David, your work is fascinating. It's hard to believe that this self assembly nanotech is in anesthesia amongst other IV medications. Just the thought of how much of this poison has been pumped into people in hospitals around the world breaks my heart. I can't imagine the effect is having on our bodies. Thank you for continuing to shine the light on this topic. The more we know, the better we can discern going forward. Keep it up! Can't wait to see what comes next.

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Do we have any options for dental work numbing????

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I have the same question. What to do if I need to have dental work done? Grit through the pain? I feel so helpless. I refused the jab, now this!

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We need to have the dentist Who is studying this, help give us some other options

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Exactly...I know we can do nitrous oxide – but that really doesn’t kill pain

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It would be nice to see a list of dentists that are not owned by the pharma companies..... Where are they??? I have not heard hide nor hair from any dentists except for this string!

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I hear you. In a couple of days I'm supposed to have a procedure that requires the local anesthetic lidocaine. I haven't seen any researchers specifically state that they've seen the self-assembling synthetic biology in lidocaine, but since it appears to be in other local anesthetics, I think I need to assume it's in there unless I can be assured otherwise. So it's looking like I'm going to have to cancel the procedure because I don't want that crap injected into my body!

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If you're unfamiliar with their website, I'd suggest having a look. Dr. Campra has shown multiple inj Lidocaine vials all containing filament structures, including videos on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LdyzZ0zUj7FG/

Video linked gives procedure for bypassing magnetized graphene particles, but you can also visit main channel by clicking image. I had dental work last year and was livid upon discovering that it's in all injectables. It's even in eye drops. Plus, we're inundated with the nano in food, beverages, you-name-it. Anyway, I regret having to share bad news, but being forewarned is being fore armed.

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In the mean time a person can apply tea tree oil to an infected tooth. TTO is used in toothpastes, and even in some Root canal procedures (Australia). Topical cod liver oil can also help

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Careful that way.

Infected tooth can end you as well. Bacteria can travel to thr heart. More bad news.

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Yes, get carpules of each manufacturer's anesthetic and test them out by the same way done for these samples. Then, cross examine each lab director and try to find out who is behind this.

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And then deal with those criminals accordingly

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Septodont dental supply company just replied to me and said they do not use graphene or nanotech in any of their products. Not sure if they lied. It needs to be seen under a microscope.

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I found the article from Dr. Mihalce on Septodont Septocaine. It appears that they lied too me about their products not containing nanotech.

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So how do we find dentists that use this or do we order it ourselves....Did they seem perplexed when you ask them or, did they seem like they already knew that it was in some products

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It was just a simple " no we don't us graphene or nanotech in any of our products".

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I am going to call my family and request the he only use that brand for my family. I will even off to pay for it. Hopefully the email reply was honest.

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As I've noted previously, Powdered Cloves [mine from my own Garden] few days/weeks in advance will Numb or temporarily Kill the Nerves. Thus, the pain.

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What if somebody asks where/who put that stuff into the dental anesthesia? Somebody was fooled into putting it in or it was sabotaged into the anesthesia solute. Somebody was behind this and it behooves us to find out who was behind this treachery.

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I think that's the most incredible footage you've produced of the anesthetic crystalization process from start to finish. Extra style points for the cyberpunk neon-green filter.

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Glad you liked it! The video from last night (link coming up) has quite a few colour changes as Shimon and I debated the aesthetics....

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I totally agree!

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We're all standing around waiting for Auschwitz to reopen Will.

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My sandwich board is in the shop John. I'll be back crying-doom next Friday.

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GOD SPEED IN THE FIGHT TO SAVE HUMANITY!!! God Bless you all for your tireless efforts to expose these MONSTERS!

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How can someone get rid of these? I just had a dental

Anesthesia 😢 I’m very worried now and I never took the jab!

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In a lipo battery’s there is graphene, this could be some type of graphene, which acts as a lipo battery , Why because the dots give of light , blue and white light ,

My hypothesis is the bright light. Is going to damage the mitochondria, DNA , and it seems something causing senescence, which is rapid aging, and unable to produce a new cell, from two cells , cell division, which will not allow offspring, from a female, most likely,

Problem is 90% of the population are still under a spell,

Listen to your body , not the news , please,

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What is the method of anesthesia? Is this Novocain by injection or what?

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Right. Self assembling “crystals” and Pac-Man creatures in my dental anesthetic. Totally normal.

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Next ■ "Helps pervent cavities." M

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Please David, could you expand upon your findings regarding contaminated tobramycin drops, prescribed in Canada, for conjunctivitis.

Thank you.

