to you. Would love to compare to what folks are seeing in blood.

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Hi Lisa, keen to compare notes and pictures email me on nixonlab@proton.me

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Will do. Just got the camera. Some of my best specimens were dumped because I didn't have the camera. But I'm sure I can find more. They are abundant.

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If they're doing this with the coverslips, who's to say they aren't messing with the newer microscope lenses people are buying? Just throwing it out there as everything needs to be analyzed.

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Indeed, everything needs to be carefully analyzed and variables controlled. When looking at blank slides, I don't see anything, so that should cover the lens variable.

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What microscope did you get. I want to do the same just dobt know which microscope to get which is good enough.

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This may not be the exact one, but it is similar and I paid about $350 without a camera. Then I went back recently to get a camera and paid another $350. Ha. It does the job and is affordable. I'm no expert on microscopes, that's for sure. It is one that a Live Blood Analysis practitioner had mentioned on his youtube channel, so I figured it was good enough for me.


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Great point David, I have been observing many of these clips since the first with la Quinta columna. The colors and movement is not explained by the coverslips but the aggressive size and inconsistency in formation is a deception to note.

What’s more concerning is that I would love to chat with someone about the Raman spectroscopy results from Pablo Campra and the possibility that the contamination of graphene is actually carrying another substance that intentionally inhibits your body from being able to remove it, my research on the frequencies that Dr Campra provided in his research.

This is a grand experiment and there needs to be caution because few people have access to all the information.

I am so thankful that a few experts have decided truth is more important than a paycheck- thank you and keep up the great work.

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My naturopath with over 12 years experience of LBA has seen a siginificant change of the blood of her patients since early 2021 under the darkfield microscope which can't be explained by just contaminated coverslips. The screenshots should be very clear: https://okisuke.substack.com/p/road-to-recovery

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Agreed its NOT just contamination and her experience is mirrored by that of all the practitioners I have spoken too - I will emphasise that in my next post...

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This is just contamination attempting to cover up the contamination.

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I saw your presentation with Dr. Ana in The End of Covid. For anyone who wants to follow this, just enter in and get a start on educating yourselves. https://theendofcovid.com Question. Why would the Bigelson brothers and Dr. Barre Lando -Detoxifying From the Shots Part 2, mentions a hologram? Lando said he's seen things like this before, decades ago. Can you talk, consult, collaborate? Chaos will help in the order of understanding: I like that you are open. A real scientific approach.

Personally, I plan to detoxify via John Lukash's collaborative formula by Emmanuel found here. http://estateartistry.com/blog/reversing-vaccine-injuries#comments because we've had dental procedures and we didn't suspect anesthetics. We didn't consent, but it came through a needle.

John Lukash lays out what the circumstances were. Hanna was very injured, suicidal. All she wanted was to go to Spain with her boyfriend, so she consented twice. She fine now.

This gives hope, anyways. I figure we're in an adventure we'll never forget or forgive. We can learn and survive.

Thank you for being as cautious and precise as you can. We just need to brainstorm now. So, all hands on deck.

Again, thank you for being conscious and offering help to humankind.

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I spoke to John and have to say what a real straight shooter. Emmanuals story is incredible and his product sounds like a game changer. I would buy it if they shipped out of the USA.

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We can organize a route to get it out, to do for each other. I don't relish to be the last woman standing, but if I had that as a vision of possibility, so be it.

I'm angry Bill Gates calling "global warming" then foists recycled cups on us, Arsenic and Old Lace style. He owns Starbuck's coffee. (coffee that makes you pee, why?) So the story is, the tea bag, not the tea, was soaked in rat poison before they gave their aunt tea, to steal her fortune. Sounds familiar, someone should check the cups, dioxin anyone? I think he'd do that, treat us like rats, seduce us, poison us. Small detail, When I was drinking his coffee, years ago, I did have high arsenic in my system and I'm not a rice eater so... I fantasize about meeting up with him, on a mountain top, in my WonderWoman suit of course. I win!

Anyways, I'll try this first, then report back, as I can easily tell if it changes somethings in myself and hubby that makes us say hmmm.

