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I suspect it is to discredit the "non experts " or microscope wannabes as Ryan Cole describes us"

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It may be simply sloppy science. Since LQC grew in number, it has attracted a large number of passionate followers, and it has also developed a somewhat messianic tone. Therefore, it is likely no longer applying the same exacting observational standards in its microscopy research. It pivoted in its focus towards an exploration of deeply occult and non-human forces (it is not wrong in so doing), but slackened off in the microscopy department. This, ironically, makes it is easier to infiltrate. Since people are desperate for at hand solutions, they are pumped up by wishful thinking. The moment you depart from genuine scientific scrupulousness you can veer off into make-believe.

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LQC officially stated they will investigate the matter. They just forwarded a video from Rafa. They will perform further tests themselves. One must be careful in the communication. It could harm people without the ability to discern information properly. I still believe further research must be performed independently and communication be careful between groups. ItтАЩs indeed an information War too. IтАЩm pretty sure they will see that the nanotechnology reassembles and will make an official claim.

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LQC has explored a lot more than the nanotech in the vials and in dental analgesics. Their principle focus has been on identifying the non-human perpetrators and their covert mechanisms of intervention and control. They have just published a summary of their research in book form. It is entitled Factor "E" and is available in English as well as in Spanish. For people who do not know Spanish and want to know more about LQC's activity, that would be one option to start from.

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That's what i have been looking at for many months now,like reading a thousand newsletters on this website.I wonder if LQC knows about it?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Alien_Hybridization

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Hello John, thanks. The link you sent is an excellent source. The layout of information there conforms closely to my own understanding and also my clinical experience working on others. Rodrigo Romo (Brazilian) also expatiates on the similar basic themes. The extent of infiltration and hybridization is complex, deep and wide. So people need to be very wary of those shiny influencer "truthers" and "white hats" who are compromised and operating under control because they lack sufficient Self-awareness. Entity possession and hybridization cannot be separated from a person's karmic inheritance. The twists and torques of perception produce further entanglement which leads increasingly to error and enslavement of those who have been swayed by the influencers. This is why (рд╕реМрдЪ) is primary. Where (рд╕реМрдЪ) persists, parasitism is impossible and the original connection to Emerald order can be restored. Black Sun and reptilian infiltration does indeed work through splenetic implants to damage human blood (and thus heart and brain), yes that is correct too.

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One more that may be of particular interest to you Nicholas,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Kidneys

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Our blood holds our entire consciousness record blueprint,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood

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Laura eisenhower wrote her new book Awakening the truth frequency,into the unified field with a lot of energetic synthesis in it as she became friends with Lisa Renee.It is my truth frequency also Dr.Corrin,answered a lot of questions I had from the last 13 yrs on the web.They are parasites that live thousands of years,yeah so first time life becomes fair let me know.i think it's very good news the Solar Rishi are here,they have to digress down thru the dimensions to incarnate here but that's what they are doing from what I understand.Lisa has said some of us will get to meet the infinite creators.Also 4 to 5 babies being born today are starseeds,besides making their satanic blood money it may explain the childhood vaccination schedule.Eventually the dark forces will be evicted and many will die the 2nd death.You have to have a certain level of humanity to ascend to the higher realms,is is true you die the first death when you embrace transhumanism and merge with AI? God is within us,we have the answers within us,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/War_Over_Consciousness

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LQC says the planet is being controlled by an alien species. They literally did a press conference on this....

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That has been fairly obvious for a very long time.

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RE: Confirmation from 3 very credentialed sources that the objects claimed to be just salt crystals are NOT, they are in fact nanotechnology/nanobots:

General note: Bear in mind people, that there are many false dissidents out there, who seek to undermine those of us seeking & disseminating the truth. These false dissidents are often referred to as: trolls/shills/puppets/controlled opposition/gatekeepers/palterers /limited hangouts. They're not operating from a place of goodness, but rather, are a form of evil, quite frankly, because they don't want the truth to get out. One has to be very careful to not allow these people to succeed.

