Hi David: You are looking at SARS and VAX Binary Bioweapon components that are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses. Everyone running around without protection from being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart Regimen has been infected with the SARS RNA bioweapon and transfected by Vaxxers with the VAX components. You and your readers can find many posts on these related topics at https://terral.substack.com.

PS. Write to me at terral@terral03.com if you are interested in testing the efficacy of the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen. Send me your mailing address and I will ship you some Nano Silver with all the instructions. You will find that the NS-SB combination inhibits bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and nanofilament replication that interrupts AI/Nanobot communications. The hydrogel and nanofilament strands are dissolved allowing the body to remove the bioweapon components naturally.

Here are some links:
















Blessings, Terral

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Thanks Terral will be in touch today

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Great information links Terral. You are assisting many folks out there . You have been aware of this for decades. Much respect.

Special thanks to David for all your hard work and endless efforts!

God Speed to all.

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Karen Kingston cautions against introducing electro-conductive nanoparticles into the body. I suspect David is no longer using Colloidal Gold for this reason (?).

You can make your own Colloidal Gold at home for about $200 !


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I wonder what they have planned to fill all those hollowed out "ghost" cells with? They look a lot like a honeycomb. Bees fill empty honeycomb chambers with incubating baby bees and food.

Hmmm....EXCELLENT presentation, David Nixon. Thank you.

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Jul 6Liked by David Nixon

For anyone interested: interview with John Lukach on Charles Kovess' TNT Radio programme tomorrow, Sunday 7 July between 6 and 7 pm Melbourne time. You can listen or watch live by visiting the TNT website at https://tntradio.live or via the mobile phone app, or via Live Stream on YouTube or rumble.com Or later here: https://tntradio.live/shows/mind-medicine-with-charles-kovess/ I'll be watching the interview with interest. Hopefully they'll broach nanotech issues. JL's blog: https://www.estateartistry.com/index.html

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

In the Campra report, a peak appeared after Raman spectroscopy at 1490 nm. It began to be intuited that it corresponded to this undeclared element, the hydrogel, but that it was observed. In fact, when you track a drop, for example of Cominarty and let it dry, it has happened to us that the "apparently" dry hydrogel is activated again. We have recorded how microbubbles are formed from it and also how others disappear

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I remain confused in regards to Hydrogel. How is it not GO? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration. By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in some of these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphene-like appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

In the Campra report, a peak appeared after Raman spectroscopy at 1490 nm. It began to be intuited that it corresponded to this undeclared element, the hydrogel, but that it was observed. In fact, when you track a drop, for example of Cominarty and let it dry, it has happened to us that the "apparently" dry hydrogel is activated again. We have recorded how microbubbles are formed from it and also how others disappear

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It probably does contain graphene which may be nanoscopic, microscopic or crystalline... I can't demonstrate it though... yet! We need to purchase some equipment..;-)

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I asked because LA Qunita Columna suggests that which is said to be hydrogel is GO and GO is found. Further no mMRNA is found. https://truthcomestolight.com/la-quinta-columna-the-game-is-over/

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My thesis is LQC is very accurate and accessible. They embrace the concept of emf and were among the first to recognize the importance of Graphene.

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I might suggest this to see how this blood contamination is evidence to a bigger plot.


Best interview ever!!

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I saw that interview some time ago. About to watch again. Tks

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Im blown away!

Just finished 1.

Now onto Part 2.

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The hydrogel leaks out of my scalp and forms as sheet material on my head ( mainly behind my ears ) and I can pull it off in strips, some as large as a finger nail. This happens daily. I'm here in New Zealand too.

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You took vax incl. flu vax from 2017 or not?

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I did not take the mRNA vaccine. But back in 2014 my daughter was born with cancer - neuroblastoma - when she was having "treatment" aka "poison" in 2015 we were fooled into taking the "flu" "vaccine" whilst in starship children's hospital and we all developed "pneumonia" I was hit first and was coughing up chunks of blood and mum and two daughters developed shortly after and were put on IV antibiotics. Around that time i "woke up" because I started searching why would a baby have cancer?.....boy did that open my eyes. I came across Tony pantallerescoe and bryan396 whom I got immediately in touch with. I still talk with bryan396 to this day and as soon as heard the symptoms for nanotech I discovered everything I had suffered from since 2003 was nanotech poisoning or activation, because I had had crazy issues since I was 23.....so it's 21 years I've been exhibiting symptoms, but the scalp polymer has probably only been bad for 5 years, the amount I have shed is INSANE. Now I did have a tetanus shot probably in 2002 before the nanotech activation. My daughter turns 10 in a month and is well and good. I was well aware of the nanotech since 2015 and had been loudly making everyone aware of the nanotech and chemtrails around me........lots of people I knew did not get the vaccine because of my big mouth !! They all realised I wasn't "crazy"

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I don't know who Bryan396 is. As for TP, he's a grumpy old foul-mouthed know-it-all who still believes in pathogenic viruses doesn't he? You have no proof nanotech was present in your body and activated in 2003. Glad to hear your daughter's doing OK.

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Didn't realise I was in court and needed proof of my 2003 experiences 😂 bryan396 was the guy who originally contacted Tony and told him it was nanotech. Like I say I'm still in contact with Bryan but I didn't say I was in contact with Tony 😂

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sheer profundity

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You might like my podcast, I explain how to reverse vax damage and other topics that might be up your alley.

