Good to know our dental anesthetic now resembles the cyberspace world from “Tron.” I pray to Jesus for wisdom and strength to deal with these Gnostic ancient demons.

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It is very clear What is on the slide is not the problem but How to find a dentist who knows what we know to fix your tooth acke without giving you a bigger one...RR

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There are dentists trained in Biomimetic dentistry. Most dentistry can be done pain free Without injectables. Read 'free your smile' on www.freeyoursmile.org

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Aug 10Liked by David Nixon

WOW ! 🙈🙉🙊 Now is the time to ignore the 3 monkeys.


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yes - it is time!

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Wow! Just AMAZING images. Dr. Nixons I love your photos/videos of what you are finding under your microscope! Thank you, Dr. Nixon, for sharing with us all. I believe what you are photographing/recording is part of the electronics placed in many humans, by the globalist, for their huge Quantum Matrix control of humanity... via shots and also environment... for tracking all of humanity and culling most of humanity. That is what they want… but It doesn't mean it will happen.

The WEF globalist call it Transhumanism… but in fact it is Death to humanity. Folks… these globalists are using their paid off ‘Nazi doctor’ trolls… to promote/force these proven depopulation bioweapon injections into humanity. Don’t trust the 'Nazi' doctors. Go instead to Naturopaths who actually care about you… want to heal you… not kill you, like the Nazi doctors do.

Much love to all the curious Microscopist and their followers out there. I love you all! :)

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I thank you for your thoughts, but the vast majority of people can't afford to be treated by a Naturopath. They are only for people with money. So it's not a matter in most instances of being ignorant. It's a matter of money.

So when you say "Nazi" doctors, you are instilling fear in those who don't have the means to do otherwise and will fear they are putting themselves and their families in the hands of "Nazis". I doubt that kind of stress is conducive to good health.

While it's great to have resources to use, it's also exclusionary for most. Just saying.

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If folks can't afford Naturopaths they can learn and study on their own... the right foods to eat, herbs as such. It's not that hard. Most people's ailments are from what they eat anyway.

Poor diet can equate to poor health. But most know... or should know by now that the industrial medical complex is a syndicate worldwide and basically use the same protocols... not to heal people... but to make even more money by 'managing' people's symptoms... by promoting Big Pharma's pills to do so. Healed patients=No business=no profits. But the Continually 'not so well' patients=big money for Pharma and doctors who are literally incentivized by pharma to do so.

The modern industrial medical system is a business for profit... not a business to heal people. They keep people on a million pills which eventually leads to more health issues and sadly even to death... much like the more Covid-19 extra shots and boosters lead more people to their sudden death... by lowering their immune system.

A 'good' (not bad Nazi doctor) but good doctor... Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the covid shots toxic side effects when speaking to European union doctors before a medical symposium concerning the harmful side effects of the covid-19 vaccines. He explains it far better than I could... VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v46hw1q-cardiologist-dr.-peter-mccullough-exposes-toxic-shots.html

God Bless. I hope this helps.

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I do understand and am personally aware of all you're saying but many people are limited. You are blessed as am I where others are not.

Sorry for the criticism. I only know telling people they are taking their children to "Nazis" scares them more than helps. Especially when they have no other resources.

I appreciate your thoughts and well wishes. God Bless you as well.

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I understand your concern with using the word 'Nazi' doctor... and yes... it is a scary word. But I do not use it lightly or for effect or even for shock value. I use it because its meaning/comparison is accurate. These seemingly passive American doctors have knowingly killed far more people than the nazi doctors did in WW2. There are several books sold on Amazon written on Nazi doctors... one even entitled "Nazi Doctors". Dr. Joseph Mengele is one of them. They did horrible experiments on the innocent men, women, children unjustly thrown into concentration camps. Dr. Fauci called these vaccines "Experimental". As of last year the covid shots killed and injured over 585 million people. See video: https://rumble.com/v4zkg2e-dr.-james-thorp-md-exposes-585-million-dead-and-injured-by-the-vaccine.html which was far more than Nazi Germany ever did.

In the last 3 years I have simply told people the truth. Some listened. Some didn't. But if I helped just one... I would be happy.

I am artist and I try to use words that best describe a situation, so people will clearly understand. These American/globalist (who are nazi fascists and are actively involved in depopulation) have knowingly killed and injured far more than the Nazi doctors of Nazi Germany ever did.

Pirate I apologize if I offended you in anyway. I didn't mean to.

God bless you.

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You didn't offend me, but I thank you. I know a very poor and sincere little family with six children and they are so frightened right now and have no alternatives they are confident in but the Nazi docs who they are not confident in either. I am trying to educate them, but it's hard when people are afraid.

So interesting you mention Mengele. I just wrote an article on my stack where Mengele and his horrific experiments figure prominently. To make the exact same point you are making.

I didn't need to argue with you. I can see we understand the same things.


