Just to add to the discussion. La Quinta is entirely focused on graphene. As much as I admire their scientific approach and knowledge I have good reason to believe the research must be broader.
The technique they are suggesting to dentists is called depuration. Using a donut magnet to draw magnetic particles to the bottom of the syringe and then injecting the upper portion. The claim is this reduces the contaminants by approximately 95%.
Graphene is not magnetic for a starter. Rgo is not magnetic . GO is not magnetic. These can be doped with FE or other substances though.
Thank you Susan for having eyes that actually see.
If I was in your area I would come to you.
Mira al microscopio is where the Spanish have tested many forms of anesthetics and found most to contain it. If you go to that site and type #singrafeno you will get all the ones that are clear or #grafeno. Unfortunately all EU brands.
I saw that the dr from Spain from Orwellito or la Quinta columna who I think is a dentist used a magnet to bring the magnetic particles to the bottom of the syringe. Good luck explaining that to the dentist haha. Plus I wonder if the nano particles are actually magnetic or just the graphene sheets.
I don't have a succinct answer though, I have been looking. I think I know to AVOID Septodent(?) -- an alternative to Novocaine. At this point, I will be asking for the ORIGINAL Novocaine which MAY not yet contain hydrogel. It's not at all easy -- I tried it recently and, it WAS painful -- though, I survived -- and did NOT have any novocaine for a recent cavity next to the gum line.
If I find something definitive, will post. I will recommend investigating Dr. Ellie Phillips who has a system of keeping one's teeth healthy. (Caveat, she also recommends FLURIDATED Crest toothpaste -- Sigh.) However, she believes having XYLITOL keeps the pH in one's mouth from having an overload of bad bacteria. She sells Xylitol gum without too many icky ingredients called Zellies. Also, some people swear by oil pulling. I find the Ora Wellness products and instructions helpful. Dr. Weston Price has books on reversing tooth decay.
I know all this does not address impacted wisdom teeth. I would only suggest getting to a holistic dentist in your area, IF POSSIBLE. There are organizations you can find on YT that will help your search. Wishing you and your daughter wellness.
My dentist is a “holistic” dentist but really he just bought the business from someone and it makes good money to cater to more natural people. They don’t use different products and when I asked if they had old lidocaine pre Covid they said they go through it so fast that they don’t. I ended up not needing anything painful luckily but it makes me nervous!
The vials expire, too. The the sky toon will “burn” or “sting” more. Lidocaine/xylocaine is by far the most popular of the anesthetics. Novocaine is obsolete.
My son had his wisdom teeth extracted in hospital under general anaesthetic. Too much of an ordeal in dentist's chair. Assuming hospital anaesthetic is not contaminated of course.
I have my son scheduled for 4 wisdom teeth extraction, I learned that hospital general anesthesia is also with nano particles. What can i do?? For the moment i will do nothing
regular lidocaine not sustained release lidocaine. My dentist uses mepivicaine without epinephrine and bupivicaine with epinephrine. Is any of these "regular"? My son needs his wisdom teeth out. We are holding off for now.
Thank you. I had morgellons a few years ago. Very painful. I had taken Enbrel for psoriasis and lived in a moldy trailer.
I know it’s related.
A heavy metal detox by Metagenics helped. After years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors, I am working with an integrative medicine doctor now, out of pocket. Thankful for my supportive husband of three years. God is helping me heal.
7 or ten day detox powder. I had to time everything carefully for 2 weeks. Had to take flax or Metamucil after and time it around supplements. It was physically painful. Unbelievably. But it really really helped, shown in my blood work and labs later.
This treatment by Dr. Ryan Cole, whom I previously trusted and admired, is shocking. Dr. Stuckelberger made it very clear that she was referring to nano particles, not bits you can see under a typical lab microscope. Dr. Cole’s absolute assurance that there were no nanoparticles in thousands of tests is highly suspect. It occurred to me that he was being mind-controlled because it is so unlike him. What other reason would he be so unnaturally unreasonable about this issue?