Both Drs. Lee & Broudy, in their examinations:


And, also, Dr, Mihalcea herself states this too here:


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Sep 1
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J'ai d├йbattu de l'opportunit├й de r├йpondre ├а votre commentaire, car si vous regardiez/├йcoutiez les vid├йos de Lee et Broudy ; et Mihalcea (sans parler du travail de La Quinta Columna), ils affirment tous que ce que l'on voit est de la nanotechnologie / des nanobots et NON des cristaux et qu'il faut un microscope ├а fond noir capable d'un grossissement jusqu'├а 4000 pour bien voir ce qu'il y a l├а. De plus, je conclus que vous voulez ne pas croire la v├йrit├й/les faits, c'est donc votre faute. Bien entendu, vous ne fournissez rien de scientifique comme r├йfutation. Le site Web que vous indiquez ne fournit que des photos et rien d'autre. N'importe qui peut cr├йer un site Web de photos et revendiquer ce qu'il veut sur les photos - cela ne rend pas les photos et la revendication l├йgitimes.

La citation ┬л Il n'y a personne d'aussi aveugle que ceux qui ne voient pas ┬╗ est attribu├йe ├а Jonathan Swift.


I debated whether to even respond to your comment, because if you watched/listened to the videos by Lee and Broudy; and Mihalcea (not to mention the work of La Quinta Columna), they all state that what is seen is nanotechnology / nanobots and NOT crystals and that one needs a darkfield microscope capable of magnification up to 4000 to properly see what is there. Also, I conclude that you want to disbelieve the truth/facts, so that is on you. Of course you provide nothing scientific as a refutation. That website you list provides only photos and nothing else. Anyone can create a website of photos and claim whatever they want about the photos - that does not make the photos and the claim made legitimate.

The quote: тАЬThere's none so blind as they that won't seeтАЭ is attributed to Jonathan Swift.

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votre agressivite noire et violente prouve que l' AI vous a deja encercl├й et aveugl├й.

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ca fait 4 ans que je suis la QC,Mihalcea, et Nixon

et ai fait 150 articles bases sur leurs recherches espece de goujat, simpliste

, je pose juste une question legitime, apres ces 4 ans a suivre ces chercheurs et c'est ca la RECHERCHE veritable

et si tout ce qui est sur Internet etait psy op?

mais vous ne pensez pas par vous memes ,vous suivez des messies des gourous

hors l' AI satanique peut tres bien tous nous rouler dans la farine et nous presenter une technologie en fait simpliste, qui n'est pas celle qui est reellement en jeu

car elle serait bien pire et bien plus complexe a comprendre

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Sep 1
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De toute ├йvidence, vous nтАЩavez pas fait de recherche, sinon vous ne contesteriez pas les conclusions de Lee et Broudy ; et Mihalcea et La Quinta Columna.

De plus, puisque la langue par d├йfaut de cette sous-pile est l'anglais et que vous avez r├йpondu en fran├зais, la meilleure chose ├а faire aurait ├йt├й de r├йpondre en anglais et en fran├зais. Il est pr├йf├йrable de ne plus perdre de temps sur ce sujet ou sur tout autre sujet.


Obviously you have not done the research, otherwise you would not be disputing the conclusions of Lee and Broudy; and Mihalcea and La Quinta Columna.

Furthermore, since the default language of this Substack is English and you responded in French, the decent thing for you to do would have been to have responded in English and French. It is best to not waste time again, regarding this or any other subject.

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votre arrogance dit tout ce que vous etes au fond de vous

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"pas fait de recherches.". lol

le m'a tus vu de service sans nom mais qui sait tout attaque sans savoir une personne qui a fait deja 4 ans de recherche et 200 articles sur ces recherches

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Maybe you should look up The Fifth Column and General Emilio Mola.

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Bizarre comment. Look above.

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Is your family from Spain?

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Yes, and the fact LQC rarely translates their videos into English doesn't help a good percentage of the world.

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They produced a lot of content over the years and they've translated many of the key videos to english, french and other languages, which already represents a lot of work.

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I havenтАЩt found much in English, at least on Rumble and their website, but I will keep looking. IтАЩve tried to watch anything they have in English. Thanks!

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Well it's not because you haven't see it that it doesn't exist. I saw it at the very beginning.

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translations at www.orwell.city

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time to learn spanish

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Excellent...absolutely excellent observation. Let me hasten to say that I've loosely followed LQC after their initial investigations into graphene.

A strong tendency exists for messianic fervor in these times. You are equally correct that, once occult and extra-sensory explanations enter the picture (which I, too, believe), divergences become greatly enlarged through the failure of language to support a cohesive picture among these activities.

The human desire to help in this very troubling epoch is a double-edged sword because ego enters the picture from which messianism flowers. However, no one pursues anything without involving their ego. Ego makes us advance and progress. We're multi-faceted beings fully physical developing spiritual expertise. Unfortunately, ego hinders rather than helps spiritual development until mastered.