I'll watch Dr. Thorpe's video. I know who he is as well and I didn't realize the number of deaths has climbed that high. The last I read it was about 30 million here in the US, but by that number there are probably far more now.

Thank you.

This is a tragedy.

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horrific ? blahblahblah ...go and see the jews in the judeo-bolchevism !

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jews are the root of evil, not the "hazis" !

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Your name is Christian??? But you are NOT Christian!!! A real Christian does not hate other people... no matter what religion they practice. Jesus said to "Love one another as I have loved you, showing yourself to be my disciples, if you have love one for another." Therefore REPENT! For Jesus also said that if you hate someone, that is the same as murder. And murderers do not inherit the kingdom of Heaven if they do not repent.

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Naturopaths are not expensive. When you start getting used to insurance paying for your sick bills, you accept the consequences of entering into the medical death care cartel. How about saving some money and supporting the folks who spent money to learn to become Naturopaths. They’re the ones who’ll help you fully understand how to keep your body in top notch shape.

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I rely on Medicaid but I personally don't use doctors. I don't have money to save to show a Naturopath my appreciation. I have to pay bills. The majority of people are living paycheck to paycheck in this country. If you would like to start a fund for poor people to afford Naturopaths, you could do it. Upbraiding people for being less blessed than you is a weird thing to do.

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I agree Naturopaths are expensive. The one I sought in VA was $12,000 a year out of pocket plus the cost of all supplements and labs. The new one I have in TN is $8,000 a year plus the cost of supplements and labs. I have health insurance that I pay for that’s worthless through my employer. Most people cannot afford these kinds of medical bills outright. I’m struggling given other bills.

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Put yourself in God’s hands and try to live healthfully… He will bless you ❤️ and guide you in this journey to wellness. This was my experience. I read a lot of scriptures to teach my mind correct Biblical ways of thinking. Forgiveness and Gods peace have lead me to a life that is mostly free of pain & illness (i rarely take medications) and I give God the credit!

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I love Adolf ! vive Hitler !

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Adolf Hitler was a Mass Murderer. He killed 6 million Jewish people... and 6 million non-Jewish people. Chris, why would you joke about liking Hitler. That's a very sick joke. You must not be human. You are probably an Ai Globalist troll. Are you Ai?

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LOL! No he didn't. The official Red Cross documents show less the 300k died. Have you seen the pictures of these camps they were in? More like resorts. They only started dying when the allies against Germany started bombing the roads and trains which cut off all the supplies. This is when the horrific conditions set in for the so-called wandering jews from the line of Cain. The allies against Germany murdered them. The real atrocities happened to the German people. Germans were thrown into the Eisenhower camps where more than 2+ million Germans died under horrific conditions. Perhaps, you should read the many accounts even from our own troops who witnessed it. General Patton was right when he said we fought the wrong enemy. Get the hell out of here with your jewish propaganda.

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TimeIsNear you are either an Ai troll programed to be antisemitic... or even worse a human being who is excessively deceived to believe the neo-Nazi lies that believe that the Jews killed themselves in the Holocaust. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds. It was the Nazis who killed them. Repent TimeIsNear for your evil, dark, lifeless hatred for humanity... because you yourself... if indeed you 'are' human' are human.

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AI troll LOL! No, I laugh at the uneducated retards on the internet. I easily ascertain that you have not even looked into the garbage you're spewing. I've spent 20+ years (8 to 16 hours most days) researching many topics in depth, and this is one of them. I'm fortunate since I don't have to work. You're an imbecile when it comes to this topic, and you can't even comprehend what I wrote very well. George Soros is jewish and he murdered many jews. Allied bombing killed many jews. You just spew the indoctrinated garbage you've been indoctrinated with or you're a jew. I used to think the same as you and I was a retard until I did the research.

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"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. "

-- The Secret Covenant & The NWO.

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So "They" say...God has other plans.

Though it's important to know what "They" say.

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"We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

"When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons."


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There really is no getting away from this shit is there. Hard to imagine it's not in damn near anything one might be injected with.

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Dr Ana Mihalcea, Clifford Carnicom, and LA Quinta Columna in Spain have tested just about every injectable...insulin, anesthetics, even liquid OTC Benadryl. It's in everything.

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At this point, even if we could stop them... say we could shut down every manufacturer of these products and clean up that process...people will die. Dental anesthetics are necessary for some dental work, that's a given so doesn't really apply to the following.