Thank you Dr Nixon for the mention. Matt just told me about this great article. I am absolutely shocked at the amount of sources containing the presence of these illuminated nanotechnology Q-dots. This is the sort of thing you only expect to see taking images of ciliates and protozoa via dark field DIC microscopy. It is not something you expect to see everywhere at all. I just did some. Testing on lamotragine medication for bipolar. Two brands from two different manufacturers were riddled with Q-dots. This stuff is not on any of the labels and I myself have checked the pub chem sheets to make sure these materials are not supposed to be in there. Most of these drugs should be crystalline structures. They should not seem to have any mass of biological organisms in there. I studied papers on brownian motion and the charted patterns of movement a while ago. Maybe 2 years ago actually. These movements do not follow this pattern and I believe you might be able to track and trace the patterns using software. I'm not sure if Fiji allows video tracing but there are a few open source softwares for these kind of analysis. I did start getting into it a bit and will go back to it when I have finished the signal processors for the new Rife machine.
if the blood and tissue are being 'artificially engineered" {removing water} replacing [all 3} with hydrogel {synthetic } - how are they ? this is 'intelligent design" supposedly from sabrina wallace everyone had/ has digital twin with "outside" access to their circulatory system {for yrs}
I don't think it removing water as much as it just needs it like everything else in your body does. It is more so embedding in your cells, growing freely in blood, and attaching to your nervous system and brain according to many papers.
MAC (Media, Access, Control) download to your phone, a MAC reader, you'd be surprised, where Nano Technoligy is at. Cemeteries, are emitting MAC requests from deceased bodies......
Dairy products, Meats, as mentioned Debtal supplies, (will Toothpaste, be next?) Using any means, to get the Nano partivles into unsuspecting populations
Thanks. My current doctor is helping me with biotoxin and biofilms. I used to do the swish & spit with grape juice, saw very odd things! Appreciate the link.
Yes I have seen all these previously. Is this the groundbreaking stuff you were telling me about.? Dr Young has shown some good footage. The blood cell with wavy feelers that everyone thought came from within the blood cells have actually been observed swimming freely and attaching to the cells.
I have previously asked you to back up these bold claims you make. At this stage you have done nothing really but waste my time and not shown anything new. Now I see you here not only doing the same, but making claims that you have supplied superior material and that the good Dr has not disclosed this for whatever reason. At minimum your posts are looking like spam at present.
Or are you saying your team hasn't the balls to disclose what we all await with baited breath.
I am calling absolute bullshit here and now. Its time for you to put up or shut up.
Give us all a link to your groundbreaking works or stop wasting everyone's time and making unbackable claims that are in my view false.
I have not received anything to my knowledge. Please email it to Nixonlab"proton.me with MATERIAL FROM NEO in subject field and I will have a look at it. Until then your comments are no longer welcome
This happens to be the video (3:54) of the large ribbon being worked on by SynBio Bots (“Morlocks”) the photo of which I analysed in David’s next article – “More Photographs – same sample” - Photograph 12.
You may have already read my post relating to photograph 12 which I posted 24-8-23.
If you haven’t seen photograph 12 from David’s previous article it might be an idea to do so to get a good visual idea of the work site covered by the video which is recorded in higher magnification than the photo. The “Morlock” bots are in the same positions in both photo and video.
There are 4 Morlocks working on the right-hand side of the ribbon. Wherever they work the ribbon is illuminated.
@ 0:56 in left of middle you will see the first “Morlock”.
Move forward to 1:12
This first “Morlock” is clearly using manipulator arms and “hands” (resemble pincer like tools) to work on the ribbon. Use the slider a few seconds each way to fine tune focus.
If you now go to centre bottom you will see the second “Morlock”.
If you use the slider to move from 1:16 you will see this “Morlock” bot also has two tentacle like manipulator arms at the ends of which are pincer shaped tools that are being used to work on the ribbon.
“Morlock” No 3 is next one down.
“Morlock” No 4 is the lowest on the ribbon and the star of the show..
4, and 5G signals might be MAC address requests. Cemeteries are emitting MAC requests, as does Grocery store Meats, and Dairy products, using any means, to get populations, to take in the Nano Technologies...
Forgive my ignorance, what the heck are MAC address requests? What do you mean by grocery store meats and dairy products emitting MAC requests. I feel like I’m in the dark. You may have to tell me in Laymans terms. Sorry
I could never see all vakd people with BT , only most. Now I see a minor proportion. I think the output signal has changed. The ones at the cemetery seem to have stayed about the same though.
this junk´s been sprayed (chemtrails) for years now, at the tune of 50,000 metric tons every year!!!!
... so we have ALL been contaminated for years! the way out of this is via a daily detox program
i had to extract a tooth and was lucky enough to find aenesthetics without the s*it in them; but its in the air water nutrition and everywhere else so whats the big fuss? whys everyone worried about this specific tree when the whole forrest is being burnt?!