Many occult explanations, too, may be valid but occultism is valid according to the success of the initiate. True initiates are exceedingly rare. The individual would have to exert as much effort in their occult studies and endeavors as in their science. They would have to be a monk devoted to science.

However, the unfortunate fact is, as you indicate, that the occult paradigm adopted by anyone can shape their science. Indeed...isn't all science shaped by the innate assumptions inherent within any given system? Once light, sound, and energy are understood from a multi-dimensional viewpoint, how valid will Newtonian mechanics be?

I think you're 100% correct that the science must be rigorously accentuated above all else. Occultism can become valid for an individual as more science is derived and furthers that particular individual's value system or religion. I don't see the human species at a level where commonality can be found in occult or spiritual language. Current science does offer a commonality.

I might add that I've read a great many psychics, and many of their insights and predictions have been proven true...startlingly so in some instances. Moreover, I find an immense shared vision among them; however, they've also been extraordinarily wrong in many instances.

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I am glad you brought up and emphasized those very points. There is nothing more prone to refraction and occlusion than "spiritual" or "psychic" insight. This is, as you point out, due to the susceptibility of the ego to follow its own interests as opposed to the objectivity of the "higher self". For this reason, clairvoyant predictions have such a speckled and contradictory history of accuracy and error. Science, or scientism as it has generally degraded into, suffers from the same innate corruptibility due to the influence of ego. The prospect of a Spiritual Science, as formalized by Dr. Rudolf Steiner (and postulated empirically by Dr. Wilhelm Reich) provide real foundations for a New Knowledge - in direct contrast to the false bazaars or a New Age. In fact, the New Age ~ a CIA manipulated movement if ever there was one because it debilitates the urgent need for critical thinking and personal accountability ~ dovetails directly into the malevolent rise of a New Dawn. The late Jordan Maxwell clearly demonstrated how the iconic symbolism of a New Dawn and a New World Order percolates through all masonic and Illuminati material, basically informing and underwriting what is promulgated today at the UN, WHO, WEF etc. The most far reaching insights into the range of alien technologies at work in the current onslaught on humanity and planet earth depend upon an understanding of Reich's work with orgonotics and the nefarious direct attacks on him by malevolent ETs in conjunction with government forces. I have already spoken elsewhere about the discoveries of Dr. Roger Leir, which strongly influenced the trajectory of LQC. Their particular apocalyptic/messianic approach is based on traditional Catholicism and it blends demonism with the acknowledgment of extraterrestrial entities first exptiated upon by Salvador Freixedo (The Human Farm/La Granja Humana). They are not wrong in conflating these two phenomena, but there is at this time a generalized confusion as to how (if) they can even be conceptualized independently of one another. This is a similar confusion, in a sense, to that pertaining in discussions of self-assemblage versus nano-robotics. As to the latter, I have not yet seen a philosophical and phenomenological analysis of the dilemmas of interpretation. The idea that visible timed-based assemblage performed by nano-robots acting in a mechanical manner is ontologically and fundamentally different from non-visible forces involved in the construction of graphenated nano-circuits, routers and other devices is no more than an assumption, certainly not a fact.

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I began studying and watching Gigi Young's (self-professed mystic and proponent of feminine mystery schools) videos in 2022 because she made an extraordinary claim. During a Dark Journalist segment, which I found via a third-party article, she questioned why "an alien" from across the galaxy would need human DNA from Earth...which was an explanation I accepted as I saw no other. Even an extraordinary psychic like E. M. Nicolay fell for this tale.

Following Steiner's thought, she sees "aliens" as devolved humans (their inner spirituality is reflected in their atrophied bodies...hence, "Greys") who are fighting to reintegrate themselves into a human form which will allow them to continue evolution in the organic life wave. Of course, their spirituality is so skewed that they envision evolution as their being God and Rulers of the Universe.ЁЯдг Honestly, if the times weren't so perilous, it would be funny.

Otherwise, they're doomed to a Steiner-like 8th Sphere or complete disintegration and restart at Saturn. Hence, their insistence and funding on genetic biohacking and research. I see them as connected to the highest level of Bloodline Families...those who purposefully train their young to interact with them psychically and spiritually.

Since I come from a practical and practicing Buddhist background, I have an understanding of the the individual and environment as one. As they say, "Two but not two" so her explanation made inherent sense to me.