They have created a dependence on the majority these injectables. The beginning of the vaccine era, (error, experiment, whatever we want to call it) was the beginning of humanity's downfall. Truth be told, these vaccines and all treatments, like Metformin, and the new Ozempic, all toxic and avoidable. If doctors prescribed eating programs and exercise instead of meds. However now the food is weaponized as well, that it adds to the obesity and diabetes issue. Water not safe to drink either. Seriously, short of shutting it all down, (and holding these people accountable of course)...what Dr Nixon dear sir, should we do? I've lost my family to these lies, only one has died, but lost all emotionally. They won't even look at what you or anyone else has found. They are all double Covid jabbed, and wouldn't tell me if they took another, I'm sure. My sons won't even talk to me. This evil plan has been devastating for families in many ways. Devastating for humanity. I know you don't have a crystal ball, and I'm truly sorry for my rant. I mean no disrespect to you. I know you are just as disheartened about this as I am, and likely more. I'm sure you're disheartened with colleagues as well. Thank you for your dedication and tireless work to help us see what we are up against. GOD bless you🙏❤️

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I am so sorry Jeanette. You speak for many of us.

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They can bloody well stop now. Enough is enough.

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FUCK!!! The last fucking 4 years I fought taking the jab!!! For what?? I went to the God damn dentist 2 months ago and needed anesthetic!! Fuck them!!

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Feel better…I got a Flucelvax quad shot September 2021 (nanoparticles and dog dna from a leaky vax), 3 carpules of Citanest Dec 1 2021 and again 3 more Dec 15 2021 for major dental work. Got a nasty bout of Covid Jan 2 2022 after so many severe hits to my immune system. Did not take the convid shots…I’m sure I’d already be dead but there’s still time for that! Had another dental shot this past June bc of a crown. Reading all of this is terrifying. Blood work reveals micro-clotting, multiple autoimmune, active Epstein Barr. I have what feels like something being assembled in my inner ears every day and night of my life. Internal tremors/vibrations ever since the dental shots and fluttering under the skin on the back side of my neck. Naturally all MRIs, MRAs, CT scans are clear. Good times. I don’t even know how to approach this with my Naturopath who thinks he can help me.

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I'm really sorry to hear that! These criminals need to be brought to true justice, not these puppet judiciary we currently have.

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You're even breathing it in. We all are. This shit is also in the food and water. The only thing one can do is minimize it. I feel your pain or I'm about to. I had a tooth crack and I have to go see a dentist this coming week but I've been putting it off for months. I'm not sure what will get this out of the body. There has to be something because those who are doing this have to have something. I can't see them doing this to themselves. Then again, they're so evil, they may not care.

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OMG. I'm ready to cancel my dental appointment for Monday! My previous dentist always worked with me, meaning honoring my request for no anesthetics (local) in filling cavaties, unless absolutely necessary.. somehow, between my deep breathing and doing Jin Shin Jyutsu holds, very uncomfortable though it sometimes was, we managed. Now, he's retiring, and new dentist says the anesthetic will be needed. I take no meds, never had jabs (no flu shots ever either)... and now, fear is looming. I may need to postpone these fillings.. and now, more research/reading for me.. Oy.

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You can heal your cavities. It is on the internet.

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I never liked dentists. I have seen so many pictures of Graphene Oxide nanotech in humans I am becoming normalized. I never had the shots or nose invasion but I had Dr Robert Young do my live blood dark field microscopy, just to see. Yup, I have some in me but not nearly as much as the vaxxed. I feel I need more shots to catch up and be part of the herd. Baaahhhhh......

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What about cocaine? Looks like there are some ENT surgeons that swear by it and use it currently as being great as a vasoconstrictor and numbing agent. So there is a pathway to buying it legally if you are a physician. It may be the only pure numbing agent / anesthesia available and a hell of a lot better than the alternatives. I grew up in the 60s and used it quite a bit as a young adult, so I know I can tolerate it.

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So what are we sposed to do when needing dental work? My husband & i are both pureblood(as far as we know anyways) but he is in need of alot of dental work soon, I will be asking what type of anesthetic they use, but how do we know?

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there is a female dentist on youtube who has videos on avoiding the dentist because you don't need the dentist anymore. Based on multiple XYLITOL based products...it WORKS!

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Yup, it's excellent for the mouth microbiom which produces nitric oxide when swallowed. Without that the mitochondria gets weakened

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Dr Ed Group says it is all internal and external toxins that cause disease. The solution is to cleanse our organs, especially the liver. The Dr. Ardis show- Dr Group and Ardis talk about transhumanism, bioweapons using yeast and bacteria in our bodies-the best description and hope for solutions that I have heard. Healing for the Ages conference coming Sept. https://thedrardisshow.com/07-31-2024-transhumanism-with-dr-edward-group

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What about cocaine? Can it be obtained legally and used as dental anesthesia like in the 1800s? Or opium oil? I grew up in the 60s and took both for a period of time without incident, so I know I could tolerate it… Would be a whole lot better than getting injected with graphene, self-assembling nanotech, etc.

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Years ago I asked my dentist to try fixing a small cavity with no numbing shots—I didn’t like how they made me feel. It went fine and I’ve done three more that way… only once did I need to stop him and get the shot for pain.

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Great work Dr. Nixon, as always!!!

Are you already with the work of David A. Hughes, PhD - Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, England of September 3, 2022?

You can read it here:


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