I am a dentist and I would love to know which anesthesia had the contamination?
We have four options in our office. Prilocaine, Lidocaine, Septocaine and mepivacaine. I would think the ones without epinephrine might be ok?
Look forward to more research! I don’t want to inject my patients with this stuff!
Unfortunately, everything I have looked at looks very similar.
Just to add to the discussion. La Quinta is entirely focused on graphene. As much as I admire their scientific approach and knowledge I have good reason to believe the research must be broader.
The technique they are suggesting to dentists is called depuration. Using a donut magnet to draw magnetic particles to the bottom of the syringe and then injecting the upper portion. The claim is this reduces the contaminants by approximately 95%.
Graphene is not magnetic for a starter. Rgo is not magnetic . GO is not magnetic. These can be doped with FE or other substances though.
as a former intensive care doctor, I am curious which analgesia has such potential contaminants.adjuvants.
In UK, lidocaine (llgnocaine) is the fairy standard local.
Whereas, there are some studies of efficacy between lidocaine vs mepivicaine (fast onset, medium duration)
She’s doing research
Thank you Susan for having eyes that actually see.
If I was in your area I would come to you.
Mira al microscopio is where the Spanish have tested many forms of anesthetics and found most to contain it. If you go to that site and type #singrafeno you will get all the ones that are clear or #grafeno. Unfortunately all EU brands.
May God bless you for caring about humanity.
Dr. Kreidel,
Thank you for being among the awake. May I ask which state do you practice denistry?
I am in Portland Oregon but I only work part time.
Dr. Kreidel, my 15 yo son needs 2 wisdom teeth and a primary pre-molar out with no adult molar. We are holding off for now. He has no infection.
If you find a safe lidocaine. please, I implore you to contact me karengracerush@gmail.com. if you would. Thank you.
I need this information as well, so please share if you find something and I will do likewise.
I found this article on sustained release lidocaines.
Yes, I will for sure Rhonda.
So what exactly should we ask for if we HAVE to have dental surgery? My daughter has sideways impacted wisdom teeth. What do I ask for?!!
I saw that the dr from Spain from Orwellito or la Quinta columna who I think is a dentist used a magnet to bring the magnetic particles to the bottom of the syringe. Good luck explaining that to the dentist haha. Plus I wonder if the nano particles are actually magnetic or just the graphene sheets.
Are Nano particles able to be viewed at only 5x? Or are we seeing something larger?
I don't have a succinct answer though, I have been looking. I think I know to AVOID Septodent(?) -- an alternative to Novocaine. At this point, I will be asking for the ORIGINAL Novocaine which MAY not yet contain hydrogel. It's not at all easy -- I tried it recently and, it WAS painful -- though, I survived -- and did NOT have any novocaine for a recent cavity next to the gum line.
If I find something definitive, will post. I will recommend investigating Dr. Ellie Phillips who has a system of keeping one's teeth healthy. (Caveat, she also recommends FLURIDATED Crest toothpaste -- Sigh.) However, she believes having XYLITOL keeps the pH in one's mouth from having an overload of bad bacteria. She sells Xylitol gum without too many icky ingredients called Zellies. Also, some people swear by oil pulling. I find the Ora Wellness products and instructions helpful. Dr. Weston Price has books on reversing tooth decay.
I know all this does not address impacted wisdom teeth. I would only suggest getting to a holistic dentist in your area, IF POSSIBLE. There are organizations you can find on YT that will help your search. Wishing you and your daughter wellness.
My dentist is a “holistic” dentist but really he just bought the business from someone and it makes good money to cater to more natural people. They don’t use different products and when I asked if they had old lidocaine pre Covid they said they go through it so fast that they don’t. I ended up not needing anything painful luckily but it makes me nervous!
The vials expire, too. The the sky toon will “burn” or “sting” more. Lidocaine/xylocaine is by far the most popular of the anesthetics. Novocaine is obsolete.
Expired vials*
My son had his wisdom teeth extracted in hospital under general anaesthetic. Too much of an ordeal in dentist's chair. Assuming hospital anaesthetic is not contaminated of course.
Assume it Is contaminated. I would, those death camps will be sure to have poisons in the anaesthetics.
