I love this whole style of 'laid back' approach to telling this story here David, it flowed perfectly and you staged it so well with animations of perfectly crystal clear stunning captured.
Love this style of reporting, well done. More please✌️
Karen, what's doing? you know the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine has cholesterol as one of the ingredients and cholesterol seems to crystallize in similar ways to these structures we are finding in the vaccines.
Can you tell me why it isn't the cholesterol that is causing these complex crystallizations?
I am on the same page as you, and I recently typed up "cholesterol crystals" and they look similar but not the same.
It is a shorter 1min video “It’s always faster to blow things up” - Karl C.”
It is completely consistent with others of the 25 I have analysed.
We are looking at a chip that has been extruded onto the palm of a Morlock Microrobot (the background underneath the surface are the fingers of the bot).
As the solution is added to the slide and the chip dissolves, we are able to see the exposure of about 30-40 hoses used to extrude chip building material.
Each hose is controlled by a tentacle microrobot which retreats into the hose as the chip is dissolved. Dissolving the chips does not appear to destroy any of the tentacle bots.
I will provide a detailed analysis in the next couple of days.
You represent the last frontier of credible scientists in this field. They’re falling like flies. No offense intended but I think you should refrain from comparing the tech to “pizza”; I appreciate that there is a deficit of layman explanations for this field but perhaps other taxonomic terms should be sought. Thank you for all you do! Seriously, thank you. God’s speed.
Was recently told I need a root canal on lower molar. After antibiotics the tooth pain is gone so I’m holding off on getting any dental shots as long as possible.
Ice packs and a shot of whisky may work to some reasonable degree. Diphenhydramine SC injection is a dental anesthetic alternative, will do professional scoping in near future and report on my SS. Reference in here: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/your-dentist-the-serial-killer
Hi Proton. Do you have any idea why an antihistamine like Diphenhydramine prevents dental pain? I have taken it many times for the symptoms of a URI and while it seems to cause mild sedation and lessens runny nose and improves ability to breathe through the nose in combination with a decongestant, I never remember it relieving pain.
See the articles I linked in the serial killer post above, one says it is because diphen has a similar structure to caines...that's all the info I've seen.
DPH, its best not to use DPH, its bad for the brain dramatically, I've used it to trip a couple times, and its nightmarish, 1000s of people report seeing the same things on 300mg-700mg and above, from shadow people, to many different types of insects, to ghostly figures, to hatman figures, to strange fog and mist, to strange static, its why I used it, but I know now that its just fucked, its nightmarish, please don't use it
1 cup very warm water plus 2 Tbsp salt...swish then hold in place for one minute for the hyper-osmotic anti-bacterial and anti-swelling effects to take place, spit, then repeat; do this several times a day. This works with many dental problems, at least holds them at bay and sometimes the body heals dental issues itself.
David, I too have noticed that whenever I attempt to engage "medical freedom experts" with respect to the issue of micro and nanotechnology in vaccines and dental anesthetics, they refuse to discuss in detail, what has been reported by investigators. Instead, I have been met with general comments along the lines of such things are impossible. These specious arguments from authority are becoming tedious and strongly suggest that those who make them are controlled opposition or limited hangout agents/operatives/assets. Thank you for your efforts and willingness to share what you have discovered.
R. Hirschman found white "clot" in ECMO tubing at autopsy, i.e., formed post-mortem. Says it had to have formed in there as the small holes at entry would not have allowed otherwise.
Discusses w/Dr. Makis potential of turbo cancers coming from the blood. No mention of synth blood but needs to be. Not hard to test what's in the blood ... if know what you're looking for, which is key. Don't know how the blood supply could NOT be completely contaminated.
There is a great deal in this video – it shows disassembly of a chip at high speed which allows us to clearly see the 30-40 feeder hoses underneath the chip ready to fill in another chip template. (A year ago, I wrote an analysis of another of David’s videos which appears to show chip templates being pumped full of construction material – I have included the video and analysis at the end of this current analysis.)