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Unfortunately, I broke a tooth in April 2021. While at the dentist she informed me that she had suffered paralysis in half her body, for two weeks after she was injected. Ive refused the injection from the outset. However, just after two weeks of my dental appointment I began suffering from a weird mouth infection that has yet to go away. Mind you, I've been on a strict regimen of quercetin, vitamin d, vitamin c, etc., from mid 2020 after following Dr. Simone Gold.

Something TOXIC was transferred to my wide-open mouth by the dentist but no one will talk about it!!! WHAT A FRICKING DISGRACE!!!

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If it's a nanotech/CDB problem, which it almost certainly is, all that stuff is like throwing a dart at a tank. If I was in your position I would get edta suppositories and megadose on ascorbic acid at the same time.

You also need to be on boron + colloidial silver, while you are taking a break from edta, because edta chelates metals out of the body. So don't do both at the same time. If it were me I would alternate between boron+mineral supplements+colloidal silver and edta suppositories+ascorbic acid on weekly basis.

The number for ascorbic acid being talked about is 10,000mg daily.

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100% correct. we too have noticed the contamination of the coverslips. i bought some more expensive ones but they are still contaminated ,but less so. i take a lot of lower mag pics now without the slips. some wont even clean with ipa etc. the fibres are still there tho.

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Matt please email me at nixonlab@proton.me I am keen to compare notes

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The nanotech is designed to work with hydrochloric acid as it is activated by it in the stomach, where it then goes to work. You should hit it with something it's not expecting, outside the design specs, like sulfuric acid perhaps; that would be a good start

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Are you alleging that the ribbons and fibers are contamination on the glass cover slips rather than in the blood itself?

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OK. That is confusing I can see that. No only some of what we see is due to contamination. WiĺI clarify tomorrow

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Yes I wondered the same. Is the blood contaminated or is he now saying it was just the cover-slip?

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Will clarify tomorrow ... need sleep!

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And if all the new cover slips are irepareably contaminated, when will we know if unvaccinated blood looks the same or not..

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Dr Nixon, It is interesting that you suspect contamination of the slide materials. If there is contamination and there are problems in removing it you could try an ultrasonic cleaner. These are readily available from eBay or Amazon and are promoted as jewellery or glasses cleaners. I bought one to clean my glasses and was amazed at the amount of dirt released from the glasses using this tool. The advantage of the ultrasonic cleaner is that it applies mechanical vibration to disrupt the surface of the dirt or film or the meniscus of any fluid that may be holding solid particles to the glasses and makes it easier for the detergent or water to disperse the adherent materials. You can use warm or hot water with detergent or any other soluble material to assist with the cleaning process.

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Thanks for this update! I also wondered about the difficulty of avoiding contaminants. The other thing that is bothersome is the difficulty in producing a control if unvaxxed are seeing similar effects. But maybe part of that effect was the cover slips. I wonder if you could acquire an old blood sample for use as a control.

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David, what is an effective way to clean the coverslips?

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Can they be differentiated according to whether they move or not?

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No as everything moves at that size and that I think is were the deception comes in - more shortly

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I believe they are contaminating everything, however, Dr Ana Mihalcea shows the change before and after EDTA and Vit C Chelation. Same slides and slip covers used each time Im sure.

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Ana uses coverslips made in the USA. I am going to order the same brand and check but Ana is confident they are OK

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea's post of June 28, 2023, still shows normal blood after her IV EDTA treatment. Have you been in touch with her about coverslips and slides?

In her June 19 post, she showed "bubbles" filled with bright dots that were changing colors and growing fibers.

At my suggestion (in a comment to that post) that the bright dots looked to me like quantum dots, which are loaded with heavy metals and are semiconductors due to quantum-mechanical effects, she thanked me and began to write about quantum dots and nanobots in June 21 and subsequent posts.

Notably, in the June 21 post, she cited work by Clifford Carnicom showing that the iron in affected people's blood had changed from Fe2+, capable of carrying oxygen, to Fe3+, which cannot carry oxygen, producing the "sludge" you see. And she cited research in which nanobots were being used to produce fibers for manufacture of batteries and other electrical devices. And, they were using Fe2+!

I'm guessing quantum dots and nanobots are what your teaser is about, especially with your video, use of "Moungi," and link to the Bawendi group with the word "nanocluster."

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