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will do asap

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Your remark about eye drops at end of your post reawakens my curiosity about contact lens solutions. Great work David. Thank you.

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Wanting to liquify corpses ■ would be a controlled practice of being able to collect "the gems," if so. Perhaps that is the MAC signals below the freezing point/graveyard. Bluetooth metering, "the philisopher' stone."** If so, this is the most abusive form of treasure and harvest that only a nerd would have to conjure, because they are [n]ot creative and can only use and pervert what others have formed. At this era, I believe the nerd group can be categorized as a race/genetics may have already determined that. M

**The philosopher's stone, or more properly philosophers' stone (Arabic: حجر الفلاسفة, romanized: ḥajar al-falāsifa; Latin: lapis philosophorum), is a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold", and ποιεῖν poiēin, "to make") or silver. It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality;[1] for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy. The philosopher's stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone were known as the Magnum Opus ("Great Work").[2]



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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

“..,that only a nerd would have to conjure, because they are [n]ot creative and can only use and pervert what others have formed. At this era, I believe the nerd group can be categorized as a race/genetics may have already determined that. “

I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. It’s all inverted vengeance from autistic spectrum psychotics. I see many from the Sino-sphere that fit this bill. I believe that is why so many of them have been imported, slow roll out after the Immigration Act of 65, faster roll out since the 90s, and now, after “COVID,” the entire structure of the Weat being re-engineered to fit the Sino and Aryan-sphere prejudices. I go to a store where I live in say, 2018, there are a few Sinos and Aryans. I go now, and there are a bunch of Mandarian and Hindi speakers everywhere. It’s be one like Vancouver, western Canada. It’s very noticeable in California.

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Salt or sugar or other organic crystals possibly? If not, what differentiates these from other types of organic crystals?

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If you take a closer look, many of these pictures have microchip's circuit boards squares, rectangles, dots, pipes as well as other features that can’t definitely be found in any salt or sugar crystals. :)


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Thanks. It’s still beyond me, but thanks

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In Design Studio/mid 1980's ■ My Japanese Graphic Designer instructor told me I did not need to do my work under a magnify glass; I found that working in enlargement the hand could do the work. M

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I've never been scared to go to the dentists until now and I really need to go and know it will require anaesthetics. Quite honestly I don't know what to do. Any advice from anyone?

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In case one has to see the dentist there are some options depending on the procedure to be done & wiliness of dentist to work with you:

A) Do not use dental anesthetics.

Do not take the sedative at all;

Use Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas).

Take in advance over the counter pain meds like two Ibuprofen;

Ask & take dentist/doctor prescribed prescription pain meds (something with Codeine or Oxycodone, OxyContin etc.)

Some tough people just take few shots of hard liquor.

If needs drilling - ask/look for dentist to use laser instead….

B) If one has to have the dental anesthetic injection.

Per La Quinta Columna: warm the vial in your hands, then use a magnet to draw the metals down. From high to bottom, several times, most of the metals will be drawn downwards. Ask dentist to use only upper part of the vile.


Because not all the toxins are magnetic & potentially not all magnetic particles be removed – one will need to do heavy detox afterwards.

Also keep in mind the stuff from the gum (when using pads) is quickly absorbed, and this is nano-sized tech...

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That's incredible information, thank you.

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I'm in the same boat - have multiple crowns that need to be done that I had been putting off due to cost but it's getting worse and need to go and same.....?? Any help

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I'm just looking at getting Fuji9 and doing my own! I have 4 molars that have broken because they were so full of fillings for decades (I'm 81) that they couldn't take biting and chewing any longer, so as I probably don't need any decay drilled out, I'm going to get a suitable tiny mirror and hopefully do it myself. Got the idea from Bob Mortimer on Would I Lie to You. Google Fuji9.

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Thank you. I suspect this may be very helpful for many people. For me, it won't help my situation. There are cavities that need to be removed and a few teeth need caps due to heavy grinding and loss of structure and much shortened now (grinding in sleep apparently when stressed-had no idea for yrs)

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Have you reached out to the manufacturers and asked them to explain what you are seeing?

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II wonder if the NOVOCAINE in Mexico has it?

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Buy some and have it tested.

If it’s clean, buy more !

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Hi David, which of your studies have included distilled water or another control to rule out chemtrails or slide contamination as progenitor of nanotechnology you're seeing? Thanks.

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BREAKTHROUGH: British MP Andrew Bridgen, After 20 Tries, Lands Parliamentary "Debate" On Excess Deaths Following MRNA Blitzkrieg: Speaks To Near Empty House, While People Cheer From Public Gallery


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