In “Crystal Dissolving” we are looking at a chip that has been extruded most likely into a template stretched across the “palm” of a Morlock Microrobot (the background underneath the surface is actually the fingers of the bot). It’s best to study this video after the sun goes down – a lot more can be identified.
As the solution is added to the slide and the chip dissolves, we are able to see the exposure of about 30-40 hoses used to extrude chip building material. The hoses are originally connected mostly horizontally throughout the chip but as the structure dissolves they spring up into what I assume is a default vertical position in preparation for the next template.
Each hose is controlled by a tentacle microrobot which retreats into the hose or onto the hose as the chip is dissolved. Dissolving the chips does not appear to destroy any of the tentacle bots.
@ 00:00:45 a tentacle bot can be seen riding the hose in the centre of screen like Major Kong riding the bomb in “Dr Strangelove”.
Another can be seen less clearly directly below – using your phone photo zoom utility will identify lots more.
So - what controls the pumping operation, the hoses and the flow of construction material?
That would be the pumping valve station at the topmost portion of the image which can be seen very clearly towards the end of the video – in fact the control on top of the valve can be seen to rotate if you examine frame by frame. The thread is longer at the end of the video than it was ten seconds earlier.
The video ended a bit too soon – I would like to have confirmed that the pumping apparatus is part of the Morlock and is not assembled with the chip. I know that Morlock arms contain lots of hose-like tubes and pumps, so I strongly suspect it’s part of the Morlock.
This is another extraordinary video that extends our knowledge and answers some questions.
“Morlock Bot Pumping Mechanism – including possible “Chip template Module”.
Video Analysis:
Let’s start at the beginning of the video - what are we looking at?
@ 0:00 we are looking at a Morlock Bot finger with a fixed attachment above it - I have tentatively called this a “Chip Template Module”.
You will notice that there is apparently wire from the end of the Morlock finger attaching to the “Chip template Module” at several points. The module is also attached to the Morlock finger further over to the left. This means that the “Chip template Module” is held rigid. The module has other hose-like connections to the Morlock finger as well as its own connection (behind it) back to the Morlock.
I have thought for months that Morlocks could be directly producing the most complex chips but there was no video or photographic evidence to strongly support the hypothesis. This video provides some supporting evidence.
Could Morlocks be creating complex chips from under the matrix?
Could we be seeing complex chips pushed up above the surface on the end of Morlock arms?
@ 0:16 let’s look at the Morlock pumping Nano into the “Chip template Module”.
@ 0:16 the Morlock finger starts inflating with Nano solution.
@ 0:17 a hose connection is made between Morlock finger and Template in the centre of screen and the template start filling.
@ 0:18 in top left you will see an object rise up from the Morlock finger and appear to contract several times – this is very clear and is likely a pumping device of some type – when the template is full the pumping stops.
I love this whole style of 'laid back' approach to telling this story here David, it flowed perfectly and you staged it so well with animations of perfectly crystal clear stunning captured.
Love this style of reporting, well done. More please✌️
I would coin this style,
"Aussie Cheek"
It works !!
Thank you David. These findings need to be exposed
Please get back to me
Here https://youtu.be/0mqn8CsqBPw?si=wDDBoXA_6M_9GGQ2
Here https://youtu.be/hYEOtghfHfk?si=Xi3FRauN0hN8pbB3
Karen, what's doing? you know the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine has cholesterol as one of the ingredients and cholesterol seems to crystallize in similar ways to these structures we are finding in the vaccines.
Can you tell me why it isn't the cholesterol that is causing these complex crystallizations?
I am on the same page as you, and I recently typed up "cholesterol crystals" and they look similar but not the same.
David – another brilliant video (1:01).
“Here is a video of that crystal dissolving:
It is a shorter 1min video “It’s always faster to blow things up” - Karl C.”
