Are you familiar with the research by the group La Quinta Columna? Their website is a great resource! NAC was effective at removing the graphene oxide from 3 of my employees who received the injections.

How do I know? Magnets stuck to their injections sites (something I'd seen in a presentation by LA Quinta Columna in 2021) and they gave off EMFs after injection. I purchased a high end EMF detector, independently tested at a lab, and replicated what I'd seen done by the doctors and scientists of La Quinta Columna.

They suggested NAC, which is a precursor to Glutathione produced by the liver. At 500mg 2Xs a day for 30 days my 3 employees no longer emitted EMFs. I downloaded the Mac Finder App, and more recently WiGLE WiGi which demonstrates the vacinated give off MAC numbers like your Bluetooth devices, but there is no "Hardware" no Brand associated with these addresses. Try it yourselves. Now my guys no longer give off MAC addresses. I take a number of adaptogens and NAC daily to continue to detox my body from the poisons.

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What adaptogens, if please???

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You might want to ask whether people were PCR tested as well, as these tests also appear contaminated in many cases. Perhaps that's what the source is in the unvaxxed. I have never had a test, so I'll be interested in seeing if I see any of this in my blood. Microscope is coming soon.

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Jan 23, 2024
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PCR was 100% part of it. I was swatted into getting one and I could feel the nano fibers right away. I tried telling them I didn't want it but I was swatted into a mental health check. Go figure.

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NAC daily to increase glutathione levels in the liver. 500 to 600mg. Glutathione drops after the age of 50. This is the precursor tour body uses to produce the glutothione.

Nattokinesse (fermented soybean curd) 2000 fus daily for anti clotting/circulation

Methylene Blue

Liquid Chlorophyll

I have others as well. Some are listed on the NIH website when I searched for radiation prevention and treatment for Houttuynia A super good anti inflammatory.

Colloidal Silver as needed as an antibiotic, antiviral, antibacterial

Borax/boron for decalsification of Pineal Gland due to Floride is water/toothpaste

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I appreciate the work you guys are doing and sharing. I still feel better when exposed to sunlight and when I do grounding. I hope these are not somehow adding to my blood's burden. At this point, we have to listen to our bodies. What makes us stronger we continue to do and what weakens us we eliminate. There is so much we don't know.

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So to add to your write up and your first paragraph of this tech being found in the non vaccinated here is a writeup that helps connect the dots. Got pictures of this technology in the larger form as well If you look at my highlights. Hope this helps explain things better. There is a reason all the animals around the world went in circles.


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I feel so alone. If I start talking about this people just cast me off. Young and old are just going on with life. I wonder I should just go on too. Somehow ignore the long range plan of nefarious creatures for humanity. I am not sure how to even protect myself. I bought sodium citrate but I worry about my blood pressure. I am alone with this. Do other people feel this way?

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Lizzie, Actually... I just remembered it is EDTA chelation that helps with plaque. But maybe SC does similar?? Can you take your BP at home to monitor?

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Lizzie, I have only two people I can talk to about this crazy stuff. I am trying to just be ready to help others if the need comes up. But I also am fighting for my mental health by doing “normal” things- I try to make sure I focus on good things/try to serve others/read good books/go on walks etc. it is not easy leading what feels like a double life. The nefarious demonic creatures hate Joy/Love/peace. So fight for that!! Also, I think the SC could eventually lower BP by clearing out plaque. But don’t quote me on that. 💕

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Well it's their choice if they want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. We have to carry on fighting and doing whatever we can to free ourselves from this hideous technology. If you haven't got one get a blood pressure monitor to keep an eye on it

