There's no doubt about this being a deliberate act of chaos, crises, GENOCIDE. They've been using fire as in Canada, Australia, Lahaina Maui and other places not having these extraordinary fires before the last 5 years.

They're using all kinds of DEW's with lasers, Frequencies in Microwaves to bring forth Weather Warfare using Hurricanes/Tornado's/Wind/Floods/Drought and Earthquakes, Volcano's, Tsunami's as well as Heat/Cold.

HAARP is most certainly now used globally and the investments into Lithium/Quartz and Rare Earth Minerals by the City of London Central Bank Family Coven are conveniently occurring within weeks before the warnings or actual events occur.

RFK Jr. is aware of what's happening...Waiting to hear Trump address and act to end this heinous evil while holding these CRIMINALS AGAINST THE EARTH accountable with indictments, trial, executions. Unlike Nuremberg, there will be no mercy for the Techno-Feudal Fascists once defined IMPERIALISTS.

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Yes indeed, heartrending. The Earth itself is under assault. What terrible crimes against the people and land of Ecuador. Hardly a coincidence this area is under attack. Not very far from there Cusco (in Peru) is considered the world's navel. There will almost certainly be seismic repercussions.

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I fear you might be in for a long disappointing wait regarding Trump. Is he not ultimately part of the Uni Party installed by permission from the Corrupt Cabal Criminocracy?

I hope I'm wrong and laughed at - very soon - by the storm of his successful powerful sweeping political actions early in 2025. Confidence is not high, though.

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totally agree

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Wickedly worded accurate assessment of this massacre, 🤬

"Blaze"..cloud3...irony intended

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I took a screenshot of your comment , but only up to “occur” because with Trump and his team people should be very very careful because all are part of these abnormal actions - and politicians, the system or a government NEVER work for the people - in my opinion everyone needs to take self responsibility and should NOT hand it over to anyone!

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Completely correct my friend, I have spent much time there , the resources are staggering there , notice in sat photo that band of striated clouds on top left, telltale geoengineering, they want to destroy the rain forest and plunder the resources. There are still indigenous people there with no outside world contact , and much ancient civilization ruins. I have seen them

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Humanity everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

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They’re killing the world!🥲😡

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It rips out my heart to see this. Our world and people are being destroyed. Slowly, one by one. God will have His vengeance.

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Amen and Maranatha!

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They're a death-cult, profiteers of gloom.

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Being sociopaths, they'll like that description.

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Much gratitude David for highlighting this evil devastation, and shared concern for our friend Mateo, all fellow civilians and wildlife caught in this deliberate nightmare.

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Dear David,

Thank you for posting this devastating picture of what is happening in Ecuador and so many other places in the world, all in similar or various ways. The fact that evil forces can hold sway in this world needs everyone to look, think and act to counter these forces, as they want to destroy us, in our habitats and our natural, physical and social environments.

Thank you so much, David, for helping us together to wake up and act, both in macro sphere as in this article as in the microscopy work you do !

They are the same forces of evil.

Or as in the Hermeneutic sense “as above, so also below”.


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David, by shining the spotlight on the destruction in Ecuador, you have performed an invaluable service to caring mankind. Since the start of the plandemic hoax, international news of events that may be linked to the destruction of nature by the Banker Cabal and their Satanic compatriots, has been pretty sparse. Outside of the US, we have a little knowledge of what is happening in Europe, Australia, New Zealand. We have not been aware, for the most part, that similar events have been occurring throughout the planet. We tend to be focused on what is happening locally, especially when knowledge of distant events is not available. We must continue to fight, broaden the fight. We must resist and never comply. We need to be aware that what we are experiencing is not unique, but part of planetary destruction. We must all fight in unison if we are to win the war for our existence and that of our globe.

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How is it that the persons who work together to cause disasters, can not figure out that Earth is their home too? Every drop in the health of our planet causes the quality of life for all living things to be diminished. Soros and his ilk are so utterly primitive as to think that profit can only be found through the destruction they cause. We know better and as great as they look to each other and in their foggy mirrors, we see them as what they are: pitiful desperate fools who lack the intellectual ability to formulate a plan whereby they can improve the quality of life on Earth and become successful at the same time. So, they resort to destroying, lying, and stealing, which leaves them to have lives full of paranoia and hate.

We know, we are tired of the abuse of the evil ones and we are moving on. We are going to have lives filled with hope and joy. There are 8 billion of us who would love to have a peaceful and prosperous life. That is the road we choose. No more will we bow to the negative manipulations of a pitifully tiny group of mindless people.

(visualize it ~ 8 billion vs. 8 thousand) smh

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Let's say you want to reduce the population of "useless eaters" by just 15%, how do you go about doing it?

Has anybody who was involved in the 2020 scamdemic being indicted?

That one alone has already killed ~15-17 million people globally, disabled ~60 million and injured ~500 million.

The global predators know what's going on:

 2012 - Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. Video(1 minute)


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Thank you for this wonderful article and for helping me to become aware of this devastating situation. I am extremely upset to learn of this…

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This writer has been describing the intense chemtrail activity he witnessed all month; I hope he’s okay

12 days ago


11 days ago


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This is the result of geoengineering and directed energy weapons. Their intent is to blame you CO2 output for what they are doing in order to force the gullible into environmental and social governance (ESG) compliance. They want to control you. Everything that you do. DO NOT LET THEM!

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It absolutely is and you can see that in the sat photo that shows the red dots fires look at the top left that band of striated clouds clear geoengineering , the resources of Ecuador are staggering gold like you cant believe.

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This is the logical conclusion to a world without God. We were never created to deal with evil on our own and have woefully underestimated it.

I am so sorry to hear what's happening to Ecuador. It's a beautiful place. I pray for your friend, Mateo, and the whole world. But this is inevitable.

I hope everyone will stop with this nonsense of looking to Trump to save the day. It's childish and harmful. Find God.

Thanks for your article. God Bless.

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As John Kerri stated out loud recently "we need environmental lockdowns now" and they are starting to do them in India and Pakistan. Pray this momentum of evil is destroyed.

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"In Ecuador the peak fire season typically begins in late June and lasts around 31 weeks. There were 1,283 VIIRS fire alerts reported between 27th of November 2023 and 25th of November 2024 considering high confidence alerts only. This is normal compared to previous years going back to 2012." ~ https://www.globalforestwatch.org/dashboards/country/ECU/?category=fires

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This is nor fire season as 'normal' ..."nothing to see here"

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I have provided the figures and quoted from the text. Also, when researching, I noticed that the worst of the fires occurred in September and replanting is now being implemented.

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Death is the new norm. We the people are being conditioned to this as part of life.

Yes death is normal occurrence but as a percentage it is Ramping up. Sigma event?

All cause mortality?! Everybody will be deeply impacted and it is a another psyop of trauma. Died suddenly in the prime of his or her life? Does that sound normal?

For many to many it has come about with no connection to reality. Has our fellow human become an unknown enemy by ignorance?

Because tolerance is not an excuse but a state of mind by conditioning, as in no big deal. Some sic fuks go far as say they deserved to die. And the extreme actually participate, doctors and nurses? For money? Paid by whom?

Our societies are rotting from within…

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