I have my son scheduled for 4 wisdom teeth extraction, I learned that hospital general anesthesia is also with nano particles. What can i do?? For the moment i will do nothing
Sasha Latypova says ask for
regular lidocaine not sustained release lidocaine. My dentist uses mepivicaine without epinephrine and bupivicaine with epinephrine. Is any of these "regular"? My son needs his wisdom teeth out. We are holding off for now.
I have just looked t mepivacaine and it is also suspect, unfortunately
I've heard some dentists still have some left over and the ones from 2021 are clean.
Maybe ask her dentist to collaborate with other dentists in the area to have one from 2021 sent over to their office? There's got to be one somewhere.
I'm just praying my teeth stay healthy! I wish you success.
I am not sure that pre 2021 fixes the problem I have checked a plain lignocaine made by Astra Zenica in 2009 and it was also suspect.
I wonder if ‘laughing gas’ would be strong enough. Hard to find a dentist using it though.
I was actually thinking in Glove oil 🤔
Pediatric does.
Thank you. I had morgellons a few years ago. Very painful. I had taken Enbrel for psoriasis and lived in a moldy trailer.
I know it’s related.
A heavy metal detox by Metagenics helped. After years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors, I am working with an integrative medicine doctor now, out of pocket. Thankful for my supportive husband of three years. God is helping me heal.
Which product did you use from metagenics?
7 or ten day detox powder. I had to time everything carefully for 2 weeks. Had to take flax or Metamucil after and time it around supplements. It was physically painful. Unbelievably. But it really really helped, shown in my blood work and labs later.
I should have been suspicious of the Enbrel. It was delivered to my door and my copay was 5$. I’m still on disability and way below the poverty level.
Morgellons is also referred to as cross domain bacteria
Has anyone from your crew spoken with Astrid Stuckelberger? She's the one that tried to tell people that there is nanotechnology in the vaccine vials at a pandemic conference before Ryan Cole rudely hijacked her presentation. https://rumble.com/v271iji-dr.-astrid-stuckelberger-silenced-by-dr.-ryan-cole-at-pandemic-strategies-c.html
Yes I was fortunate to have a 4 hr conversation with her, Mateo, Shimon and myself... she's great! That incident was discussed.... :-)
This treatment by Dr. Ryan Cole, whom I previously trusted and admired, is shocking. Dr. Stuckelberger made it very clear that she was referring to nano particles, not bits you can see under a typical lab microscope. Dr. Cole’s absolute assurance that there were no nanoparticles in thousands of tests is highly suspect. It occurred to me that he was being mind-controlled because it is so unlike him. What other reason would he be so unnaturally unreasonable about this issue?
Maybe his job is to keep us in a certain lane. "The jabs are bad! But there's no nano!
We need to set up a new medical and dentil system outside of the current one!
Thank you Dr Nixon for the mention. Matt just told me about this great article. I am absolutely shocked at the amount of sources containing the presence of these illuminated nanotechnology Q-dots. This is the sort of thing you only expect to see taking images of ciliates and protozoa via dark field DIC microscopy. It is not something you expect to see everywhere at all. I just did some. Testing on lamotragine medication for bipolar. Two brands from two different manufacturers were riddled with Q-dots. This stuff is not on any of the labels and I myself have checked the pub chem sheets to make sure these materials are not supposed to be in there. Most of these drugs should be crystalline structures. They should not seem to have any mass of biological organisms in there. I studied papers on brownian motion and the charted patterns of movement a while ago. Maybe 2 years ago actually. These movements do not follow this pattern and I believe you might be able to track and trace the patterns using software. I'm not sure if Fiji allows video tracing but there are a few open source softwares for these kind of analysis. I did start getting into it a bit and will go back to it when I have finished the signal processors for the new Rife machine.
if the blood and tissue are being 'artificially engineered" {removing water} replacing [all 3} with hydrogel {synthetic } - how are they ? this is 'intelligent design" supposedly from sabrina wallace everyone had/ has digital twin with "outside" access to their circulatory system {for yrs}
I don't think it removing water as much as it just needs it like everything else in your body does. It is more so embedding in your cells, growing freely in blood, and attaching to your nervous system and brain according to many papers.
What about supplements in powder capsule form? Are those able to contain these q dots? Or is it hust liquids?
MAC (Media, Access, Control) download to your phone, a MAC reader, you'd be surprised, where Nano Technoligy is at. Cemeteries, are emitting MAC requests from deceased bodies......