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Hi gertiaA, EHS is Electro Hyper Sensitivity, also known as Havana Syndrome, also microwave toxicity. Microwaves and dirty electricity cause harmfull side affects, 5% to 25% of the pop suffer from exposure to emf (electromagnetic frequencies via cell towers, smart meters, routers, cell phones) heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, lyme are contributers and or are exacerbated by emf's. Relief occures when the net total of emf's are reduced or eliminated. Its challenging bc wifi is ubiquitous, yet every step to reduce emf's reduce the unwanted pains. I wrap my meter and two of my neighbors. Reduction depends on budget, a Perfect Power System is about $1,200, EMF canapy Silver Bed Nets are $1,200, stetzer filters are $50 each (each one reduces emfs so one is minimal while 8 to 16 does more good), nasa grade radient barrier (to wrap a smart meter with 10 layers or to make a faraday box around bed) is $75 per roll, aluminum foil can be wrapped around a meter atleast ten layers). Lead sheetrock or lead tape work well to block meters.The perfect power system and stetzer filters are discreet, while wrapping devices or lining walls with radient barrier is not. You're not crazy, ehs is real, many doctors and thousands of studies prove harm. Robert F Kennedy has a platform called Childrens Health Defense for proof of harm, also TargetedJustice.com, also emfanalysis.com., also LessEmf.com. Good luck.

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thank you Adrian- I am a huge Children's Health Defense fan!

so at work I have to use a wireless lap top hooked to a schools WiFi- and I can not figure out how to get rid of my cell phone-- ( i imagine this is most people-)

what can do for daily protection ( i know a lot about biology stuff, but electrical stuff I can not figure out- no matter how much I read)

thank again- gA

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As a EHS, methods for EMF mitigation include...

1. Power Perfect main curcuit board whole house mitigation.

2. Stetzer filters socket plug ins.

3. Tensor Coils.

4. Earth Calm plug in.

5. Avoid LED Lights, use incandescent or Ott Full Spectrum lights, candles, or battery nonled flashlights.

6. Smart meter shielding with radient barrier, lead tape, multiple layers of foil, earth bags.

7. Participate in banning all over the air devices for analog and landline as the nano gel is definitely fueld by wifi, see MAC addresses at cemetaries for confirmation.

Good luck

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Hi Adrian- what is EHS?

What about LED lights used in red light therapy/NIR light therapy?

And if a person could do just one thing to their home what would you recommend most? Again, my family thinks I am losing it- so I have to do things a little slowly/secretly around here.

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There are low emf red light therapy saunas. It just depends on how reactive your body is to emf's, the NIR is beneficial yet if the house has high levels of dirty electricity then they will be conveyed thru the light and to your body. Its a learning curve of trial and error. Your body will tell you.

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Hello David from Alabama, I very much appreciate your efforts to learn more about this assault on all mankind. Are you familiar with the use of electromagnetic fields to disable the nanotechnology that were are seeing via your studies and those of Ana Mihalcea? The method of removing of heavy metals via chelation that Ana promotes and the new information about Sodium Citrate holds promise for all of us. But if the nanotech can be disabled so the body will eliminate it via use of electromagnetic field should that not be the foremost area to test? I would suggest if you have not looked into this aspect in mitigation to give it a go and let us know what results you see. I anxiously await your discoveries and hopefully new ways to fight against this evil.

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Seems like only SCANNING TUNNELING MICROSCOPES (STM) or ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPES (AFM) can see NANOTECH PARTICLES...be careful what bullshit you believe...

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how is "NANOTECHNOLOGY " able to be seen by MICROSCOPE?

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Thank you for all your fine work. I will be donating to you and KarlC (I’m stretched pretty thin as a Musician and Refurbished Sales person, so it will be humble however)...Very grateful for your brave service to the human family.

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So, do we need a work place that has the emf negated in order to look at the slides? Even the microscope itself? Or what about the operator?


Or help for our bodies?


I am more interested in this site with relation to growing poultry drug free but I see the technology has other uses.

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The spherical hydrogels first appear as small with a small light centre which does expand after time on the slide. The first thing I looked at was sparkling water because i had been drinking quite a lot of it and there they were. Then they appeared in most things I looked at so getting rid of it is a very difficult problem as we are exposed to it all the time. I wonder what effect 5g will have on it in our bodies

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Shungite may be a good way to minimize EMF exposure... I wear a shungite pendant when I go out, and have chunks of noble shungite around teh house and in front of my wifi router, computer and TV/box.


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Where do I get verified shungite?

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I got mine from Ebay... if you order "Noble" shungite, from someone with good reviews, you should be fine... the pendant you can find by searching "Shungite Crystal pendant "Donat" Authentic shungite stone Handmade - Tolvu"

When you receive, test your shungite by tapping it on your cell phone, it should work like your finger... if it does not, it is fake.

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