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Thanks. I'll take a look but I doubt damage done can be reversed. Your "yikes" said it all, didn't it?

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We know that graphene/graphene oxides and their derivatives are present in these toxic-chemical poisonous substances!

People all over the world was abused for various aberrant study goals without any real information - and on the basis of a highly criminal lie, manipulation and fraud!!!



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So Mary-Ann, manipulation and fraud even with injections to “save life” is never at issue as an official act. Virology exists after all. I do feel a major divergence can be teased out and then a little more more work of a few hours per person can bring forth all else. Graphene denial, by omission, by not mentioned, is actually rather similar to Virus stalwarts - DENIAL. Subtle, merely the Big Lie repeated over and over. WE KNOW-mRNA. Spike. Sickness unto death. This and that. Graphene largely ignored by the talking heads of Medicine and Scientism popular and with a following on the Stacks. My first job out of college was a 20 year look back at Tort Reform in California from 1987-1967. I am a cynic, I ignored ideology and studied who bought who and why and for how much over 20 years..

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Dear David, pictures #5 & #6 look like a tardigrade (water bear).

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I thought they looked like a feral hog. Now that I looked up tardigrade (thank you) I see what you mean.

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Implications are beyond the most horrifying thoughts Steven King has ever had about a book he might write.

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You seriously think we're all in the same boat Joy?

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I still believe the jabbed are worse off. But they're coming at us from many covert angles, and none are safe.

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We are all in the same boats. It's only a matter of departure and arrival times.

Worldwide infection has been ongoing for at least 30 years.

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I want to buy a microscope to start studying locally. Which one should I buy that will get the job done without extra bells and whistles to cut cost?

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i bought a basic one 300 usd , no need dark field microscope, and we see everything as descbibed

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I have a $500 basic optical and it's showing very heavy rouleaux whereas a $20k Olympus dark field is showing rouleaux but nothing like as bad. I've checked my led light source using a cheap but effective emf meter and it's not showing anything dramatic. I view my blood slide away from domestic emf sources so I'm puzzled. (Emfs produce rouleaux btw).

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Btw also you can buy an optical and convert it to dark field by just taping on black discs. Will Micronaut achieved some astonishing results that way. He's now bought a dark field microscope ridiculously cheap though.

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See matt j.a.o.b He has given great information on microscopes and set ups for the least dollars with the most effect. You have to dig back through his posts. I think it was around six months ago when he went into details for people.

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Was this done on people taking MEDFIVE? Or other protocols

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Not medfive that is not common here. Most weren't taking anything special supplements wise...

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Did these people find their health had deteriorated recently?

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thank you for the update, i just bought my medfive an will see if it works, i went vegan recently as they are trying to vaccinate us via meat and milk, i just went on vacation and hope i did not get vax by eating some meat and dairy...we are all vaccinated in a way and have to detoxs this shit

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I work for the largest manufacturer of colloidal silver in the world, and it does nothing to the nanotech in my opinion. On one occasion I drank half a gallon of 10 ppm colloidal silver, and on another occasion I injected over 1 cc into me. No effect. This with the most ectensively tested brand of colloidal silver out there, with probably 6 or 7 peer reviezed articles covering this particular brand.

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very funny

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Not funny. truth. Go to ablmedical.com, find the phone number, and call me there during work hours. Extension 301, Robbie

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c ca oui

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Stop wasting his time. Ardis is full of BS

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I was on several zooms with Bryan in '22 and he was helpful and supportive to me in '23. I have respect for Dr Group and he is well known to colleagues. I have not researched this product but it is not high on my list to test...

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Have you tested C60 & liquid gold? Both of which are in this product.

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He's claiming his product rids body of mythical spike protein. Anyone pushing the spike narrative is a charlatan.

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Maybe he is using that terminology so not to bring attention to his product by those who will stop its manufacturing?

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Good point.

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I will contact you re this.


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Before drawing any conclusions, I would like to have many more details re. people whose blood you've examined. You know contamination can come from numerous sources. It seems those dropping dead suddenly are those who've been injected with cv shots. Are us un-injected about to suffer same plight? I seriously doubt it.

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Avoiding contamination is difficult...

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Sure but there's got to be something extra in the cv shots to account for sudden deaths we've only been seeing since roll-out.

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Yup. Sure but everybody's blood is contaminated and impossible to tell vaccination status from blood appearance

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Check out blood of current smokers, vaccinated or not, & compare to what you're seeing in all of us. Or wear a strong patch for a while and re-examine your blood. I recall in early 2020, msm in France & Italy were recommending nicotine patches to treat "covid". Note that Oz gov't is trying to make nicotine patches available on prescription only. Ardis has also talked about benefits of nicotine. I'll at least give him that. French neuroscientist J-P Changeux is expert in this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Changeux#Nicotinic_receptor_structure

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As a considerable smoker, Kerry, I thank you !

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Yes there's got to be extra load in the needles, or why would they be pushing so hard.

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Thank you.

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Check for Bluetooth signals and find out how here:


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You have a new technique? We've all known for ages how to check for bt signals

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Let me know if I missed something.

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The link is to your podcast, not to instructions on how to detect bt signal.

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This is the podcast on finding Bluetooth signals emitting from people and graveyards.


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Hello Dr. Nixon. I have some ideas of studies I want to perform. Can you please tell me what microscope you use so I can consider getting that microscope or something similar? Thanks for everything.

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How are those people even alive?? (human)

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