Dairy products, Meats, as mentioned Debtal supplies, (will Toothpaste, be next?) Using any means, to get the Nano partivles into unsuspecting populations
Probably already in the toothpaste
Exactly!! They already said that fluoride is not good enough!!! Now grasfeno y nanotechnology in the tooth paste.
Thanks. My current doctor is helping me with biotoxin and biofilms. I used to do the swish & spit with grape juice, saw very odd things! Appreciate the link.
You sound like you're having lots of fun. It's great you're not letting this get you down.
Nano Technology, stripping away our free wills? Soon, taking commands from 5G Cell Towers, remote kill commands to those who do not comply?
Have you exposed any of the samples to Magnetic Fields, either A.C. or D C. or watching how a strong Magnet affects them?
I have and are yet to find any attraction by the fibres or q dots. The phone seems to have an excitement effect on the dots though.
Hi Neo,
Yes I have seen all these previously. Is this the groundbreaking stuff you were telling me about.? Dr Young has shown some good footage. The blood cell with wavy feelers that everyone thought came from within the blood cells have actually been observed swimming freely and attaching to the cells.
Hi Neo,
I have previously asked you to back up these bold claims you make. At this stage you have done nothing really but waste my time and not shown anything new. Now I see you here not only doing the same, but making claims that you have supplied superior material and that the good Dr has not disclosed this for whatever reason. At minimum your posts are looking like spam at present.
Or are you saying your team hasn't the balls to disclose what we all await with baited breath.
I am calling absolute bullshit here and now. Its time for you to put up or shut up.
Give us all a link to your groundbreaking works or stop wasting everyone's time and making unbackable claims that are in my view false.
I have not received anything to my knowledge. Please email it to Nixonlab"proton.me with MATERIAL FROM NEO in subject field and I will have a look at it. Until then your comments are no longer welcome
Did the monochrome antibodies have nano technology?
I have seen several videos that indicate that they do. But, I too, would like a definitive answer to this.
Another great video – some stunning images!
This happens to be the video (3:54) of the large ribbon being worked on by SynBio Bots (“Morlocks”) the photo of which I analysed in David’s next article – “More Photographs – same sample” - Photograph 12.
You may have already read my post relating to photograph 12 which I posted 24-8-23.
If you haven’t seen photograph 12 from David’s previous article it might be an idea to do so to get a good visual idea of the work site covered by the video which is recorded in higher magnification than the photo. The “Morlock” bots are in the same positions in both photo and video.
There are 4 Morlocks working on the right-hand side of the ribbon. Wherever they work the ribbon is illuminated.
@ 0:56 in left of middle you will see the first “Morlock”.
Move forward to 1:12
This first “Morlock” is clearly using manipulator arms and “hands” (resemble pincer like tools) to work on the ribbon. Use the slider a few seconds each way to fine tune focus.
If you now go to centre bottom you will see the second “Morlock”.
If you use the slider to move from 1:16 you will see this “Morlock” bot also has two tentacle like manipulator arms at the ends of which are pincer shaped tools that are being used to work on the ribbon.
“Morlock” No 3 is next one down.
“Morlock” No 4 is the lowest on the ribbon and the star of the show..
@ 3:26 you can see a terrific image of a “Morlock” (Bot No 4).
My understanding is that spin or angle can elucidate magnetism in graphene.
4, and 5G signals might be MAC address requests. Cemeteries are emitting MAC requests, as does Grocery store Meats, and Dairy products, using any means, to get populations, to take in the Nano Technologies...
Forgive my ignorance, what the heck are MAC address requests? What do you mean by grocery store meats and dairy products emitting MAC requests. I feel like I’m in the dark. You may have to tell me in Laymans terms. Sorry
I could never see all vakd people with BT , only most. Now I see a minor proportion. I think the output signal has changed. The ones at the cemetery seem to have stayed about the same though.
this junk´s been sprayed (chemtrails) for years now, at the tune of 50,000 metric tons every year!!!!
... so we have ALL been contaminated for years! the way out of this is via a daily detox program
i had to extract a tooth and was lucky enough to find aenesthetics without the s*it in them; but its in the air water nutrition and everywhere else so whats the big fuss? whys everyone worried about this specific tree when the whole forrest is being burnt?!
What's the name of the lidocaine please. How do you know it's clean? Thank you.
How did you find anesthesia without the garbage? What specifically was it?