I see spiritual science developing as humans begin acquiring what we term "psychic" abilities as we progress toward New Jupiter. The language will, then, be available. I find quite humorous that so many readers misunderstand Steiner because they have little experience in their lives with any understanding outside rational faculties.

Ah...so interesting concerning the philosophic basis for self-assemblage. Very well done. The trouble with Western religion is the myopic inherent duality. As I mentioned in the paragraph below while observing a nano-crystal-like structure Dr. Nixon pointed out, the object both disappears and reappears. While in the "disappeared" state, it exists. I can see something "there." Of course, this approach is very Eastern--being and not being but all are being. To live and to not live or "die" is all life.

I'll have to subscribe to your newsletter.

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I very much appreciate this conversation. Thank you. A breath of fresh air! Unconscious entrapment in dualism and makes all perception sclerotic. Mechanical rationalism and irrational mysticism (in the sense of blind faith and gullibility) are the two clattering wings which keep us imprisoned and unable to fly. I will try to reply to your points about the Greys when I have more time. Robert Monroe's direct findings plus those discussed by Trevor James Constable seem most apropos to me, amongst many other valuable sources. As for Steiner, I am not too far away geographically from Dornach :)

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I'll keep up with you through your substack. Conversation enjoyed on this side, too.

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Wondering how it was determined to look at dental a aesthetics for nano tech and are other substances that are injected like surgical anaesthetics, chemotherapy, corticosteroids or other solutions that are injected into joints and other medications. How can we be sure any of these are safe?

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The only way is to test everything and assume nothing. An army of dedicated researchers and specialist wannabe's worldwide are in the business of doing just this. When you appreciate humanity is in the process of being eliminated/altered from "human" - one tends to look for how this is being done. The cacophany of lies and deceptions surrounding the Covid scam Vaxes set this line of investigation well under way. Not to mention the "died suddenly" phenomena/reality...and many whistleblower murders ALL sounding the same alarms - to point towards injections. And so very much more.

Our planet, atmosphere, soils, the weather, our food supply, all plant and animal life, our minds, the air we breathe...all have been/are being systematically POISONED. Nothing is spared. We must look under every rock. KK

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Well said, a sad fact

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Somehow, I don't believe in "sloppy science." Whatever "science" is coming up, it's usually about misdirecting people's attention these days. :)

Please, notice that dark-field microscopy cropped up at the same time from all over the place, suggesting a psyop or, as you are saying, infiltration, but infiltration is supposed to come after the results are published. Maybe it did, after a day or two, but I have no way to determine that...

Also, in my understanding, "science" is a myth and the "scientific method" can never be maintained:


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Of course science could never in reality live up to what it claims to be. Mainstream science is an organized belief system based on assumptions which are twisted towards political and financial power. It presupposes rigorous objectivity yet fails to acknowledge its corruptibility. It fosters denialism and falsifies data just like accountants cooking the books. Mainstream science favors oppression of dissent and all genuine creativity of thought. Science today is not at all objective, it is rooted in emotionally driven bias of which its practitioners are profoundly unconscious. Scientists in general lack self awareness on the human level. Some are good people, many are not. Thus mainstream science generates deception and profits from error. It clings to neurotic mechanistic fundamentalism and it vehemently repudiates anything and everything else as false. For the world to truly change for the better, science must change, or be changed. Sloppiness can be more or less intentional, but regardless the outcome is never good.

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well said

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Im not sure why its so difficult.

No where did LQC say this is the final answer or this absolutely cures anything... they said it warrants further research.

Sounds like a comprehension problem to me... all kinds of people jumped the gun even though this method was already Proven to not work in vivo.

And of course darkfield microscopy recently became popular again at the same time, because people found it Works to view transparent or luminescent things that brightfield microscopy cannot.

I dont think its a conspiracy from the microscope cartel... most people who do LBA use brightfield (for like 30 years now) and then they found out why darkfield works better for these purposes.

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another spray from professor know-it-all

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Not you Bee gee

R Horvath

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La Quinta Columna were the first to publicly speak and write about the nanotechnology and other stuffs in the c19 vaccine so please all of you keep for yourself David Nixon your insults.

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I don't think microscopy is under attack; its results are still compartmentalized and inconsequential.

Maybe, the "news" is meant to encourage people to inject nicotine into themselves? Enema works just as well towards national selection. :)

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Maybe they have loaded the nicotine with their тАЬstuffтАЭ

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Yeah, leave it to the real baffled experts to figure this outтАж.meanwhile, 5 years have got behind themтАж.

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