It is completely consistent with others of the 25 I have analysed.
We are looking at a chip that has been extruded onto the palm of a Morlock Microrobot (the background underneath the surface are the fingers of the bot).
As the solution is added to the slide and the chip dissolves, we are able to see the exposure of about 30-40 hoses used to extrude chip building material.
Each hose is controlled by a tentacle microrobot which retreats into the hose as the chip is dissolved. Dissolving the chips does not appear to destroy any of the tentacle bots.
I will provide a detailed analysis in the next couple of days.
Yours is an interesting take, look forward to your report
Amazing and clear, both your images and explanations- leaving room to re-evaluate wtf these things are and what are they doing. Hugs dr.
Many thanks David.
Phenomenal work and beautiful photos. You’ll have to brief me on photostitching and how to use C60 oil…can other oils be used? Well done!
You represent the last frontier of credible scientists in this field. They’re falling like flies. No offense intended but I think you should refrain from comparing the tech to “pizza”; I appreciate that there is a deficit of layman explanations for this field but perhaps other taxonomic terms should be sought. Thank you for all you do! Seriously, thank you. God’s speed.
Lol... I suspect the 'pizza's is going to stay.
We love you Dr Nixon. You are one of my heroes—a champion of the light. Thank you for all that you do. Truly.
Very intriguing David. What was the contamination of the rainwater exactly? Chemtrails? Was an elemental analysis done?
BTW, you can freely use any of the lidocaine SEM images I sent you. More to come.
I would love to see scanning electron microscopic images of lidocaine. When will you post?
Posted about 3 hrs ago!
Was recently told I need a root canal on lower molar. After antibiotics the tooth pain is gone so I’m holding off on getting any dental shots as long as possible.
Ice packs and a shot of whisky may work to some reasonable degree. Diphenhydramine SC injection is a dental anesthetic alternative, will do professional scoping in near future and report on my SS. Reference in here: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/your-dentist-the-serial-killer
Hi Proton. Do you have any idea why an antihistamine like Diphenhydramine prevents dental pain? I have taken it many times for the symptoms of a URI and while it seems to cause mild sedation and lessens runny nose and improves ability to breathe through the nose in combination with a decongestant, I never remember it relieving pain.
See the articles I linked in the serial killer post above, one says it is because diphen has a similar structure to caines...that's all the info I've seen.
DPH, its best not to use DPH, its bad for the brain dramatically, I've used it to trip a couple times, and its nightmarish, 1000s of people report seeing the same things on 300mg-700mg and above, from shadow people, to many different types of insects, to ghostly figures, to hatman figures, to strange fog and mist, to strange static, its why I used it, but I know now that its just fucked, its nightmarish, please don't use it
1 cup very warm water plus 2 Tbsp salt...swish then hold in place for one minute for the hyper-osmotic anti-bacterial and anti-swelling effects to take place, spit, then repeat; do this several times a day. This works with many dental problems, at least holds them at bay and sometimes the body heals dental issues itself.
Toothpain?cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
David, I too have noticed that whenever I attempt to engage "medical freedom experts" with respect to the issue of micro and nanotechnology in vaccines and dental anesthetics, they refuse to discuss in detail, what has been reported by investigators. Instead, I have been met with general comments along the lines of such things are impossible. These specious arguments from authority are becoming tedious and strongly suggest that those who make them are controlled opposition or limited hangout agents/operatives/assets. Thank you for your efforts and willingness to share what you have discovered.
R. Hirschman found white "clot" in ECMO tubing at autopsy, i.e., formed post-mortem. Says it had to have formed in there as the small holes at entry would not have allowed otherwise.
Discusses w/Dr. Makis potential of turbo cancers coming from the blood. No mention of synth blood but needs to be. Not hard to test what's in the blood ... if know what you're looking for, which is key. Don't know how the blood supply could NOT be completely contaminated.
Mr. Nixon-are nanoparticles the transportation system for building these computer chips and other assemblies?
Detailed analysis of microscopy video “Crystal dissolving” (Duration - 00:1:01)
From article “Nano makes micro in an influenza vaccine made in Australia” by Dr David Nixon.
Date of analysis 15 December 2024
There is a great deal in this video – it shows disassembly of a chip at high speed which allows us to clearly see the 30-40 feeder hoses underneath the chip ready to fill in another chip template. (A year ago, I wrote an analysis of another of David’s videos which appears to show chip templates being pumped full of construction material – I have included the video and analysis at the end of this current analysis.)
In “Crystal Dissolving” we are looking at a chip that has been extruded most likely into a template stretched across the “palm” of a Morlock Microrobot (the background underneath the surface is actually the fingers of the bot). It’s best to study this video after the sun goes down – a lot more can be identified.
As the solution is added to the slide and the chip dissolves, we are able to see the exposure of about 30-40 hoses used to extrude chip building material. The hoses are originally connected mostly horizontally throughout the chip but as the structure dissolves they spring up into what I assume is a default vertical position in preparation for the next template.
Each hose is controlled by a tentacle microrobot which retreats into the hose or onto the hose as the chip is dissolved. Dissolving the chips does not appear to destroy any of the tentacle bots.
@ 00:00:45 a tentacle bot can be seen riding the hose in the centre of screen like Major Kong riding the bomb in “Dr Strangelove”.
Another can be seen less clearly directly below – using your phone photo zoom utility will identify lots more.
So - what controls the pumping operation, the hoses and the flow of construction material?
That would be the pumping valve station at the topmost portion of the image which can be seen very clearly towards the end of the video – in fact the control on top of the valve can be seen to rotate if you examine frame by frame. The thread is longer at the end of the video than it was ten seconds earlier.
The video ended a bit too soon – I would like to have confirmed that the pumping apparatus is part of the Morlock and is not assembled with the chip. I know that Morlock arms contain lots of hose-like tubes and pumps, so I strongly suspect it’s part of the Morlock.
Below is the analysis from 13/12/23 which shows a Morlock Bot pumping mechanism in action.
Analysis of Dr David Nixon’s “Blood then and now” Video (0:2:16).
Analysis posting date: 13/12/2023
This is another extraordinary video that extends our knowledge and answers some questions.
“Morlock Bot Pumping Mechanism – including possible “Chip template Module”.
Video Analysis:
Let’s start at the beginning of the video - what are we looking at?
@ 0:00 we are looking at a Morlock Bot finger with a fixed attachment above it - I have tentatively called this a “Chip Template Module”.
You will notice that there is apparently wire from the end of the Morlock finger attaching to the “Chip template Module” at several points. The module is also attached to the Morlock finger further over to the left. This means that the “Chip template Module” is held rigid. The module has other hose-like connections to the Morlock finger as well as its own connection (behind it) back to the Morlock.
I have thought for months that Morlocks could be directly producing the most complex chips but there was no video or photographic evidence to strongly support the hypothesis. This video provides some supporting evidence.
Could Morlocks be creating complex chips from under the matrix?
Could we be seeing complex chips pushed up above the surface on the end of Morlock arms?
@ 0:16 let’s look at the Morlock pumping Nano into the “Chip template Module”.
@ 0:16 the Morlock finger starts inflating with Nano solution.
@ 0:17 a hose connection is made between Morlock finger and Template in the centre of screen and the template start filling.
@ 0:18 in top left you will see an object rise up from the Morlock finger and appear to contract several times – this is very clear and is likely a pumping device of some type – when the template is full the pumping stops.
@ 0:23 the Chip Template Module is full.
Alas, more beautiful than ever, a veritable ice fairy tale if it were not pure sinister....
Anyone one that takes any shot(jab) has been significantly warned! We cannot trust any pharmaceutical company ever!